MHN September 2019 - 2ndGNM

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Date: Note:- Qa Q3 O4 AS203AE19 GUJARAT NURSING COUNCIL General Nursing & Midwifery - Second Year NTAL HEALTH ING 05/09/2019 Marks: 75 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM Seat No.. Write legibly. Figure in right indicates full marks. Do not write your name or institution’s name. a. What is Schizophrenia? WAR Aa gy? * b. Enlist signs & symptoms of Schizophrenia. PAMarct Aca WA cag wud. ©. Describe nursing management of Schizophrenia. GAeg| (1 RAwBee aha. OR a, What is Mania? - Reflau Rea 9? b, Explain types of Mania. - Reflenett ysl wud. c. Describe nursing Management of Mania Dahleug ofr ArwAee ala. a. Describe principles of Psychiatric nursing. auaseuQs Bore Reece} aglot 2. b. Write the characteristics of Mentally healthy person. Mets AA cigzect aiGMell cra@scud wand, OR a. What is the Defense mechanism? List out the types of defense mechanism. Describe any five Defense mechanisms in detail? Bor ABA Rea qf? Ver MBMostetr yoralell aul oreurad Adua uix Bor ABA AA Brrcaz aefet 82. b. Define interview and write the techniques of interview. Seereiell aura WD WA Seeraiell Bsetls BA avd. Write short answers (Any Two) g5ul vatell cull Sua a) a. Narcotic drug and psychotropic substance act. OUSTRS 991 Des WARANS Uotieed Voz. b. Role of nurse in primary prevention of mental illness. React Seated, WAG Maeetevrl ale As. c. Antidepressant drugs. - AGS eee $58. Admission procedure of mentally ill patients. wis oAlauz edTedel AsMaet Vellwe. Write short note (Any Three) gsely evil. (ASua. ae) ‘a. Phases of Nurse-Patient relationship. - +a-Uetee RAexeteltuct terse. b. Socio ~ cultural causes of mental illness. Rere SAAN Mal Hit MMal-seure steel. c. Classification of mental disorders. — React Burisde] aoflsea. Nursing management of suicide attempted patient. MSS Wn Het Veloeg oir Aaiwee. 03 04 05 03 05 08. 2x6=12 3x4=12 P.T.0 Q-5 Define the following (Any Six) cauveu wid (Sug 8) 6x2-12 1. Delirium - MAR 2. Demer BAA 3. Deja vu Bat ca, 4, Mannerism — RAR 5, Tangentiality - 2MG@eucl 6. Enuresis - ReyreRa 7. Anorexia Nervosa - Delelleu dla 8, Voyeurism — alyRove Q-6(A) Fill in the blanks. well waa yal. ii 05 1. Loss of memory is known as, + MEaGA well 2 da __ 8b 3. 2. Id works on principles. és @ Arte ue sel 52 B, 3. Fear of height or high places is known as. Baus war Gell woeuell cioiai sea __ sda 3, 4, Antisocial behavior is seen in the person with type of personality. usteell uadeuAdadl Gaui ARAMA Maz Aa ud B. 5. False perception without external stimuli is known as, tel GAevetiell Aeswdai acti vaet uouwa 88 8. (B) Write Multiple Choice Questions. o(lQett well ala weet vl, 05 1. Coining new terms is known as ~ sett @€l ototl@ AA setai WD. a) Clang association ~ 5 AMBAalst. b) Echolalia- SAACMeU. ) Neologism - Male d) Flight of ideas ~ saise wg wisBauss, 2. In this one idea is mixed up with another without any connection. Ul ASU. sasetet siz As wsBau clei Msu ade Rau xa 3. a) Flight of ideas — scwe wg wsBeus. b) Incoherence - SHszeu. ¢) Tangentiality - 2wAUA. 4d) Autistic thinking - WARs BB 3. Transfer of anxiety into physical symptom. - Amada Gaysa Qeuenai gcse sed a) Dilemma —stu@i. b) Displacement ~ Bardeaez. ¢) Conversion ~ sete 4) Transference ~ 21o4¥2o%. 4. Delusional beliefs that other people are talking about him. clin AB LA LAL 82 Ae] Seger a) Flight of ideas ~ sete 2g eusBeue. b) Insertion — deudtet ¢) Broadcasting — Assi. 4) Ideas of reference — wiseun 2g 25204 5. The first sign of dementia is usually loss of. BAKA yor ceil Ma sua d. a) Short term memory — #2 24 RA. b) 1Q —, ©) Long term memory - ela 2a 20441. d) All above - Gureit ay (C) Cross Match (ssi AB) 05 |, Morbid anxiety related to owns health. a. Echolalia Wetlott BA VA QU Uscll Bet sell salaela 2, Fear of closed place. - vit woetel alls b. Agoraphobia - wa Aa 3. Learning disability ¢. Claustrophobia abtor BRolelA sed AG 4, Tendency to repeat other person’s word. Dyslexia AeA DAI UE Rule seatell 2esoell Suaselen 5. Fear of open place- yecll woetell ells —_e. Hypochondria - ea Waleglat f. Echopraxia - 6atQaleu -XXXXXXXXXXXXXX-

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