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A n e m i a a n d I ron

D e f i c i e n c y i n H e a r t Fa i l u re
Clinical and Prognostic Role
Damiano Magrì, MD, PhDa, Fabiana De Martino, MDb,
Federica Moscucci, MDc,
Piergiuseppe Agostoni, MD, PhDb,d,*,
Susanna Sciomer, MDc

 Anemia  Hemoglobin  Iron deficiency  Cardiopulmonary exercise test  Heart failure

 Anemia is a highly prevalent comorbidity in heart failure (HF) patients and represents both a marker
of HF severity and a predictor of poor prognosis.
 Anemia is per se associated with impaired exercise performance and functional capacity.
 Iron deficiency (ID) is an important comorbidity of HF, but the diagnosis and correction of ID remain
largely unrecognized in the cardiology community.
 The presence of ID, irrespective of Hb levels, has been associated with a reduced peak oxygen up-
take and an increased ventilation versus carbon dioxide production slope in patients with HF.
 Large randomized trials strongly support intravenous (IV) iron administration, a beneficial therapeu-
tic strategy to be adopted in HF patients with ID, and guidelines also recommend IV iron replace-
ment therapy in the HF patients who meet the ID criteria.

ANEMIA reported in several studies1–12 (Table 1). Although

Criteria, Prevalence, and Underlying anemia is usually considered a possible HF conse-
Mechanisms in Heart Failure quence, it should be noted that, once established,
it might act also as a significant determinant of its
Anemia represents a continuum; nonetheless it
progression.13 In patients with HF, anemia has a
is arbitrarily defined by the World Health
multifactorial cause (Table 2): it may be due to
Organization (WHO) as hemoglobin (Hb) concen-
reduced intestinal iron absorption, caused by the
tration less than 13 g/dL in men and less than
reduced expression of hepcidin14 and ferroportin
12 g/dL in women.
in gut cells; as in every chronic condition, in HF pa-
Anemia is a highly prevalent comorbidity in heart
tients there is an increased cytokine production
failure (HF) patients, ranging from 30% to 70% as
(tumor necrosis factor alpha, in particular), which

Disclosure: The authors have nothing to disclose.

Department of Clinical and Molecular Medicine, Azienda Ospedaliera Sant’Andrea, “Sapienza” Università

degli Studi di Roma, Roma, Italy; b Department of “Scompenso Cardiaco e Cardiologia Clinica”, Centro Cardi-
ologico Monzino, IRCCS, Milano, Italy; c Dipartimento di Scienze Cardiovascolari, Respiratorie, Nefrologiche,
Anestesiologiche e Geriatriche, “Sapienza” Università degli Studi di Roma, Roma, Italy; d Cardiovascular Sec-
tion, Department of Clinical Sciences and Community Health, University of Milano, Centro Cardiologico Mon-
zino, IRCCS, Via Parea 4, 20138 Milan, Italy
* Corresponding author. Cardiovascular Section, Department of Clinical Sciences and Community Health, Cen-
tro Cardiologico Monzino, IRCCS, Via Parea 4, 20138 Milan, Italy.
E-mail addresses:;

Heart Failure Clin 15 (2019) 359–369
1551-7136/19/Ó 2019 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Table 1
Major studies on heart failure, anemia, and prognosis

