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Special Character Resurrection V2.

Blood Angels
Veteran Sergeant Cleutin, Guardian of the Sacred Shroud
Points: +30 points WS BS Cleutin 4 4 S 4 T 4 W 2 I 4 A 2 Ld 9 Save 3+

Origin: Codex: Angels of Death 2nd Ed. FoC: Veteran Sergeant Cleutin may be selected as part of an Honour Guard squad. He is an upgrade for a Veteran at the cost indicated above, and replaces the option to upgrade a Veteran to a Standard Bearer. Veteran Sergeant Cleutin is unique, only one may be included in your army. Special Rules And They Shall Know No Fear The Red Thirst Wargear Frag Grenades Krak Grenades Bolt Pistol Close Combat Weapon Power Armour The Shroud of Sanguinius Unit Type Infantry Composition 1 Veteran Sergeant Cleutin The Shroud of Sanguinius The Shroud of Sanguinius acts as a Company Standard. In addition, any unit of Blood Angels within 6 that is charged may choose to gain the Counter Attack USR that turn. If they do so, then they are affected by the Rage USR in the next Blood Angel turn.

Morior The Chosen, Death Company Dreadnought

Points: 175 points WS BS Morior 5 4 S 6 I 4 A 3(4) Fr 13 Sd 13 Rr 10

Origin: Codex: Blood Angels 3rd Ed. FoC: Morior The Chosen is a Death Comnpany Dreadnought and takes up a Troops slot. Morior counts against the limit of one Death Company Dreadnought for every five Death Company models in your army. Morior The Chosen is unique, only one may be included in your army. Unit Type Walker Transport Morior The Chosen may select a Drop Pod as a Dedicated Transport Vehicle Wargear Bloodfist with built-in Heavy Flamer Bloodfist with built-in Meltagun Smoke Launchers Searchlight Composition 1 Morior The Chosen Rampage Morior gains +D3 Attacks on any turn in which he launches an assault, instead of the normal +1. Special Rules Fleet Furious Charge None Can Stay My Wrath Rage Venerable Rampage Baragash 11/12/2010 Page 1 of 21

Dark Angels
Interrogator-Chaplain Asmodai
Points: 140 points WS Asmodai 5 BS 5 S 4 T 4 W 3 I 5 A 3 Ld 10 Save 3+

Origin: Codex: Angels of Death 2nd Ed. FoC: Asmodai is an Interrogator-Chaplain and takes up an HQ slot. Interrogator-Chaplain Asmodai is unique, only one may be included in your army. Unit Type Infantry Special Rules Independent Character Honour of the Chapter Litanies of Hate Hunt the Fallen Wargear Frag Grenades Krak Grenades Bolt Pistol Crozius Arcanum Power Armour The Blades of Reason Rosarius Composition 1 Interrogator-Chaplain Asmodai The Blades of Reason The Blades of Reason count as a Close Combat Weapon. In Close Combat, Asmodai fights either with his Crozius and Bolt Pistol, or with the Blades of Reason. In either case, Asmodai gains the +1 Attack for having a second Close Combat Weapon. When using the Blades of Reason in Close Combat, Asmodai has the Rending rule and any successful wound inflicts Instant Death. Hunt The Fallen If Asmodai is included in the army, any enemy Independent Character that is killed in Close Combat or as part of a Sweeping Advance becomes an additional Objective on the roll of a 4+ if Objectives are being used. If Kill Points are being used then the enemy Independent Character is worth an additional Kill Point on a 4+. Baragash 11/12/2010 Page 2 of 21

Veteran Sergeant Namaan

Points: +40 points WS BS Namaan 4 4 S 4 T 4 W 2 I 5 A 2 Ld 9 Save 4+

Origin: Codex: Dark Angels 3rd Ed. FoC: Veteran Sergeant Namaan may be selected as part of a Scout Squad. He is an upgrade for the Scout Sergeant at the cost indicated above. Veteran Sergeant Namaan is unique, only one may be included in your army. Special Rules And They Shall Know No Fear Infiltrate Move Through Cover Combat Squads Fearless (confers to his squad) Evade Detection Brush Aside Blow Wargear Frag Grenades Krak Grenades Bolt Pistol Close Combat Weapon Scout Armour Meltabombs Teleport Homer Unit Type Infantry Composition 1 Veteran Sergeant Namaan Evade Detection If Namaan and his squad didnt fire in the previous turn, or have already Gone To Ground, any unit wishing to shoot at them must test to spot them as per Night Fighting. If Night Fighting is already in play, then halve the spotting distance (after it has been multiplied by 3 as normal). Brush Aside Blow Once per turn, at the first Initiative step in which a wound is allocated to Namaan in Close Combat, Namaan can choose to ignore one of those wounds as if the attack had missed. Baragash 11/12/2010 Page 3 of 21

