Spanking and Punishment

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Spanking and Punishment


Jade Sommer Pernell Spanking and Corporal Punishment Survey SOWK 300 Tuskegee University October 8, 2011


Description of the Problem:

The purpose of this survey was to see an issue within society and to poll a sect of society to see their sentiments toward said issue. The issue at hand was the concept of corporal punishment specifically spanking. The formal definition of corporal punishment is physical punishment, as spanking, inflicted on a child by an adult in authority. More over spanking is to strike (a person, usually a child) with the open hand, a slipper, etc., especially on the buttocks, as in punishment. The idea that corporal punishment specific ally may vary depending to the subjects age, collegiate classification, and gender. This survey and its result will attempt to answer this question pertaining a small section of Tuskegee University students.


Attributes to be Measured:

The attributes to be measured can be divided into two different sectors the demographics and the subsequent point of view of each participant. The Gender, classification, and age of each participant that is surveyed gives the surveyor or researcher an idea of what type of individual is taking their survey , which allows the researcher later down the researching process to begin to make correlations between said demographics and the results from the subsequent questions. The second sector to be measured would be the point of view of the participant on corporal punishment with a series of questions to probe the sentiments of those being surveyed.



The hypothesis I projected was that depending on the age of the participant being surveyed would determine their point of view on spanking and corporal punishment. Furthermore I hypothesize that the age bracket 24 and under are more likely to disagree with the effectiveness of spanking as oppose to those in the 25 and older age bracket. Furthermore those who were spanked may disagree with the logic in which they received the punishment. While analyzing the information a more specific hypotheses can be formed by looking at the multiple variables involved a deeper analysis of the bivariate and multivariate data can allow us to see a correlation between demographics and views. For instance the younger age cap 24 and below will not necessarily agree with the reason in which corporal punishment would be inflicted nor the methods in which they were spanked. The second part of that being the effectiveness of corporal punishment in relation to trouble with authority specifically with the law. This also a questionable statement to be reviewed by the researcher.



The rationale that can be projected from the date is simple and concise. The projection was that depending on the age of the participant being surveyed would determine their point of view on spanking and corporal punishment. Which according to the data was correct. The independent variables ergo the gender, classification and age bracket showed heavy influence on the data. The hypothesis that corporal punishments effectiveness and how it correlates to a respect and tolerance of authority specifically in regards to the law. Furthermore I hypothesized that the age bracket 24 and under are more likely to disagree with the effectiveness of spanking as oppose to those in the 25 and older age bracket. Those who were spanked may disagree with the logic in which they received the punishment as seen in the response by some respondents. While analyzing the information a more specific hypotheses can be formed by looking at the multiple variables involved a deeper analysis of the bivariate and multivariate data can allow us to see a correlation between demographics and views. For instance the younger age cap 24 and below will not necessarily agree with the reason in which corporal punishment would be inflicted nor the methods in which they were spanked. The second part of that being the effectiveness of corporal punishment in relation to trouble with authority specifically with the law. This also a questionable statement to be reviewed by the researcher.

List of Graphs Univariate Graph 1 Univariate Graph 2 Univariate Graph 3 Univariate Graph 4 Punishment Univariate Graph 5 means of discipline? Univariate Graph 6 discipline? Univariate Graph 7 to discipline their children? Sex of respondents Student Classification of respondents Sexual orientation of respondents Do respondents believe Spanking and Corporal

Do respondents think it is okay to spank children as a

Did the respondents parents spank them as a means of

Should parents be allowed to use corporal punishment

Univariate Graph 8 Does Corporal punishment work better than other disciplinary methods that dont involve physical pain? Multivariate Graph 1 and age Bivariate Graph 2 Beliefs about Corporal punishment by frequency of sex

Beliefs about Corporal punishment by frequency of age Beliefs about Corporal punishment by respondents

Multivariate Graph 2 sexual classification Bivariate Graph 3 sexual orientation

Beliefs about Corporal punishment by respondents





This graph details the demographics of those surveyed with special attention to the age, classification and gender make up of the participants. The majority of those who were interviewed fell into the following categories numerically. The large part of those interviewed were in the age cap under 21 a whopping 40.6 % which can be implied have no children therefore still view the survey from perspective of the victim as oppose to the facilitator of discipline. In the place of runner up was the 21 to 24 age bracket which made up 30.7% percent of those who were surveyed and are more likely to have children and maybe in the midst of the transition from victim to facilitator of discipline. 49.5% percent of those surveyed were women , which are commonly seen as the nurturing parent which in most case must discipline the children with physical assertion as oppose to the 47.5% males who by stereotype exert dominance by their very presence which may parlay into their views of the usefulness of corporal punishment . 32.7% of those surveyed were classified as juniors which may implement a sign of maturity with the realization that their college experiences is soon coming to an end and they will soon move into a disciplinarian role.

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