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Subject :- Science Class VII Full Marks =190

Fill In Blanks :-
In higher animals, respiration occurs through_______________.
1. The food has _____________ which is related during_________________.
2. Yeasts can survive in the absence of air. They are called ___________.
3. The accumulation of ________ cause muscle cramps.
4. The taking in of air rich in oxygen into body is called______________
5. Breathing involves the movement of the ________ and the _____________.
6. Haemoglobin is present in ______________ blood cells.
7. Arteries and veins are joined by a network of _____________.
8. Our heart has ____________ chambers.
9. Circulation of blood was discovered by _____________.
10. The kidneys contain thousands of tiny filters called ___________.
11. The tube which carries urine form the bladder to outside of the body is called
12. Kidneys eliminate the waste materials in the liquid form called _________.
13. Arteries and veins are joined by a network of ______________.
Answer the following in short :-
14.What is a cell?
15.Why do all animals respire?
16.What is cellular respiration?
17.Where does cellular respiration take place?
18.What are the two main types of respiration
19.What are the end products of anaerobic respiration in yeast?
20.What is breathing?
21.Name the two major steps in berthing.
22.What is breathing rate?
23.What is the role of hair and mucus inside the nose?
24.Name the various organs found in our respiratory system?
25.Write one important function of blood?
26.What are the respiratory organs in insects?
27.What is blood
28.Name three kinds of cells found in blood.
29.Write one important function of blood.
30.What is plasma?
31.What is pulse?
32.Define pulse rate?
33.Name the four chamber of earth.
34.What is a pulse rate of a normal person?
35.What are the constituents of urine?
36.What are the constituents of urine?
Answer the following Question in detail:-
37. List the similarities and differences between aerobic and anaerobic respiration.
38. Explain the mechanism of berating with the help of diagram.
39. Demonstrate the mechanism of berating with the help of an activity.
40. Explain in brief about berating in fish?
41. Do the all plants also respire? Explain in brief.
42. Give some points of differentiation in respiration in plants and human beings or animal
43. What is transpiration? Why is it useful to plants?
44. Explain job done by kidneys.
45. What are stomata? Give two functions of stomata.
46. Define circulatory system in sponges and hydra.
47. What is heartbeat? Name the instrument used by doctors to listen to our heartbeat.
48. What is dialysis? What type of patients are put on dialysis machine?
49. Why do plants need a transport system? Name the two types of vessels which constitute
the transport system in plants.
50. What are the various organs of the human excretory system? Draw a diagram of the
human excretory system and label the various parts.
51. What are stomata? Give two function of stomata.
52. How can a person having kidney failure survive?
Multiple choice Question :-
Question. The process of breakdown of food in the cell with the release of energy is
called ________
(a) Respiration (c) Exhalation
(b) Inhalation (d) Breathing
Question. Taking in air rich in oxygen into the body is called _________
(a) Respiration (c) Exhalation
(b) Inhalation (d) Breathing
Question. Giving out of air rich in carbon dioxide is called __________
(a) Respiration (c) Exhalation
(b) Inhalation (d) Breathing
Question. An adult human being at rest breathes in and out for______ times in a minute
(a) 15-18 (c) 10-15
(b) 20-25 (d) 50-60

Question. During exhalation the size of the chest cavity ______

(a) Decreases (c) Remains the same
(b) Increases (d) Get out of the lungs
Question. To which disease is smoking linked ?
(a) Appendicitis (c) Fever
(b) Cancer (d) Anaemia
Question. Name the organism which breathes through its skin
(a) Cat (c) Dog
(b) Human beings (d) Earthworm
Question. The small openings in the body of a cockroach are called ( )
(a) Holes (c) Tracks
(b) Spiracles (d) Pores
Question. Name the organism that breathes through its lungs as well as its skin ( )
(a) Human being (c) Dog
(b) Frog (d) Earthworm
Question. The air tubes that an insect has are useful for the exchange of________( )
(a) Gases (c) Solid s
(b) Liquids (d) No exchange
Question. In cockroaches, air enters the body through ____________( )
(a) Lungs (c) Spiracles
(b) Gills (d) Skin
Question. During heavy exercise, we get cramps in the legs due to the accumulation of ( )
(a) Carbon dioxide (c) Alcohol
(b) Lactic acid (d) water
Question. Which statement is correct?
(a) Exhaled air contains more oxygen and less carbon dioxide.
(b) Exhaled air contains less oxygen and less carbon dioxide.
(c) Inhaled air contains equal amount of carbon dioxide and oxygen.
(d) Exhaled air contains more carbon dioxide and less oxygen.
Question. Which one of the following is an anaerobic organism ?
(a) yeast (c) ant
(b) crow (d) dog
Question. Which Of The Following Is Most Likely To Have A Much Higher Breathing Rate?
(a) Man (c) Sparrow
(b) Dog (d) Fish
Question. The most common substrate for respiration is
(a) fats (c) glucose
(b) amino acids (d) sucrose
Question. Air exhaled:
(a) has no moisture (c) has moisture
(b) has more amount of oxygen (d) has less amount of carbon dioxide

