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In this modern day, everyone wishes to have a chance to study in an ideal school.

For many
people, an ideal school can be a place that provides affordable tuition prices, good facilities, few
examinations and assessments, and other factors. Summerhill School was founded by A.S. Neill
in 1921 and it was once an ideal school in England. I completely agree that Summerhill is a
wonderful school. This essay will demonstrate complete agreement with the above viewpoint
because this school allows students unlimited freedom, lets them to choose the subjects they
want, and gives students a democracy to illustrate their opinions.
Firstly, the subjects are optional for all students. A good example of this case is that students at
Summerhill School have flexible schedules and can choose optional subjects based on their
interests, which allows them to participate in class at their own pace and teaches them time
management skills. However, some argue that permitting students to choose what they want to
study may result in a lack of fundamental knowledge in other fields. The above argument seems
to make sense. On the other hand, pupils will feel more motivated to learn if they have more time
to focus on their favorite subjects. Hence, Summerhill is a good school because students always
have the opportunity to study their favorite subjects.
Secondly, students at Summerhill have a democracy to contribute their opinions because they
have the same rights to vote and express themselves as adults. This means that kids can express
their thoughts and make their own decisions. Of course, some people adopt an opposing view
that students are too young to make their decisions without adult directions or advices due to a
lack of information and experience. The above argument seems to be reasonable. Nonetheless,
I’m sure that this setting can develop students' character and improve their sense of
responsibility. Thus, Summerhill School can help students become more independent.
In conclusion, Summerhill School is truly an ideal environment for any student in the world.
This school offers numerous advantages, including complete freedom to choose subjects and a
democracy to express their thoughts. In my opinion, Summerhill is the best school ever because
of these rights for all students.

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