Dark Souls Campaign For Dungeons and Dragons 5e - The Homebrewery

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Deaths Penalty

Photo Credit
1 Take on appearance of a Hollow. NPCs may react
Image Sources are from Dark Souls video games owned by to you differently.
FromSoftware. All other maps and edited art is the property
of Prunk44 unless specified otherwise. 2 Roll on a short term Madness table.
3 Gain a pernament Flaw
Intro 4 Hollow, Game over.

Are you looking for a dark and gritty campaign setting to 5. Bonfires - Bonfires are safe zones the player can take
unleash on your player's. Do you enjoy difficult combat Long Rests at. Unlike Dark Souls Video game Enemies do
encounters that push player's to overcome seemingly not respawn. (Resetting enemies just makes the game feel
impossible odds? Is detailed Lore hidden throughout an open grindy. Trust me not worth doing.) Depending on the DM
world appealing to you as a player or as a DM? That is what I you are welcome to still roll for random encounters
hope to achieve in creating this guide. durings fast travel.
6. Firelink Shrine. The Survivors of the world will gather in
This is my second campaign based on a video game. I have Firelink on of the few remaining safe zones, there will be
created a Legend of Zelda Ocarina of time and just like in merchants that player's can find and convince them to join
that guide this is not meant to be a 1 for 1 representation. the Firelink Camp. Generate these NPCs how you see fit
DnD is meant to be more than an Action RPG in the sense but i personally like to use https://www.rpgtinker.com/
that your player's will think of options that you couldn't
imagine. There are a few key things that make dark souls
appealing and so here is what i wish to accomplish in this
game in comparison to the actual video game of Dark Souls
and the world of Lordran.

1. Epic Boss Fights - Probably the most important thing in

dark souls is the boss fights. Giving players a Fair and
Exciting challenge during each fight is the most important
thing to me as the DM.
2. Fair Game - Dark souls has always been a fair game but
DnD isn't about trial and error and learning enemy attack
patterns it's about Roleplaying. This campaign will
definitely have its share in combat and game mechanics of
DnD a lvl 1 player can't fight the Balrog no matter how
“Gud” we “Git” Keep that in mind throughout the game
and the encounters.
3. Souls - They are your currency and your XP. You pay to
level up at safe points or Bonfires throughout the game.
This pool is shared amongst the player's. In the event of a
TPK the souls are dropped and the party must retrieve
them If they are TPKd again then the souls are lost.
Alternatively the souls are lost for good after a TPK.
Depending on how punishing you want to be towards your
players. This is something to discuss with your players
before the campaign starts
4. Death and Hollowing - The campaign has been designed Credit: Dark Souls 3 - FromSoftware
with the idea that the players will likely die. However, DM 7. Difficulty Scaling - There will be some points where a
vs Player mentality needs to go out the door for this game boss may feel lackluster compared to a party for most
(Or any game) Your player's will already be on high alert minions you may want to keep things basic and easy but a
by mentioning a Dark Souls themed campaign. When a boss should always feel like a earned victory. Consdiering
player dies they accumulate a point towards going hollow. scaling bosses health, damage or even give them
See the chart below for penalties. Going hollow is game Legendary/Lair actions to keep the boss fight engaging.
over for that specific character. They can reset the Hollow Eventually the enemy difficulty will need to be ramped up
points by using humanity, a rare item that player's can so that players arnt just cutting their way through
receive from Invaders or Invading others themself. everything. It'll be up to you as the DM to balance these
8. Estus Flasks Estus Flask
Healing Potion
The Undead treasure these dull green flasks. Fill with Estus
at Bonfire. Fills HP. The Estus Flasks are linked to the Fire
Keepers. The Dark Tales also make reference: An emerald
flask, from the Keeper's soul. She lives to protect the flame,
and dies to protect it further
When you drink this potion, you regain 2d4 + 2 Hit Points. A
player may fill their flask anytime they rest at a bonfire. These
may be upgraded by sacrificing another Firekeepers Soul to
a bonfire. Increasing the potency of the Estus Flask. Each
time it increases the Potency of the Estus Flask increasing its
max healing to 4d4+8, 8d4+8, capping out at 10d4+20.
Optional Rules

Player's are allowed to use their Estus flask as a

Bonus Action and/or Flasks always heal max HP.

9. Covenants - Factions of the world. In dark souls

covenants are mostly used for pvp and rewards. For the
sake of our game the player's can choose a starting
covenant to add in Roleplay elements in certain areas.
Credit: Dark Souls - FromSoftware More on this later in our guide

Name Summary
Warriors of Members of the Warrior of Sunlight covenant are the followers of the firstborn of the Great Lord Gwyn. They
Sunlight harness the power of sunlight, manifested as lightning powers.
Princess This is the covenant of Gwynevere, daughter of Gwyn, and Princess of Sunlight. It is based around healing
Way of the Followers of the Way of White, Lloyd's cleric knights are widely praised for their Undead hunts. Covenant's
White warriors are famous for being unyielding in battle. Their focus is to kindle the bonfires to keep the strength of
all gods.
Darkwraith This covenant focuses on pillaging those and stopping the age of Fire. Claiming others humanity and claiming
it your own. Led by the primordial serpent Darkstalker Kaathe in The Abyss.
Forest Those dedicated to the Forest led by a large cat named Alvina of the Darkroot Wood. Those dedicated to this
Hunter covenant are called upon to protect the forest and nature.
Path of the Those who seek out the power of dragons may submit themselves to the Everlasting Dragons reminaing in Ash
Dragon Lake. Those of this covenant are honor bound by duels. An honorable defeat is better than a dishonorable
Dark Moon The Covenant serves serves Dark Sun Gwyndolin, the last remaining deity in Anor Londo. By joining this
Covenant Covenant, you agree to serve Gwyndolin as a dispenser of justice (or assassin), doling out punishment to those
who break the rules of their respective covenants or otherwise earn Sin sufficient to open them up to being
invaded by Covenant members.
Gravelord The Focus of this Covenant is to serve Gravelord Nito. The Dead deserve eternal rest and those who cheat
Servant death, cheat this covenant. As a servent it is your duty to curse those who would cheat the Gravelord.
Chaos Led by the "Daughter of Chaos" the witches of Izalith. This covenant The natives of Blighttown were infected
Servant with the Blight pus, but Quelaag's Sister swallowed it all, making her sick in the process, even though Quelaag
ordered her not to. She was made Firekeeper of a Bonfire to keep her alive. Now, the Chaos Servants help their
Fair Lady by feeding her humanity to alleviate her pain.
Weapon/Armor Upgrades
Various Blacksmiths can be found in Lordran. Their skill to
upgrade various amounts of Weapons and Armors. In Dark
souls the crafting system requires a lot to get off the ground
and improve weapons. We are going to simplify the mechanic
by using two types of Titanite Ore. These Ores are dropped
by Crystal Lizards which are hidden throughout the game.
When a Crystal lizard is defeated roll a 1d4. on a 4 it drops a
Twinkling Titanite. These are more rare due to the power of
Boss Weapons.
Weapon Upgrades
Scale Normal Weapons Boss Weapons
+1 Titanite Chunk + 1k souls Twinkling Titanite + 1k souls
+2 Titanite Chunk x3 + 5k souls Twinkling Titanite x3 + 5k souls
+3 Titanite Slab + 10k souls Titanite Slab + 10k souls

Forging a Boss Weapon Boss Spells

Boss Weapons will require two things. a standard weapon To the same note Boss Souls and be used to create
and a Boss Soul. A skilled blacksmith can fuse a Bosses Soul powerful Spells. Finding a Powerful Wizard or
into a weapon giving a weapon a powerful effect. The Cleric is required so that they can use the soul and
following list will show what boss souls can go into each teach you the corresponding Spell.
weapon. Feel free to add more.

Boss Weapons Requirements

Weapon Requirements Notes
Moonlight Butterfly Moonlight Butterfly Soul + This Weapon is treated as a Spear but ignores all resistances.
Horn Spear.
Crystal Ring Shield Moonlight Butterfly Soul + As an Action you may fire a charged beam from the shield.
Quelaag's Soul of Quelaag + Curved sword. This Weapon deals both slashing and fire damage. the power of its
Furysword attack is based on Humanity available.
Chaos Blade Soul of Quelaag + Katana. Blades power greatly increases by humanity. It also damages the user
on hit.
Dragon Bone Fist Soul of the Iron Golem + Castus. Increased damage for punching, can break the guard of enemy units.
Dragon Slayer Spear Dragonslayer Ornstein Soul + This Weapon deals Lightning Damage in addition to Piercing
Smoughs Hammer Exectutioners Smoughs Soul + Absorbs some life on hit.
Greatsword of Soul of Sif + Broken Sword. Divine Weapon. Deals extra damage to those who serve the Dark.
Great Shield of Soul of Sif + Shield. Advantage an saves that would inflict Status effects.
Dark Moon Bow Soul of Gwyndolin + Bow Bow that ignores all resistances. Increased damage from Moonlight
Darkmoon Catalyst Soul of Gwyndolin + Arcane Allows the user to cast Spells from the Cleric List
Lifehunt Scythe Soul of Pricella + Scythe Heals the user with each strike.
Manus Catalyst Soul of Manus + Arcane Focus Halves the amount of Spells cast per day in exchange for extra
Abyss Greatsword Soul of Artorias + Sword Deals damage based on Humanity Available.
2. Black Firebomb x 5 - As an action, a character can light
Campaign Background this bomb and throw it at a point up to 60 feet away. Each
In the Age of Ancients, the world was unformed, shrouded by creature within 5 feet of that point must succeed on a DC
fog. A land of gray crags, Archtrees and Everlasting Dragons. 12 Dexterity saving throw or take 3d6 fire damage.
But then there was fire, and with fire came disparity. Heat 3. Pendant/Heirloom - Trinket. No effect, but fond
and cold, life and death, and of course, light and dark. Then memories comfort travelers. (RP Use)
from the dark, they came, and found the Souls of Lords
within the flame. Nito, the first of the dead, the Witch of 4. Master Key - Once per Day, Automatically succeed a
Izalith, and her Daughters of Chaos, Gwyn, the Lord of failed Lockpicking skill.
Sunlight, and his faithful knights, and the furtive pygmy, so 5. Tiny Being's Ring - Whilst in combat regain 1 HP every
easily forgotten. Round. Does not work if you are unconscious. Requires
"With the Strength of Lords, they challenged the Dragons. Attunement. Unique
Gwyn's mighty bolts peeled apart their stone scales. The 6. Old Witch's Ring - Gift from a witch. Ancient ring with no
Witches weaved great firestorms. Nito unleashed a miasma obvious effect. (Will allow the player's to communicate
of death and disease. And Seath the Scaleless betrayed his with an NPC further into the game) Unique
own, and the Dragons were no more.
7. Humanity - Reverses Hollowing effects. Resets Madness
"Thus began the Age of Fire. But soon, the flames will fade, to 0. Can also be used at Bonfires to rekindle them.
and only Dark will remain. Even now, there are only embers,
and man sees not light, but only endless nights. And amongst
the living are seen, carriers of the accursed Darksign."
"Yes, indeed. The Darksign brands the Undead. And in this
land, the Undead are corralled and led to the north, where
they are locked away, to await the end of the world. ... This is
your fate."

Chosen Undead
You are Chosen Undead. You have died and were brought
here to live out eternity locked away from the end of the
world. However… The prophecy states that an undead shall
partake in pilgrimage to ring the Bells of Awakening in doing
so they will be able to link the fire and continue the Age of
Fire. Fail and the world will fall into Darkness. Who you were
and what you are before littles not. But Seeking Souls will
maintain your humanity and grant you power. Defeating
those with powerful souls will only grow your own strength.

Starting Gifts
At the beginning of the game you may give a player an item
something they have held onto when they became undead.
Something that reminds them of their past lives or maybe
something that was brought in to help them escape.

Recommended Starting Feat

This campaign can be very difficult, I offered my player's a free
Feat of their choice and such the game is balanced with this in
mind. This gives the players the feeling of being special and
truly chosen based on their skill in compared to others.

1. Goddess Blessing - Restore 3 Spells Slots, can be used

as a bonus action. One time use
Prologue: Northern Undead Asylum
The Northern Undead Asylum lays in the far North. It serves as a giant prison for the
Undead branded with the Darksign, allowing them to be reborn after death. All Undead
are corralled and led to the Asylum, meant to reside here till the end of the world. In
ancient legends there is said that one day a particular Undead will be chosen (then
known as the Chosen Undead) to escape the asylum and go on a pilgrimage to Lordran,
land of the ancient gods.

Northern Undead Asylum.

(Choose one player as the party is separated in cells and read the following)
Throughout the halls you hear snarls and screams. Occasionally the clash of swords… you look up at the skylight… perhaps it's
the only thing stopping you from going mad is the very sunlight touching your bare skin.
You hear footsteps and see a man clad in armor. “You sane down there? Watch out below” as he tosses the body of a Jaillor
through the skylight. The jailor's flesh is torn out from him; It’s been some him since you last saw him… You hardly recognize him.
“Do yourself a favor and free yourself.” He begins to hurry away clearly running from something, You hear large footsteps
echoing above you followed by a demonic roar. On the body lies a key to the cells in the area. You look over at your fellow
prisoners. The ones who have also managed to save their humanity. In some of the other cells Mindless Hollows bash themselves
against the cell doors.
(The player must free themself and the player's. They have all been trapped in their cells for some time so they would know each
other to some extent)
After freeing each of the PCs take a moment to describe how each Pcs flesh looks almost rotted. They don't look like how they
remember and their bare flesh looks like it has been turned inside out. Those who didnt have the luxury of sunlight in their cells
are seeing this for the first time.

1. Upon Freeing them and walking down the hall The would witness the Asylum Demon patrolling past their cells. This Massive
creature in a large room surrounded by cells acts as the Guard for the main hall of hollows. The Area is gated and it doesn't
seem to notice you all. A ladder allows you to leave the area and you find yourself in a large courtyard. Several Hollows
unhostile sitting around waiting to die. They have lost their humanity and their will to fight..

Use of Minions
Each Hollow is worth 25 souls, They won't fight the player's so if they choose to fight them they will die. The hollows are unarmed and
will die in 1 hit.They have basic HP If you are interested in playing them more advanced in the future but personally i treat these
Hollows as “Minions” using the stat block provided but giving them only 1 HP. The early game was tested with this method in mind.

