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N2P Project Technical Alert – Asset Location

Marking & Proposed Conduit Markings

Technical Alert Document Number N2P-TA-047

Subject Asset Location and Proposed Conduit Markings

Version 1.0 Date of Issue 29th February 2024

Work Group:
☒All Work ☐Scoping ☐Civils ☐Splicing ☐ Hauling
Groups Rodding & Roping

The purpose of this Technical Alert is to advise all Service Partners (“SP’s”) working on behalf
of ServiceStream on the nbn ‘N2P’ program of your obligations for ensuring all relevant
Standards have been met when marking of located service alignments.
Recent asset strike investigations have identified shortfalls in the standards of marking of
located service alignments, with an absence of the marking of planned excavation/drilling path
– the outcome was that the drill head has strayed too close to other assets - there was no
visual reminder of the other services to the dill heads planned path, hence the clearance they
needed to maintain.
You must ensure alignment with AS5488 - Classification of Subsurface Utility Information
(SUI). Key points of this Standard are below:

• Locating must include the painting of all service alignments with the correct colour paint
as the service is located. Do not use permanent paint on hard surfaces (the use of
correct coloured chalk is recommended for use when crossing a residential driveway).
• Subject to all service locating and marking, a mark-up of the planned drill shot/excavation
alignment must be indicated on the ground, so that any deviation from alignment can
immediately be identified & managed. New Requirement - wherever you have marked
another service on the ground, also place a white arrow (in white paint) which will be in
the same direction as the drill shot for the planned new duct route. This is a visual
reminder of your planned drill path and clearance to other services.
• All excavation/drilling crews must have, as a minimum, all paint colours to ensure
compliance with AS5488 can be achieved. See below image:

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