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Hadith 1

‫ َقاَل َس َأْلُت َعاِئَشَة ُأَّم اْلُم ْؤ ِمِنيَن َع َّم ا‬، ‫ َع ْن َفْر َو َة ْبِن َنْو َفٍل اَألْش َج ِع ِّي‬، ‫ َع ْن ِهَالِل ْبِن ِيَس اٍف‬،‫ َع ْن َم ْنُصوٍر‬،‫ َح َّد َثَنا َج ِريٌر‬،‫َح َّد َثَنا ُع ْثَم اُن ْبُن َأِبي َشْيَبَة‬
. " ‫َك اَن َر ُسوُل ِهَّللا صلى هللا عليه وسلم َيْد ُعو ِبِه َقاَلْت َك اَن َيُقوُل " الَّلُهَّم ِإِّني َأُعوُذ ِبَك ِم ْن َش ِّر َم ا َع ِم ْلُت َوِم ْن َش ِّر َم ا َلْم َأْع َم ْل‬

Farwah b. Nawfal Al-Ashja'i asked 'Aishah the Mother of the Believers, about the supplication of the
Messenger of Allah (‫)ﷺ‬. She replied:

"He would say: 'O Allah, I seek refuge in You from the evil of what I have done, and from the evil of what
I have not done.'"

Sunan Abi Dawud, 1550

In-Book Reference: Book 8, Hadith 135

Hadith 2

‫ َيُقوُل َك اَن َر ُسوُل ِهَّللا‬،‫ َعَّباِد ْبِن َأِبي َسِع يٍد َأَّنُه َسِمَع َأَبا ُهَر ْيَر َة‬،‫ َع ْن َأِخ يِه‬، ‫ َع ْن َسِع يِد ْبِن َأِبي َسِع يٍد اْلَم ْقُبِرِّي‬، ‫ َح َّد َثَنا الَّلْيُث‬، ‫َح َّد َثَنا ُقَتْيَبُة ْبُن َسِع يٍد‬
. " ‫صلى هللا عليه وسلم َيُقوُل " الَّلُهَّم ِإِّني َأُعوُذ ِبَك ِم َن اَألْر َبِع ِم ْن ِع ْلٍم َال َيْنَفُع َوِم ْن َقْلٍب َال َيْخ َش ُع َوِم ْن َنْفٍس َال َتْش َبُع َوِم ْن ُدَعاٍء َال ُيْس َم ُع‬

Narrated AbuHurayrah:

The Messenger of Allah (‫ )ﷺ‬used to say: "O Allah, I seek refuge in You from four things: Knowledge
which does not profit, a heart which is not submissive, a soul which has an insatiable appetite, and a
supplication which is not heard."

Sunan Abi Dawud, 1548

In-Book Reference: Book 8, Hadith 133

Hadith 3
‫ َقاَل َك اَن ِم ْن ُدَعاِء الَّنِبِّي ـ صلى‬،‫ َع ْن َأِبي ُهَر ْيَر َة‬، ‫ َع ْن َسِع يِد ْبِن َأِبي َسِع يٍد‬، ‫ َع ِن اْبِن َع ْج َالَن‬،‫ َح َّد َثَنا َأُبو َخ اِلٍد اَألْح َم ُر‬،‫َح َّد َثَنا َأُبو َبْك ِر ْبُن َأِبي َشْيَبَة‬
. " ‫هللا عليه وسلم ـ " الَّلُهَّم ِإِّني َأُعوُذ ِبَك ِم ْن ِع ْلٍم َال َيْنَفُع َوِم ْن ُدَعاٍء َال ُيْس َم ُع َوَم ْن َقْلٍب َال َيْخ َش ُع َوِم ْن َنْفٍس َال َتْش َبُع‬

It was narrated that Abu Hurairah said:

"One of the supplications that the Prophet (‫ )ﷺ‬used to say was: 'Allahumma, inni a'udhu bika min
'ilmin la yanfa'u, wa mindu'a'in la yusma'u, wa min qalbin la yakhsha'u, wa min nafsin la tashba'u [O
Allah, I seek refuge with You from knowledge that is of no benefit, from a supplication that is not heard,
from a heart that does not fear (You) and from a soul that is not satisfied].'"

Sunan Ibn Majah, 250

In-Book Reference: Introduction, Hadith 250

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