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7 Ways To Double Your Income Mini Challenge

Emails / A/R
**We recommend setting up a Facebook group or Forum to build community and challenge
**For this mini challenge, it may make more sense to let the interaction and engagement take
place in an existing group or on an existing Facebook page**
**Create an opt-in page for the Challenge so you have them on your list for this and future
challenges and mailings**
**Make sure to email them every day. One of the goals is to get your readers used to getting
communication from you often, opening the emails and taking action on what you’re telling them
to do.**

Welcome Email – this gets sent when they sign up for the challenge

Subj: Welcome to A Week Of Biz Serious Business Growth

Hello [name],

Thank you for joining me in the 7 Ways To Double Your Income Mini Challenge. I can’t wait to
get started. In fact, we’ll officially begin [insert start date].

Each day you’ll get an email from me with tip or a strategy designed to help you grow your
business and your bottom line. We’re not talking airy-fairy stuff here. These are hands-on,
actionable tips and strategies you can use every day to embrace planning, set ambitious goals,
and then work towards reaching them. I’ll send you an email each day and also post over at
[insert blog url]

Until then, I’d like to invite you to join me over in our Facebook group where we’ll talk more
about all this. Share your own experiences, what you struggle with when it comes to making
money online, and what you would like to accomplish over the course of the coming week.

I’ll see you bright and early [insert date] with the first email and blog post about tracking what’s
working and how you can start to use the 80/20 rule to quickly boost your income.

[Insert Personal Closing]

P.S.: If you know someone who could benefit from this challenge, please invite them to join us
over at [Insert Opt-In Page Link].
Day 1 - Track What’s Working And Use The 80/20 Rule

Subj: {Day 1} Do You Know What’s Actually Making You Money?

Hello [name],

Do you know what out of everything you do on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis is actually
making you money? When you start to track and figure out what’s contributing to the marjority of
your financial success, it’s easy to focus on doing more of what’s netting your results. It’s a big
piece of the puzzle towards doubling your income.

Today we start by taking a closer look at tracking what’s working and how you can determine
what you should be working on and what you should let go. Take a minute to read it by clicking
the link below and then stay tuned for tomorrow’s email and blog post.

[insert link to blog post]

If you have any questions along the way, want to share your own tips, or just connect with
others following along in the 7 Ways To Double Your Income, head on over to our Facebook
group (or page).

[insert link to Facebook group/page]

I’ll be back tomorrow with another tip and challenge prompt.

[insert personal closing]

P.S. Do you know someone that would benefit from this information? Send them over to [link to
opt-in page] to sign up.
Day 2 - Collaborate With Other Players In Your Niche

Subj: {Day 2} Get In Front Of Their Audience…

Hello [name],

An easy way to double your income is to double your reach. If twice as many interested people
see what you have to offer, you should make twice the sales and double your income. Of course
that’s easier said than done… unless you find a way to get in front of the audience of someone
else. Today is all about different ways to do just that.

Take a moment to read the post here:

[insert link to blog post]

I’ll be back tomorrow with a quick tip that will help you increase your bottom line without any
additional work on your part.

[insert personal closing]

P.S. Product Recommendation (optional)

Don’t Miss A Tip

In case you missed yesterday’s email and post, here it is:

Day 1 – [Add link to Day 1 Blog Post ]

Day 3 - Raise Your Prices & Rates

Subj: {Day 3} As promised… the easiest way to increase your income

Hello [name]

In yesterday’s email I promised to share a simple way to increase and even double your
income. Here it is – Raise your prices. The idea may be deceptively simple and it’s super easy
to implement, but there’s a little more to it which is why I recommend you click through and read
the entire blog post for today.

[insert URL for the blog post]

Don’t forget to stop by the Facebook group and let me know what your thoughts on the topic

[LINK to Facebook Group]

[insert personal closing]

P.S.: Do you know someone that would like to get these tips and strategies for increasing their
bottom line? Send them over to [link to opt-in page] to sign up.

Don’t Miss A Tip

In case you missed one of the emails and posts, here is what we’ve shared so far:

Day 1 [Add link to day 1 Blog Post]

Day 2 [Add link to day 2 Blog Post]
Day 4 - Create A New Product For Your Existing Customers

Subj: {Day 4} Finding new customers is hard…

Hello [name]

The hardest part of making sales online is finding new customers. You have to get in front of
them, convince them to join your list with an attractive freebie. Then the hard work of earning
enough of their trust to get them to spend money with you begins. Along the way, you lose a lot
of people since only a small portion of the people you reach initially will end up as paying
customers. That’s why one effective strategy to increase your income is to create new products
for existing customers. Ready to learn more about this strategy and how it will help you grow
your business in multiple ways? Click and read.