Space Wolves
Wolf Guard Durfast of Mordrak
Points: +30 points WS BS Durfast 4 4 S 4 T 4 W 1 I 4 A 2 Ld 9 Save 3+

Origin: Codex: Space Wolves 2nd Ed. FoC: Wolf Guard Durfast of Mordrak may be selected as part of a Wolf Guard Pack. He is an upgrade for a Wolf Guard at the cost indicated above. Wolf Guard Durfast of Mordrak is unique, only one may be included in your army. Special Rules And They Shall Know No Fear Acute Senses Counter-Attack Wargear Frag Grenades Krak Grenades Bolt Pistol Power Weapon Power Armour The Helm of Durfast Unit Type Infantry Composition 1 Wolf Guard Durfast of Mordrak The Helm of Durfast One model in Durfasts Pack may re-roll a single missed To Hit roll for Shooting each turn.

Wolf Guard Ranulf

Points: +165 points WS BS Ranulf 5 5 S 5 T 4 W 2 I 5 A 3 Ld 9 Save 2+

Origin: Codex: Space Wolves 2nd Ed. FoC: Wolf Guard Ranulf may be selected as part of a Wolf Guard Pack. He is an upgrade for a Wolf Guard at the cost indicated above. Wolf Guard Ranulf is unique, only one may be included in your army. Wargear Terminator Armour Storm Bolter Power Fist Saga of the Warrior Born Wolftooth Necklace Composition 1 Wolf Guard Ranulf Unit Type Infantry Special Rules And They Shall Know No Fear Acute Sense Counter-Attack Fearless (confers to any unit he joins) Baragash 11/12/2010 Page 4 of 21

Wolf Lord Kyrl Grimblood

Points: 190 points WS BS Kyrl 6 5 S 4 T 4 W 3 I 5 A 4 Ld 10 Save 3+

Origin: Codex: Space Wolves 2nd Ed. FoC: Kyrl Grimblood is a Wolf Lord and takes up an HQ slot. Wolf Lord Kyrl Grimblood is unique, only one may be included in your army. Special Rules And They Shall Know No Fear Independent Character Acute Senses Counter-Attack Wargear Frag Grenades Krak Grenades Bolt Pistol Frost Blade Power Armour Wolftooth Necklace Belt of Russ Saga of the Hunter Unit Type Infantry Composition 1 Wolf Lord Kyrl Grimblood Master Strategist Before Deployment, you may nominate one Pack, that doesnt include any models in Terminator Armour, to gain the Scout USR for the duration of the game. Options Kyrl may be accompanied by Fenrisian Wolves as per the Wolf Lord entry.

Wolf Priest Wulf Sternhammer

Points: points WS Wulf 5 BS 4 S 4 T 4 W 2 I 4 A 2 Ld 10 Save 3+

Origin: Games Day 2003. FoC: Wulf Sternhammer is a Wolf Priest and takes up an HQ slot. Wolf Priest Wulf Sternhammer is unique, only one may be included in your army. Special Rules Acute Senses Counter-Attack Independent Character Fearless Oaths of War 13th Company Wargear Frag & Krak Grenades Bolt Pistol Wolf Amulet Power Armour Crozius Arcanum Fang of Morkai Wolf Tail Talisman Saga of the Wolfkin Unit Type Infantry Composition 1 Wolf Priest Wulf Sternhammer 13th Company Any unit of Grey Hunters may be upgraded to Wulfen at +10 points per model. If this is chosen, all models in the squad gain the Fleet USR and Mark of the Wulfen. However, no other options may be taken for that unit. A Wolf Guard can only be attached to the unit if it has been given the Mark of the Wulfen and nothing else, in which case it also gains Fleet. Baragash 11/12/2010 Page 5 of 21

Chaos Space Marines

Points: 175 points WS Doomrider 7 BS 5 S 6 T 5(6) W 4 I 6 A 4 Ld 10 Save 3+

Origin: Codex: Chaos Space Marines 3rd Ed. FoC: Doomrider is a Daemon Prince and takes up an HQ slot. Doomrider is unique, only one may be included in your army. Unit Type Monstrous Creature Special Rules Fearless 5+ Invulnerable Eternal Warrior Psyker Wheels of Fire Summoned He Comes, He Goes Wargear Doombolt Bolt of Tzeentch Mark of Slaanesh (included in profile) Chaos Space Marine Bike Composition 1 Doomrider Wheels of Fire Doomrider follows the movement rules for Jetbikes. Summoned Doomrider is kept in Reserve and summoned to the battlefield in the same way as Summoned Lesser Daemons. He Comes, He Goes At the start of any Chaos turn where Doomrider is already on the table, roll a D6. On a roll of a 1, Doomrider disappears for the rest of the game. He doesnt count as being killed for Kill Point or Victory Point purposes. Baragash 11/12/2010 Page 6 of 21

