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EAPP Written-based Output #1

Directions: Use your critical thinking by analyzing the image below. What does it
imply to you? Write your arguments based on your own understanding of the
illustration. Use one-half sheet of paper cut crosswise for your answer.
Note: Cursive writing is required. Avoid unnecessary erasures.

EAPP Written-based Output #2

Directions: From the list of propositions below, choose one topic of your interest
which you are going to use in writing a position paper. Do your research
comprehensively before you decide which side you will take, the affirmative or
negative side. Use one-whole sheet of paper. Write neatly and legibly.

1. Should the Philippines undergo mass testing of Covid-19?

2. Should young children be pushed to compete in athletics?
3. Should children have scheduled activities or be left more time for free play?
4. Should media coverage be regulated?
5. How should the country's school system be reformed?
6. What role should technology play in education?
7. Cell phones control our relationships.
8.Cell phones, texts, and emails are not as good as talking face-to-face.
9. Textbooks should be replaced by i-Pads and online resources. 10. How can
citizens be responsible for their local environment?
10.Should tablets replace textbooks in the classroom?
EAPP Written-based Output #3
Directions: Write a position paper based on the topic given below. Use one-whole
sheet of paper. Observe neatness and legible pencraft.
Topic: Should women stay at home and look after children and forego their

EAPP Written-based Output #4

Directions: Write your argument or claim on the given issue. Support this by
gathering some manifestoes and analyzing the arguments used by the writer/s.
Write your answer on a one-half sheet of paper.
Issue: Should a woman be involved in political affairs of the nation?
Please be guided by the suggested criteria for Scoring.
Criteria for Scoring
Identified Learning……….…20pts.
Relevance of Content…........15pts.

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