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● Slice of Life - Larry Alcala’s most
popular cartoon series which is a
FUNDAMENTAL CONCEPTS OF SOCIAL reflection of the many unique
SCIENCES aspects of everyday life in the
● Individual - Social actors, and ● Kenkoy - One of the most important
active, mindful, and conscious and earliest depictions of Philippine
decision makers. social life depicted in this popular art
● Nature - Environment; social by Tony Velasquez
structures that provide the physical
and biological as well as the social PRIMITIVE VS MODERN SOCIETY
context of collective action or social
phenomena ● Primitive culture - is characterized
● Culture - Shared and collective by features that may include lack of
actions, ideas and values that are a written language, relative isolation,
demonstrated, exhibited, produced, small population, relatively simple
and reproduced by a particular social institutions and technology,
group of people and communicated and a generally slow rate of
through symbols including language. sociocultural change
● Social structure - Patterns of ● Primitive - refers to everything that
behavior and interaction, which have contrasts with that of an industrial,
been institutionalized over time; urbanized society.
result of human interaction with one ● Modernity - is a concept that deals
another and with the “social world” with the shift in the physical and
and “natural world”. material condition of society and
● Action - Decisions, activities and also with the mental and behavioral
interactions made by human beings shifts among people.
in the context of their particular
social world and conditioned by their THE RISE OF MODERN SOCIAL
collective consciousness. SCIENCES

Defining Social Sciences as the Study of ● Industrial Revolution - witnessed a

Society shift from human labor dependence
to machine dependence as the
● Social Sciences - is the systematic technological advancements in this
study of human society. period paved the way for
● Society - is organized, deliberately manufactured products and the
structured and formalized, and production of surplus.
bound by rules drafted and ● Steam press - One of the earliest
implemented by people who machinery inventions designed from
themselves constitute society. London times by Friedrich Gottlob

● Functionalism - It is concept ● Cultural Anthropology - which

introduced by Emile Durkheim that investigates cultural phenomena
was borne out of this conception of ● Linguistics - which looks at
society, suggest that cultural and language development and
social institutions are created to structures.
perform certain functions that in the ● Archaeology - which examines the
end contribute to the overall health cultural residues of early people.
of society.
● Mechanical solidarity - the basis of IMPORTANT PERSONALITIES
people’s cooperation and society’s
integration is due to similar ● Bronislaw Malinowski - He said
experiences in work, life ways, that cultural elements are
values and worldviews. interdependent and functional to the
● Emile Durkheim - Father of cultural group. He initiated the
Sociology and Anthropology method of participant observation to
study elements and obtain an
account of culture from the native’s
WITHIN THE SOCIAL SCIENCES ● Alfred Reginald Radcliffe-Brown -
He stated that cultures tend towards
● Anthropology equilibrium. He is credited for the
● Geography paradigm of Structural
● History Functionalism.
● Economics ● Franz Boas - The Father of Modern
● Linguistic Anthropology. He was the first to
● Political Science apply the scientific method to
● Psychology anthropology, emphasizing a
● Sociology research- first method of generating
● Demography theories.

ANTHROPOLOGY ● Ethnography - is a methodology
that most anthropologists use. It is
● Anthropology - It is the study of qualitative and it consists of two
human social organization. major methods of data
gathering-participant observation
FIELDS and key informant interviews

● Physical Anthropology - which

studies the physical traits of early
humans and their modern-day

HISTORY usually for the purpose of

comparison with others.
● Social History - is concerned with
● History - The American Historical the study of particular kinds of
Association defines history as “the phenomena such as family and
never-ending process whereby marriage, adolescence and mass
people seek to understand the past media, human rights and inequality,
and its meaning.” industrialization and development,
● historia - “finding out,” “inquiry,” and work and leisure.
“narrative” and in some ● Intellectual History - looks into the
interpretations it means “knowledge history of ideas and theories.
acquired by investigation.”
● Herodotus - The Father of History.
● Significance - is a process of ○ The Histories - his collection
determining which part of a historical of works
event has more value to be included ● Arnold J. Toynbee - He was a
in the narrative. British historian and philosopher
● Continuity and Change - are known for his 12-volume work titled
historians who have the goal of A Study of History. He narrated the
examining the transitions of histories of civilizations, describing
institutions, actors, and landscapes how they overcame challenges.
over time.
● Cause and Effect - historians RESEARCH METHOD
inquire on the factors that led to the
events in history. They analyze how ● Oral Tradition - In societies where
these historical events shaped the written language is not present,
lives of people and their traditions are passed on through
communities. stories handed down from one
● Perspective - history is primarily generation to the next.
based on written records or oral ● Internal Criticism - This is a
traditions made by different people method where the historian checks
in different cultures, the the validity of the content of a
reconstruction of the events requires historical document or artifact by
historians to adapt perspectives. comparing it with existing historical
evidence related to the same event
FIELDS or figure

● Cultural History - focuses on the

study of belief systems, customs,
social forms, political systems,
material traits, and economic
activities of a group or community


