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Communicator according to KNGF

”The physical therapist’s communication is aimed at the patient, his/her loved one(s) and
fellow physical therapists as well as at other collaborators, with technological tools where
and appropriate. Communication encompasses communicating with all the senses. It entails
verbal and written communication, body language and posture and tactile communication
(e.g. through touch). As a communicator, the physical therapist aims at effective information
sharing. The physical therapist is able to assess the information need of the patient and his/her
informal network and when communicating takes into account the personal factors, cultural
background, language fluency, comprehension level and capacity of the patient and his/her
loved one(s). In an interprofessional information exchange, the physical therapist is able to
issue reports and obtain information in a goal-oriented, careful and unambiguous manner. It
is the physical therapist’s responsibility to provide the patient and other involved parties with
understandable information appropriate to the request for care or assistance in a timely and
optimal fashion. ”

Reflection on communication in Module 1

There are a lot of things that may slip one's mind while thinking of the word
communicator. It's a very important role in physiotherapy and without good
communication I don't think the patients will want to come back. Many rules of
communication are applied to History taking (open ended questions, asking “why?”,
being specific but not too specific, having control over the conversation, being able to
hold a 10 min conversation while actively listening) or during treatment ( using scales to
describe the patient's feelings, questionnaire for more detail and insight about the
injury). Even while getting the patient to do something, some patients react better to
verbal explanations, others react better to being shown or even both. It is the physios
job to make sure that everything being done during the treatments is clear to the patient
and key is speaking the same language, especially when it comes to trying to reach a
specific goal. I found that sticking to OARS (alt. ORBS) (open ended questions,
affirmations, reflective listening and summarizing) makes it much easier while dealing
with a patient. Another thing I will be trying is making sure I stay fully present in my
conversations and surroundings, since concentration is a big part of communicating as

Reflection on communication in Module 4

In order for the physiotherapist to be a successful communicator they must take into account
communicating with all senses. This means verbal and written communication, body
language and posture, and tactile communication (e.g. through touch). It is the physio's job to
make sure that everything being done during the treatments is clear to the patient and key is
speaking the same language, especially when it comes to trying to reach a specific goal.
Many rules of communication are applied to History taking (open-ended questions, asking
“why?”, being specific but not too specific, having control over the conversation, being able
to hold a 10 min conversation while actively listening) or during treatment ( using scales to
describe the patient's feelings, questionnaire for more detail and insight about the injury).
Even while getting the patient to do something, some patients react better to verbal
explanations, others react better to being shown or even both. In order for the physio to be a
good communicator I think it's necessary for them to have the right attitude by showing
people-oriented behaviour, they should have the correct knowledge on various interview
techniques and skills of observing body language and communication adaptation based on
patients needs.

Why I think I am above level communication wise

Verbal Communication

Module 1
During communication class we had the assignment to create an online video explaining a
exercise/stretch for our patients while giving clear instructions so that the patient wouldn’t
have any issues following along the video.

Asking my peers for feedback I stated:

“Hello! If you have received this form it is because I asked for your Feedback on my
Communications video, I would like to ask you to put yourself in the shoes of my "patient",
would you know how to reenact the cobra pose? Was I easy to follow without being
confusing? I would also like to know if you thought I didn't do or provide something
important, if you didn't like the angles that the video was recorded from, if I was actually
explaining well and not just repeating my self a lot. These are the questions that I could come
up with but please do add something if you notice anything else :)”

Feedback I received from peers was:

-for the “technical” points, I would say that it is a bit too noisy and I think if you had a
static plane where we could see you from a “diagonal” angle would be better.
- other than that I think just being a bit more self confident could help you to look more
professional (not laughing at what you’re doing) – Amandine Joseph

In terms of improvement, it would be nice to hear how the pose helps with lower back pain
exactly, as well as the different muscles in the arms that the pose affects. – Casey Deetlefs

In addition to making improvements on my video by making a new one
and getting 4th years Laura Neves feedback by asking her:

„Did the noise in the background effect your ability to successfully follow along the video?
Have I demonstrated communicating in professional laymans terms? Do you think I
explained the benefits of this stretch properly?“

Lauras Feedback

•I could clearly understand what you said in the video, so I wasn't bothered by the
background noise
• you used professional terms in your story but then could also translate this well into
layman's terms. And so term you then explained well and gave an example.
• Definitely, Because you performed it yourself, you could also convey well what you
wanted to see. You also gave an example with everything you said which also made
it clear what you wanted to see or not.

You come across as very spontaneous and easy-going, super nice!

- Laura Neve
In addition to making improvements on my video by making a new one I had an
oppertunity to showcase multiple types of communication and my way of educating future
students of Fontys:

Module 4
Monday the 5th of June 2023 (Student for a Day), I volunteered to make a presentation about
fontys and the anatomy of the Anckle with my peer Muratcan Durmuş. During our
presentations we answerd a lot of questions about the course and tought basic anatomy on the
ankle so that the visitors could see what class looked like for us. My focus during answering
the questions of the visitors was to confidently speak and keep in mind to explain in laymen
terms or in other words to be aware that everything about the topics we were discussing with
them was new.