Cypher, The Fallen Angel

Points: 150 points WS BS Cypher 5 5 S 4 T 4 W 3 I 6 A 3 Ld 10 Save 3+

Origin: Codex: Chaos Space Marines 3rd Ed. FoC: Cypher takes up an Elites slot. Cypher is unique, only one may be included in your army. Composition 1 Cypher Unit Type Infantry Special Rules And They Shall Know No Fear Animosity Gunfighter Divine Protection Hunted by the Dark Angels Independent Character Wargear Power Armour Master-crafted Bolt Pistol Master-crafted Plasma Pistol Frag & Krak Grenades Gunfighter Cypher may fire both pistols in the Shooting Phase. In Close Combat, Cypher counts as being armed with a Power Weapon and Close Combat Weapon. Divine Protection Cypher is not worth a Kill Point when he is killed. Cypher has a 4+ Invulnerable Save. Animosity If Cypher is part of a non-Fallen Angels squad the unit suffers -1 Leadership this turn. Hunted by the Dark Angels Any Deathwing, Ravenwing or Dark Angel Independent Character within range of Cypher or a squad of Fallen Angels at the start of the Assault Phase must charge him if able to do so. Baragash 11/12/2010 Page 7 of 21

Fallen Angel Squad

Points: 18 points per model WS Fallen Angel Fallen Angel Champion 4 4 BS 4 4 S 4 4 T 4 4 W 1 1 I 4 4 A 2 3 Ld 9 10 Save 3+ 3+

Origin: Codex: Chaos Space Marines 4th Ed. FoC: You may include a single squad of Fallen Angels if your army include Cypher. Fallen Angels do not use a slot on the Force Organisation Chart, but are otherwise counted as an Elites choice. Unit Type Infantry Special Rules And They Shall Know No Fear Hunted by the Dark Angels Wargear Frag Grenades Krak Grenades Bolt Pistol Bolter Power Armour Close Combat Weapon Transport The squad may have a Chaos Rhino Dedicated Transport vehicle. Composition 5-10 Fallen Angels Character One model may be upgraded to a Fallen Angel Champion for 15 points. He may replace his Close Combat Weapon with a Power Weapon for 15 points or a Power Fist for 25 points. He may replace his Bolt Pistol with a Plasma Pistol for 15 points. He may have Melta Bombs for 5 points. He may replace his Bolter with a Twin-linked Bolter for 5 points or a Combi Weapon for 10 points. Options If the squad numbers ten models, one Fallen Angel may replace his Bolt Pistol with a Plasma Pistol for 10 points, or replace their Bolter with one of the following: Flamer for free; Meltagun for 5 points; Plasma Gun for 10 points. If the squad numbers 10 models, one Fallen Angel may replace their Bolter with one of the following: Flamer or Heavy Bolter or Missile Launcher or Autocannon for free; Meltagun for 5 points; Plasma Gun or Lascannon for 10 points. Baragash 11/12/2010 Page 8 of 21

Space Marines
Invictus, Captain of the Ultramarines 1st Company
Points: 170 points WS BS Invictus 6 5 S 4 T 4 W 3 I 5 A 3 Ld 10 Save 2+

Origin: Codex: Ultramarines 2nd Ed. FoC: Invictus is a Space Marine Captain and takes up an HQ slot. Invictus is unique, only one may be included in your army. Unit Type Infantry Special Rules And They Shall Know No Fear Combat Tactics Independent Character Captain of the 1st Company Last Stand Wargear Terminator Armour Power Fist Iron Halo Plasma Blaster Composition 1 Captain Invictus Captain of the 1st Company If Invictus is included in your army, Terminator Squads may be taken as Troops selections. Plasma Blaster R: 24 S: 7 AP: 2 Type: Assault 2, Gets Hot! Last Stand Any models in Terminator Armour in the army, including Invictus, have the USR Preferred Enemy: Tyranids. In games against Tyranids, Invictus and any squad he is part of are Fearless.