Magrı̀ et al
Study Cohort Variables Mortality Prognosis Impact of Possible Treatments
Diez-Lopez 1173 consecutive Hb g/dL Increased mortality Worse prognosis Iron/EPO supplementation
et al,4 2016 outpatients (anemia as per did not improve outcomes
with HF WHO criteria) Blood transfusions were
related to poor prognosis
Van der Meer 1969 pts with AHF Hb g/dL Hb-concentration changes with Worse prognosis in anemic Rapid response to diuretic
et al,11 2013 and impaired better renal function patients with impaired renal therapy (hemoconcentration)
renal function predicted better 180-d survival function in the first 4 d correlated
with a better prognosis
Dvornik et al,5 165 pts admitted RDW (cutoff Lower RDW correlated with Worse prognosis (predictor of
2018 for AHF 16.4%) better survival in-hospital fatal outcome)
Tseliou et al,9 80 pts with stage D RDW Anemia alone was associated Worse prognosis. Lower RDW
2014 HF, recently with higher mortality correlated with adverse
decompensated outcome in pts with
advanced-stage HF, recently
Migone de 719 pts (55.6%women) Hb g/dL Increased midterm (1 y) Poor prognosis even in
Amicis,8 admitted for a first mortality. In-hospital mortality early-stage HF
2017 HF episode at similar in anemic and
hospital nonanemic pts
Berry et al,2 13,295 pts (form Hb g/dL Increased mortality, especially in Worse prognosis in HFrEF and
2016 MAGGIC data set) older pts with high degree of anemia, followed by HFpEF
comorbidity. Anemia alone with anemia equal to HFrEF
was able to better stratify pts without anemia.
with HFpEF in lower and Higher mortality among women
higher risk with higher nonanemic Hb
levels (worsened arterial
stiffness, sex-specific
Cattadori 3913 pts from the Hb (very low/l At 5-y follow-up, pts with very Poor prognosis
et al,3 2017 MECKI score ow/normal/ low Hb had a reduction of
research group high in men survival compared with the
and women) other groups
with CPET
Abebe et al,1 370 in-hospital pts Hb g/dL Risk marker but not an Worse survival status
2017 (64.59%women) independent predictor of
Tymin ska 1394 Caucasian pts Hb g/dL Mild to moderate anemia seems Changes in Hb concentration
et al,10 2017 hospitalized more a marker of older age, during hospitalization had no
for HF worse clinical condition, and a effect on 1-y outcomes
higher comorbidity burden,
rather than an independent
risk factor in HF
Kajimoto 4842 pts enrolled in Hb g/dL There was no adverse influence In AHF patients, marked
et al,6 2017 the AHF Syndromes Men and of anemia in men with HFpEF, differences between men and
registry women with whereas anemia was an women with respect to the
HFpEF or independent predictor of all- association of anemia and
HFrEF cause death in men with HFrEF. LVEF with survival
Anemia was an independent
predictor of all-cause death in
women with HFpEF but not in
women with HFrEF
Waldum 4144 pts with HF, 21 Hb g/dL Baseline anemia was not an Sustained anemia after HF
et al,12 2012 clinics in Norway independent predictor of all- treatment optimization

Anemia and Iron Deficiency in Heart Failure

cause mortality in outpatients might imply a worse
with HF and severe renal prognosis independently
dysfunction or advanced heart of renal function and
disease NYHA class
Kyriakou M. 26 studies Hb g/dL Worse prognosis in HF patients
et al,7 2016 with anemia.
Nevertheless, the available data
did not allow the extraction of
a conclusion in which an exact
Hb-level anemia becomes a
negative predictor of
Abbreviations: EF, ejection fraction; HFrEF, heart failure with reduced ejection fraction; pts, patients.