Feedback we got from the visitors was:

Based on the presentation I delivered today, do you perceive that I consistently uphold
professional ethics, demonstrate professionalism, maintain a friendly attitude, and provide
clear explanations?

For a first grade level students it was great.

It was very straightforward, well explained and enjoyable. The presentation showed every
topic that I wanted to be answered.

The presentation was presented in a very professional way, they allowed a lot of questions.
And it wasn't awkward or difficult to ask questions.

Professionalism on point, i was welcomed in good vibes

Yes. From my point of view i can see a very clear and supportive background in the system
that the school uses.

And from Experts:

I asked Hooghiemstra,Hylke H.L. „would you please be able to confirm that I was
enthusiastic and that we (alongside John and Lisa) will continue working together next year
when it comes to Open Days ?”
To which he replyed : “Hi Mia Rose, no nothing to add and i can confirm your very pleasant
ad anthusiastic attitude towards the new curriculum, the afternoon and most importantly the
visitors. Looking forward to seeing you next year as well!.”

I also asked Greef,Emma E.A.D. de „ Do you think I displayed social, empathic, helpful and
people oriented behaviour based off of what you saw on Monday?“
To whcih she replyed: „You display characteristics of social, empatic, helpful and people-
orientated behaviour.: I have seen you interacting a lot with the other students. You used your
social skills to connect with the students. You saw if someone was feeling uncomfortable and
acted to that. I think that is very good and something to be proud of. You are only a first year
but you show an attitude in social, empatic en people skills of a 4th year student. „

In Conclusion:

In module 1 something that I need to work on based off of pear feedback was being more
confindent, more professional when I speak and to know the anatomy of the area that im
talking about. Since I was laughing in the cobra pose video and didnt know how to simplyfy
the anatomy of the muscles being worked on during said pose beacuse I didnt know the
anatomy to start with.

In Module 4 I can confidently state that I have improved on each of these points and was able
to succesfully and confidently inform the group of visitors on Fontys as a whole and the
anatomy of the ankle while keeping it interesting and understandable considering that the
presentation, the way we were explaining and the examples we were using were made based
off the fact that for most of the visitors this would have been their first anatomy class. The
feedback recieved afterwords from experts and the visitors was rewarding because I had put a
lot of effort into making sure that I knew the theoretical part so that we could turn into a
practical class for the visitors.

written communication –

Module 1
In order for me to find a Physiotherapy clinic to be able to do the short internshit that was
required in module 1 I had to text a physios contact that I received from a fellow peer. I think
texting wasn’t the right way to go about it in the end. This is because there was a bit of
miscommunication when I asked him for feedback and I didn’t get all the answeres to my
Module 3
During Module 3 while I was communicating with a physio from Croatia via E mail it was a
different story. Even though there were plenty of language barriers I still found our
communicating through mail very imformative and useful. It wasn’t a problem getting the
feedback I needed from the physio I think the email poses as a more professional setting and
people will take their time to write up an email. Since we were communicating in English
email also has the option to translate messages so this was very uselfu for her.

In conclusion:
In module 1 I didn’t see the problem in texting as a way to professionally communicate, if
anything it was easier for me that way. But at the end of the day, comparing to my experinces
during module 3 I think emails are the way to go professionally (at least while im a student
communicating with professionals). Over text I didn’t get the feedback I wanted (not enough
details) I also realized that asking more close ended questions will lead to shorter answers.
Over email though, I wasn’t afraid to be specific with the feedback that I wanted, and overall
the results of communication were better since receiving and sending entire emails dedicated
to one person felt more personal.

body language and tactile –

Reflection on 18.01.2023:
During today's Strength training class the group split up into pairs( in my case 3
people due to uneven numbers) we each got to choose a case and were responsible for
a plan for that person and successfully coaching them through while keeping track of the 4
elements that were stuck up on the whiteboard (meaning 1 student was the physio the other
was the patient and in our case, the 3rd person was the observer)

He told me “instructions were there,definitly, in a good way” and tactile coaching, he
that the tactile coaching was good because it was necessary for a good therapeutic alliance.
And he especially seemed to appreciate my body language towards my patient ( eye contact,
getting on her level while working on the matts, verbally checking up on my patient
He than followed up with the fact that Vanessa ( my patient) had good feedback for me and
what shes saying is the reason people dont go to the gym by themselves but come to physios.

Expert Feedback that I received: add my feedback question and jeroesn confirmation

I would like to request feedback from you after todays class. The text that regards you will be
highlighted in purple.

Would you say that after today I have demonstrated how to apply basic coaching and that I
understand the value and importance of a therapeutic alliance and how to apply it to my

Hi Mia Rose,

Concerning the coach I can say yes. You showed to be able to give clear instructions in a
professional way and during the exercise you payed attention how your patient performed it.
Also you added tactile coaching besides vocal and observational coaching.
When it comes to creating that the therapeutic alliance, I can say partly. Thats not something
you only do withing the exercise room, but also during your MI. So basicly by performing the
basic coaching you did, that definitely forms a alliance, but in order to really show the whole
picture of the TA I would also add the MI to that.

Keep it up. When it comes to basic coaching, real good job Rose!!

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