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Job Preparation

Strengths and Weaknesses

Moudad Anouar

Complete the headings (1-6) on the mind map using the words in the box.

1 -> skills
2 ->Achievements
3 ->Languages
4 ->Experience
5-> Personal characteristics
6 -> Knowledge

Match the personal characteristics (1 -6) to the questions (a-f).

1 -> F
2 -> C
3 -> E
4 -> D
5 -> B
6 -> A

Make the personal characteristics in Exercise 3e negative by adding a prefix [dis-, in- or

1 -> UNcreative
2 -> INdecisive
3 -> INflexible
4 -> DISorganised
5 -> UNpersuasive
6 -> UNreliable

In pairs, take turns to ask and answer the questions in Exercise 3e. Discuss your
individual strengths and weaknesses, giving specific evidence.

A: ‘Do you always do what you say you will do?’

B: ‘Yes, I’m very reliable. I’m always on time to work, classes and meetings, and when I can’t make it, I
let people know ahead of time.’

A: "Do you always follow through with your commitments?"

B: "Absolutely. I pride myself on my reliability. Whether it's work, classes, or meetings, I make sure to be
punctual. And if something comes up, I always communicate in advance."

A: "Are you quick at making decisions?"

B: "Not particularly. I prefer to take my time to thoroughly assess all options before deciding. While this
can lead to delays sometimes, I believe it results in more informed choices."

A: "Can you handle unexpected changes well?"

B: "Yes, I'm quite adaptable. When faced with sudden changes, I'm able to adjust quickly and find
solutions on the fly. I thrive in dynamic environments where flexibility is essential."

A: "How effective are you at long-term planning?"

B: "I could improve in this area. While I'm diligent with short-term tasks and deadlines, I find long-term
planning challenging. I tend to focus more on immediate priorities."

A: "Do you have a knack for persuading others?"

B: "Absolutely. I excel at presenting my ideas persuasively and gaining buy-in from others. I believe in
finding common ground and effectively communicating the benefits of my proposals."

A: "Are you skilled at thinking outside the box?"

B: "Yes, I consider myself quite creative. I enjoy exploring unconventional solutions to problems and
have a track record of proposing innovative ideas that yield positive results."

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