362 Magrı̀ et al

Table 2
reduced ejection fraction (HFrEF), showed that
Most common causes of anemia in patients each gram of Hb accounts, on average, for a
with chronic heart failure 0.97 mL/min/kg change in V_O2peak.19 A few
studies showed that, when anemia is treated,
Cause Mechanisms V_O2peak increases by a similar amount for each
Reduced iron  Reduced gut expression
gram of Hb increase.19 In such a context, some
absorption of hepcidin and background of basic physiology might be useful.
ferroportin Practically, given that each Hb gram binds
 Gut edema 1.34 mL of O2 at 100% saturation and considering
Increased  Bleeding (antiplatelet/ an expected mean O2 extraction rate around 70%
blood loss anticoagulant drugs, at peak exercise, each Hb gram should provide
gastritis/ulcers) 1 mL of O2. Thus, by multiplying 1 mL of O2 by
 Frequent blood tests the CO (expressed in deciliters), one could obtain
(medical monitoring) the amount of V_O2peak reduction due to the loss of
Bone marrow  Cytokines production 1 g/dL of Hb. For example, if peak exercise car-
underproduction due to chronic inflam- diac output is 7.0 L/min (570 dL/min), and Hb is
matory activation 10 g/dL, the amount of V_O2peak lacking due
 Concomitant hemato- to anemia is 15 (normal Hb) – 10 (observed Hb)
logic diseases  70 5 350 mL/min. Obviously, the abovemen-
Renal function  RAAS system activation, tioned analysis is true only considering arterial
impairment sodium retention, and O2 saturation normal (ie, absence of cardiac
hemodilution shunt) and performing the exercise at sea level.
 Reduced production of
Besides, it undoubtedly impacts V_O2peak, and
 Proteinuria (loss of low Hb content could impact also on ventilation-
transferrin and derived variables. Particularly, a recent subanaly-
erythropoietin) sis score, Metabolic Exercise and Cardiac and
 ACEi high dosage Kidney Indexes (MECKI score), focused on the
treatments possible effect of different Hb classes on the
other 5 predictors.20 Although the prognostic
Abbreviations: ACEi, angiotensin converting enzyme in-
hibitors; RAAS, renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system.
role of 4 of them has been confirmed, the ventila-
tion versus carbon dioxide production (VE/VCO2
slope) lost its prognostic power in severe anemic
causes bone marrow blood cells underproduction HF patients (Hb <11 g/dL) where its value was in
and renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system activa- any case the highest value. The physiology
tion, causing sodium and water retention behind this observation is far to be elucidated
with consequent hemodilution. Furthermore, renal even if it is supposed a role of the lactic acid–
insufficiency frequently affects patients with mediated chemoreceptor activation.21
HF (partly because of vasoconstriction and
renal ischemia) and entails not only reduced eryth- Prognostic Significance in Heart Failure
ropoietin (EPO) production but also loss of EPO
and transferrin due to the coexistence of protein- Anemia is both a marker of HF severity and a pre-
uria; in addition, angiotensin converting enzyme dictor of poor prognosis in HF patients, as shown
inhibitor treatment, especially at high dosage, by several pieces of evidence, starting from the
can influence renal EPO production and bone original studies of Silverberg and colleagues17,18
marrow response to it.13,15–18 Eventually, anti- until the most recent large multicenter studies.
platelet agents or anticoagulants can contribute Berry and colleagues,2 using the MAGGIC data
to the presence of anemia and can cause blood set, which included 13,295 HF patients, showed
loss. that anemic HF patients were older, with a higher
incidence of ischemic cause and with a more
advanced HF class than the nonanemic counter-
Focus on Exercise Capacity in Heart Failure
part. The MAGGIC data set analysis identified ane-
Anemia is per se associated with impaired exer- mia as an independent predictor of adverse
cise performance and functional capacity, the outcome in both heart failure with preserved ejec-
Hb content playing a crucial and well-described tion fraction (HFpEF) and HFrEF. Further support
role in determining the peak oxygen uptake of its powerful prognostic role comes from the
(V_O2peak) value.19 Agostoni and colleagues,19 in Metabolic Exercise Cardiac and Kidney Indexes
a large cohort of patients with heart failure with (MECKI) study, including 2716 HFrEF patients in
Anemia and Iron Deficiency in Heart Failure 363