2. After the courtyard the player's will find their first Bonfire. Beyond that is a large gate. The courtyard has a main entrance and a
gate that is barred/locked from the other side. The only way forward would be through a large metal gate that is the entrance to
their first boss fight.
3. The party has no weapons. No armor, no catalyst for magic ect. A few classes might have a few tricks but very likely the party is
going to die (That's our intention) . In the arena is a gate barred and a large metal door on the opposite side. As the party
approaches A large Demon will fall from the roof landing near the party. Describe the scene, don't give them rolls as it implies
they can win. Have the demon instantly crush one of the party members and have the party witness them disappear into
nothing, The demon takes its mighty Warhammer smashing the next player. It chases after another one before finally grabbing
you and it squeezes the life out of you till only one person remains. At that moment the gate to the side opens up and the player
makes a mad dash into this tiny alcove the demon attempting to charge through but the gate shuts behind you. You are drawn
to the small flame next to an unkindled bonfire. You approach it and reach to touch the flame. As you touch it you feel a surge of
energy and your allies begin to materialize in front of you. (Give the party time to talk and RP a bit here and discuss their plans.
Let them know they don’t feel hungry or tired. Not feeling much of anything at this point.They only feel… hollow...)
Undead Ayslum Map

If you are using the map the players are able to go up the
stairs and will have a balcony where they can get a sneak
round in against the asylum demon. They will have to pass
through a Fogwall to get the round so no players can just
hang out upstairs and be safe from the fight. The Demon will
make an attack of any who stay on the platform above.
The Door on the left of the stairs also leads back to the
ladder area where you place the first bonfire. Allowing the
party to rest

Credit: Prunk44 using Inkarnate 40x40

Ya Maps Basic
Look I suck at creating crazy detailed high end
maps.but i'll try to include some basic settups and
designs of the maps. I encourage those to make
their own maps how they see fit but otherwise take
the free one and dont complain :)

If you want some amazingly detailed maps check out

https://www.patreon.com/EtchedInEldritch Worth the money
they are beatiful. Remeber you get what you pay for :)
Asylum Demon Wind-Up. Before the Asylum Demon makes an attack
with it's Maul, it winds its weapon back preparing the
Large Fiend, Lawful Evil
attack. A player may use their reaction to make a DC12
Armor Class 11 Dexterity saving throw; on success the demons attack
Hit Points 168 is made with disadvantage. On Fail of 4 or more the
Speed 30ft. attack is made with Advantage.
Brute. Any A melee weapon deals one extra die of its
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA damage when the Asylum Demon hits with it (included
in the attack). know.
20 (+5) 7 (-2) 16 (+3) 5 (-3) 3 (-4) 7 (-2)
Damage Vulnerabilities Fire Maul. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5ft., one
Damage Immunities Poison
target. Hit 14 (3d6 + 5)
Condition Immuniities Poisoned
Senses passive Perception 10 Wide Swing. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach
Challenge 3 (700xp) 10ft., Front cone target. Hit (2d6 + 5)
Booty Slam. The Asylum demon lifts itself with its tiny
wings on its back All creatures within 5ft of the Asylum
demon must make a DC13 Dexterity saving throw or
suffer 1d8Bludgeoning damage. if the save is failed by
5 or more they would suffer 2d8 instead.

Boss Loot Item Rarity uncommon
Properties Versatile
700 Souls rewarded to the players and the Demon's Great Weight: 22 lbs
Hammer A Demonic weapon built from the stone arch trees. Non-Upgradable
Used by lesser demons at North Undead Asylum. This This Weapon is a +2 Great Hammer, Requires Attunement of
hammer is imbued with no special power, but will merrily a person with 20 STR A player may use this weapon
beat foes to a pulp, provided you have the strength to wield attacking with Disadvantage if their STR is not 20.
Leaving the Asylum
Demon's Great Hammer A key drops from the Asylum Demon allowing the players to
melee weapon (martial, hammer) open the massive door. Upon leaving the player's will find that
there's no place to go, They walk up a hill only to see that the
Category Items road leads to the edge of a cliff. It's not long until a large
Damage 1d8+2 Raven comes in and swoops up the player's. Taking them to
Damage Type: Bludgeoning Firelink Shrine.

Firelink Shrine

he party will be dropped off by the bonfire in a 2. Petrus of Thorolund - A Cleric awaiting his party, he is
small camp. A man sitting next to a bonfire will weary at first but if the player's engage with him he will
take notice. His name is Salden the Crestfallen offer the party to join his covenant. The party must be
Warrior he appears to know a lot about the mostly good alignment in order to join.
curse of the undead and can be used as a
guide for what the player's should do first. Where to Go?
The player's will have multiple paths to start and will need
to decide where to go. In order to prep appropriately its
Crestfallen Warrior - Salden recommended you talk to your player's out of game and
figure out what you need to prep. The Catacombs
"Well, what do we have here? You must be a new arrival. Let
(Deadly), Behind Firelink Shrine lies an underground path
me guess. Fate of the Undead, right? Well, you're not the first. towards the Catacombs, blocking their way is an army of
But there's no salvation here. You'd have done better to rot in Skeletons that constantly respawn. Unless killed with
the Undead Asylum… But, too late now. Well, since you're Holy weapons. Killing one or throwing them over a cliff
here… Let me help you out. There are actually two Bells of will result in 100 souls per. Bigger skeletons and Undead
Awakening. One's up above, in the Undead Church. The other lurk deeper into the Catacombs. New Londo (Deadly),
Below The firekeeper the player's take an elevator down
is far, far below, in the ruins at the base of Blighttown. Ring
towards the Ruins of New Londo. It is here that they will
them both, and something happens… Brilliant, right? Not find non hostile hollows. Pushing forward they will find a
much to go on, but I have a feeling that won't stop you. So, off weird Tailsman that will curse the player's allowing them
you go. It is why you came, isn't it? To this accursed land of to fight Ghosts. Blighttown (Hard) - Player's can Access
the Undead? Hah hah hah hah…" the area with the Master key or by a lockpicking check of
DC 15. Near the New Londo elevator another path
If the player's press on and If a player is Hollowed "Oh, branches leading to the upper levels of Blighttown. It is
your face! You're practically Hollow. But who knows, going here where they will fight Poisonous and Grotesque
Hollow could solve quite a bit! Hah hah hah hah… Hm, what? creatures. Undead Burg (Easy-Med) - Off in the distance
Restoring your humanity? Well, there are a few ways to go of Firelink the player's can see the city, and several Hollow
about it… Collect it bit by bit from corpses, or you can butter Soldiers protecting the entrance They will also see the
up a cleric, And the quickest way, although I'd never do it, is Bell Tower off in the distance. It is highly recommended
to kill a healthy Undead, and pillage its humanity. Coveting that your player's start their journey towards here.
thy neighbour is only human, after all! Hah hah hah hah…
What are you looking at? Don't try anything clever. You might
regret it."
Exploring the Area
1. Anastacia of Astora As the player's investigate the area
they will find a women behind bars When prompted she
will remain silent. If a player prompts another NPC they
will answer that she is the firekeeper of Firelink and call
her "The Ash Maiden"
Credit: Prunk44 - Inkarnate 40x40
Undead Burg

he Burg is a fortified town surrounded by large 6. an Undead Merchant can be found in the downstairs of
walls and watchtowers, filled with Hollows and the destroyed home. Offering various goods. This is a
Great Knights. It consists of both an upper and good moment to let out some Roleplay in between the
lower section. The upper Section will lead combat.
player's towards the first bell tower Where the Well well, your not actively trying to kill me, perhaps you
second will lead the player's into the Depths have a bit of your humanity left hehehe.
and eventually Blighttown.
Undead Merchant
Dungeon Crawl The man is undead but not Hollow. he has
It is here where your job as the DM will come into purpose as a merchant selling good wares and
play. Not every encounter needs to be scripted but he works with his wife who sells various Mosses
you should create a large Abandoned Town to let in the sewer of the Burgs.
the players explore. Below will be some
recommended encounters for the players Space
them out as you feel needed.
Draw attention to the merchants side where they
will find a high quality Uchigatana. If the player's
1. Leaving Firelink Shrine is a path that leads into the main choose to fight him He will attack with his
gate of the Burgs. Guarded by a few Hollow Guards on Weapon. Use the same stat block for a Normal
the ground and Hollow soldiers flinging firebombs from Hollow but instead of shortsword attacks he uses
the upper ramparts. The players can scale the tower to his Uchigatana and give him about 50hp.
move up the wall or go underneath a path leading towards
a waterway to get into the town. The Wall will have an
encounter with a few more hollow soldiers where the Uchigatana
waterway will lead deeper into the town but have an melee weapon (martial, longsword)
encounter with some Diseased Rats.
Category: Items
2. Either when the players emerge from the City or can see Damage: 1d8
It is here the player's will see the destruction of the lower Damage Type: Slashing
town and the damaged ruins of the city. Several deprived Item Rarity: Rare
Hollows waste away while some stand and fight Properties: Versatile
attempting to regain their humanity. Describe the city, the Upgradable: With Titanite
map as best you can give them a sense of the world that Katana forged in an Eastern land. Known for its brisk
was lost. slashing motions. The Uchigatana cuts beautifully and causes
3. Leaving the main area the player's will move up towards bleeding, but its blade is easily nicked.
some stairs it is here where the Hellkite Dragon Lands in
front of the party, It lets out a Fiery Roar at them but at the Treated as a longsword when a creature is hit with a
moment has no interest in them. It flies away towards the Critical strike with this weapon The creature begins to bleed
upper Ramparts. uncontrollably. The creature has disadvantage on
Constitution checks and Constitution saving throws. In
4. Large open area the Pcs find the market square. Rotted addition, whenever the creature takes damage, it is stunned
food, debris and possible loot area but a array of Hollows until the end of its next turn. This weapon has a durability of
in the market as well. A large building looks like an 3, when you roll a natural 1 on your attack remove 1
explosion went off nearby durability. When the weapon loses all durability it is
5. Two houses Connected by a hole in the wall. Corpses permanently destroyed. A trained blacksmith can restore its
locked behind a courtyard. By exploring the area they can original durability and upgrading this weapon will improve its
Harvest the souls of the corpses (Gain 1d6 x100 Souls) durability.
Merchant Items
Item Cost
Firebombs As an action, a character can light this bomb and throw it at a point up to 60 feet away. Each creature 50 Souls
within 5 feet of that point must succeed on a DC 12 Dexterity saving throw or take 2d6 fire damage.
Repair Powder (Acts as the mending Cantrip) 100 Souls
Llyod Talisman (Blocks Healing in a 50ft Radius) 500 Souls
Arrows/Bolts 1 soul
PHB Item and Gear 1 silver =
1 Soul.
9. As the party Fights through they will witness a Black
Your Soul Worth 1 Silver! Knight impaling some of the hollows, he too has been
So after some play testing we originally felt like 1 fighting the undead. He will not take notice of the party
Bronze per soul was too little and 1 Gold for a soul and begin to walk away. If the party chooses to interact
was too much. So we fell on the Silver and i feel with him he will become hostile. The party can sneak by
like the economy benefited greatly from this. him or engage with him. Defeating him will reward the
party with treasures and 700 souls. The Black Knight has
a 1in 4 chance to Drop a Black Knight Weapon. He also
Guards the Blue Tearstone Ring and a Titanite Chunk
10. Past the Knight is a single hollow who lights a barrel on
7. Opposite of the Broken Houses The party will find a fire and kicks it down at the party as they begin
bonfire near the sniper position. The tower is badly approaching the large tower leading to the high wall. They
damaged and it would be difficult to climb up but possible. must succeed in a DC12 Dex save or suffer 1d8
Player's can continue to fight past the waves of hollows Bludgeoning and 1d6 fire damage. In addition they are
leading towards the next boss area or they can skip it and knocked in a random direction. Roll a D8 and on a 7 or 6
press forward as a shortcut. See “The Bridge” chapter if the member will fall off the cliff and die. The left side is
they choose climb. open and can cause a player to fall to their death. If a
8. Past the next area Hollows will unleash a volley of bombs player dies they will need to return to a bonfire. This will
towards the player's in an attempt to weaken them. not reset the Hollows or Knight.
Rushing past the bridge will get them in another fight with
3 hollow soldiers in the same room they find a locked gate 11. Inside the tower past the trap lies buckets upon buckets of
leading down to the “Lower Burg” Skip ahead if they barrels. Inside one of them lies a Crystal Lizard. These
choose to unlock the gate otherwise there is an open path creatures when killed drop a Twinkling Titanite, a crystal
to the right like gem which can be used to upgrade Boss Weapons.
Upon Discovery teh players will have 2 chances to kill it.
or it will Flee.
Cinematic Fights
At this point the party has fought lots of
hollows so you can either throw more at them
for XP or do a “Montage Fight”.Go around the
Table and ask how each player attempts to clear
out a Hollow Soldier. have them roll their attack
on hit the Hollow dies on fail the same hollow
pushes for an attack as well. This can speed up
the combat a bit more and gives the players a
sense of wading through the masses to get to
their objective.

Boss Fight - Taurus Demon

aurus Demons were demons that were most likely created when the Witch of Izalith attempted to duplicate the
First Flame using a Lord Soul. The attempt was unsuccessful and accidentally created the Bed of Chaos, the
mother and source of all demons. Taurus Demons were classed as lesser demons. One eventually inhabited the
upper section of the Undead Burg, a fortified town that devolved into ruin. Meanwhile, others came to house the
area known as the Demon Ruins, the gateway to Lost Izalith.
Credit: Screenshot by Shirrako

Taurus Demon Challenge 4 (1100 XP)

Large Fiend, Chaotic Evil
Brute. A melee weapon deals one extra die of its
Armor Class 15 damage when the Taurus Demon hits with it (included
Hit Points 126 in the attack).
Speed 30ft.
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Demon’s Greataxe. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit,
reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 23 (3d12 + 5) slashing
20 (+5) 7 (-2) 16 (+3) 5 (-3) 3 (-4) 12 (+1) damage. On a hit, the target must make a DC 14
Strength saving throw or be knocked prone.
Damage Vulnerability Fire,Lightning
Damage Immunities Poison Giant Swing. Creatures within 10 feet of the demon
Condition Immunities Poisoned must make a DC 14 Dexterity saving throw or take 16
Senses passive Perception 10 (2d12 + 5) slashing damage, be knocked back 15 feet,
Languages None and fall prone

Boss Lair
Upon reaching the top of the castle and passing through the fog wall the player's will be on a long wall, a tower behind them and a
further tower ahead of them. If the player's choose to climb the top of the tower they have entered from they will see Some Hollow
Soldiers wielding Crossbows lying idle. They will attack when Pcs approach or when the boss fight begins. Once the player's are
about half way across the bridge the Taurus Demon will leap down from the further tower and charge the PCs
Demons Greataxe Carved from the bones of fellow demons. Wielded by the
Melee weapon (martial, axe) lesser Taurus demons. This axe is imbued with no special
power, but can merrily beat foes to a pulp, providing you have
Category: Items the strength to wield it.
Damage: 1d12
Damage Type: Slashing The Taurus Demon’s greataxe can be wielded by Medium
Item Rarity: Rare humanoids with a Strength score of 18 or higher. It deals
Properties: Heavy, Two-Handed 1d12 damage, but medium creatures that wield it cannot
Weight: 22 lbs make more than one attack with it per round and cannot
Upgradable: With Titanite make opportunity attacks with it. A Large or smaller creature
hit with the Demon’s Greataxe must make a DC 14 Strength
saving throw or be knocked prone. It is otherwise functionally
identical to a normal greataxe.

The Bridge
After the boss has been defeated the player's will come across another long bridge. With 3 directions, to the right is a dead end
that overlooks Lordran Forests Along with a man named Solaire. There is also a locked door directly ahead that will lead to the
Darkroot Garden but it is barred from the other side. Finally a long bridge guarded by a few hollows at the far end of the bridge.
They are barricaded and in cover along the bridge.
White Soapstone
The bridge is about 20ft by 200ft long. About half Unique Item
way from the bridge leads down towards the
Bonfire found in the Undead Burg. If the players Be summoned to another world as a phantom through your
chose to climb up the walls somehow they would sign, and defeat the area boss to acquire humanity. In
appear here. Lordran, the flow of time is distorted, and the White Sign
Soapstone allows Undead to assist one another.