Question. Cockroaches breathe by using an organ called

(a) nose (c) both (a) and (b)
(b) tracheae (d) none of these
Question. Which of these are the organs of human respiratory system?
(a) Trachea (c) Alveolus
(b) Bronchus (d) All of these
Question. Breathing rate in human beings in normal condition is
(a) 12-15 times in a minute (c) 18-22 times in a minute
(b) 15-18 times in a minute (d) 22-25 times in a minute
Question. Which part of nose prevents the passage of smoke dust inside the body:
(a) hair (c) nostrils
(b) nosal cavity (d) none of these
Question. The percentage of oxygen in inhaled air is:
(a) 14.4% (c) 16.4%
(b) 4.4% (d) 21%
Question. Earthworms breathe through
(a) skin (c) trachea
(b) legs (d) nose
Question. Muscular floor of the chest cavity is called
(a) Rib cage (c) Trachea
(b) Diaphragm (d) Bronchus
Question. The end products of anaerobic respiration are:
(a) ethyl alcohol (c) both (a) and (b)
(b) carbon dioxide (d) none of these
Question. The rate of exchange of gases in plants is not as fast as in:
(a) animals (c) birds
(b) insects (d) human beings
Question. Which disease is linked to smoking ?
(a) malaria (c) typhoid
(b) cholera (d) lung cancer
Question. More energy is released in
(a) Breathing (c) Anaerobic respiration
(b) Fermentation (d) Aerobic respiration
Question. Yeast is used in wine and beer industries because it respires.
(a) aerobically producing oxygen (c) anaerobically producing alcohol
(b) aerobically producing alcohol (d) anaerobically producing CO2
Question. Name the organ of the body in which the blood is oxygenated.
(a) Heart (c) Lever
(b) Lungs (d) Pancreas
Question. Name the term which means ‘taking in of air rich in oxygen into the body’.
(a) Exhalation (c) Breathing
(b) Inhalation (d) Respiration
Question. Air tubes in insect is called
(a) Gills (c) Air bladder
(b) Air tube (d) Tracheae
Question. During inhalation the ribs:
(a) move outwards (c) move upwards
(b) move downwards (d) do not move at all
Question. Lime water turns milky due to the presence of which of the following gases?
(a) Carbon monoxide (c) Nitrogen
(b) Carbon dioxide (d) Oxygen
Question. The muscles of legs can be relieved by:
(a) massaging (c) exercising
(b) running (d) sleeping
Question. In Cockroaches air enters the body through:
(a) lungs (c) spiracles
(b) gills (d) skin
Question. All organisms are made of small microscopic units which cannot be seen with the
naked eyes, called
(a) animals (c) tissues
(b) cells (d) organs
Question. The process of breakdown of food in the cell is known as
(a) breakdown process (c) food breakdown
(b) cellular respiration (d) none of these
Question. Chest cavity is surrounded by
(a) 12 pair of ribs (c) 11 pair of ribs
(b) 10 pair of ribs (d) 25 ribs
Question. All Organisms need food, water and_____ for survival ( )
(a) Carbon dioxide (c) Nitrogen
(b) Oxygen (d) Argon
Question. The function of the Blood is to transport ( )
(a) The digested food from the small intestine to the other parts of the body
(b) Digested food from the parts of the body to the large intestine
(c) digested food from small intestine to the large intestine
(d) Digested food from small intestine to the large intestine
Question. Blood carries _____________ from lungs to the cells of the body ( )
(a) Argon (c) Carbon dioxide
(b) Neon (d) Nitrogen
Question. The fluid part of the blood is called ( )
(a) Plasma (c) WBC
(b) RBC (d) Blood Platelets

Question. ____________helps in the efficient supply of oxygen to all the cells of the
body ( )
(a) Haemoglobin (c) WBC
(b) RBC (d) Platelets
Question. The cells in the blood which fight against the germs entering the body are ( )
(a) RBC (c) Platelets
(b) WBC (d) Haemoglobin
Question. The formation of clot when bleeding is stopped from a wound in a human
body is due to ( )
(a) RBC (c) Platelets
(b) WBC (d) Haemoglobin
Question. The blood vessels which carry oxygen –rich blood from the heart to all parts
of the body are called ( )
(a) Arteries (c) RBC
(b) Veins (d) WBC
Question. The Arteries have thick elastic walls because ( )
(a) Rapid blood flows at high pressure (c) Rapid blood flows at low pressure
(b) slow blood flows at low pressure (d) slow blood flows at high pressure
Question. The throbbing movements of the blood flow in the Arteries is called ( )
(a) Pulse (c) Peak
(b) Crest (d) Nest
Question. A resting person usually has a pulse rate between
(a) 72 and 80 beats per minute (c) 62 and 70 beats per minute
(b) 82 and 90 beats per minute (d) 52 and 60 beats per minute
Question. The blood vessels which carry carbon dioxide –rich blood from all parts of
the body back to the heart are called
(a) Arteries (c) RBC
(b) Veins (d) Platelets
Question. Veins allow blood to flow only
(a) Towards the heart (c) Towards lungs
(b) Away from the heart (d) Away from the lungs
Question. The heart is located in the
(a) Chest cavity (c) Brain cavity
(b) kidney cavity (d) muscle cavity
Question. The Organism that does not have circulatory system
(a) Dog (c) Human
(b) Frog (d) Hydra