whom a score has been built and validated consid- study, another article24 demonstrated that in HF
ering several cardiopulmonary exercise test the production of EPO is impaired as well as its ca-
(CPET), clinical, laboratory, and echocardio- pacity to induce an effective response, with a high
graphic parameters. Again, the study identified degree of interpersonal variability. Particularly, the
the Hb as 1 of the 6 independent predictors of total cited study showed that the EPO expression levels
and cardiovascular mortality, the others being were elevated in HF patients, and HF patients with
V_O2peak, VE/VCO2 slope, left ventricular ejection anemia have a positive correlation between the
fraction (LVEF), renal function, and sodium.20 severity of HF and the anemic status degree.
Furthermore, a most recent MECKI score dataset
analysis, including more than 6000 HFrEF patients
with an average follow-up greater than 3 years,
Preliminary Overview on Iron Metabolism
confirmed the datum.3 Eventually, similar results
were reported in a large meta-analysis,7 whereby Iron is probably the most important micronutrient
anemic HF patients showed the worse outcome. for physiologic cellular function, playing various
Interestingly, besides the presence of anemia per roles, energy metabolism, cell signaling, gene
se, anemia kinetic seems also to have a strong expression, and cell growth/differentiation.25–30 In
impact both in chronic and in acute heart failure healthy humans, the total body iron amounts to
(AHF) patients. Indeed, a Norwegian-population nearly 3000 to 4000 mg, with a significant iron
study12 suggested that only sustained anemia af- reserve stored in hepatocytes (1000 mg) as well
ter HF-treatment optimization, but not the Hb as in macrophages of the reticuloendothelial sys-
baseline values, independently predicted the HF tem (600 mg). However, the greatest part of iron
outcome. Supporting the importance of the Hb constitutes the so-called functional pool, where
kinetic, in a large population of ambulatory HF pa- about 1800 mg is contained in the Hb of mature
tients, Diez-Lopez and colleagues4 showed that red blood cell, 300 mg in erythropoietic precursors
anemia was an independent predictor of all- in bone marrow, and 400 mg in myoglobin and
cause mortality, but the impact was more pro- different enzymes. Because the human body is
nounced in the case of persistent and new-onset not able to excrete excess iron, a tightly regulated
anemia. Similarly, in an AHF cohort, van der system for iron homeostasis maintains the optimal
Meer and colleagues11 showed that the in- balance between adequate dietary iron absorption
hospital increase of Hb level predicted a better and iron loss. Indeed, starting from about 10 mg of
180-day survival. Another recent study,5 evalu- daily-ingested iron, only 2 mg is effectively
ating the in-hospital mortality in 165 hospitalized absorbed by the gastrointestinal tract. Specif-
AHF patients, found Hb but not LVEF as an inde- ically, dietary iron is reduced to Fe21 by duodenal
pendent predictor. Interestingly, the same study cytochrome B in the lumen of the duodenum and
identified also the red blood cell distribution width proximal jejunum, and then it enters into the enter-
(RDW), an index of red blood cell inhomogeneity ocyte thanks to the divalent metal transporter-1.
frequently available but rarely considered, signifi- Thereafter, iron passes into the circulation
cantly related to the survival. Overlapping obser- throughout ferroportin, is quickly oxidized to
vations on a possible RDW utility were reported Fe31, and then is bound to transferrin. Eventually,
by Tseliou and colleagues9 on recently decompen- the transferrin-iron complex is picked up by
sated HF patients in whom it has been shown as a several target cells expressing transferrin receptor
predictor of adverse outcome independently of the 1, including those of the liver, spleen, and bone
presence of an anemic status. marrow, where it is stored as ferritin.31–34 The
The administration of EPO-stimulating agents in extracellular iron homeostasis is primarily regu-
disease settings closely associated with anemia lated by the liver-derived peptide hormone hepci-
has been evaluated in several studies. Recently, din, whereas the intracellular one is dependent on
van der Meer and colleagues,22 in the RED-HF autonomous mechanisms.35,36 Briefly, in response
study in HF patients, found that a poor response to an iron overload condition or to an inflammatory
to darbepoetin alfa was associated with worse state, hepcidin acts by binding and degrading fer-
outcomes in HF patients with anemia. Another roportin, thus inhibiting the iron transition to the
recent study23 showed that a combined circulation and leading to iron accumulation within
therapy in HF patients with anemia (methoxy poly- enterocytes and excretion via shedding of the in-
ethylene glycol-epoetin b and iron supplementa- testinal cells. Furthermore, because ferroportin is
tion) improved overall physical condition, also present in the reticuloendothelial system,
reduced HF symptoms and hospitalization fre- hepcidin leads to iron sequestration, and it re-
quency, as well as demonstrated a tendency to a duces its availability. Noteworthy, hepcidin levels
general mortality reduction. Supporting the latter decrease in iron deficiency (ID) conditions in order
364 Magrı̀ et al