Xavier, Chaplain of the Salamanders Chapter

Points: 170 points WS BS Xavier 5 4 S 4 T 4 W 2 I 4 A 2 Ld 10 Save 2+

Origin: Codex: Space Marines 3rd Ed. FoC: Xavier is a Space Marine Chaplain and takes up an HQ slot. Xavier is unique, only one may be included in your army. Unit Type Infantry Wargear Master-crafted Bolt Pistol Master-crafted Crozius Arcanum Frag & Krak Grenades Artificer Armour Rosarius Vulkans Sigil Composition 1 Chaplain Xavier Special Rules Combat Tactics Independent Character Liturgies of Battle Honour of the Chapter Eternal Warrior Vulkans Sigil The effects of the Sigil can be activated once per game, in either players Assault Phase. For that Assault Phase, all Space Marine models within 12 gain +1 Attack. Baragash 11/12/2010 Page 9 of 21

Cortez, Captain of the Crimson Fists 3rd Company

Points: 150 points WS BS Cortez 6 5 S 4 T 4 W 3 I 5 A 3 Ld 10 Save 2+

Origin: Codex: Space Marines 3rd Ed. FoC: Cortez is a Space Marine Captain and takes up an HQ slot. Cortez is unique, only one may be included in your army. Unit Type Infantry Wargear Power Armour Power Fist Iron Halo Bolt Pistol Frag & Krak Grenades Composition 1 Captain Cortez Special Rules And They Shall Know No Fear Combat Tactics Independent Character Stubborn (confers to any unit he joins) Feel No Pain

Sergeant Darnath Lysander, Imperial Fists 2nd Company

Points: +10 points WS Lysander 4 BS 4 S 4 T 4 W 4 I 1 A 2 Ld 9 Save 3+

Origin: Codex: Space Marines 3rd Ed. FoC: Sergeant Darnath Lysander may be selected as part of a Tactical Squad. He is an upgrade for the Space Marine Sergeant at the cost indicated above. Sergeant Darnath Lysander is unique, only one may be included in your army. Note that you may include both Sergeant and Captain Lysander in the same force, assume one represents an equally capable Marine of that era. Composition 1 Sergeant Darnath Lysander Unit Type Infantry Wargear Power Armour Close Combat Weapon Frag & Krak Grenades Bolter Special Rules And They Shall Know No Fear Combat Squads Combat Tactics Bolter Drill Bolter Drill Any model in a squad Lysander has joined may re-roll failed to hit rolls when shooting with Heavy Bolters, Storm Bolters, Bolters and Bolt Pistols. Baragash 11/12/2010 Page 10 of 21

Imperial Guard
Colonel Schaeffers Last Chancers
Points: 120 points WS Schaeffer Kage Last Chancer 4 3 3 BS 4 3 3 S 3 3 3 T 3 3 3 W 3 1 1 I 3 3 3 A 3 2 1 Ld 9 8 8 Save 4+ 5+ 5+

Origin: Codex: Imperial Guard 4th Ed. FoC: Schaeffers Last Chancers are a Troops choice. Schaeffers Last Chancers are unique, only one squad may be included in your army. Wargear Schaeffer Carapace Armour Power Sword Plasma Pistol Kage Bolt Pistol Flak Armour Close Combat Weapon Last Chancers Flak Armour Lasgun Close Combat Weapon Unit Type Infantry Special Rules Scouts Stubborn Knife Fighters Composition Colonel Schaeffer Lieutenant Kage 8 Last Chancers Options One Last Chancer may exchange their Lasgun for a Missile Launcher for +15 points. Any Last Chancer may exchange their Lasgun for a Laspistol for free. (If Gunslingers is rolled, models with Laspistols may re-roll failed To Wound rolls in Close Combat). Baragash 11/12/2010 Page 11 of 21

Colonel-Commissar Ibram Gaunt

Points: +30 points WS BS Gaunt 5 5 S 3 T 3 W 3 I 4 A 3 Ld 10 Save 5+

Origin: Codex: Imperial 4th Ed. FoC: One Company Command Squad in your army may replace its Company Commander with Colonel-Commissar Ibram Gaunt. Colonel-Commissar Ibram Gaunt is unique, only one may be included in your army. Special Rules Senior Officer Aura of Discipline Inspirational Hero Straight Silver Wargear Flak Armour Bolt Pistol Camo Cloak Frag & Krak Grenades Sword of Heironymo Refractor Field Composition 1 Colonel-Commissar Ibram Gaunt Unit Type Infantry Straight Silver Gaunts cost includes the cost of upgrading the Company Command Squad to be equipped with Camo Cloaks and Krak Grenades. Sword of Heironymo The Sword of Heironymo counts as a Power Weapon in Close Combat. It also grants Gaunt +1S and is Master-crafted.

