1.0 StreMa Introduction V1

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Strength of


to Mechanics
of Deformable
December 2023
Do You Need Wisdom?
James 1: (NIV)
5 If any of you lacks wisdom, you should
ask God, who gives generously to all
without finding fault, and it will be given to
you. 6 But when you ask, you must believe
and not doubt, because the one who
doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and
tossed by the wind. 7 That person should
not expect to receive anything from the
Mechanics of Deformable Bodies
Course Topics:
1) Introduction to Mechanics of Deformable Bodies
2) Fundamental Concept of Stress
3) Fundamental Concept of Strain and Deformation
4) Torsion
5) Shear and Moment in Beams
6) Beam Deflections
7) Combined Stresses

All the topics listed here are aligned with the provided course syllabus.
Introduction to Mechanics of Deformable Bodies
1. Historical Development of Mechanics of Deformable Bodies
2. Fundamentals of Mechanics of Materials
3. Distinction between Mechanics of Rigid Bodies, Elastic Bodies, and Plastic
4. Understanding Stresses, Strain, and Factor of Safety.
5. The Importance of Studying the Strength of Materials

All the sub-topics listed here are aligned with the provided course syllabus.
Introduction to Mechanics of Deformable Bodies
Learning Outcomes
1. Students will be able to trace the evolution of the Mechanics of Deformable Bodies
from its inception to modern times, identifying vital historical figures and
2. Students will comprehend the basic principles of stress, strain, and modulus of
elasticity in materials.
3. Students will differentiate between rigid, elastic, and plastic body mechanics,
understanding their unique characteristics.
4. Students will understand the importance and application of the factor of safety in
design, ensuring structures are safe and reliable.
5. Students will be able to articulate the significance of the Strength of Materials in
the field of Civil Engineering, linking theoretical knowledge to practical applications.

All the learning outcomes listed here are aligned with the provided course syllabus.
Mechanics of Deformable Bodies or the Strength of Materials
Historical Development
• The study of Mechanics of Materials dates back to the early 17th century with
Galileo Galilei's experiments. These early studies focused on the effects of loads
on rods and beams.

• The 19th century saw significant advancements in this field, with notable
contributions from French scientists such as Saint-Venant, Poisson, Lamé, and
Navier. This period marked improvements in experimental methods and the
theoretical understanding of material behavior.

• The field has evolved to incorporate advanced mathematical and computer

techniques to solve complex problems, extending into areas like the theory of
elasticity and plasticity.
Mechanics of Deformable Bodies or the Strength of Materials
Fundamental Areas of Engineering Mechanics
• Statics and Dynamics: These fields focus on the external effects on rigid bodies,
where deformation is negligible. Statics deals with bodies at rest, while dynamics
deals with bodies in motion.

• Mechanics of Materials: Unlike statics and dynamics, Mechanics of Materials (or

Strength of Materials) deals with the internal effects and deformations caused by
applied loads. This area is crucial in design as it ensures that structures are strong
enough to bear loads without breaking and that deformations are within acceptable
Mechanics of Deformable Bodies or the Strength of Materials
Rigid-Body Mechanics vs. Mechanics of Materials
Rigid-Body Mechanics: When analyzing a structure or machine part under load,
rigid-body mechanics assumes that the body does not deform.

Mechanics of Materials: Extends the analysis by considering the internal forces

within the bar. This approach ensures that the bar will not break or deform
excessively under the load. It involves studying stress (force per unit area) and strain
(deformation) in the material, which are crucial for understanding its strength and
behavior under load.
Mechanics of Deformable Bodies or the Strength of Materials
Mechanics of Elastic Bodies
Elastic bodies are materials that deform
under load but return to their original
shape and dimensions when the load is

In civil engineering, the design of

structures like beams and columns often
assumes elastic behavior to ensure that
the structures can withstand loads without
permanent deformation.
Mechanics of Deformable Bodies or the Strength of Materials
Mechanics of Plastic Bodies
Plastic bodies refer to materials that
undergo permanent deformation under
load beyond their elastic limit.

When the stress in a material exceeds the

yield strength, it enters the plastic
deformation phase, where it does not
return to its original shape after
Mechanics of Deformable Bodies or the Strength of Materials
Internal Effects and Deformations Produced by External Loads
Mechanics of Materials primarily focuses on determining internal stresses, strains,
and deformations in materials under various loading conditions. The primary
considerations include:

• Types of Loading: This includes axial (tensile or compressive), shear, bending,

and torsional loads.
• Deformation Behavior: Understanding how materials deform under different
loadings, which includes elastic deformation (reversible) and plastic deformation
• Failure Theories: Theories that predict the conditions under which materials will
fail, such as yielding or fracture.
Mechanics of Deformable Bodies or the Strength of Materials
Internal Effects and Deformations Produced by External Loads
Real-World Applications: Applications in
designing beams, columns, shafts, tanks, and
other structural components in civil engineering.

Example: Consider a concrete beam supporting

a uniform load. Mechanics of Materials helps
determine the beam's internal bending moments,
shear forces, and resulting stresses. This
analysis ensures that the beam can support the
load without exceeding its material strength
limits, thus preventing structural failures.
Understanding Stresses and Strain in Structural Design
Stresses and Strain: The Basics
Stress is the internal force per unit area within materials that arises from externally
applied forces. It's measured in units like Pascals (Pa) or pounds per square inch

Strain measures deformation or displacement in a material relative to its original

length. A dimensionless quantity indicates how much a material stretches or
compresses under stress.
Understanding Stresses and Strain in Structural Design
Role in Structural Design
Engineers must understand the stress-strain relationship to choose appropriate
materials and design structures that can withstand expected loads without failure.

For example, in designing a bridge, the stress and strain on the bridge's beams
during peak traffic loads must be calculated to ensure the bridge can bear the weight
without excessive bending or breaking.
Factor of Safety: Ensuring Reliability
Role in Structural Design
The Factor of Safety (FoS) design criterion provides a safety margin over the strength
required to withstand a given load.

This buffer ensures that the structure remains safe even under unexpected loads or
unforeseen circumstances.

In practical terms, if a beam in a building is calculated to withstand a maximum load

of 10,000 kg, applying a FoS of 2 means it’s designed to withstand 20,000 kg. This
extra margin accounts for uncertainties like material defects, calculation errors, and
unexpected loads.
The Strength of Materials or The Mechanics of Deformable Bodies
Why Study the Strength of Materials?
Studying the Strength of Materials is essential in the Civil Engineering program, as it
lays the foundation for understanding the behavior of various construction materials
under different stress and strain conditions. This knowledge is critical in designing
safe, efficient, and sustainable structures. By mastering the principles of Strength of
Materials, future civil engineers can predict how buildings, bridges, roads, and other
infrastructures will respond to various forces and loads, ensuring their stability and
integrity. This understanding not only helps prevent structural failures and ensure
public safety but also contributes to innovative design solutions that push the
boundaries of modern construction. Thus, studying the Strength of Materials is not
just a core part of the civil engineering curriculum; it is a cornerstone of the
profession, enabling engineers to create the built environment of the future.

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