to favor an increased iron absorption through the the circulation (“functional ID”).26,35,37,42 Of note,
ferroportin activity26,35–37 (Fig. 1). differently from serum ferritin, TSAT is almost not
affected by a possible concomitant inflammatory
Iron Deficiency: Definition, Prevalence, and
ID has now emerged as an important comorbid-
Underlying Mechanisms in Heart Failure
ity of HF,43 the burdening prevalence of this condi-
Although ferritin is an intracellular storage mole- tion being 30% to 50% of the overall HF
cule, a small amount can be measured in the patients44,45 and even 70% to 80% in AHF.46
bloodstream, and, especially in stable HF patients, Nonetheless, the diagnosis and correction of ID
serum ferritin has been shown to significantly remain largely unrecognized in the cardiology
correlate with overall iron stores measured by community, despite the existence of relatively
bone marrow aspirate.38,39 Although the normal easy and inexpensive diagnostic tools and treat-
range for serum ferritin is 15 to 30 mg/L, ferritin is ments. The ID pathophysiology in HF patients is
also an acute-phase protein, and therefore, it undoubtedly multifactorial (Table 3). Indeed, be-
could increase during inflammatory states. sides a possible gastrointestinal ulceration or ma-
Accordingly, both the European Society of Cardi- lignancy, there may be simple factors, such as
ology (ESC) and the American Heart Association blood loss due to antiplatelet or anticoagulant
(AHA) HF guidelines identified a serum ferritin therapy, leading to iron loss. Similarly, poor ab-
less than 100 mg/L as the most accurate cutoff sorption due to gut interstitial edema, possibly
value to diagnose a state whereby there is truly enhanced by a reduction in appetite from chronic
insufficient iron (“absolute ID”).40–42 Conversely, illness, may lead to a reduction in iron body con-
in the case of a serum ferritin within 100 to centration. In addition, the chronic inflammatory
300 mg/L with a transferrin saturation (TSAT) of state associated with HF leads to increased levels
less than 20%, there is a condition whereby the of proinflammatory cytokines, such as interleukin-
available iron stores are preserved but cannot be 6, which in turn induces the synthesis of hepcidin
transported from the intracellular compartment to and hence a reduction in ferroportin expression

Fig. 1. Simplified diagram resembling the normal iron metabolism. See text for in-depth explanation. FP, ferro-
portin; RBC, red blood cell; RES, reticuloendothelial system; TfR, transferrin receptor.
Anemia and Iron Deficiency in Heart Failure 365

Table 3
has been associated with a reduced V_O2peak and
Most common causes of iron deficiency in an increased VE/VCO2 slope as compared with
patients with chronic heart failure subjects without ID.25 However, the mechanism
by which ID results in limited exercise capacity is
Cause Mechanisms multifactorial, but it remains elusive. Indeed, ID
Reduced iron  Reduced appetite (chronic
could affect both components of the Fick equation
intake illness) (CO and arterovenous difference), thereby result-
 Low-protein diet (concomi- ing in a blunted V_O2peak. Otherwise, to date, there
tant renal disease) are only a few studies demonstrating that the
Reduced iron  Gut interstitial edema correction of ID in HF patients, regardless of the
absorption (mucosa congestion) presence of anemia, may favorably affect clinical
 Impaired gut motility status, including an improvement in exercise ca-
(concomitant dysautonomic pacity.51–54 Two large randomized, double-blind,
disorders) placebo-controlled clinical trials, the FAIR-HF
 Impaired iron transporter and CONFIRM-HF trials, have demonstrated that
expression at duodenum the intravenous (IV) supplementation of iron by
level (inflammation) ferric carboxymaltose in patients with HF and ID
Increased iron  Bleeding (antiplatelet/ increases the distance of the 6-minute walk test
loss anticoagulant drugs, (6-MWT) and improves functional capacity (New
York Heart Association [NYHA] class) and overall
 Enhanced iron storage
consumption (chronic
quality of life in both anemic and nonanemic
bleeding, concomitant subjects.53,55–58 A randomized controlled trial,
therapy with erythropoiesis- FERRIC-HF, demonstrated that IV iron loading
stimulating agents) improved exercise capacity and symptoms in
 Frequent blood tests anemic and nonanemic patients with symptomatic
(medical monitoring) HF and ID. The investigators demonstrated a sig-
 Malignancy nificant improvement in maximal exercise capacity
Impaired iron  Iron sequestration into the as quantified by V_O2peak (mL/min/kg) and trends
release reticuloendothelial system toward an increase in absolute V_O2peak and exer-
(inflammation) cise duration.52