Solaire of Astora This item is used for players who wish to gain humanity. By
their aide they will travel to another world where an area
An exceptionally skilled warrior who purposefully became boss hasnt been killed. In defeating the boss no souls are
Undead so he could visit Lordran in his quest to find a sun of gained however a Humanity is rewarded. Dying in this form
his own. Overly Trusting of the players he will invite them to does not have any reprecussions.
bask in the Sunlight and compliment the view. Solaire is
Treated as a level 3 Paladin at first meeting.
"I am Solaire of Astora, an adherent to the Lord of Sunlight. White Stone Bosses
Now that I am Undead, I have come to this great land, the You may change whatever kind of boss would be
birthplace of Lord Gwyn, to seek my very own sun!""The way available in an area. Or even change a few things
I see it, our fates appear to be intertwined. In a land about a boss to make them tougher or more
brimming with Hollows, could that really be mere chance? enjoyable.
So, what do you say? Why not help one another on this lonely Different worlds could mean that different
journey?" creatures rule the same area. Customize your
We are amidst strange beings, in a strange land. The flow encounters so that the party would enjoy a difficult
of time itself is convoluted; with heroes centuries old phasing and unique experience.
in and out.The very fabric wavers, and relations shift and
obscure. There's no telling how much longer your world and
mine will remain in contact. But, use this, to summon one
another as spirits, cross the gaps between the worlds, and
engage in jolly cooperation!"
(He will hand the player's a White Soapstone)

Credit: Dark Souls

Heading left towards the Crossbowmen as the player's get Under Bridge
half way the Dragon from earlier will show up. Read out the If player's decide to continue under the bridge they will have
following: several Diseased Rats to contest with. The players will
approach the bottom of the bridge and they can see how high
As you charge towards the open gate down the wall, up they are. The player's will walk down a narrow path to get
crossbowmen firing at you, you witness the large Red Dragon to an opening under the bridge to discover the rats. Once the
flying above. You notice is fly down towards the bridge to final player enters the room a gate will close behind them and
unleash a burst of flame above you all everyone on the bridge a Hollow will appear. He was hanging from the side, a player
roll a dex save against the fire breath as you witness the looking for him can stop the gate closing from behind and
Hollows burn away to ash. knock him off the ledge easily.
Success: You dive into a nearby stairwell leading you Shrine of Sunlight
underneath the bridge of the dragon. At the far end of the bridge Guarded by the Hellkite Dragon, a
Bonfire rests. this bonfire is a shortcut to the next area giving
Fail: You burn alive Falling to the Dragons breath. (Player's the players a bit more respite and less combat encounters.
can be resummoned at bonfire) Assuming 1 made it out. The party is able to unlock a gate leading them to the Undead
Parish If the Pcs are brave enough they can bait the dragon
Survivors who find themself The bridge will hear the sound and get him to come onto the bridge to attack. While others
of crackling fire above and below them. They find themself in make a dash for the bonfire. Or if they are really brave
a room and a ladder next to them as they look down they see attempt to Fight a Young Red Dragon. If the players do
the bonfire room from before. manage to kill the dragon they will be rewarded a Dragon
Scale, which will allow them to rank up in the Dragon
covenant later.

Undead Parish

elcome To The Undead Parish - Whether 4. Whether the party makes it to the gate or takes the
you've entered this area via the ladder that underground route the Chapel remains. Guarding the
came from the Upper Undead Burg or through Chapel is 3 Baldur Knights The Knights are non Hostile
the portcullis that you may have opened at first. They are undead but not hollow. Greeting the
behind the Wyvern, both entrances are very party. "Ah.. more undead have you come to save
close to each other - taking the passage to the yourselves? The Channeler is about to complete the ritual.
right from the portcullis you'll find the ladder. Fear not... we will not go hollow." By entering the Chapel
At the ladder entrance there is a spiral staircase leading up a they will witness a Channeler and large group of Hollow
tower on your left. If you follow it up you'll find a Black minions Sacrifice a Firekeeper. "A Firekeeper holds an
Knight at the top. The Area is very small and tight. The infinite supply of Humanity! her sacrifice will save us all,
Knight will challenge any to a 1v1 duel. Any player who prevent us from turning Hollow. Her Soul will grant us the
attempts to interfere he will attack. The platform he stands strength to aid others like us.
on is a 10x10 square watching over the Bridge. Multiple ppl
can get on here but this knight has the ability to swing in an
Arc hitting multiple targets at once. Upon Defeat the Black If the party interferes the Congregation will become hostile
Knight drops a Titanite Chunk and has a 1 in 4 chance to as will the Knights outside. They cna save the Firekeepers
drop a Black Knight Greatsword life also which will grant a few benefits.
2. The next area you will see a Large Iron Tusk in the
center and Hollow Soldiers with Shields and Crossbows If the party stands by and watches the ritual everyone in
watching over it. There is two stair wells leading to the the room will gain a humanity. The Firekeepers Soul will also
crossbow men to avoid the Iron Tusk but the Iron Tusk be up for grabs if they can stop the Channeler
will charge the party ASAP. If the players move up the
stairs the tusk will not be able to pursue. Behind the tusk Invasions
is a large Metal gate. one hollow will make a move If the Ritual completes the congregation will have
towards the gate attempting to close it. If the players can their humanity. However the large group of
stop this from happeneing in 2 turns the gate will remain Humans will cause pillagers of the Dark Wraith
open. Covenant to begin invading. You have a couple
3. If the gate does close the Pcs will have to move down a options. Could be a party of invaders or a really
stair well where some enemies wait in ambush. Traps are strong one.
settup in the room and the Pcs will have to climb their
way up the a wall overlooking the Forest down below.
Design a trapped room and have some minor encounters
to slow down the party but the creatures in here are
mostly just hollows minions.
5. Behind the Altar lies a room where a man in Brass Armor Three Paths
is locked behind a cell, he introduces himself as Lautrec.
The World has gone mad las tithing i remember i awoke 1. An elevator in the parish will lead down towards Firelink
in this cell. If you are able to free me, I promise you I am a Shrine.
valuable ally and will reward you. Unlocking him will 2. A stairwell takes the players upstairs to the Bell Tower.
allow the party to summon him as an ally for the 3. A Path leads to a Bonfire along with Sens Fortress and
upcoming boss fight. the Darkroot Garden.

Boss Fight
The player's will climb a ladder to get to the bell tower. The pcs will fight on an angled roof, if a player is knocked prone they will
roll 10 ft in the direction towards the edge. Once a Gargoyle reaches 50% another will join the battle.
In this fight we aim to make the Arena as Deadly as the Gargoyles. A payer can get knocked off the roof and be ejected from the
battle. If a player can fly back up its an option to get back up.

Gargoyles Surprise Belltower Gargoyle

For my party of 5 i brought out 3 Gargoyles. 2 Large elemental, chaotic evil
Large ones and 1 small one. I had a Lair Action
where they showed up on Initiative 20. Armor Class 15
Hit Points 100
Speed 30ft., 60ft. fly


Assuming the party has met both Lautric and/or Solaire they 18 (+3) 14 (+2) 16 (+3) 7 (-2) 14 (+2) 8 (-1)
cna choose to summon one of them to aid in the fight. Their
sign will be outside the boss Foggate. Summoning either of Condition Immunities Exhaustion, Petrified,
these warriors will mean 1 more person to split the rewarded Poisoned
souls with at the end of the fight. Have the party weigh the Damage Resistance Bludgeoning, Piercing, and
pros and cons. Slashing From Nonmagical Attacks That Aren't
Boss Weapons Damage Immunities Poison
Senses passive Perception 12
Gargoyles weild unique items that can be dropped after Challenge 5 (1800 XP)
False Appearance While the gargoyle remains
1. Gargoyle Helmet. Requires attunement. While wearing motionless, it is indistinguishable from an
this helm you gain proficiencey in Intimidation. Non inanimate statue.answering.
2. Gargoyle Halberd. Treated as a Magical Halberd for Actions
overcoming resistances. Upgradeable Multiattack. The gargoyle makes two attacks: one
with its Halberd and one with its Tail.
3. Gargoyle Tail Hax. Treated as a Hand axe. While
equipped a player has advantage on saving throws that Halberd. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 10
would involve Poison. Upgradeable ft., one target. Hit: (1d10 + 4) Slashing damage.
4. Gargoyle Shield. Requires Attunement. While equipped Tail. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
this shield adds 1 AC instead of 2. However you have one target. Hit: (1d10 + 4) Slashing damage.
advantage on saving throws that would deal fire or Fire Breath.(4-5 Round Cooldown) The Gargoyle
lightning damage. Upgradeable. exhales fire in a 15-foot cone. Each creature in that
cone must make a DC 14 Dexterity saving throw,
taking 12 (4d6) fire damage on a failed save, or half
as much damage on a successful one.

nce the players defeat the Gargoyles; they Oswald of Carim - Merchants
must ascend up to the belltower and ring the Item Cost
bell. Hearing this will summon an NPC back Remove Curse 500 Souls
near the Boss Foggate who will introduce
himself as Oswald of Carim. He is a grim Karmic Justice 20k Souls
character who deals in sinners and sin. This Velka's Talisman 2.5k Souls
can present a good way to interact with any
player's backstory who feels they have gravely sinned. He will Bloodbite Ring 4k Souls
say that his Covenant is there to punish those who have Poisonbite Ring 4k Souls
sinned But he is just a humble servant of those who do the
punishing. He will offer the party various amounts of Trinkets Karmic Justice
for sale. As well as offer to purge themselves of Sin and ask 5th-level Enchantment
for forgiveness.
Casting Time: 1 action
The Dark Moon Covenant Range: self
Components: V,S,
The Dark Moon Covenant Blade of the Dark Moon is a Duration: Until Dispelled or Triggered
Covenant in Dark Souls. This is the in-game covenant that
serves Dark Sun Gwyndolin, the last remaining deity in Anor The magic that resides in the act of killing an innocent is
Londo. By joining this Covenant, you agree to serve powerful and can be used in a retaliatory manner to those
Gwyndolin as a dispenser of justice (or assassin), doling out who attack recklessly. After being cast, Karmic Justice
punishment to those who break the rules of their respective surrounds its caster in invisible vibrating energy that is
covenants or otherwise earn Sin sufficient to open them up audible at close ranges in the sound of something similar to a
to being invaded by Covenant members. beehive. This vibrating force remains with its caster for 1
hour (after which the spell is dispelled naturally), or if it is
Covenant Rewards triggered before that time expires. To trigger this force, the
Tier Rewards caster must receive half of its maximum hit points before the
1 Dark Moon Blade Spell + Dark Moon Tailisman start of the caster's next turn. If triggered, the invisible force
flashes purple, suddenly visible to the eye, before it explodes
2 Cast at Higher Level outwards in a 5-foot sphere surrounding the caster. The
3 Cast at Higher Level caster is unharmed from the blast, but each creature adjacent
to the caster must make a Constitution saving throw. Each
Dark Moon Blade creature takes 5d12 force damage in a blast of purple
2nd -level Enchantment magical energy, or half as much on a successful saving throw.
The creature that triggers Karmic Justice has disadvantage
Casting Time: 1 Bonus action on the saving throw.
Range: Touch At higher levels: For each level, this spell is cast beyond
Components: V,S the 5th, the damage of the blast of magical energy increases
Duration: 60 seconds. by 1d12 force damage. If this spell is cast at 9th level and it
You touch a nonmagical weapon. Until the spell ends, that brings a creature dealt damage by the spell to 0 hits points,
weapon becomes a magic weapon dealing 1d6 damage. This then that creature is disintegrated.
damage bypasses all resistances.
At Higher Levels: When you cast this spell using a spell 1. Velkas Talisman Prereq: INT 13. Requires attunement. A
slot of 4th level or higher, the bonus increases to 2d6. When Player that uses this as their Focus for spells can cast
you use a spell slot of 6th level or higher, the bonus increases spells using INT instead of the original ability while
to 3d6. casting spells from a Cleric or Paladin list.
Dark Moon Talisman 2. Bloodbite Ring Requires Attunement. While wearing this
adventuring gear (arcane focus) ring you are immune to bleeding out. In addition you do
not need to make Death Saving throws when knocked
Category: Items unconscious.
Item Rarity: Standard 3. Poisonbite Ring Requires Attunement. While equipped a
Weight: 1 player is Immune to Poison.
Spells cast at first level or higher have a +1 Chance to hit.
While equipped any spell cast towards "Those who have
sinned" have advantage to hit.
Undead Parish Part 2

eaving the Chapel the party will make their way
over a bridge which hovers over the massive
forest below. They will find themselves inside a
Watchtower on the second floor.
The first floor leads towards Sens Fortress.
Which is currently locked away by a massive
Metal Gate. A man waits outisde of the fortress
and will introduce himself as Siegmeyer of Catarina A jolly
soul wearing rather cumbersome looking onion-shaped
armour. Sigmeyer will refuse to join the party and wait
patiently. He will even agree to clear the way ahead if the
party can get the gate open. Sens Fortress will only open
when both Bells of Awakening have been tolled.

Andre the Blacksmith

Below the Bonfire the player's will find Andre the Blacksmith,
He will increase the power of your weapons and Armor.
Assuming you have followed the guide to this point the party
may have 1-3 Titanite/Twinkling Chunks which could be used
to upgrade their weapons.
Andre is the helpful sort he will offer advice to the player Blacksmith Andre
free of charge and sell them any kind of weapon found in the
PHB, remember 1 soul = 1 silver. He will also advise the
player that certain creatures Tails can be used as weapons if
they bring them to him. He’s been eyeing that Hellkite Dragon
for some time. He also tells the Pcs how he trapped a
Titanite Demon in the next room, but he’s not strong enough
to take it down. Offering the player's a free Upgrade on their
gear for its defeat. The Titanite Demon guards the Entrance
to the Darkroot Garden.

Tail Weapons
In order to chop off a tail a player must call the
attack and roll with disadvantage, the damage dealt
must be at least 20% of the total health of the
creature (Subject to change) so if a boss has 100
HP, 20 damage must be done to the tail
Specifically before it dies. Spells that would cause
saving throws cannot be used to destroy a tail.