Stumper Muckstart, Ratling Sharpshooter

Points: +15 points WS Stumper 2 BS 4 S 2 T 2 W 1 I 4 A 1 Ld 6 Save 5+

Origin: Codex: Imperial Guard 2nd Ed. FoC: Stumper Muckstart may be selected as part of a Ratling Squad. He is an upgrade for a Ratling at the cost indicated above. Stumper Muckstart is unique, only one may be included in your army. Composition 1 Stumper Muckstart Unit Type Infantry Wargear Flak Armour Sniper Rifle Laspistol Special Rules Infiltrate Stealth Killer Shot Killer Shot Each time he shoots, Stumper has a choice of firing modes. He can either fire 3 shots at the standard Sniper Rifle profile, or he can fire a single shot with AP1. Baragash 11/12/2010 Page 12 of 21

Lord Commander Solar Macharius

Points: +90 points WS Macharius 4 BS 4 S 3 T 3 W 3 I 3 A 3 Ld 10 Save 4+

Origin: Codex: Imperial Guard 2nd Ed. FoC: One Company Command Squad in your army may replace its Company Commander with Lord Commander Solar Macharius. Lord Commander Solar Macharius is unique, only one may be included in your army. Unit Type Infantry Special Rules Senior Officer Carapace Armour Furious Charge Master Strategist Supreme Commander Wargear Carapace Armour Bolt Pistol Frag Grenades Close Combat Weapon Helm of Macharius Composition 1 Lord Commander Solar Macharius Carapace Armour Macharius cost includes the cost of upgrading the Company Command Squad to be equipped with Carapace Armour. Helm of Macharius This provides a 3+ Invulnerable Save. Master Strategist In any game where Macharius is present you may choose to go first or second where this is normally decided randomly. Where there is the option to Seize the Initiative, you may add +1 to the dice roll. Baragash 11/12/2010 Page 13 of 21

Chaos Daemons
Doombreed, Daemon Prince of Khorne
Points: 350 points WS Doombreed 10 BS 4 S 8 T 6 W 5 I 6 A 6 Ld 10 Save 4+

Origin: Codex: Chaos 2nd Ed. FoC: Doombreed is a Daemon Prince and uses an HQ slot. Doombreed is unique, only one may be included in your army. Special Rules Daemon Daemonic Flight Iron Hide Rod of Khorne Blessing of the Blood God Praise of Khorne Instrument of Chaos Furious Charge Chaos Icon Composition 1 Doombreed Unit Type Monstrous Creature Praise of Khorne Doombreed may re-roll any failed Armour Saves. Rod of Khorne Psykers and Daemons that suffer wounds from Doombreed may not take any type of Save.

Nkari, Daemon Prince of Slaanesh

Points: 350 points WS BS NKari 9 4 S 7 T 6 W 5 I 10 A 6 Ld 10 Save 4+

Origin: Codex: Chaos 2nd Ed. FoC: Nkari is a Daemon Prince and uses an HQ slot. Nkari is unique, only one may be included in your army. Special Rules Daemon Rod of Command Instrument of Chaos Chaos Icon Aura of Acquiescence Fleet Transfixing Gaze Daemonic Gaze Pavane of Slaanesh Breath of Chaos Boon of Mutation Composition 1 Nkari Unit Type Monstrous Creature Rod of Command Once per game, Nkari can nominate a single unit on his side to be able to move twice in the Movement Phase. Declare this ability before moving the chosen unit for the first time. Baragash 11/12/2010 Page 14 of 21

Foulspawn, Daemon Prince of Nurgle

Points: 350 points WS Foulspawn 3 BS 4 S 6 T 6 W 10 I 3 A D6+1 Ld 10 Save 4+

Origin: Codex: Chaos 2nd Ed. FoC: Foulspawn is a Daemon Prince and uses an HQ slot. Foulspawn is unique, only one may be included in your army. Special Rules Daemon Instrument of Chaos Chaos Icon Aura of Decay Cloud of Flies Noxious Touch Feel No Pain Breath of Chaos Slow & Purposeful Mindless Absorb Bodily Tissue Toad-like Tongue Composition 1 Foulspawn Unit Type Monstrous Beast Absorb Bodily Tissue For every wound Foulspawn causes in Close Combat or with Toad-like Tongue, he may regain a lost wound. This cannot be used to take Foulspawn above his starting wounds of 10. Toad-like Tongue Does not affect vehicles R: 12 S: 6 AP: 3 Type: Assault 3

