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901. Non-passengers are strictly forbidden from entering the departure lounge of the airport. (NO)
 On ....................................................................... to enter the departure lounge of the airport.
902. I'm sure they didn't show up here last night. (SHOWN)
 They .................................................................... here last night.
903. The accident happened just behind that statue. (WHERE)
 The ...................................................................... just behind that statue.
904. Taking out a private pension scheme will benefit you. (INTEREST)
 It is ...................................................................... a private pension scheme.
905. It's a shame we can't get more people to support our campaign. (DRUM)
 I wish .................................................................. support for our campaign.
906. My grandmother was sixty when she learnt to drive. (AGE)
 My grandmother learnt to drive........................... sixty.
907. The manager should think about experience when hiring new staff. (CONSIDERATION)
 The manager should ............................................ when hiring new staff.
908. They chose not to drive because they thought there would be too much snow. (FEAR)
 They chose not to drive ....................................... too much snow.
909. How do our sales compare with those of other firms? (RELATION)
 How do our sales stand ....................................... those of other firms?
910. Money is of little value on a desert island. (COUNTS)
 Money..................................................................on a desert island.
911. I sincerely promise that I will finish the task on time. (BOTTOM)
 I promise you....................................................... that I will finish the task on time.
912. She was such a charming girl that I couldn’t stop looking at her. (EYES)
 So.........................................................................
913. They spent the whole afternoon figuring out the solution to that math problem. (TO)
 It...........................................................................
914. I do not have enough money to have the automatic lighting installed. (PUT)
 Were.....................................................................
915. When the war broke out, a lot of Ukrainians fled to neighbor countries to escape misfortune. (NECK)
 No sooner.............................................................
916. The management board decided to offer the strikers a pay rise to alleviate their anger. (FEATHERS)
 With a...................................................................
917. It was wrong of the antifans to make negative influence on the journalists about the star.
 The antifans should..............................................
918. Kevin was so interested in the hockey match on TV that he invented an excuse for his day off.
(COOKED)  Such ...............................................
919. No one can believe that Laura earns money to support the whole family at such a tender age.
 Hardly .................................................................
920. The local authorities made the museum suitable for the public hall after the war. (KEYED)
 It was....................................................................
921. Nice art works from litter should be exhibited now. (LAUNCHED)
 It's high ...............................................................
922. Our team could not have been favoured by the judges if we had been experienced enough. (WIN)
 Due ......................................................................
923. Although quiet members seem to be patient, they do not always take criticism. (COME)
 Patient .................................................................
924. They have discovered some interesting pieces of information. (LIGHT)
 Some....................................................................
925. When they broke the news, Sally stayed perfectly calm and controlled. (HAIR)
 When....................................................................
926. We had a long discussion about the problem but we could not solve it. (LENGTH)
 We........................................................................
927. Jack didn't mention our previous conversation at all. (REFERENCE)
 Jack......................................................................
928. When people tell my sister that she looks like me, she doesn't like it. (TOLD)
 My sister.............................................................. that she looks like me.
929. Judging from her notes, Sharon wasn't concentrating very hard on the lesson. (CAN'T)
 Sharon.................................................................. on the lesson as her notes are incomplete.
930. "Do I have to book a place in advance?" Jane asked me. (NECESSARY)
 Jane wanted.......................................................... to book a place in advance.
931. The yacht race was cancelled due to strong winds. (BECAUSE)
 It........................................................................... the yacht race was cancelled.
932. The car door accidentally shut on Lucy's fingers. (GOT)
 Lucy..................................................................... in the car door.
933. My sociology lecturer always knows what to say in every situation. (LOSS)
 My sociology lecturer.......................................... words, whatever the situation.
934. It's a foregone conclusion that Julia will do her best to be offered the job. (GOES)
 It .......................................................................... every effort to be offered the job.
935. I haven't had the time to reply to her letter yet. (ROUND)
 I haven't ............................................................... her letter yet.
936. Although the couple are getting old, they do not need anyone to care for them. (FEND)
 The elderly couple............................................... their age.
937. Lending Tom so much money was a rather foolish thing to do. (BETTER)
 You should .......................................................... Tom so much money.
938. We never questions her ability to run the department. (MOMENT)
 Not ...................................................................... her ability to run the department.
939. He will only be included in the team if he passes a fitness test. (SUBJECT)
 His inclusion in the team .................................... a fitness test.
940. It was far from obvious why they began to argue fiercely. (APPARENT)
 There was ............................................................ begin arguing fiercely.
941. John's colleagues ignored him after he reported one of them for leaving work early.
 John ..................................................................... his colleagues for reporting one of them for leaving
work early.
942. The twins look very much alike to me. (DIFFERENCE)
 I ........................................................................... the twins.