In his possession he also has The Crest of Artorias which he

will sell for 10k souls. A player can recognize this signet
hanging over him with a DC 12 history Check. This crest
opens a door in the Darkroot Garden sealed by ancient
On a succesfful save Andre will reveal that the crest
unlocks a door that leads to the grave of Sir Artorias the Siegmeyer of Catarin
Abysswalker. Many adventurers have left for the grave, but
none have returned, for they make easy prey for the "Forest
Covenant". With such dangers, the crest can do more harm
than good in the hands of the uninitiated.
Act 2: The Second Bell

ssuming that the Pcs chose to pursue the Burgs Knight Laurtrec
first they now have a second belltower to find.
Their only hint that one is really high and the If Lautrec was freed he will be friendly towards the players.
other down low. There are several paths the Rewarding them a Sunlight Medal he can be found below
party can go forward with at this point. By the firelink shrine hanging out around Anastacia. If he was
end of Act 1 players are likely around lvl 4 if not denied his freedom by the party he wont take it personal but
they are likely very well equipped to take on wont offer any information to the pcs. If this is the first itme
some bigger threats. They have their choice on where to the party meets Lautrec then have him introduce himself and
continue next. If the players are stuck have them return to let the players know that he has a "mission" but wont
Firelink Shrine via the Elevator in the Parish and Speak with elaborate. His motives are to acquire humanity for the
Salden Goddess Fina. A player may make a Religion check to
Salden will take note of the players and ask them if they uncover this knowledge.
are responsible for tolling the first bell. He will explain a few
of the areas around from what he has learned to give the
players a bit more guidance. This is also something you will
want to discuss with your players for prepping ahead of time,
so lets go over some of the areas.
1. Lower Undead Burgs - "This was the lower part of the
city, many of its inhabitants remain still Hollowed.
However getting down into the Sewers will lead you to a
place known as the Depths... not sure how much lower
you can get then that but a bell could be there. What to
expect: Horde enemies. Assassins, Diseased dogs and
creatures. Invaders. Tight corridor combat.
2. Graveyard - A path leads down into the cemetarys of teh Knight Lautrec
damned. I know of Necroamncers and skeletons who
protect the grave. It is known that Gravelord Nito lives at
the darkest parts of Catacombs. A powerful Pyromancer
lurks down there also. Trying to bring his family back to Knight Lautrec 1st
3. New Londo - Ghosts and Spirits but the Kingdom is
Medium Humanoid
underwater mostly. It is said that the Gods flooded New
londo to stop the spread of the Abyss. Possible for a bell Armor Class 18 Plate
tower to have survived. Hit Points 26
Speed 30ft.
4. Darkroot Garden - A Magical garden with a powerful
witch. Protectors of the Forest hunt there but it is said
many magical beings' power could be harnessed in the STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
forest. No bell tower but plenty of good treasure should be 12 (+1) 16 (+3) 14 (+2) 8 (-1) 10 (0) 14 (+2)
ripe for pillaging. There is also a Hydra said to live in the
lake down below along with a Powerful knight locked
away surely who has turned Hollow. Condition Immunities None
Senses passive Perception 20
Languages None
Challenge 6 (6516 XP)
Recommended path
Lower Burgs or Darkroot Garden Most items found Shotel. If your enemy has a shield add +2 to your
has helped the martial characters to if the party is weapon attacks.
heavy on spellcasters allowing them to learn some
new unique spells would benefit them and so Duel Wielder. Lautrec may use his bonus action to
Darkroot Garden and meeting the Witch could be attack with his Shotel Blade
beneficial. The Lower Burgs will set the party on the
path leading them to the depths and a place called Actions
Blighttown. Where they will ultimately ring the next Multi-Attack. Knight Lautrec may attack twice with
bell. his action.
Shotel. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
one target. Hit: (1d6 + 5) Slashing damage.
1. Shotel - Treated as a shortsword with the following effect.
Fighting Lautrec If your enemy has a shield add +2 to your weapon attacks.
Lautrec doesnt try to intimidate or come across 2. Ring of Favor and Protection - Requires Attunement,
evil in anyway. But if a player wants to fight him for and Proficiency in Religion: While equipped a player gains
"Reasons" he would drop his Shotel and his Ring of
Favor and Protection
proficiency In Heavy Armor. In addition a is immune to
exhaustion and gains 5 Pernament Hit Points. If the ring is
ever unequipped it is destroyed and you lose the HP and the
benefits of the ring.

Darkroot Garden

uarding the entrance to the Darkroot Garden 2. A Large Door Sealed tight. Only the Seal of Artorias can
is a Titanite Demon. The player's may run open the gate. Tall walls block the party from advancing. If
through instead of fighting but the Arena is a player attempts to scale the wall Forest Hunters will
filled with debris and the Titanite Demon has attack from the top of the walls forcing the player's off the
some reach to try and engage the player's. On wall.
defeat the group will receive 1 Titanite Chunk 3. The player's may advance further into the Forest, they will
Leaving the Titanite Demons lair the pcs will have a forked eventually find themselves in a foggy maze of trees, Break
path, one leadings down towards Hydra Lake below and up the combat and come up with a maze to entertain your
another continuing into Darkroot Garden. If the Players player's. Place some hazards inside and have the player's
choose to go towards the Lake skip ahead. otherwise only see about 10ft in front of them. Have a Stone Golem
continue with this guide. The following is a list of encounters pursue the player's near the maze entrance. (The Stone
of what the players can expect. Golem will likely result in your party dying so keep it at
some distance at the beginning) As you get deeper into the
1. The Pcs will be ambushed by Ent enemies. They will fog you start to hear large stomping coming up from
however threaten the party in Sylvan. If a member of the behind, You quickly come to the realization that something
party speaks Sylvan they will be able to avoid the is pursuing you.
encounter and be granted bonus souls for talking their 4. Within the Maze is a chest containing a Hornet Ring.
way out of the encounter or even inspiration. This Ring will equipped adds a d8 to any critical strike.
Requires Attunement.
Roleplaying the Ent - The Ents ultimate goal is to
protect the forest and any threat to the forest is 5. Hidden in the forest is the Witch Beatrice. Beatrice is a
treated as a threat to them. With a good persuasion self made woman, and somewhat of a rogue witch. She
check the ents can allow the player's to pass was never a student of the Vinheim Dragon School, but
peacefully, With a really good check the Ents will learned her trait from her elders, like a proper witch
even give some lore background of the forest. should. Her catalyst is also handed down, from a lineage
of witches, and bears the marks of casting age-old
What they know
1. This forested area is the final resting place of Knight
Artorias; his grave is guarded by Sif, the Great Grey
2. It is also the stomping grounds of the Forest Hunters
covenant. Who hunts those who disturb the forest.
3. A Creation of the Scaleless Dragon lives in these Gardens,
Its essence is "pure magic"
4. A Hydra guards the lake below guarded by Crystal
Guardians those who are trapped in crystal.
5. The Witch Beatrice is a powerful Sorceress who lives in a
hut deep in the forest.
1. A Strange Tower seemingly out of place, a player who
investigates will see that it is an illussion holding a
bonfire. Witch Beatrice
Witch Beatrice 3. Large Beast tracks lead towards a cave. (Introduce an
Owlbear) although Beatrice will want to stay on mission.
Roleplay Tips: The Witch is a bit of a know-it-all. Her Potions
are the best shes a powerful caster and could teach the party 4. The Pcs will eventually arrive at a large destroyed tower.
the art of Spell Sorceries. The witch will offer the Pcs the They will be able to see the Butterfly in the distance up on
chance to learn some powerful magic and claim a powerful an adjacent tower. They will have to ascend th tower.
soul. While ascending the stairs will begin begin to crumble
I seek the Horn of the Moonlite Butterfly. You may collect and the pcs will need to find a way across. have the leader
its soul for your own use. Its horn will greatly help me with roll a DC12 Dex save. on fail they fall down 20ft suffering
my research. its soul can be used to forge powerful weapons 2d10 bludgeoning damage. The Gap is about 10ft jump
which i need not. A mutual beenfit indeed. and hugs a stone wall.
The Witch may also join the party until they kill the
butterfly to aide the players in doing so she will claim souls
earned as another party member. This will stop any Golems
in the forest from pursuing the party.
More Encounters
1. Leaving the woods there are several traps settup by the
Forest Covenant. Snake pits and Spiked logs await
unsuspecting players. Designate a marching order and
talk to the group on how they want to proceed. Describe
the forest terrain, the light of glowbugs in the woods. The
small pools of water by the brush.
2. Ents would be around the paths. If the party has
successfully persuaded the ents in part 1 they will allow
them to pass. Credit: Shirrako

Boss Fight - Moonlight Butterfly

Moonlight Butterfly Magical Origins. The moonlight butterfly's attacks are
magical and deal an additional dice of force damage.
Large Fey, True Neutral
Including in the attack
Armor Class 13
Hit Points 155 Actions
Speed 60ft Flying.
Magic Missile. You create three glowing darts of
magical force. Each dart hits a creature of your choice
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA that you can see within range. A dart deals 2d4 + 1
force damage to its target. The darts all strike
6 (-2) 16 (+3) 10 (0) 12 (+1) 18 (+4) 6 (-2) simultaneously, and you can direct them to hit one
creature or several.
Saving Throws +6 Dex +6 Wis
Damage Vulnerability Lightning Soul Beam (Recharge 5-6) The Moonlight butterfly
Senses Darkvision 60 Ft., passive Perception 13 shoots magic in a 90ft line that is 5ft wide. Each
Challenge Rating 5 (1800 xp) creature in that line must make a DC14 Dexterity
saving throw, taking 44 (4d10) force damage on a
failed save, or half as much damage on a successful

Boss Lair Moon

The players will have to fight the butterfly on a thin bridge Or co
only 10ft wide by 80 ft long. Upon walking through the fog souls
gate the Butterfly will emerge. Certain parts of the bridge are to the
left open the players can get knocked off the bridge to their Boss Reward
Darkroot Basin/ Hydra Lake
The Darkroot Basin rests in between the Darkroot Garden and the eastern walls of Undead Burg; this is a deep basin filled with
streams and waterfalls. The damp nature has given rise to fungus and mushrooms. It is said that a snake with several heads rests
in the lake itself.
1. If the party chooses to make their way down the lake they Upon defeat he drops Havels Ring and hte party has
will have to scale a cliff side. Terrain is dangerous, muddy access back to the Undead Burgs.
and the pcs will have to find a way to carefuly make their Havels Ring While equipped this ring increases a
way down. characters Strength by 2. You may increase an ability score
above 20 using this feature. Requrires Attunement.
2. A Crystal lizard can be found hidding in some brush.
have the party roll perception checks. DC 12, any who Dusk of Oolacile
succeed will notice the glimmer in a bush nearby and can Dusk is trapped inside a Golden Crystal Golem located
chase down the creature. behind the Hydra in Darkroot Basin. After defeating the
3. Further down the liff on a very small platform down some Hydra. Dusk will thank the party and offer to teach them
slopes is a Black Knight standing watch over the forest. sorceries and Illussions. She will also beckon them to aide
He will immediately become Hostile. Upon defeat roll for her in retaking her homeland of Oolacile. If the party agrees
a Black Knight Weapon, he drops a Titanite Chunk and if they will need to seek out a Pendant from the Archives and
the players explore the area further they will find a hidden return to Dusk to reach Oolacile.
chest containing the Grass Crest Shield.
Dark Souls DLC
Grass Crest Shield. - This shield adds +1 to your AC This is up to the DM if they would like to include
instead of 2. Once per combat you may use the Dash action this. This would be the DLC in Dark souls and will
as a bonus action. Requires Attunement. have very difficult boss battles. Recommend this
4. The Following area is extremly foggy, making it difficult to for players in later game after they recover the
pendant in the Archives.
see up a head The players will be able to make out some
glimmers of Crystals in the forest with a successful
perception check. On success they will notice that the
crystals are moving. In the fog they will see torches lit by a
nearby watch tower. The tower is locked but the door can A player who rolls a successful history check will know teh
be destroyed or picked. following: Oolacile was a kingdom that existed in Lordran, in
5. Inside the tower a Heavily armored man holding a the area now known as Darkroot Garden, about three or four
massive dragon tooth as his weapon. the Pcs will roll for centuries before the events of Dark Souls.
initiative against Havel the Rock As Dusk, Princess of Oolacile, states, Oolacile was a land
of sorceries, but the sorceries featured by Oolacile's
6. If the party decides to proceed into the fog they will have Sorcerers were very different. She also states that the lost
to fight Crystal Golems. Any ranged attack in the fog will kingdom has been "reduced to ashes" long ago. This would
be with disadvantage. explain why there's practically nothing left of the Township or
the Sanctuary in the present.
7. By fighting through the fog a Hydra will await the party in Oolacile's fall is mysterious and sinister: in times of peace
teh lake i will appear when the party enters into the in the kingdom, Oolacile's inhabitants were convinced by a
watery area. Defeating the Hydra will reward souls, a dark serpent to dig up the grave of the Primeval Man. Then,
Dragon Scale (used for upgrading with the dragon something happened, and the Primeval Man was transformed
covenant later) and spawn a golden Crystal Goelm at the into a beast that unleashed the Abyss. The Abyss, corrupted
entrance of the lake. Defeating the Golden Golem will free dark, destroyed Oolacile and transformed its inhabitants as
a women from its shell. well.
Artorias the Abysswalker, in order to hunt Darkwraiths
Havel the Rock (servants of the Dark) had entered a covenant with an
Havel the Rock is a powerful opponent found at the bottom of unnamed creature from the Abyss, and received a ring that
the spiral watchtower leading up to the Taurus Demon in the would allow him to traverse the Abyss unharmed. Naturally,
Undead Burg, guarding the entrance to Darkroot Basin. He Artorias soon came to Oolacile in hopes of stopping the
wields a massive dragon's tooth hammer and Havel's spread of the Abyss. It is not certain if he knew at the time of
Greatshield while wearing the heavy Havel's Set. While the severity of the situation, or of the existence of Manus, but,
somewhat slow moving due to his heavy gear, his attacks deal in the end, he would either never come to face the Father, or
incredible damage to unwary opponents, and his armor and would would be defeated by him.
shield protect him from all but the strongest counter attacks.
Havel is aggressive, and will pursue you on sight a fairly far
distance within the general confines of his tower.
If the party agrees to help her in Killing the Moonlight
Witch Beatrice Butterfly she will offer to sell a various amounts of potions
and spells.
Beatrice Shop
Item Souls Description
Elixer of 500 When drunk, it cures any disease; removed blinded, deafened, paralyzed, and poisoned conditions.
Health Souls
Oil of 100 The vial has enough oil to cover a medium or smaller creature; 10 minutes to apply. Creature gains
Slipperiness souls the effect of a freedom of movement spell for 8 hours. The oil can be poured on the ground covering
a 10-foot square, creating the grease spell effect for 8 hours.
Potion of Fire 500 When drunk, a creature can use its bonus action to exhale fire at a target within 30 feet. The target
Breath Souls must take 4d6 fire damage or succeed on a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw to halve the damage. The
effect ends after exhaling fire 3 times, or after 1 hour.
Potion of 1000 When drunk, a creature gains 10 temporary HP that last for 1 hour as well as the effects of the bless
Heroism souls spell (no concentration required) for the same duration.
Potion of 5000 When drunk, a creature gains the effect of the haste spell for 1 minute (no concentration required).
Speed souls

Lower Undead Burg

ower Undead Burg is accessible through a 6. If the party continues moving down they will be able to
locked door on the Wyvern bridge that can be heaer a conversation with some other Assasins talking to
opened with the Basement Key found in a merchant. They tell her they are working on collecting
Undead Parish and serves as the gateway to more humanity to unlock a gate down in blighttown and
the Depths. If a player runs up the path from they will buy all that she has. The women only has one
Havel in Darkroot Basin they will come to this humanity to sell but its not cheap. THey threaten her and
area. OTherwise Pcs must track through the its up to the party to interfere or the Female Undead
Upper burgs and get to the bridge once again. Merchant
1. Entering the burgs is a tight fit area. Plenty of houses on
both sides. a large road crowded with streetcartts, dead If they save her she will tell the party that her husband is a
horses, dead bodies some of which are currently burning. merchant in the upper burgs and she sells things down here,
collecting mosses that will nullify poisons and toxins. She
2. If the palyers follow the road behind the gate they will find will be grateful and offer the players a little discount as a
a canal gated off along with a Hollow Horde describe the reward.
20 something hollows holding torches and crude weapons 7. The path once again breaks off a large metal door leading
wondering around the area but very clumped together. all
reaching towards a second floor of a body hunched over a to the Depths and the other path will lead to Firelink once
balcony and a humanity floating above the body. again.
3. Further Down the road a voice can be heard from inside a Female Undead Merchant
building. The door is locked so they will have to break Item Cost Description
down the door, lockpick or find the key in order to help the Red Moss 500 Used to treat critical wounds. If a
person inside. Skip ahead to Griggs of Vinheim if the souls player is unconcious this can be
party frees him. applied as a bonus action to stop the
player from bleeding out. This Moss
4. An ambush lays in wait as 3-4 Assasins and a few can be applied to treat Bleeding
Undead Dogs ambush the party bursting through a few effects as well.
doors to engage them. One of them holds the key to the Purple 500 Used to treat poisoned condition. If a
house. Moss Souls player is poisoned they can eat a
Purple Moss to nullify the condition
5. A Foggate blocks a path that looks like a Garden area. for 1 min. May be used as a Bonus
There is also a stair well to the right of the foggate if the Action
party doesnt want to try and take down the next boss. See
Capra demon if so. Blooming 1000 Used to treat Toxic condition. If a
Purple Souls player is afflicted with the Toxic
Moss condition they can eat a Purple Moss
to nullify the condition for 1 min. May
be used as a Bonus Action
Poisoned 100 On hit an enemy must make a DC12
Tip Arrows souls Con saving throw or suffer the
each Poisoned condition for 1 min.
Boss Lair
The Capra demon has been trapped into a small garden
roughly about 20x50ft area (4x10 Squares). In addition the
Capra Demon is paired with two Undead Dogs as well. On
initiative 20 the dogs charge the first player through the fog
wall. if the players clump up at the front door they are going
to have a hard time against the Capras Leaping Strike

Alternate Capra
If you feel like your players are too weak adjust the
damage numbers down to a d6 or allow only 2
If you want to give the players a tougher challenge
more true to the Actual boss fight, allow Capra
Capra Demon Demons attack to hit multiple enemies per swing.
forcing them to try and spread out. The Stat block i
feel like is a happy middle ground between the two.
Capra Demon
Large Demon, Lawful evil

Armor Class 14
Hit Points 117 Undead Dog
Speed 30ft. Medium beast, unaligned

Armor Class 12
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Hit Points 13(3d8 + 1)
18 (+4) 14 (+2) 9 (+0) 4 (-3) 11 (+1) 10 (0) Speed 40ft.