MKachan, Daemon Prince of Tzeentch

Points: 350 points WS MKachan 6 BS 5 S 6 T 6 W 4 I 5 A 3 Ld 10 Save 3+

Origin: Codex: Chaos 2nd Ed. FoC: MKachan is a Daemon Prince and uses an HQ slot. MKachan is unique, only one may be included in your army. Composition 1 MKachan Unit Type Monstrous Creature Special Rules Daemon Daemonic Flight Instrument of Chaos Chaos Icon Soul Devourer Daemonic Gaze Bolt of Tzeentch We Are Legion Master of Sorcery Breath of Chaos Boon of Mutation Fortune of Tzeentch Incredible Cunning Master of Illusion Fortune of Tzeentch Whenever an enemy model succeeds on a Psychic Test within 24 of MKachan, roll a dice that power is nullified on a 4+. Incredible Cunning MKachan can re-roll the dice in any pre-game roll offs that occur (eg Deployment, First Turn, Emperors Tarot etc). Master of Illusion Mkachan can be disguised as any model in the Chaos Daemon army (or any allied model). Note down which model it is at the start of the game. Until MKachan is revealed, he is the model he is disguised as for all purposes, and thus only the Incredible Cunning and Master of Illusion rules can be used until he is revealed. MKachan can be revealed at the start of any Chaos Daemon turn, or at the end of any phase in which the model he is disguised as suffers an unsaved wound or would be removed from the table. Place MKachan as close to the spot that the previous model occupied, at least 1 away from enemy models and not in Close Combat. When MKachan is revealed he still had his full allocation of wounds, regardless of how he was revealed. MKachan may act normally from the moment he is revealed. Baragash 11/12/2010 Page 15 of 21

Zodgrod Wortsnagga, Snakebite Runtmaster
Points: +30 points WS BS Zodgrod 4 2 S 4 T 4 W 2 I 3 A 2 Ld 8 Save 6+

Origin: Codex: Orks 2nd Ed. FoC: Zodgrod Wortsnagga may be selected as part of a Gretchin Mob. He is an upgrade for a Runtherd (so you must pay for a Runtherd first) at the cost indicated above. Zodgrod Wortsnagga is unique, only one may be included in your army. Unit Type Infantry Special Rules Mob Rule Furious Charge Waaagh! Super-Grots Wargear Zodgrods Grabba-Stikk Slugga Squig Hound Composition 1 Zodgrod Wortsnagga Zodgrods Grabba Stikk This works exactly like a Thunder Hammer. Super-Grots As long as Zodgrod is alive, his Gretchin Mob have the Furious Charge USR.

Nazdreg Ug Urdgrub, Warlord of the Bad Moon Klan

Points: 150 points WS Nazdreg 5 BS 4 S 5 T 5 W 3 I 4 A 4 Ld 9 Save 2+

Origin: Codex: Orks 3rd Ed. FoC: Nazdreg Ug Urdgrub is a Warboss and takes up an HQ slot. Nazdreg Ug Urdgrub is unique, only one may be included in your army. Unit Type Infantry Special Rules Independent Character Furious Charge Mob Rule Waaagh! Kunnin Plans Bad Moon Army Wargear Mega Armour Bosspole Kustom Blast-X Power Klaw Composition 1 Nazdreg Ug Urdgrub Kunnin Plans One Infantry Mob in the army may be selected to arrive by Deep Strike, as long as it numbers 20 models or less. Declare this along with other Reserve declarations during Deployment. Independent Characters may be attached as normal, as long as the total number of models doesnt exceed 20. Bad Moon Army Nazdreg allows one Mob of Flashgitz to be taken as a Troops choice. This is in addition to his Da Big Boss rule. Kustom Blast-X R: 36 S: 7 AP: 2 Type: Assault 1, Blast, Gets Hot! Baragash 11/12/2010 Page 16 of 21

Nuadhu Fireheart, Wild Rider of Saim Hann
Points: +30 points Fr Sd Nuadhu 11 11 Rr 10 BS 5

Origin: Codex: Eldar 3rd Ed. FoC: Nuadhu Fireheart may be selected as part of a Vyper Squadron. He is an upgrade for a Yyper at the cost indicated above. Nuadhu Fireheart is unique, only one may be included in your army. Unit Type Skimmer Fast Open-topped Special Rules Reckless Wargear Shuriken Cannon Twin-linked Shuriken Catapults Wild Rider Composition 1 Nuadhu Fireheart Reckless Nuadhu ignores all Crew Shaken and Crew Stunned results. Wild Rider Nuadhu causes D3+1 S4 AP- hits on all unengaged non-vehicle enemy units that it passes over during the Movement Phase, resolved immediately. Cover Saves may be taken as normal. Any other Vypers in Nuadhus squad also have this ability at no additional cost.

