Research Instrument

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Research Instrument

To determine the relationship between the Teachers' Instructional Material and the

Confidence of the respondents of this study, the researchers will use the following instruments:

Survey and Interview.

The survey consists of two (2) parts which are the Instructional Materials that will be the

focus for this study: Cooperative Learning and Classroom Discussion. Each part is composed of

15 subjective statements that will be answerable by strongly disagree, disagree, neutral, and

strongly agree. The statements provided will be the same for both Instructional Materials.

The Interview will be a structured type of Interview where the researchers provided three

(3) subjective questions that will be conducted through Google meet and will be recorded as the

respondents permitted the researchers to do so. The questions that will be asked shall generally

focus on the two (2) Instructional Materials: Cooperative Learning and Classroom and

Discussion along with another variable for the study which is Confidence.


To get the appropriate data needed, the Research Instruments are the Survey and

Interview. The process of conducting the Research Instruments will happen through Facebook

and Google Meet. The Research Instruments shall be conducted at the same time and date that all

respondents have their free time for the proceedings of this study.

Upon conducting the Survey, the researchers provided two (2) parts. The first part will be

Cooperative Learning and the second part is Classroom Discussion. Each part consists of 15
subjective statements for the focus of this study. The statements shall be the same for both

Instructional Materials and will be given to all students on the same date which will be answered

through a Google form Link. The respondents shall be given 30 minutes to answer the statements

with integrity and subjectively.

The Interview will proceed after the Surveys are conducted. The Google Meet link will

be sent to the respondents and during the Interview. Each respondent shall be able to attend to

the link and the researchers must assure the respondents that the given data will be confidential

and not will be used for any external-related events but shall be used solely for this study. The

Interview will run for at least an hour or two since there are only two (2) to three (3) questions

the respondents have to answer.

After the conduct of these instruments, the researchers will gather the data and shall

proceed to the next parts of this study.

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