Saving Throws +7 DEX, +6 WIS STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
Condition Immunities Frightened, Poisoned
Damage Resistance Poisoned, Slashing, Piercing, 12(+1) 14 (+2) 13 (+1) 4 (-3) 10 (0) 8 (-1)
Bludgeoning from non Magical attacks.
Damage Vulnerabilities Fire, Lightning. Skills Perception +3, Stealth +4
Senses passive Perception 11 Senses passive Perception 10
Languages Abyssal Challenge 1/4 (50 souls)
Challenge 6 (6000 Souls)
Keen Hearing and Smell. The wolf has advantage on
Brute The Capra Demon deals an extra dice of Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on hearing or
damage included in the attack. smell.
Actions Pack Tactics. The wolf has advantage on an attack
roll against a creature if at least one of the wolf's
Multiattack Capra Demon attacks three times with
allies is within 5 ft. of the creature and the ally isn't
his Machete. incapacitated.
Machete Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach
5ft., one target. Hit (2d8 + 4) Slashing damage. Actions
Leaping Strike (4-5 turn Recharge) The Capra Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
Demon jumps up to 10 ft towards his target one target. Hit: (2d4 + 2) piercing damage. If the
slamming both his Machetes down onto his victim. target is a creature, it must succeed on a DC 11
A player ust succeed in a DC14 DEX saving throw Strength saving throw or be knocked prone
or suffer 4d8 Slashing damage. In addition all
players within 5ft of wherethe Capra demon lands
must succeed on a DC14 Strength save or be
knocked prone. This jump does not provoke
opportunity attacks. If a player fails their save by 5
or more this attack is treated as a Critical Strike.
Griggs of Vinheim

riggs is a sorcerer from the Vinheim Dragon
School. He came to Lordran in search of his
master, Big Hat Logan. He wears the Black
Sorcerer Set, which in Vinheim indicates a
secretive member of the Dragon School.
The player finds Griggs in a locked room at Remedy
the bottom of the Undead Burg. After being 2nd-level abjuration
rescued he returns to Firelink Shrine. If the players learn
everything from Griggs hhe will set off on a quest to find his Casting Time: 1 action
master. Range: Touch
Components: V S
Soul Arrow Duration: Instantaneous
1st level evocation You touch a creature and can end either one disease or one
Casting Time: 1 action condition afflicting it. The condition or status effects.
Range: 60 feet Magic Shield
Components: V, S
Duration: Instantaneous 1st level Abjuration
A beam of blue-white light streaks toward a creature within Casting Time: 1 action
range. Make a ranged spell attack against the target. On a hit, Range: Touch
it takes 2d6 + INT Force damage Components: V, S, M (Small piece of metal)
Duration: until destroyed or dispelled.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell
slot of 2nd level or higher, the spell adds 1d6 for each slot You can use your action to create a Magic Shield in your
above 1st. empty hand. You are proficient with it while you wield it. This
shield is magical and while equipped it adds 2 to your AC and
Heavy Soul Arrow absorbs 10 damage.
1st level evocation At Higher levels this spell absorbs an additional 5 damage
Casting Time: 1 Action and 1 Bonus Action for each spell slot used above 1st.
Range: 60 feet
Components: V, S Griggs Quest
Duration: Instantaneous Griggs is eager to find Master Logan stating he wishes to
You channel a beam of blue-white light. The beam shoots learn from him. If the party manages to find Logan and bring
toward a creature within range at the beginning of your next him to firelink he will reward the party the Sorcerer Set
turn. Make a ranged spell attack against the target. On a hit, it which has Mage Armor pernamently enchanted into the
takes 2d10 + INT Force damage clothing. If the party buys all his spells before finding Big Hat
Logan he will leave and die in Sens Fortress and the party
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell will be able to find this set off his body.
slot of 2nd level or higher, the spell adds 1d10 for each slot Once Logan has been brought back to firelink He will
above 1st. eventually leave causing Griggs to follow suit but only after
his spells have been purhcased. Either way Griggs is likely to
Hidden Weapon die trying to follow Big Hat Logan
2nd-level illusion
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Touch
Components: V, S
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour
A weapon you touch becomes invisible until the spell ends.
Whenever you attack a creature must make a perception
check against your spell save. On fail the attack has
The Depths

he Depths is a mutli leveled dungeon with as
many layers as you see fit eventually leading
down to a massive sewer system that dumps
into Blighttown. But beware the lower the Middle Floor
levels the more monstrous creatures lurk. 1. A bonfire can be found behind a wooden door right before
WARNING: the Basilisks in this area will a ladder leading down into the sewer. describe a glow
Curse players causing a pernament game over coming from the window
for a player that fails two saves. Warn your players ahead of
time for this to prepare them. 2. Coming into the sewer the path is narrow and overgrown
Diseased Rats rule. The party will be able to see an open
area gated off and through the bars a Huge Diseased Rat
will openits eyes by a party member and scream before
Top Floor running out.The player wont be able to get a melee attack
1. Start the players decent from the lower undead burgs and at but may try to cast a spell at it. Let this play out but the
have them find a large dinning area Several Hollows rat knows it cant reach the party and will retreat for now.
populate the room along with a Massive Butcher at the far 3. This scream alerts other rats in the area those that can fit
end of the dining area. The Butcher looks like shes through bars and the party will begin a chase or combat
preparing a meal while the hollows wait. Most hollows in with a Diseased Rat horde. The Sewers are very tight
this area are docile until provoked. The floorboards are and if the players decide to run it is a bit of a maze in
rotted and damaged and a smell reeks from the design. Throughout the maze have some corners were
floorboards of the dining area. The Butcher will take piles of bodies are stacked and a trap leading to the lower
notice of the party if they are mostly hollow inviting them floor. One large area of the maze will be the gated area
for dinner. where the Pcs saw the Huge Diseased Rat this will serve
as a mini boss for the players.
Mildred the Butcher
This woman is preparing a meal by chopping up I put a Gelatonous cube in the pit with the
meat her Undead Hound stands by looking for player who fell.
scrap. If a player in the party is in Body form (Not
hollow) She will try to isolate that person. Her goal
is to feed the hungry citizens of the Burg. If
Multiple players are in body form she will summon 4. Another pitfall will drop players into the lower floor this
the citizens to her call and bring the room onto the one in an area of with Basilisks. Describe the Black
party. Crystal like figures frozen in place. The Basilisks in this
area are not immediate threats but they live deeper in this
2. The players will find themselves in the basement it is 5. Near a pile of bodies the player will tkae note of souls
flooded and a large hole is in the ground with the water flying around teh corpse pile, another Gelatonous ooze
sliding down a path. following the path will lead further will drop down on the player while they are retrieving the
down the area. But they hear a voice call out for help in souls cache. reward 1k souls for the encounter.
the cellar. If Matilda is around on good terms she will
warn the party against "The pest shes cornered" (she's 6. Eventually the players will find an area overlooking the
lying and intends to kill the man and serve him to her bottom part of the sewer leading to the lower floor on this
Patrons) area are some Large rats hiding in crates and a Single
Channeler overlooking the middle floor. When he notices
3. Laurentius of the Great Swamp is locked in the cellar if the players he will begin his dance and if the players get
the party chooses to help him escape the burg he will offer up close the rats will get a free attack in breaking through
to teach the party pyromancies and reward them with a th ecrates to do so.
Pyromancy Glove. This item increases the chance to hit
with fire attacks by either increasing the DC against your
save or adding a +1 to hit. This glove can be upgraded and
increased to +2 and +3 using Twinkling Titanite. In order
to free Laurentius the way must be cleared up to the lower
burgs for him or the Pcs will have to teleport him out
See Laurentius section in this guide for more information.
Bottom Floor
Depending on how the players go here they could have fallen Knight of Thorns,
through the pits or came from the Channeler stair well there Kirk
are several key areas to explore here for loot all which lead
towards Blighttown and the Gaping Dragon the boss of the Medium humanoid, Chaotic Evil
Depths. Armor Class 16 (Spiked Armor)
1. Near the stairs the party will find another mini labrynth Hit Points 67
just smaller at the end of the labrynth is a massive metal Speed 30ft.
gate locked along wtih a path that leads to the side. Pcs
can find the corpse with the key or they can attempt to STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
unlock it with through lockpicking or destroy the gate.
12(+1) 18(+4) 16(+3) 10 (0) 12(+1) 15(+2)
2. Exploring the last maze of tunnels the players will find
Black Crystaled statues in teh area. a person with a high Damage Resistances Slashing from non magical
nature roll could see that a Basilisk is responsible for this items.
and can warn the party. Build up an encounter where the Senses passive Perception 20
party is ambushed by these Basilisks. Challenge (2100 Souls)
3. Inside the maze the party will be invaded by Knight Kirk Spiked Armor. Any physical touch by a body party
and his Thorn Knights. Knights spawned are the number has a chance to cause Bleed on an enemy. Any
of players who have humanity. Defeating Kirk will drop his character hurt this way must succeed on a DC 12
Armor of Thorns. This armor requires Attunement Constitution saving throw or suffer Bleed
condition. While bleeding a character has
disadvantage on CON checks and CON saving
Knight Kirk throws. In addition when hit once under the bleed
Knight Kirk. Belongs to the Chaos Covenant. Which condition you become stunned.
grows stronger based on how much Humanity he
has. His one and only goal is to steal humanity. His Actions
weapons and armor have a chance to cause his Multiattack Kirk may make three strikes with his
enemies to Bleed. The creature has disadvantage shortsword
on Constitution checks and Constitution saving
throws. In addition, whenever the creature takes Shortsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach
damage, it is stunned until the end of its next turn. 5 ft., one target. Hit: 9 (1d6 + 4) slashing damage.
Enemy must succeed on a DC 12 CON saving
throw or gain the bleed condition.
Charge. When you use your action to Dash, you can
Thorn Armor set Requires Attunement. While this armor is use a bonus action to make one melee weapon
equipped your AC becomes 16. Any physical touch by a body attack or to shove a creature. If you move at least
party has a chance to cause Bleed on an enemy. Any 10 feet in a straight line immediately before taking
character hurt this way must succeed on a DC 12 this bonus action, you either gain a +5 bonus to the
Constitution saving throw or suffer Bleed condition. While attack’s damage roll (if you chose to make a melee
bleeding a character has disadvantage on CON checks and attack and hit) or push the target up to 10 feet
CON saving throws. In addition when hit once under the away from you (if you chose to shove and you
bleed condition you become stunned. succeed). In addition that character gains the Bleed
4. Found in the maze is The Ring of Evil Eye Requires
Attunment. After personally slaying an enemy gain 5 temp
hp. 5. at the end of the maze a player will find one last stairwell
leading to the True bottom of the Depths and a massive
Fogwall blocking their path. The Gaping Dragon Lies in
wait for the player defeating it will grant the PCs access to
Boss Fight - Gaping Dragon
The Gaping Dragon resides in The Depths. The Gaping Dragon resides in The Depths. It is a descendant of the Everlasting
Dragons, but its eternal hunger transformed its upper body into a maw. It is possible to summon Solaire of Astora and Knight
Lautrec of Carim. Only if the player had previously freed him and talked to him at Firelink Shrine. Solaire's summon sign can be
found next to the stairs leading to the Fog Door, while Lautrec's can be found just behind the pillar, opposite to Solaire's.

Gaping Dragon Tail: Melee Weapon Attack +6 to hit, reach 15 ft. HIt:
12 (2d8 + 3) bludgeoning damage.
Huge Dragon, Unaligned
Poisonous Spew (Recharge 5-6): The Gaping Dragon
Armor Class 14 regurgitates an acidic, poisonous liquid around himself.
Hit Points 200 Creatures within 20 ft must succeed on a DC 15
Speed 40ft., 10ft Flying Dexterity saving throw or take 42 (12d6) poison
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Swallow: The Gaping Dragon makes one claw attack
against a larger or smaller creature it is grappling. If the
20 (+5) 20 (+5) 3 (-3) 13 (+2) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) attack hits, the target takes the claw damage, it is
thrown into the Gaping Dragon’s mouth and it is
Damage Immunities poison swallowed. While swallowed, the target is blinded and
Damage Vulnerability Lightning, Radiance restrained, it has total cover against attacks and other
Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, frightened, effects outside the Gaping Dragon and it takes 21
paralyzed, petrified, poisoned (6d6) poison damage at the start of each of the Gaping
Senses Darkvision 60 Ft., passive Perception 14 Dragon’s turns. If the Gaping Dragon takes 30 damage
Challenge Rating 7 (10,000 Souls) or more on a single turn from a creature inside it, it
must succeed on a DC 16 Constitution saving throw at
Multiattack: The Gaping Dragon makes three attacks: the end of that turn or regurgitate all swallowed
one with its stomp, one with its tail, and one with its creatures, which fall prone in a space within 10 ft of
claw the Gaping Dragon. If the Gaping Dragon dies, a
swallowed creature is no longer restrained by it and can
Stomp: Melee Weapon Attack +6 to hit, reach 5 ft. HIt: escape from the corpse by using 20 ft of movement,
10 (2d6 + 3) bludgeoning damage exiting prone.
Claw: Melee Weapon Attack +6 to hit, reach 10 ft. Hit:
10 (2d6 + 3) slashing damage . If the target is a
creature, it is grappled (escape DC 14). Until the
grapple ends, the creature is restrained.
Gaping Dragon Loot Humanity X2
Homeward bone - Will teleport party to firelink Shrine.
Dragon King Greataxe - Requires Attunement and a STR Key to Blighttown Unlocks metal gate in the Depths.
score of 20 in order to weild. This weapon is treated as a
Greataxe "The axe is imbued with a mystical power, to be
released when held with both hands." While equipped a
player can use their action to force a wave of electricity
around themselves. adjacent Enemies must make a DC 15
CON save or suffer 2d8 electric damage or half as much on