943. Jack has such a vivid imagination; it is possible that he invented the whole story. (MADE)
 Jack has such a vivid imagination that he might story.
944. I wish I hadn‟t said that to her. (TAKE)
 If only................................................................... I said to her.
945. It’s encouraging to discover that the group is both talented and enthusiastic. (ONLY)
 It‟s encouraging to discover that the group shows as well.
946. They moved to Rome two years ago. (IN)
 They .................................................................... two years.
947. They advised us not to drink that water. (DRINKING)
 We ....................................................................... that water.
948. Anne is proud of her ability to speak five languages fluently. (PRIDES)
 Anne.....................................................................
949. “I wonder if you could possibly open the door for me?” (MIND)
 Would...................................................................
950. If Smith hadn’t broken his leg, he would have played football for England. (REPRESENTED)
 If Smith hadn’t broken his leg,............................
951. The ban on hunting was only imposed because the minister insisted. (FOR)
 But........................................................................
952. You should wash your shirt right now before that stain dries. (NEEDS)
 Your shirt.............................................................
953. My manager didn’t agree with the idea. (FAVOR)
 My manager.........................................................
954. I’d prefer him not to phone me at home. (RATHER)
 I’d.........................................................................
955. I did not intend to tell you what I knew. (INTENTION)
 I............................................................................
956. Linda’s plan for a picnic has been spoilt by the weather (FALLEN)
 Linda’s plan.........................................................
957. His handwriting is illegible. (SENSE)
 I............................................................................
958. They paid no attention to the man’s sudden disappearance. ( NOTICE)
959. The manager should think about experience when hiring new staff. (CONSIDERATION)
960. I tried to talk to Jack about the problem but he was too busy. (WORD)
961. Fred tried hard to start the car, but without success. (MATTER)
962. He likes to be addressed as “Professor”. (CALL)
 .............................................................................
963. They continued to suggest that I was lying. (PERSISTED)
964. This is the first time I have seen her in my life. (SET)
965. The police arrived as the thieves were committing the crime. (RED-HANDED)
966. Some people say that Tsiolkovsky invented the space rocket. (CREDITED)
967. What are you trying to say something? (AT)
 What are you ....................................................... something?
968. Graham stopped talking to deal with a customer. (OFF)
 deal with a customer.
969. You can rely on Susan for help. (COUNT)
 You can ............................................................... Susan for help.
970. Let’s visit the museum this afternoon. (GO)
 Why...................................................................... the museum this afternoon?
971. Valerie found it hard to concentrate on her book because of the noise. (DIFFICULTY)
 Valerie ................................................................. on her book because of the noise.
972. His last book helps to understand what the world of beer brewing is really like. (INSIGHT)
 His last book ....................................................... the world of beer brewing.
973. Experts believe that the landslides were caused by recent floods. (RESULTED)
 The landslides are................................................ recent floods.
974. The journalist pretended that she was a parent of one of the children. (IMPRESSION)
 The journalist ...................................................... that she was a parent of one of the children.
975. It was raining cats and dogs last night. (TORRENTS)
 The rain was ........................................................
976. Will you please stay with me for a while? (COMPANY)
 Will you...............................................................
977. Recent research has changed theories about the causes of the disease. (LIGHT)
 Recent research ...................................................
978. Collecting stamps give me a lot of pleasure. (DERIVE)
979. What you have been saying is quite irrelevant. (BESIDE)
980. Although the papers claim that they are going to get divorced, they are not. (CONTRARY)
981.You have disobeyed ; you will therefore be punished. (AS A RESULT)
982. His real identity will always remain a secret.(NO ONE)
983. Jonh spends all his time working. (DEVOTED)
984. They sent him to prison for three years. (SENTENCED)
985. Tim looks nothing like his father. (TAKE)
986. I find Harold’s behavior quite incomprehensible. (LOSS)
987. The President was impeached because of his financial misconduct. (GROUNDS)
988. After six-year relationship, Martha and Billy have decided to get married. (KNOT)
989. She began to suffer from irrational fears. (PREY)
990. Turning down that job was very foolish of you. (FOOL)
991. The cost of the repairs to the house was about 50$. (REGION)
992. You should not make fun of him. He seems not to like improper behavior. (PRIM)
993. The new ambassador is well-informed about current affairs. (WIDE)
994. He is very likely to come. (PROBABILITY)
995. I may not have my problem solved but at least I know I’m doing correctly. (TRACK)
996. Corporal Green was killed just before the armistice. (EVE)
997. One night Jack arrived at my flat right unexpectedly. What a surprise! (BLUE)
998. Bruce said that the situation at work was like a family argument. (LIKENED)
999. When she sold the jewelry at such a low price, she was cheated. (RIDE)
1000. They arrived at their destination alive and kicking. (SOUND)

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