Question. In case of Hydra_______________brings the food and oxygen as the

organism moves inside the water.
(a) Water in which the organism moves (c) The food taken by the organism
(b) The air that is taken by the organism (d) The air that is taken by the organism
Question. The processes of removal of waste materials from the body is called
(a) Digestion (c) Respiration
(b) Excretion (d) Inhalation
Question. Find the excretory organ from the following
(a) Kidney (c) Fingers
(b) Hand (d) Head
Question. White patches formed in areas like underarms are due to
(a) Salts present in the sweat (c) Acids present in the sweat
(b) sugars present in the sweat (d) Bases present in the sweat
Question. The effect of sweat on the human body is
(a) It causes cooling (c) it causes freezing
(b) it causes heating (d) It causes melting
Question. The uric acid excreted by lizards is
(a) White in colour (c) Brown in Colour
(b) Red in colour (d) Black in colour
Question. ____________failure can be treated by the method of Dialysis.
(a) Heart (c) Kidney
(b) Eye (d) Liver
Question. The vascular tissue for the transport of water and nutrients in the plant is
(a) Xylem (c) Tissue
(b) Phloem (d) Plasma
Question. Which of the following is the main circulatory fluid in our body ?
(a) Plasma (c) Blood
(b) Lymph (d) None of these
Question. The part of blood which does not have a nucleus.
(a) RBC (c) Platelets
(b) WBC (d) Plasma
Question. The process by which a plant loses water through the stomata is called:
(a) excretion (c) respiration
(b) transpiration (d) sweating
Question. The number of heart beats per minute is called
(a) pulse rate (c) beating
(b) throbbing (d) none of these

Question. Aquatic animals excrete cell waste mostly as

(a) ammonia (c) carbon dioxide
(b) oxygen (d) nitrogen
Question. The urine from kidneys passes to urinary bladder through
(a) Ureter (c) Urethra
(b) Urinary tubules (d) Fallopian tube
Question. The device used by the doctor to check up the heart beat is called
(a) anemometer (c) barometer
(b) thermometer (d) stethoscope
Question. During transpiration water is lost from the plant in the form of:
(a) water vapour (c) hydrogen and oxygen gas
(b) liquid (d) steam
Question. Which blood cells are a significant part of the immune system of the body?
(a) RBC (c) Platelets
(b) WBC (d) All of these
Question. Which chamber of heart receives oxygenated blood from pulmonary
(a) Left atrium (c) Left ventricle
(b) Right ventricle (d) Right atrium
Question. In the human urinary system, which of these in your opinion is the most
important organ?
(a) kidney (c) urinary bladder
(b) ureters (d) urethra
Question. Name an instrumental device used to amplify the sound of heart.
(a) Stethoscope (c) Both (a) and (b)
(b) UV machine (d) Ultrasound machine
Question. In a tall tree, which force is responsible for pulling water and minerals from
the soil?
(a) Gravitational force (c) Suction force
(b) Transportation force (d) Conduction force
Question. A liquid which carries disgerted food to various parts of our body is:
(a) pulse rate (c) WBCs
(b) RBCs (d) blood
Question. Which of the following mechanisms is not used by human beings for
excretion of waste materials from their bodies?
(a) Exhalation (c) Defecation
(b) Perspiration (d) Transfusion

Question. What is the state of the blood?

(a) Solid (c) Gas
(b) Fluid (d) None of these
Question. Blood platelets help in
(a) formation of urine (c) sweating
(b) excretion of urine (d) blood clotting
Question. Heart rate increases during
(a) Bathing and eating (c) Exercise and fever
(b) Sleep and eating (d) Rest and indigestion
Question. Red pigment in Red Blood Cells is
(a) haemoglobin (c) arteries
(b) plasma (d) veins
Question. Any two substances that are transported by blood:
(a) water, air (c) oxygen, food
(b) water and oxygen (d) none of these
Question. A kidney, ureter and urinary bladder together are called-
(a) Respiratory system (c) Circulatory system
(b) Excretory system (d) Reproductive system
Question. Insects excrete uric acid in form of:
(a) liquid (c) both a and b
(b) gases (d) solids
Question. The vessels that transport water and minerals are called
(a) Stomata (c) Phloem
(b) Vacuoles (d) Xylem
Question. Which blood group is called as universal donor?
(a) O (c) B
(b) A (d) AB
Question. The blood of which of the following is rich in carbon dioxide:
(a) arteries (c) capillaries
(b) veins (d) none of these

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