town that developed on the outskirts of the
Demon Ruins/Lost Izalith whose inhabitants
became infected by the Blight Pus. It is likely
that many of the people here became servants
of Quelaag and her fair sister.
Blighttown was likely always a less than
desirable place to live or work. It appears to be Random Encounters
a sort of mining community, complete with rickety ladders Roll Encounter
and platforms. It's suspended above a poisonous swamp 1-3 Safe
alongside the stone structure that holds up the Firelink
Shrine, and the planks reach all the way down to the murky 4 Floor board breaks players must make a DC 12 Dex
saving throw or fall below to another layer suffering
waste below. 2d8 bludgeoning damage. On failiure players must
find a way to climb out of a 20ft drop or add 1 extra
roll for random encounter
Poisonous Waters
The swamp is so pollutted any contact with its 5 Infested Ghouls and Undead Hounds lie in wait ready
to ambush. Their weapons all tipped with poison Roll
waters will automatically inflict the Poisoned 2d4 hollows and 1d4 dogs
condition to a character that is not immune. This
condition last for 10 min from last contact with 6 Deformed Ogre stomping on the main path his steps
the water itself. causing the floorboards underneath him to creek.
A poisoned creature has disadvantage on Attack Main path behind him looks very beat up players will
Rolls and Ability Checks. have to avoid the Ogre or defeat him while checking
the floor to make sure they dont fall through.
7-8 Plot Event!
1. Whether a player arrives in Blighttown from the Depths or
New Londo ruins theres a few obstacles in their path Plot Events
before making it to the bonfire of Blighttown. The players This can be anything. Whether you want to have a player find
start on Large wooden platforms they are rickety and a treasure or if you can build up a situation from a characters
dangerous traversing the area at a fast pace is not backstory. Here is a few suggestions of Treasures.
recommended as it will give disadvantage on any saves
against the terrain. Ask the players how they would like to 1. A Large Insect seems to be glued to the Massive stone
proceed through the enviornment. Getting into Blighttown structure. Destroying it will reveal a glowing item. If the
is a bonfire on either side. (we're going to be nice they just players manage to recover the item they will be rewarded
fought a Dragon most likely) with the Power Within pyromancy.
2. A Firekeepers Soul is being guarded by Blowdart
Travel Snipers and a few Hellhounds a former bonfire burned
Speed Effect out with a body of a firekeeper hanging over it.
Slow Advantage spotting ambushes and traps. Roll for 3. An Invasion from Maneater Mildred If mildred survived
random encounter 8x the Depths she has come for revenge. Defeating her she
will drop a Butchers Knife and a Humanity.The
Normal Roll for Random Encounter 5x Butchers Knife is treated as a Battle Axe for its
Fast Disadvantage on any traps and a surprise round if properties. Weilding this weapon gives the user advantage
an ambush occurs. Roll for Random Encounter 3x on Intimidation Checks.
4. A Crystal lizard appears infront of the party It tries to rush
away after being noticed. if the party stops it they can get
Power Within
2nd level enchantment Chaos Witch Quelaag
Casting Time: 1 action Large Humanoid Spider, Chaotic neutral
Range: 30 feet
Components: V, M, S (a crushed button worth at least 1cp, Armor Class 16
discarded gum wrapper) Hit Points 202
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 min. Speed 30ft.
The Caster gains 1 AC and +1 to hit/damage with attacks
and spells that require hit. At the end of each turn the player STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
suffers damage, this damage cannot be resisted or prevented. 18(+4) 14 (+2) 14 (+2) 16 (+3) 16 (+3) 12 (+1)
At Higher levels Cast at 5th level you may increase the AC
and hi/damage to +2 and at 7th level +3
Saving Throws DEX +5, WIS +6
Damage Vulnerabilities lightning
Blighttown Swamp Damage Immunities fire, poison
Condition Immunities poisoned
As stated above the Swamp is poisonous and characters will Senses passive Perception 5
become poisoned when they interact with the water. In Languages Common, infernal
addition many large insects lurkin the swamp. The party will Challenge 8 (20,000 Souls)
find a strange elvator shaft leading them down into the
swamp and take note of the Cathedral like building out in the Legendary Resistance (3/Day): If Quelaag fails a
distance across from it. They will also take note of the saving throw, she can choose to succeed instead.
belltower connected to that Cathedral. The players will also
take note of the "World Tree" on the other side of the Fury Sword. Quelaag's weapon attacks are magical.
Cathedral. a place that will lead them to Ash lake the When Quelaag makes an attack with her sword, she
supposed battlegrounds where the dragons parished. deals an additional Xd10 fire damage. X is equal to
How the players choose to traverse the swamp is up to the amount of Humanity Pcs have in the arena.
them. The swamp is about 3-4ft deep in most places so (minimum 1)
movement would be considered difficult terrain. Rangers can Actions
find land masses to help speed up teh group travel. There is
plenty of debris in the swamp as this was once a mining Multiattack. Quelaag makes three fury sword
commmunity. a makeshift boat could be constructed. There attacks.
are several islands that can be used as a breathing point to Fury Sword Strike. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit,
fight on if ambushed. reach 5ft., one target. Hit 5 (1d8 + 4) + Xd10 fire
On their way across the swamp they can run into Giant damage.
Mosquitos, Giant Leeches, Cragspiders and Blighted
Barbarians Roll a d4 and on a 4 have them go into a combat Lava Vomit (Recharge 5-6). Quelaag's spider mouth
encounter. At the Far end of the swamp lies a Chapel spits out lava up to 20ft away , it has a 10ft radius.
containing our destination the second belltower and our Each creature in the area must make a DC 14
Chaos Witch Quelaag Dexterity saving throw, taking 27 (8d6) fire
damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on
a successful one.
Boss Fight - Chaos Witch Fire Wave (3/Day). Quelaag radiates an intense heat
Quelaag from her body, damaging everything around her.
Creatures within 15 feet of Quelaag must make a
A half-woman, half-spider demon located in a lair near the DC 15 Constitution saving throw, taking 27 (8d6)
bottom of Blighttown. One of the Witch of Izalith's daughters, fire damage on a failed save, or half as much
transformed into a monster by the Flames of Chaos. Her damage on a successful one.
notable siblings are "The Fair Lady" and Ceaseless
Discharge. She guards the second Bell of Awakening, and the
entrance to her sister's domain. Boss Lair
Boss Loot Inside of the Boss layer is cracks of lava that will burn the
players if they step onto a square instantly dealing 3d6 fire
Soul of Queelag - Can be used to harnass many souls or damage. I also had several Egg Carriers in the arena that
fused into a weapon/spell (8000 souls) could explode on death if Queelag or a player kills one.
Humanity x2
A bright streak flashes from your pointing finger to a point
Parasitic Headgear - Sidequest you choose within range and then blossoms with a low roar
Failing a check against the Parasite will cause a into an explosion of flame. Each creature in a 20-foot-radius
player to become infected. a player must be cured sphere centered on that point must make a Dexterity saving
within 1d4 days or pernamently become a parasite. throw. A target takes 6d8 fire damage on a failed save, or half
Taking that player pernamently out of the game. In as much damage on a successful one. The fire spreads
order to be cured the pcs will need to seek out around corners. It ignites flammable objects in the area that
Eingyi, of the chaos covenant. He will remove the aren’t being worn or carried. This spells damage increases by
curse for the cost of 3 humanity so he can offer it 1d8 for each Humanity the character has active (limit 5)
to his lady.

Chaos Storm
7th -level Evocation
Casting Time: 1 action
Role playing Eingyi Range: 40ft from self
Components: V S
He is a strange and creepy fellow. his only purpose is to serve Duration: Instantaneous
the "Fair Lady" Who is in a permanent coma. If the players Classes: Sorcerer, Wizard
threaten him he does not fear death and will pledge vengence
of the Chaos Covenant against the PCs. If the pcs are willing Blazing orbs of fire plummet to the ground at four different
to serve the Chaos covenant he will aide them by curing any points you can see within range. Each creature in a 40-foot-
parasite they may be inflicted with. True believers will unlock radius sphere centered on you must make a Dexterity saving
a shortcut to Izalith throw. The sphere spreads around corners. A creature takes
10d8 fire damage on a failed save, or half as much damage
Chaos Covenant on a successful one. A creature in the area of more than one
fiery burst is affected only once. The spell damages objects in
After the failed attempt to recreate the First Flames, the the area and ignites flammable objects that aren’t being worn
daughters of the Witch of Izalith were scattered. Quelaag and or carried. This spells damage increases by 1d8 for each
one of her sisters fled to Blighttown and settled there. The Humanity the character has active (limit 5)
natives who served them are called the Chaos Servants. The
natives were infected with the Blight pus, but Quelaag's
Sister swallowed it all, making her sick in the process, even The Blighttown Belltower
though Quelaag ordered her not to. She was made Near the Chaos servant bonfire is the lever to ring the
Firekeeper of a Bonfire to keep her alive. Now, the Chaos blighttown bell. If this is the second belltower the players
Servants help their Fair Lady by feeding her humanity to have accomplished their task.
alleviate her pain. To join, talk to Quelaag's Sister behind an
illusory wall in Quelaag's Domain. Offscreen a gate opens in the distance close to the Undead
In order to Rank up in this covenant a player must offer 3,7 Parish, near the blacksmith Andre. The onion Knight who
then 10 humanity to "The Fair lady" was waiting by teh gate looks up as the gate opens picks up
Covenant Rewards
his sword and moves into the Fortress
Tier Rewards The players must now trek their way back up to Firelink or
1 Cure Parasites, Gain access to shortcut to Izaleth they can make a few detours.
2 Great Chaos Fireball
The Demon Ruins can be found close to the Chaos
Servant bonfire. if the players are on good terms with Eingyi
3 Chaos Storm he will warn the party that powerful Demons lurk in the ruins
and at the end of it a Golden Foggate that none can pass.
Great Chaos Fireball The players may also make their way to the World treee
3rd -level Evocation and Ash Lake exploring this area will unlock the Dragon
Casting Time: 1 action Covenant and a few rewards to go along with it.
Range: 150 feet Discuss with the players on what path they would like to go
Components V S M (A tiny ball of bat guano and sulfur) with. Firelink will allow the players to continue the main
Duration: Instantaneous story but skip ahead to specific sections if they choose
Classes: Sorcerer, Wizard otherwise.
Demon Ruins

hese lava filled ruins are accessed via a 2. A pool of lava blocks off one path leading down hill there
passage beneath the bell tower in Quelaag's is a bridged path that leads directly to a Foggate and a
Domain. However, a Golden Fog Gate blocks massive creature off in the distance. This is the Ceasless
the way near the end and hence you cannot Discharge rumored to be a brother of the Witches of
access all the area until you place the Izalith.
Lordvessel. The enemies within are quite
tough (two of which were previously bosses, Boss Fight - Ceaseless
earlier in the game) and it also contains three separate boss
fights. It serves as the gateway to Lost Izalith, once you beat Discharge
all its challenges. Ceaseless Discharge, as his name may suggest, is the source
1. Near the beginning of the ruins is a bonfire. surrounding of the lava flow. Killing him will cease the discharge of lava in
the Bonfire are more Egg hosts. They will only become the lower parts of the ruins, allowing access to the deeper
hostile if approached otherwise will keep their distance. areas of the map, and progress in the campaign.
Killing them in melee risks becoming inflicted with the

Ceaseless Discharge Unbearable Heat. When the elemental starts its turn,
each creature within 50 feet of it must make a DC 20
Gargantuan Elemental, Chaotic Neutral
Constitution saving throw, taking 7 (3d4) fire damage
Armor Class 15 on a failed save, or half as much damage on a
Hit Points 325(25d20 + 125) successful one. Spider Initiative The Ceaseless
Speed 50ft. Discharge rolls an initiative for its spider attached to its
back. the spider will target an enemy in range on its
turn and make an attack.
21 (+5) 14 (+2) 20 (+5) 6 (-2) 10 (+0) 7 (-2) Actions
Multiattack. The elemental makes three Slam attacks.
Damage Immunities fire, poison; bludgeoning, piercing,
and slashing from nonmagical attacks Slam Melee Attack: +10 to hit, reach 5ft., one target.
Condition Immunities exhaustion, grappled, paralyzed, Hit 5 (6d4 + 5)
petrified, poisoned, prone, restrained, unconscious Spider Surge Melee Attack: +10 to hit, reach 10ft., one
Senses darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 10 target. Hit 5 (2d6 + 2)
Languages Ignan
Challenge 22 (40,000 Souls) Flame Punch If no player is directly engaged with the
Ceaseless Discharge it slams his fist to the ground
creating a 20ft cone of steam. Each player caught in
the cone must make a DC18 Constitution saving throw
taking 10d10 Fire damage and suffering a point of
exhaustion on fail or half as much on success.

Boss Lair Gold Trimmed Robes - Requires Attunement. This clothing

is not treated as armor, wearing these robes a player is
The Ceaseless Discharge (CD) is located inside of a pit and resistant to fire damage.
stands tall watching over his sisters tomb. a Corpse wearing
a black golden trimmed Robes is on display. The CD wont Defeating the CD will stop the flow of lava coming form his
attack unless the party disturbs the tomb or attacks the CD. A body allowing the previous lava lake to be traversed.
large rock is can be used as cover (temporarily) Players can
retreat closer to the tombs but if a player is not engaged with
the CD then it will release a Flame Punch every round.

Demon Ruins Part 2
Down where the lava pis once stood are now Taurus and Capra Demons, mobs of them. Previous bosses are now meerly minions
of the great area. Off in the distance is a structure leading down deeper into the ruins. At the end of the ruins is a massive golden
foggate that can only be dipelled with the Lordvessal. Behind the gate is the Demon Firesage a more powerful version of the
Asylum Demon fought previously. There are also some small stray demons lurking around the ruins.
1. Where the previous lake the players will see a gathering of Taurus Demons along with a large amount of souls floating around
the lava pits where they are near. The Taurus Demons will attakc if the players get near. reward the PCs a bonus 2k souls for
clearing hte demons if they choose too.
2. The Ruins open up from the lava lake and Capra Demons protect the thin walkways.
3. The Floor will shatter below the players dropping them into the basement of the ruins. a bonfire will be near but guarded by a
Large Wyrm that burrows out of the ground.
4. More demons lurk in the ruins Small Stray demons seem to be standing guard. They will not move until palyers get closer
almost representing statues. Describe the Demonic statues throughout the area and make one of the statues come to life and
attack the party.
5. If the party is in Human form Darkwraith Kirk will invade
6. Crystal lizards can be found behind some ruins.
7. Guarding the Golden foggate is 3 Taurus Demons and 2 Small Stray demons This gate will only open once the party has
recovered the LordVessal

Demon Ruins Part 1 - Inkarnate - Prunk44

Demon catalyst Requires Attunment. Dark and Fire
Boss Fight - Demon Sorceries cast with this as your focus have +1 to hit or add to
the DC.
The Firesage Demon, mutated by the Chaos, was originally
the last known master of the fire sorcery arts that the Witch
of Izalith and her daughters used. It is known that, when the
Chaos engulfed the Witch of Izalith and her followers, these
fire sorceries were lost, and that the pyromancies were
This demon was the first one to be mutated by the chaos
flame, probably as his status as a master of the original fire
arts granted him a close position to the Witch.
Boss Loot
Stray Demon