Iron Deficiency: Prognostic Significance in

with a decrease in iron transition into the
Heart Failure
circulation as well as in its sequestration in the
macrophages of the reticuloendothelial system. Oral iron replacement therapy, although relatively
Intriguingly, a paradoxic behavior of this peptide inexpensive and widely used, showed a great
has been observed in HF patients, with the higher concern in its limited tolerability and, contextually,
hepcidin levels in the earlier rather than in the most its low gastrointestinal absorption, particularly
advanced phases. The abovementioned phenom- when gastrointestinal absorption has been
enon, It is still far from being understood, may be hampered, as in chronic disease. Indeed, given
partly due to a usual concomitant EPO therapy in that a dose of iron around 1000 mg is necessary
the worse HF stages, as well as to an overall to achieve a full iron repletion in HF patients with
reduction of liver activity.26,35,37,47 ID, and that the rate of iron bioavailability from a
therapeutic dose of 200 mg oral ferrous sulfate
(the usual oral iron formulation) is nearly 10%,
Iron Deficiency: Focus on Functional Capacity
the best-case scenario would be a truly absorbed
in Heart Failure
iron dose of 20 mg per day, thus requiring nearly
Iron plays a crucial role in O2 transport (as a 2 months to correct the ID condition. However, it
component of Hb), storage (as a component of is well known that the best-case scenario is far
myoglobin), and oxidative metabolism in muscle from being the real-life scenario, where HF pa-
tissue (as a component of oxidative enzymes and tients tolerate no more than a half dose of oral
respiratory chain proteins). A preserved iron meta- iron and show a significant impairment in the
bolism is particularly important for cells character- mechanisms needed to absorb iron and to favor
ized by intensive metabolism and high energy its transition to the bloodstream. Furthermore, as
demand, such as exercising skeletal myocytes previously mentioned, there are frequent side ef-
and cardiomyocytes.27,32,48–50 In patients with fects, such as constipation, diarrhea, and
HF, the presence of ID, irrespective of Hb levels, dyspepsia, which are predominantly related to
366 Magrı̀ et al

Table 4
Preparations, dosages, and administration of intravenous iron complexes

Preparations Dosagesa Administration

Iron carboxymaltose  15 mg/kg (up to 1000 mg once per IV infusion with 2 mg/mL iron
(ie, Ferinject) week) concentration (in NaCl 0.9%)
 Up to 200 mg/day (3 times per week) IV bolus (at least in 10 min)
Iron hydroxide sucrose  Up to 300 mg/day (3 times per week, Slow (at least in 1.5 h) IV infusion
(ie, Venofer) 48-h intervals) (diluted in 100 mL of NaCl 0.9%)
Iron hydroxide  Up to 20 mg/kg/day (3 times per Slow (at least in 50 min) IV infusion (in
dextran (ie, Ferrisat) week, 48-h intervals) 100 mL of NaCl 0.9% or glucose 5%)
Total iron deficit could be calculated according to the Ganzoni formula68: weight, kg a
(target Hb, g/dL – actual Hb,
g/dL)  2.4 1 500 (or 15  weight, kg if weight <35 kg).

the oxidative damage of the mucosal boundary.59 last 2017-AHA (class IIB) and the 2016-ESC (class
All of this may explain why all randomized trials IIA) guidelines to recommend IV iron replacement
exploring the possible efficacy of oral iron therapy therapy in the HF patients who meet the ID
failed to demonstrate any effect on quality of life or criteria.40,41
on functional capacity and, even on Hb, serum
ferritin, and TSAT levels.60–63 Furthermore, data REFERENCES
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