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Chapter 4


Initial Height (cm)

Based on the result of the study in Table 3, it shows that in terms of initial height

at 15 days after transplanting (DAT), statistical analysis of variance (Appendix Table 1a)

reveals no significant differences among treatment means

Final Height (cm)

The result of the study shows that the use of MLE has no significant effect

on the final height of the tomato 100 DAT. However, it can be observed that tomato

plants from Treatment 2 to Treatment 5 are taller as compared with Treatment 1.

Weight (kg) of Marketable Fruits per Plot

Statistical analysis revealed that Treatment 2 (200 ml MLE + 1 Liter of water)

was significantly different as compared to other treatments used. Application of MLE

was shown to increase yields of crops such as tomato, onions, bell pepper, soybean,

sorghum, coffee, tea, chili, melon, and maize (Fuglie, 2000).

Weight (kg) of Non- Marketable Fruits per Plot

The result of non-marketable fruits was shown in Table 3. Statistical analysis

revealed no significant differences among treatment means.


Table 3. Summary Table on the Growth and Yield Response of Tomato Sprayed
with Moringa Leaf Extract (MLE)
Final Weight (kg) Weight of
Initial Com
Height Of Non- Yield
Height puted
TREATMENT (cm) Marketable Marketabl (kg) per
(cm) Yield
100 Fruits per e Fruits Plot
15 DAT (tons/ha)
DAT Plot per Plot
T1 9.25 75.62 4.15b 0.73 4.88b 17.42b
T2 9.64 90.82 12.55a 0.29 12.84a 45.83a
T3 9.38 79.91 5.92b 0.67 6.59b 23.52b
T4 9.00 88.62 5.48b 0.62 6.10b 21.80b
T5 9.33 91.8 6.48b 0.63 7.13b 25.47b
CF 1.49 1.17 7.28* 1.28 6.49* 6.48*
CV 3.71 % 13.49% 13.28% 44.83% 28.02 % 28.04%
Means with the same letter are not significantly different.
ns- not significant
* - significant

Yield (kg/plot)

Based on the study revealed that plants sprayed with MLE have a

significant effect in terms of yield kg/plot. However, Treatment 2 (200 ml MLE + 1 Liter

of water) produced a higher yield per plot as compared to other treatments used.

Treatments 1, 3, 4, and 5 were statistically the same as each other. Moringa leaf extract

has growth stimulating properties and its foliar spray has been found to positively

increase the productivity and yield of treated crops (Andrews, 2006).

Computed Yield (tons/ha)

Statistical analysis (table 3) revealed Treatment 2 significantly produced a higher

yield as compared to other treatments used. Bashir et al. (2014) documented that MLE

significantly increased the average plant height, number of leaves and branches, and yield

of the tomato plant.

Table 4. Summary of Cost and Return Analysis

Item T1 T2 T3 T4 T5
Yield (kg/ha) 17,420 45,830 23,520 21,800 25,470
Price/kg (P) 15 15 15 15 15
Gross Income(P) 261,300 687,450 352,800 327,000 382,050
Total 75,110 71,000 71,575 72,150 72,725
Net Income (P) 186,190 616,450 281,225 254,850 309,325
ROE (%) 247.89 862.24 392.91 353.22 425.33

The highest net income per hectare of tomato production was obtained in

Treatment 2. This is followed by Treatment 5, Treatment 3, Treatment 4, and Treatment 1

registered the lowest net income. The cost and return per hectare in the production of

tomatoes revealed that the highest return on expenses is derived from Treatment 2. This

was followed by Treatment 5, Treatment 3, and Treatment 4. The lowest return on

expenses of tomato per hectare was obtained by Treatment 1.

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