Demon Firesage Can take 3 Legendary Actions, choosing from the

options below. Only one legendary action can be used
Large Fiend, Lawful Evil
at a time, and only at the end of another creature's turn.
Armor Class 14 Spent legendary Actions are regained at the start of
Hit Points 216(24d12 + 72) each turn.
Speed 30ft.
Maul. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5ft., one
target. Hit 14 (4d6 + 5) + (2d6) Force Damage
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Wide Swing. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach
20 (+5) 7 (-2) 16 (+3) 9 (-1) 6 (-3) 17 (+3) 10ft., Front cone target. Hit (4d6 + 5) + (2d6) Force
Damage Immunities Poison Actions
Condition Immuniities Poisoned
Senses passive Perception 10 Multiattack The Firesage makes two attacks with his
Challenge (20,000 Souls) Maul or 1 Attack and one Wide Swing.
Maul. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5ft., one
Brute. Any A melee weapon deals one extra die of its
target. Hit 14 (4d6 + 5) + (2d6) Force Damage
damage when the Asylum Demon hits with it (included
in the attack). know. Wide Swing. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach
10ft., Front cone target. Hit (4d6 + 5) + (2d6) Force
Shockwave When the Demon Firesage makes an attack Damage
all creatures within 5 ft. of his target must make a DC
14 Con saving throw or be knocked prone. Booty Slam. The Asylum demon lifts itself with its tiny
wings on its back All creatures within 10ft of the
Asylum demon must make a DC15 Dexterity saving
Legendary Actions throw or suffer 4d8 Bludgeoning damage and (2d6)
Force Damage. if the save is failed by 5 or more they
would suffer 5d8 instead.
The Great Hollow

e Great Hollow is an enormous hollow tree, 10. a Ladder leads down to a large group of mushrooms.
perhaps the remains of an Archtree from the These creatures can be spotted and will appear harmless.
Age of Ancients, though it is also possible that The players have stumbled onto a Myconid colony full
the journey down the huge tree is a with people. They wont speak to the party but watch.
metaphorical one. Small Myconid will flee and rush to large Myconid. If
The tree descends through the heart of attacked the small ones are fast but weak while the large
Lordran. Basilisks and Mushroom People ones if they land a punch will result in a instant KO.
inhabit the tree, making the descent perilous, but it's also
filled with treasures, like the Cloranthy Ring. There are also 11. The bottom of the tree along with the Myconid colony will
many Crystal Lizards here. lead out towards Ash Lake.
The branches of this same tree are visible from in Firelink
1. from the Blighttown Swamp if the party decides to move
opposite of the belltower they will make it ot the Archtree.
The route is guarded by several insects and will have to
traverse the poisonous lake.
2. The party finds a large root that will lead them into the
tree itself found in the hollow area is a chest containing a
single Dragon Scale. But otherwise it appears to be a
dead End. Players that are proficient can make a DC14
Investigation/Arcana check to discover an illusionary wall
behind the chest.
3. Behind the illussionary wall is a Crystal lizard followed by
another seemingly Dead End. Players that are proficient
can make another DC14 Investigation/Arcana check to
discover an illusionary wall.
4. The Illussionary wall brings them towards a Ladder
decending down into the tree. A Bonfire can be Kindled Credit: tetsuok9999
with a Humanity as well. 12. The large ones will not be able to speak to the players as
5. From here on out the branches found inside of the tree they can only communicate telepathically. If the players
are the only way to decend a massive tree. the branches make any major moves or show any aggressions the
are thin and require balance to stay on them. Have the colony will attack. If they show no threat the colony will
players make a Dexterity check or Acrobatics while watch and guide them out of the tree. If the group
decending the branches. DC12 if they fail by 5 or more manages to get out without provoking any attack reward
they fall instantly. On failiure they slip and must succeed them souls or inspiration
on a DC 14 Dex to grab on. You may reward players for
creative ways to decendor helping others keep their
balance by rewarding advantages or Inspiration.
6. On the first big platform there are Crystalized Humans
that have died from Curse. Players may remember similar
statues from the Depths and the basilisks that created
them. Warning the players of Basilisks in the tree.
7. More branches decend but a Ring glows across a large
gap. The gap is about 15 ft away and down a lair of
branches a player may be able to jump across tand grab
the ring but once they do the branches fall down leading
them into an area alone With a group of basilisks nearby.
8. The branches above lead towards the Basilisk pack.
players will have to survive the branch before engaging
the pack.
9. After defeating the pack another crystal lizard can be
spotted on a large platform.
Ash Lake

ound at the base of The Great Hollow, Ash Lake
is the geographically lowest point in Lordran,
although possibly just a metaphorical journey.
This endless stretch of bottomless water,
archtrees and curious beams of light is an ash-
strewn shore that hold remnants of giants and a
Hydra still swims along its banks. At the end of
this area stands the last of the everlasting dragons, the Stone
1. The lake is surprisingly barren. The only landmarks in the
area is a large skull out in the distance and another world
tree further ahead several miles away.
2. The players will Trek through miles of ashe surrounded by
water. Eventually a Hyrda will appear from the lake and
start attacking the players.
3. A Massive Dragon Skull lies on ashy land. inside of the
skull is a Dragon Scale.
4. About 30 miles from the point of the Hollow will lead the
Pcs to another World tree and inside that tree is The
Everlasting Dragon.

Path of the Dragon

The Everlasting Dragon will only speak in Draconic. He will
speak with any member who speaks his language and offer
them the Power of the Dragons By Providing him with
Dragon Scales he will grant his power and teach the PC how Credit: Kazu Qa @angelaq99
to use their Breath as a weapon.
He enourages to fight others honorably. Invading others
will reward a Dragon Scale but only if the fight is deemed Dragons in Dark Souls
honorable 1v1. This allows a Player to fight another DM The following dragons have Guaranteed Drops of Dragon
PCduring downtime in a 1v1 battle. Scales.
Covenant Rewards 1. Undead Dragon in Valley of Drakes and Painted World
Tier Rewards 2. HellKite Dragon on Undead Parish Bridge
1 Dragonborn Breath Racial (for dragonborn add an 3. Black Dragon Kalameet in Oolacile
extra dice of damage) 4. Gaping Dragon in Depths
2 Increase Breath DC by 1 and add a dice to damage
5. Crossbreed Pricilla in Painted World
6. Can be farmed with low drop chance agaisnt Drakes in
3 Increase Breath DC by 2 and add 2 dice to damage Valley of Drakes.
Earn rewards by turning in Dragon Scales. 5,10,15
The Everlasting Dragon is treated as an Ancient Black
Dragon if players are so bold as to take it out. Defeating the
Dragon will reward 20 Dragon scales. Which can be sold for
1k each.
The Catacombs

his area can be accessed very early. Home to
skeletons and necromancers, this area is often Underneath the Statue
assailed by clerics of the Way of White, hoping 1. Coffins pushed up against the walls. One of which will
to retrieve the lost Rite of Kindling. lead to a shortcut skipping over some skeletons in the
Although the area can be accessed early it is next area. Continue to room 4
not recommeneded for low level parties. As
Dangerous Necromancers will throw wave 2. Big open room will lead down a stair well there are some
upon wave of skeletons at the partyand have their own deadly Flameskull. Teir deaths will cause an explosion which can
spells that can be used to stop the party. push people off the cliff.
3. A room full of Skeletons and a single necromancer
Way of the White 4. A long stretch of hallway. a pressure plate will unleasha
If the players are on good terms with Petrus and volley of arrows down the path at the end a player may
his party they may offer some advice to the party disarm the trap and find the Avelyn. a crossbow that fire 3
about how to delve deeper into the catacombs. bolts at once
Along with tips about the necromancers.
Ranged Weapon, Martial, Heavy Crossbow
1. Upon arriving in the graveyard near firelink the players Category: Items
can take note of the Large statue of Nito the Gravelord Damage: 1d8 followed by 1d6 then 1d4
Skeleton bones are rattled around the field. The statues Damage Type: Piercing
states: Item Rarity: Rare
Nito, the first of the dead, is one of the original Lords Properties: Heavy, Loading, Range, Two-Handed
who found a Lord Soul at the dawn of the Age of Fire. His Range: 100/400
soul turned him into a living manifestation of illness and Weight: 18
death, a mass of skeletons held together. He, along with
the other Lords, waged war against the Dragons, and Treated as a Heavy Crossbow, it's intricate mechanism
helped issue the killing blow by unleashing a miasma of makes heavy damage possible through triple-shot firing of
death and disease upon them. bolts. but in fact each bolt inflicts less damage." Roll to attack
on hit roll the following damage dice for each dart. Cannot
Beneath is a hole in the base of the statues. A player may attack multiple times per turn. The attack must target the
do one of many things to open up a passage way. same character
1. Tribute a Powerful Soul (5k souls or more) 5. A Titanite Demon protects a room full with empty
2. Cast a Firespell into the slot (to represent the first flame) coffins. Each Coffin states: "Those who who serve the
3. Cast a Necrotic Spell into the slotthe power of Gravelord Gravelord rest here." If any rest inside the coffin it will
Nito) close up on them and teleport them down towards the
4. Place a Dragon Scale in the hole (to represent his battle Gravelord Nito.
against the Dragons) 6. In another area are 3 pillars that must be activated at the
If any of these conditions are met the statue will open same time. they have the inscription that states "Only in
leading down into the Catacombs. death have we learned to work together" pulling one will
unleash Bonewheel Skeletons against the party. The
2. Exploring paths of the graveyard will awaken skeletons in pillars are all separated around the room. Activating the
the area. When defeated they will be resummoned back by pillars will lead to a secret chamber where a skeleton
a Necromancer hidden inside of a tomb. Blacksmith can be found.
3. Large Tomb. Voice can be heard from within the tomb 7. A path beyond the blacksmith is a large chasm where the
players will have to break open the tomb to find the boss of the area located. The Foggate leads to a laboratory
Necromancer insdie killing it will stop the spawn of and Pinwheel will spot the players when they enter his
skeletons in the area. domain.
4. Found on a tomb is a Zweihander. This item is treated as
a greatsword. This blade is massive and can swing
through multiple enemies at once. As an action you may
swing your sword in a front cone of 5ft. All creatures in
that cone must make a DC 13+STR DEX saving throw.
suffering full weapon damage on failiure or avoiding
damage on success.
Boss Fight - Pinwheel
Not much is known about Pinwheel, but there are some clues
about his nature and goals. This being is seemingly
composed of three separated consciousnesses; after noticing
the Chosen Undead, the three masks look at each other and
twitch lightly as if discussing what to do with the intruder.
Judging by the amount of tomes and skeletons (all shackled to
the ceiling and one on the operating table) inside his lair, one
can assume that he isn't hollow and is doing some kind of
necromantic research. It is said he stole the power of the
Gravelord, and that he reigns over the Catacombs
Boss Loot
Mask of the Child Requires Attunement. Once per Long
Rest you may call upon the power of the Child and gain an
additional action. At the end of your turn gain a point of
Mask of the Father Requires Attunement. increases
movement speed by 5ft.
Mask of the Mother Requires Attunement. While this
mask is donned the player has a 5hp boost to their maximum
health. this is removed if the masked is removed.
Credit: Pedro Ortiz

Pinwheel Fire Orb. (2 Legendary Action) You create a ball of fire in

your hand and toss the flame up to 20ft. all creatures
Medium Human, Chaotic Evil
within 5ft of the location must succeed on a DEX
Armor Class 15 (Mage Armor) saving throw or suffer 3d6 fire damage or half as much
Hit Points 120 on a success
Speed 30ft. Fireball. (3 Legendary Action) Each creature in a 20-foot-
radius sphere centered on that point must make a
Dexterity saving throw. A target takes 8d6 fire damage
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA on a failed save, or half as much damage on a
8 (-1) 14 (+2) 10 (+0) 18 (+4) 12 (+1) 10 (0) successful one.
Mirror Image.(2 Legendary Actions) Three illusory
Damage Immunities Fire duplicates of yourself appear in your space. Until the
Senses passive Perception 10 spell ends, the duplicates move with you and mimic
Languages Common your actions, shifting position so it’s impossible to
Challenge (15000 Souls) track which image is real. You can use your action to
dismiss the illusory duplicates. Each time a creature
Split Personalities At the beginning of Combat Pinwheel targets you with an attack during the spell’s duration,
will split into 3 copies of himself. The mother, Father, roll a d20 to determine whether the attack instead
and Child. Pinwheels health it evenly among the 3 targets one of your duplicates. If you have three
copies duplicates, you must roll a 6 or higher to change the
attack’s target to a duplicate. With two duplicates, you
Legendary Actions must roll an 8 or higher. With one duplicate, you must
roll an 11 or higher. A duplicate’s AC equals 10 + your
The Pinwheel can take 3 legendary actions, choosing Dexterity modifier. If an attack hits a duplicate, the
from the options below. Only one legendary option can duplicate is destroyed. A duplicate can be destroyed
be used at a time and only at the end of another only by an attack that hits it. It ignores all other damage
creature's turn. The Pinwheel regains spent legendary and effects. The spell ends when all three duplicates
actions at the start of its turn. are destroyed. A creature is unaffected by this spell if it
can’t see, if it relies on senses other than sight, such as
Actions blindsight, or if it can perceive illusions as false, as with
Firebolt. (1 Legendary Action) Ranged Spell Attack: +8
to hit, reach 30ft., one target. Hit 5 (1d10)
Blacksmith Vamos
Despite his skeleton appearance he can be found hammering
away on his anvil and is pretty friendly to the party. He serves
the Gravelord and is building weapons for his allies. If the
party is interested in finding Nito he can be conviced to tell
the party about the empty tombs that a titanite demon
guards. This will lead them to the Gravelord. (Note: The
players will eventually fight Gravelord Nito. They will have to
climb through the same coffin but instead of being brought to
Nito they will be brought to the Tomb of Giants.)
Vamos also is able to upgrade items using the same
formula as Blacksmith Andre. However he allows players to
infuse thier weapons with Chaos Energy
Chaos Weapons Increase in scaling based on how many
Humanity a player holds on them at once. When a weapon is
infused with Chaos energy the weapon damage is inceased
by +1 for each Humanity they have on them (Limit 5).
Infusing a Chaos Weapon Requires 1 humanity and 2,000
Souls. Chaos weapons overtake any other magical properties
that a weapon has so choose the weapon wisely. Credit: Blacksmith Vamos - Dark souls
Gravelord Sword Dance
Gravelord Servants Covenant Ability
Servants of Gravelord Nito, the First of the Dead. They serve Casting Time: 1 action
their master by spreading disaster to their neighboring Range: 30ft.
worlds through the use of Eyes of Death. The purpose of this Components: V
covenant is to infect other players' worlds with extra enemies, Duration: 1 round
known as Gravelord Black Phantoms, while also inviting All Enemies within a 20ft radius must succeed on a DC 13
those players to invade the host. DEX saving throw. on fail they suffer 2d6 slashing damage
Ranking up in this covenant requires you to use an item and 5/10/20 Poison Damage. This ability may only be used
called Eye of Death which infects another players world. The while you have the Gravelord Sword equipped and can be
player rolls a D20 to determine the level of the Player he is used up to as many times your Covenant level per short rest.
invading. The Dm creates a PC for that player to fight. On
success the player earns a rank in the covenant. This can Gravelord Greatsword Dance
only be used once per Downtime. Covenant Ability
Covenant Rewards
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 30ft.
Tier Rewards Components: V
1 Gravelord Sword Duration: 1 round
2 Gravelord Sword Dance All Enemies within a 20ft radius must succeed on a DC 15
3 Gravelord Greatsword Dance DEX saving throw. on fail they suffer 4d6 slashing damage
and 10/20/30 Poison Damage. This ability may only be used
while you have the Gravelord Sword equipped and can be
Gravelord Sword used up to as many times your Covenant level per long rest.
melee weapon (martial, sword)
Category: Items
Damage: 1d6
Damage Type: Slashing
Item Rarity: Rare
Properties: Finesse, Light
Weight: 2
This sword infects an enemy with a Toxic energy. While
struck with this blade that character takes an additional
5/10/20 Poison Damage.
Act 3: Sen's Fortress