Iyanna Arienal, Spiritseer of Iyanden

Points: 70 points WS BS Iyanna 4 4 S 3 T 3 W 2 I 4 A 1 Ld 9 Save Special

Origin: Codex: Eldar 3rd Ed. FoC: Iyanna may be selected as part of a Wraithguard Squad. She replaces the option to include a Warlock. Iyanna is unique, only one may be included in your army. Unit Type Infantry Special Rules Warlock Powers Fleet Spiritseer Ghost-guide Wargear Armour of Vaul Shuriken Pistol Spear of Teuthias Destructor Enhance Composition 1 Iyanna Arienal Armour of Vaul The Armour of Vaul provides a special kind of Invulnerable Save. Whenever Iyanna suffers a wound, instead of rolling a saving throw, she takes an unmodified Leadership test for each wound suffered. If the test is failed she loses a wound as normal. Ghost-guide The range of Iyannas Spiritseer rule is 18. Spear of Teuthias The Spear of Teuthias follows all the rules of a Singing Spear, but has a range of 18. Baragash 11/12/2010 Page 17 of 21

Tau Empire
Aunshi, Tau Ethereal
Points: 105 points WS BS Aunshi 5 3 S 3 T 3 W 3 I 5 A 4 Ld 10 Save 4+

Origin: Codex: Tau 3rd Ed. FoC: Aunshi is an Ethereal and takes up an HQ slot. Aunshi is unique, only one may be included in your army. Special Rules Independent Character Inspiring Presence Price of Failure Blademaster Honour Guard Rending Wargear Honour Blade Hard-wired Shield Generator Defensive Grenades EMP Grenades Composition 1 Aunshi Unit Type Infantry Blademaster At the start of the Close Combat phase, Aunshi may give up any number of his Attacks. For each Attack he gives up, all opponents that target him in Close Combat reduce their attacks by 1 to a minimum of 1.

Anghkor Prok, Kroot Master Shaper

Points: +40 points WS BS Aunshi 5 4 S 4 T 3 W 3 I 4 A 3 Ld 10 Save 6+

Origin: Games Day 2001. FoC: Angkhor Prok is a Kroot Shaper, and may be selected as part of a Kroot Carnivore Squad. He is an upgrade for a Kroot at the cost indicated above, and replaces the option to upgrade a Kroot to a Shaper. Angkhor Prok is unique, only one may be included in your army. Special Rules Fieldcraft Infiltrate Inspirational Presence Wargear Kroot Rifle Composition 1 Angkhor Prok Unit Type Infantry Inspirational Presence Any Kroot squad within 6 of Anghkor Prok may re-roll missed To Hit rolls in Close Combat. Baragash 11/12/2010 Page 18 of 21

Witch Hunters
Saint Praxedes, Canoness of Ophelia VII
Points: 135 points WS Praxedes 4 BS 5 S 3 T 3 W 3 I 4 A 3 Ld 10 Save 2+

Origin: Codex: Sisters of Battle 2nd Ed. FoC: Saint Praxedes is a Canoness and takes up an HQ slot. Saint Praxedes is unique, only one may be included in your army. Composition 1 Saint Praxedes Wargear Power Armour Boltgun Meltabombs Frag & Krak Grenades Sceptre of Vengeance Cloak of St Aspira Book of St Lucius Rosarius Unit Type Infantry Special Rules As Adepta Sororitas Heroine Adepta Sororitas Heroines Retinue Furious Charge (confers it on any unit she is part of) Sceptre of Vengeance A Master-crafted Power Weapon that also adds +2 to Saint Praxedes Strength in Close Combat.

Helena the Virtuous, Prioress of the Convent Sanctorum

Points: 90 points WS Helena 4 BS 5 S 3 T 3 W 2 I 4 A 2 Ld 9 Save 3+

Origin: Codex: Sisters of Battle 2nd Ed. FoC: Helena the Virtuous is a Palantine and takes up an HQ slot. Helena the Virtuous is unique, only one may be included in your army. Composition 1 Helena the Virtuous Special Rules As Adepta Sororitas Heroine Adepta Sororitas Heroines Retinue Holy Radiance Revered Leader Fearless Wargear Power Armour Boltgun Frag & Krak Grenades Rod of Grace Rosarius Mantle of Ophelia Book of St Lucius Unit Type Infantry Holy Radiance Helena generates 2 Faith Points instead of 1. Revered Leader If Helena is killed, all Adepta Sororitas units may re-roll missed To Hit rolls in Close Combat. Helena does not generate Faith Points through Martyrdom. Rod of Grace A Master-crafted Power Weapon adds +1 to Helenas Strength in Close Combat. It may also be used in the Shooting Phase with the following profile: R: 6 S: 6 AP: 3 Type: Assault 1 Baragash 11/12/2010 Page 19 of 21

