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My answer:

As consultant, the primary step before giving any advice to any head of a government organization if to
know at least basic background of the person you are dealing with and build a rapport in order for that
person to trust you. This way, you can straightforwardly insert ideas with regards to running his/her
organization. Now, politics, when conducted in a fair, ethical, and inclusive manner, can have several
advantages for any public organization such as building good reputation from the stakeholders and
outsourcing funding for projects. However, as a consultant, I will be reminding the head of the agency to
always stick to the agency’s mission, vision, and core values as these are the thrust that drives the very
purpose as to why it exists. Staying true to these ideals will encourage a culture of political neutrality
within the organization. Also, leaders overly focused on politics might be tempted to compromise on
ethical principles to ensure their public image over addressing substantive issues. With this, it is
important to advise them to implement robust internal controls to prevent corruption, favoritism, and
other unethical practices. These may include feedback mechanisms and performance evaluation of the
head by the rank-and-file employees and the public to provide and avenue for expression of different
viewpoints, contributing to a more inclusive decision-making process. Lastly, in terms of political
pressures from politicians, it is best to advice the head to always keep the best interests of the public at
the forefront and rely on expert advice and data-driven insights when formulating key decisions and
programs. Having a solid foundation of evidence can help shield decisions from undue political pressure.
Remember that effective leadership involves managing competing interests while staying true to the
broader mission of serving the public.

I asked Chat GPT to use simpler language: (ikaw na bahala pumili haha)

As a consultant advising the head of a government agency, it's crucial to start by understanding their
background and building a good relationship with them. This helps create trust and makes it easier to
share ideas about how to run the agency effectively.

Now, when it comes to politics, doing things fairly, ethically, and including everyone has several benefits
for a government agency. It can improve the agency's reputation and attract funding for important
projects. However, I'd stress the importance of sticking to the agency's mission, vision, and values to
maintain a neutral political environment and avoid

Sometimes, leaders who are too focused on politics may make decisions based on personal image rather
than what's best for the organization. I'd recommend implementing strong internal controls to prevent
unethical practices like corruption or favoritism. It's also essential to create channels for feedback,
allowing input from employees and the public, promoting a more inclusive decision-making process.

When facing political pressures from politicians, my advice would be to always prioritize the public
interest. Relying on expert advice and data-driven insights when making important decisions is crucial.
This ensures that decisions are well-founded and not swayed by political pressures. Effective leadership
involves balancing different interests while staying true to the overall goal of serving the public.

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