ehind the Undead Parish, surrounded by forest
and wildlife, the Sen's Fortress was constructed, Example
to serve as a test for those who wish to enter A player may study the blades movements before
the City of the Gods, Anor Londo. making the jump to run past them. they would roll
Filled not only with swinging blades, pressure an Insight or maybe even an Investigation to make
plates, traps and deadly boulders, Serpent Men sure they can move in time. I might set the DC to
and Prowling Demons lurk behind every corner. 12. Where as a player who just tries to Dash
After ringing the Bells of Awakening, one of the enslaved through them with just his speed the DC would be
Giants open the gates. Two other Giants can be found on the mich higher maybe a 15 or 18. How well your
rooftops; one of them loads boulders into a machine that players RP should set the DC
sends them rolling throughout the fortress, while another one
throws explosives at whoever trespasses.
In order to finally reach Anor Londo, a tired warrior will 3. Once a player makes it to the halfway point a horn will
need to fight the last guardian of the Fortress, the gatekeeper blow and two Serpant Casters will start casting "Eldritch
Iron Golem, that has repelled and slayed countless heroes Blasts" at them. If a player is hit. They must succeed in a
and was created by the Gods of Anor Londo by fusing the DC12 STR saving throw of be pushed back 10ft. possibly
power of a soul with the bones of the dragons, forming a core causing them to fall off to their death.
for this monstrosity made of steel.
Once the Iron Golem is defeated, the gate to Anor Londo
will be found blocked, but three Bat Wing demons transport Surviving the falls.
whoever gets this far. In case the players have secured a safe way down
instead of falling to their deaths they will find an
Middle Level Encounters open area filled with water (Not enough to swim in
it) and some 4 Titanite Demons in the area. a player
Sen's fortress is a gauntlet. Yes there are enemies but the real may be able to get past them and find a ladder to
enemies will be the traps around EVERY corner. This place escape back up to the other end of the bridge. See
was designed to keep those who were not worthy out of Anor basement for more details.
Londo. When a player Casts detect trap in this area they will
get an overwhelming sensation of the amount of traps and
not be able to focus on the dungeon. The enemies here will 4. At the long of the path Around the corner is a Serpant
use the trapsto their advantage. They have been guarding this warrior blocking the path. He will try and hold the line
fortress for a long time and they know how to use them on and block players from getting off the bridge while the
those who dare walk the Land of the Gods. casters pelt the Pcs with blasts.
1. With the gates open the first thing some players will 5. Around the corner is a dart trap. DC 13 Dex saving throw
notice is thebodies of Serpant warriors. Siegward of or take 2d6 piercing + 2d8 poison damage.
Catarina was waiting for his shot to get into the fortress
and it seems like he did a good job clearing a bit of the 6. The players that make it across will find the landing
way for the players. A player may roll to investigate the where the Serpant Casters were attacking them from.
bodies and take noteThe players will walk into the Along with another set of swinging Scythes.
entrance and find Large spikes in the back of a Serpant
Warriors back along with a massive gash slashed through 7. A chest lies in wait in the next room. another Dart trap
the front. Two large containters can be found in the same rests within the chest firing at those who open the trap a
room containing a health potion and potion of force Titanite shard does rest inside of the Chest
resistance. 8. In the following room is a Serpant Guard asleep against a
2. The next area is a long thin pathway with swinging blades wall. The wall behind him can be destroyed in doing so the
every 15 ft. Each player must make a dash across a thin playeres will find Big Hat Logan in a cell. DC 14
beam to make it across the area. The blades are swinging Investigation check for the room will discover the wall is
at a strange rate. ask the players how they would like to very thin. DC 10 There is also Bricks and building
attempt to get by the unusualy blades swinging back and materials in the corner seems like they were used
forth. Set the DC to your discression based on how well recently.
they rp the check and use their skills to bypass it. A
failiure by your set DC of 5 or more will result in them
being knocked off and falling to their death. if they fail by
less than that have them knock prone and roll 2d12
slashing damage.
12. on the other side of the collapsed bridge will be a room
Big Hat Logan that will slowly start closing in on the party. There are 3 Blac
Finding Logan is part of Griggs Quest back in firelink. The ladders leading upwards 1 of which is a ladder mimic. thi
Cell is locked and has a magical field around it. The players which will attempt to eat one of the party members. It is a aw
can attempt to dispel the magic then lockpick the cell. DC 13 long climb and the room will close up in 5 turns. The mus
for the dispel magic to take place then a DC20 lockpicking party must climb up the ladder and free a party member
skill check can free him. If the party fails these checks Logan from teh mimic or they will all be squished in 5 turns Gree
will tell them that a Serpant Witch holds the key. She can be instantly killing any who dont make it out to gr
found on the upper floors. 13. if the players didnt kill the mimic or free the party
member they will fight the Ladder Mimic here. Rin
IF all spells were purchased from Griggs his body will be whil
found in a nearby cell next to Logan. He will explain to the 14. The boulder trap is found in this room. it can be rotated to Ligh
party that the man tried to free him but the witch got the have the boldurs fly out into the forest. or down a center ad
better end of him. The party can loot his body and take the ramp which breaks open a wall down below revealing Big
Sorcerer Set. Hat Logans cell. Ring
15. Final Scythe Bridge. 5 scythes to make it past and 1 adv
Upper Level Serpant Witch trying to pelt players with Eldritch Blasts. pla
9. Next path players will trigger a boulder trap halfway as the 16. a stair well leads towards outside of the fortress but a trap
climb a sloped path. DC 12 perception check to hear the can be triggered shooting 3 darts dealing 3d4 piercing
sound of the boulder falling. On success give the players damage to the player who triggers them. 3. Th
advantage to dodge the boulder. DC15 on fail players take la
4d8 bludgeoning If the players fail by 5 or more they th
would take 6d8 instead. There is a ledge that they can look Fortress Roofs tra
down. Siegward of Catarina will shout for assistance. The Safe haven away from all the traps is an illusionary wall as
Bouldurs will continue to fall every few seconds. Use a that contains a bonfire. a player who is near the wall can ho
similar method as before for the players to make it up the make a DC12 Perception check to feel the heat emenating ki
ramp unscathed. from the bonfire. Otherwise the players will continue their
acension to the roof of the fortress. 2 Giants will Hurl
Siegward RP Bouldurs at the players. Players will have to climb up the
Siegward has been stuck for some time. He
ramparts attempting to dodge snipers and bouldurs hurled at
managed to get through many of the Serpent
knights and their traps but he is far too slow to 1. The main path leads upwards where the players will be in
make it up from the never ending boulder ramp. If the open While the Giants hurl attacks at them. One of the
the party is able to disable tohe trap he will come giants could be picked off With Rnaged attacks but the
to their aid against the ruler of the fortress. other one is high up and in full cover.
(allowing him to be summoned as a Phantom to
fight the Iron Golem 2. Across the long path there is a gap that a player could
jump to get to another tower. This tower contains the
Crestfallen Merchant. He sells a various amount of
10. Under the ramp where the boulders fall is a wooden door goodies. He also tells the party of a witch that has been
the Door can be broken down and inside the room is a trapped down below the tower he's in.
bunch of crates pots a Crystal Lizard, 2 Mimics and Crestfallen Merchant
Treasure Chest The lizard is hiding behind some crates.
The mimic contains a Lightning Spear treated as
standard spear but add 1d6 Lightning damage per hit.
The second mimic contains the Soul of Great Hero Which
adds 5k souls to the player Cache. The actual Chest
contains Boots of Water Walking
11. A path to the left will lead to more traps such as darts and
a collapsing bridge that will cause Pcs to fall to teh bottom
of the fortress.
Serpent Witch
Medium Humanoid (yuan-ti), neutral, Evil

Armor Class 16 (Natural Armor)

Hit Points 82 (11d8+33)
Speed 46ft.


11 (0) 14 (+2) 16 (+3) 17 (+4) 12 (+1) 14 (+2)

Damage Immunities poison

Condition Immunities poison
Senses passive Perception 11
Languages Abyssal, Common, Draconic
Challenge 3 (700 XP)

Innate Spellcasting. The yuan-ti's spellcasting ability

is Intelligence (spell save DC 16). The yuan-ti can
innately cast the following spells, requiring no
material components: Credit: Fextralife
At will: Animal Friendship (snakes only) 4. If the players continue up the other path they will find a
3/day each: poison spray, suggestion shortcut taht brings them down to the entrance of Sens
Cantrip (at will): Mage Hand, Prestidigation, Ray of Fortress.
1st level (4 slots): Ray of Sickness, Sleep, Tasha's 5. Continue up more ramparts and the giants will continue
Hideous Laughter to throw boulders at the players. they will eventually wrap
2nd Level (2 slots): Alter Self. Invisibility around a tower to avoid the incoming rocks.
Magic Resistance. The yuan-ti has advantage on 6. Hidden in some rubble is a body of Ricard his rapier just
saving throws against spells and other magical shy of the rubble.
effects. rings.

Actions Ricard Rapier

Multi-attack The Serpent attack can attack twice
melee weapon (martial, sword)
with her twin Swords attack. Category: Items
Damage: 1d8
Repelling Blasts. Ranged Spell Attack: +6 to hit, Damage Type: Piercing
reach 120ft., one target. Hit 10 (1d10 + 4) a Item Rarity: Standard
creature hit with this blast must succeed on a DC
12 STR saving throw or be knocked back 10ft.
Properties: Finesse
Weight: 2
Twin Swords. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach A rapier with intricate decorations. Chosen weapon of the
5ft., one target. Hit 5 (1d6 + 2) famous Undead Prince Ricard. Ricard's exploits are told in
a monomyth." "He was born into royalty, but wandered the
lands in a fateful ill-conceived journey. He became Undead
and disappeared up North."
While using this weapon each time you attack the same
creature with this weapon per turn add +1 to hit and damage.
7. the players have one more dash to get to the top tower to
confront the boss of the area. If the Giants havnt been delt
with yet they will be throwing rocks into the boss arena.
8. The Fogwall of the Boss Iron Golem is inside a tower. the
foggate leads back outside to the roof of the fortress.
Going through here will start the boss fight.
9. If the players go upstairs from the tower they will be able
to fight a Giant in melee range and stop it from throwing
boulders down on them during the boss fight.
Iron Golem Immutable Form. The golem is immune to any spell or
effect that would alter its form.
Large Construct, unaligned
Magic Resistance. The golem has advantage on saving
Armor Class 20 throws against spells and other magical effects.
Hit Points 210 (20d10 + 100)
Speed 30ft. Magic Weapons. The golem's weapon attacks are


24 (+7) 9 (-1) 20 (+5) 3 (-4) 11 (0) 1 (-5) Multiattack. The golem makes two melee attacks.
Axe. Melee Weapon Attack: +13 to hit, reach 10 ft.,
Damage Immunities Fire, Poison, Psychic; Bludgeoning, one target. Hit: (3d12 + 7) slashing damage.
Piercing, and Slashing From Nonmagical Attacks
That Aren't Adamantine Stomp Melee Attack: All creatures within 10 ft of the
Condition Immunities Charmed, Exhaustion, Frightened, Iron golem must make a DC 16 Dexterity saving throw
Paralyzed, Petrified, Poisoned or suffer 3d8+7 bludgeoning damage.
Senses Darkvision 120 Ft., passive Perception 10 Sonic Boom (Recharge 6) The golem sends out a sonic
Languages Understands The Languages Of Its Creator boom from his weapon in a 15-foot cone. Each
But Can't Speak creature in that area must make a DC 19 Constitution
Challenge 16 (15,000 XP) saving throw, taking 45 (10d8) force damage on a
failed save, or half as much damage on a successful
Fire Absorption. Whenever the golem is subjected to one.
fire damage, it takes no damage and instead regains a
number of hit points equal to the fire damage dealt.

Boss Loot Finale

Core of the Iron Giant This item can be used to gain 10k Defeating the Iron Golem is the final boss for part 1 of the
souls or be fused into a boss weapon. module. The players will see a Golden Ring appear upond the
Golems defeat. Any remaining Giants will stop throwing
Dragon Bone Fist boulders at the party as tehy have provent themselves worthy
Unarmed weapon to get to the Golden city of Anor Londo.
Category: Items Stepping into the light they will be transferred to a bonfire
Damage: 1d4 in Anor Londo and leaves us open to a cliff hanger.
Damage Type: Bludgeoning
Item Rarity: Legendary
Properties: Versatile
Weight: 1
While making an unarmed attack add +1 to the attack and
damage roll. While this item is equipped you have resistance
to fire damage.
Iron Golem Axe
Unarmed weapon
Category: Items
Damage: 1d12
Damage Type: Slashing
Item Rarity: Legendary
Properties: Heavy, Two-Handed
Weight: 1
You slam your weapon into the ground causing a force
shockwave that rivals that of the Iron Golem
Once per short rest you can use the spell Thunderwave.
the spell save DC is 10+ Str Mod.
Final Thoughts

his campaign was a ton of fun for both me as
the Dm and my players even those who did not
know the lore of Dark souls or havnt played
any of the games.
The combat was intense but the excess
amount of magical items in the game made
things feel fair and balanced. Players died but
often they were able to come back on round 2 with a better
formulated plan.
The Risk of losing their hard earn XP during a fight when
they had 20k souls on them was terrifying and it kept them
motivated to play smart. My party only lost their souls once
and had several close calls.
With that being said this is not a campaign for everyone.
This was a very tactical dungeon crawling campaign with
limited use of RP other than for eachother. I would try to
implment more RP if i could in certain areas. A character
was a Kobold in my game and i ended up tying his backstory
into blighttown where he met a horde of Cursed Kobolds who
wished to spread the curse not stop it.
It is my hope that you take this pdf as a starting template
and improve upon it in your own game.

More Monsters
There are a lot of creatures i mentioned in this book that i
didn't create monster stat blocks for. Honestly i just used
basic monster stat blocks. Hollows are bandits for the most
part. Armored Boar was just a boar with plate armor
Grab things from the monster manual that you feel like
would fit and go from there.

Players Items
One thing i wished I did was have each player give me an list
of items they really wanted. Dark Souls gear favors STR
builds and i wish i would have given my Dex/Magic users a
bit more to play with early on.

Thank you to all who read through this. Inspired by
Braggadouchio post. He laid the ground work and i modified
different bosses to my liking.
Final Thoughts

his campaign was a ton of fun for both me as
the Dm and my players even those who did not
know the lore of Dark souls or havnt played
any of the games.
The combat was intense but the excess
amount of magical items in the game made
things feel fair and balanced. Players died but
often they were able to come back on round 2 with a better
formulated plan.
The Risk of losing their hard earn XP during a fight when
they had 20k souls on them was terrifying and it kept them
motivated to play smart. My party only lost their souls once
and had several close calls.
With that being said this is not a campaign for everyone.
This was a very tactical dungeon crawling campaign with
limited use of RP other than for eachother. I would try to
implment more RP if i could in certain areas. A character
was a Kobold in my game and i ended up tying his backstory
into blighttown where he met a horde of Cursed Kobolds who
wished to spread the curse not stop it.
It is my hope that you take this pdf as a starting template
and improve upon it in your own game.

More Monsters
There are a lot of creatures i mentioned in this book that i
didn't create monster stat blocks for. Honestly i just used
basic monster stat blocks. Hollows are bandits for the most
part. Armored Boar was just a boar with plate armor
Grab things from the monster manual that you feel like
would fit and go from there.

Players Items
One thing i wished I did was have each player give me an list
of items they really wanted. Dark Souls gear favors STR
builds and i wish i would have given my Dex/Magic users a
bit more to play with early on.

Thank you to all who read through this. Inspired by
Braggadouchio post. He laid the ground work and i modified
different bosses to my liking.

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