Uriah Jacobus, Protector of the Faith

Points: 85 points WS Uriah 4 BS 4 S 3 T 3 W 3 I 4 A 3 Ld 10 Save 4+

Origin: Codex: Sisters of Battle 2nd Ed. FoC: Uriah Jacobus takes up an HQ slot. Uriah Jacobus is unique, only one may be included in your army. Special Rules Iron Will Independent Character Faithful Martyrdom Wargear Carapace Armour Rosarius Frag & Krak Grenades Chainsword Shotgun Sacred Standard Book of St Lucius Unit Type Infantry Composition 1 Uriah Jacobus Faithful Uriah generates 1 Faith Point. Retinue Uriah may choose an Inquisitors Retinue in the same way as an Inquisitor Lord. He may not include Servitors in his retinue. The Retinue is restricted to a Chimera as a Transport option. The Retinue may include any number of Crusaders.

Redemptor Kyrinov
Points: 70 points WS Kyrinov 4 BS 4 S 3 T 3 W 2 I 4 A 2 Ld 8 Save 5+

Origin: Codex: Sisters of Battle 2nd Ed. FoC: Redemptor Kyrinov takes up an Elites slot. Redemptor Kyrinov is unique, only one may be included in your army. For the purposes of Who Can Use Acts of Faith, Redemptor Kyrinov counts as a Priest. Composition 1 Redemptor Kyrinov Special Rules Fearless (confers to any unit he is part of) Furious Charge (confers to any unit he is part of) Fanatical Independent Character Wargear Flak Armour Bolt Pistol Mace of Valaan Rosarius Book of St Lucius Unit Type Infantry Mace of Valaan The Mace of Valaan is a Power Weapon that adds +2 to Kyrinovs Strength in Close Combat. Retinue Kyrinov may choose an Inquisitors Retinue in the same way as an Inquisitor. He may not include Servitors in his retinue. The Retinue is restricted to a Chimera as a Transport option. The Retinue may include any number of Crusaders. Baragash 11/12/2010 Page 20 of 21

Cardinal Armandus Hellfire

Points: 105 points WS Armandus 4 BS 4 S 4 T 4 W 3 I 4 A 3 Ld 10 Save 6+

Origin: Codex: Sisters of Battle 2nd Ed. FoC: Cardinal Armandus Hellfire takes up an HQ slot. Cardinal Armandus Hellfire is unique, only one may be included in your army. For the purposes of Who Can Use Acts of Faith, Cardinal Armandus Hellfire counts as a Priest. Composition 1 Cardinal Armandus Hellfire Special Rules Eternal Warrior Iron Will Wargear Flak Armour Rosarius Plasma Gun Sceptre of Avignor Book of St Lucius Unit type Infantry Sceptre of Avignor The Sceptre of Avignor is a Power Weapon that adds +1 to Armandus Strength in Close Combat. In addition, it has the same effect as the Holy Icon Vehicle Upgrade. Retinue Kyrinov may choose an Inquisitors Retinue in the same way as an Inquisitor Lord. He may not include Servitors in his retinue. The Retinue is restricted to a Chimera as a Transport option. The Retinue may include any number of Crusaders.

The Red Terror
Points: 140 points WS Red Terror 7 BS 3 S 5 T 5 W 4 I 5 A 5 Ld 10 Save 3+

Origin: Codex: Tyranids 3rd Ed. FoC: The Red Terror takes up a Fast Attack slot. The Red Terror is unique, only one may be included in your army. Composition 1 Red Terror Special Rules Instinctive Behaviour - Feed Acute Senses Deep Strike Moves as Beast Swallow Whole Fearless Unit Type Monstrous Creature Weapons & Biomorphs Scything Talons (two sets) Bonded Exoskeleton Swallow Whole Before the rolling its attacks in Close Combat, The Red Terror can attempt to use this ability on a single non-vehicle model in base contact (this over-rides the normal allocation rules). Make a single to hit roll for this ability. If the ability hits, the target model must pass an unmodified Initiative Test or it is removed from the game with no Saves of any type allowed. This ability does not work on Monstrous Creatures. Baragash 11/12/2010 Page 21 of 21

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