[insert blog post link]

Any questions? Feel free to reply to this email, and don’t forget to stop by the Facebook group
to chat about the challenge and share your progress.

[insert personal closing]

P.S.:. [insert product recommendation]

Don’t Miss A Post About This Business Growth Challenge

In case you missed one of the emails and posts, here is what we’ve shared so far:
[Insert each day’s posts below]
Day 1 –
Day 2 -
Day 3 -
Day 5 - Focus On List Growth And Sales

Subj: {Day 5} Do you know what you should be focusing on?

Hello [name],

One of the biggest problems most online marketers face is figuring out what they should focus
on. There is so much you could be doing in a given day and not a week goes by where you
don’t hear about another exciting strategy you want to try.

Today I want to encourage you to focus on the basics – growing your list and making sales. It’s
a strategy that has worked since the advent of the internet and it continues to be responsible for
the majority of financial success today.

Click through to read more.

[insert blog post link]

Don’t forget to stop by the Facebook group to chat. I’d love hear what you think about this
challenge so far. What’s been helpful, what hasn’t, and what questions do you have about
planning for future success?

[insert personal closing]

P.S.: Do you know someone that would like to get these email tips, too and join the challenge?
Send them over to [insert link to opt-in page] to sign up.

Don’t Miss A Post

In case you missed one of the emails and posts, here is what I’ve shared so far:
[insert links to daily blog posts below]
Day 1 -
Day 2 -
Day 3 -
Day 4 -
Day 6 - Embrace Paid Advertising To Grow Your Reach

Subj: {Day 6} Have you tried Paid Advertising?

Hello [name],

The biggest bottleneck most of us face when it comes to financial growth, it’s reach. We need to
get in front of more people. Of course these people need to make up part of our target
audience. One of the quickest and easiest ways to get in front of new ideal prospects is through
paid advertising. While it's easier and more affordable than it has ever been in the past, this can
be a scary step, but one you won’t regret making. Start by reading today’s blog post:

[insert link to blog post]

Have you tried paying for ads in the past? I’d love to hear your stories about how you got started
and what you’ve found worked and didn’t work. If you haven’t, I’d love to hear why. Let’s work
through what’s holding you back. Join us in the Facebook group and let’s swap stories so we
learn from each other and get ideas for new things to try and test.

[insert personal closing]

P.S.: [Product Recommendation]

Don’t Miss A Thing

In case you missed one of the emails and posts, here is what I’ve shared so far:
[insert links to daily blog posts below]

Day 1 -
Day 2 -
Day 3 -
Day 4 -
Day 5 -
Day 7 – Create A High Ticket Item You Can Sell Again & Again

Subj: {Day 7} Have you considered creating one of these products?

Hello [name],

Can you believe it? We’re coming to the end of our series on 7 Days To Double Your Income. I
hope you’ve enjoyed reading the daily emails and blog posts. More importantly, I hope you’ve
been busy implementing the ideas or at least learning more and making a plan for giving them a
try going forward.

We wrap things up today with a powerful strategy of creating one high-ticket product that you
can sell again and again. No, it’s not one-on-one coaching. While that’s a viable business
model, it has one big problem as you’ll find out. No, I’m talking about creating a big ticket
information product that won’t take extra time to deliver no matter how many times you end up
selling it.

Read today’s post to learn more.

[insert link to blog post]

[Insert a note about what’s coming next. We recommend you sign up for our Self Help
Content Membership where you will receive a 30 day challenge similar to this to share
with your readers each and every month. In that case, you’d simply tell them to look out
for a new challenge and when it will start.]

[insert personal closing]

P.S. Do you know someone that would like to get these tips and ideas for doubling their
income? Send them over to [insert link to opt-in page] to sign up.

Don’t Miss A Tip

In case you missed one of the emails and posts, here are the posts I’ve shared so far:
[insert links to each day’s blog post below]

Day 1 -
Day 2 -
Day 3 -
Day 4 -
Day 5 –
Day 6 -

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