● Geography - The study of ● Eratosthenes - The Father of

describing Earth. Geography. He was the first one to
● geo - earth, land, or ground use the word geography and he
● graphia - to write, an art, or a study invented a system of longitude and
● Satellite Imaging - provided latitude and made a map of the
geographers a vast amount of known world
information like landscapes and ● Anaximander - He was a
migration patterns. pre-Socratic Greek philosopher,
biologist and astronomer. He is one
KEY CONCEPTS of the Considered as one of the first
geographers. Provided a round map
● Spatial Pattern - refers to the divided into three continents
arrangement or placement of objects (Europe, Asia, and Libya)
on Earth’s surface. surrounded by an ocean.
● Spatial Interaction - is the ● William Morris Davis - Father of
processes involved in understanding American Geography.
the relationship between the
movements of things from one FIELDS
location to another.
● Physical Geography - studies the
RESEARCH METHOD changes in natural patterns and
processes of Earth’s surface over
● Cartography - is the study of time.
representing Earth’s surface using ● Human Geography - studies the
abstract symbols or through the relationship of people, communities,
creation of maps. “map making” and cultures across space and
● Geographic Information System - place.
is the discipline which deals with the ● Integrated Geography - studies
proper storage and data retrieval of how human activities impact the
geographic information using a environment through the analysis of
computer. the shifts in landforms and cycles of
● Remote Sensing - utilizes various the natural resources.
instruments (satellite images, aerial ● Geomatics - focuses on the
photography) to obtain geographic scientific management of geographic
data about Earth’s surface. data.
● Geo statistics - is the application of ● Regional Geography - focuses on a
statistical methodologies to analyze particular region of the surface of
geographic information. It is Earth.
commonly used in weather
prediction and analysis, geology,
and urban planning.

SOCIOLOGY ● Penology or penal science -

studies how punishment is
conducted on the offending
● Sociology - the study of society members of the society.
● socius - “companionship” or ● Sociology of work - historically,
“friendship” used to be an inquiry into the effects
of the Industrial Revolution on
KEY CONCEPTS societies.

● Institution - is a complex and RESEARCH METHOD

organized entity which aims to
protect and enable the continuing ● Case Study - is an in-depth analysis
function of values adopted by of an individual or a group of people
society. by way of interviews, observations,
○ five basic social institutions and examination of artifacts and
■ family records.
■ government ● Survey - is the collection of data
■ economy using questionnaires and statistical
■ education analysis in order to arrive at the
■ religion collective response of a group or a
● Norms - refer to the values and sample given a particular
behaviors which are considered phenomenon.
acceptable in society.
● Deviance - is going out of what is
the norm. PSYCHOLOGY

IMPORTANT PERSONALITIES ● Psychology - Study of behavior and

mental processes
● Auguste Comte - The Father of ● psych - soul
Sociology. He developed Sociology
in 1838 in his series of texts titled A KEY CONCEPTS
Couse on Positive Philosophy.
● Karl Marx - He is a German ● Personality - is defined as the
sociologist and philosopher, is consistent pattern of an individual’s
credited for being one of the behavior, attitude, and thoughts.
founding fathers of modern ● Unconscious - is the hidden or
sociology. underlying structure of
● Max Weber - is known for his idea of consciousness where a person’s
rationalization and bureaucracy repressed emotions, feelings or
traumatic memory is stored.
FIELDS ● Motivation - is the driving force
behind actions and is influenced by
● Human Ecology - studies society in the environment, social factors,
relation with its environment. personal choices, behavior,

intelligence, and other psychological therapist to influence each

traits. other.
● Development - defined as ● B.F. Skinner - one of the fathers of
progressive series of changes of an behavioral psychology
orderly type toward the goal of ○ Principle of Reinforcement
maturity. - suggests that actions are
responses to consequences
RESEARCH METHOD of previous actions.
● Wilhelm Wundt - The Father of
● Controlled Experiments - involve Psychology. The one who coined the
two groups being researched upon: term Psychology.
● Experimental Group - is the one
given the stimuli being tested FIELDS
(whether a new type of drug, a new
television show, a different ● Biological Psychology - examines
environment, food, etc.) Control how thoughts, feelings, and behavior
Group is not given a stimulus physically affect human beings.
● Quantitative Psychological ● Behavioral Psychology or
Research - uses mathematical Behaviorism - determines
models, formulas, and statistics to psychological processes through the
establish conclusions based on use of observable data
psychological patterns. ● Cognitive Psychology - analyze
● Qualitative Psychological show sensory data that are
Research - is a method that aims to interpreted and are used by the mind
derive at conclusions through a to produce behavior.
naturalistic approach. ● Social Psychology - interprets the
behavior of groups of the presence
● Psychoanalysis - is the main idea
● Sigmund Freud - the Father of is the concept of unconscious.
Psychoanalysis. Developed
therapeutic techniques for mental
illness using free association and
○ Free Association - is a ● Demography - study of describing
technique which allows the people.
patient to express himself or ○ demos - people
herself or to talk freely ○ graphia - a description of
without any form of
interruption by either words KEY CONCEPTS
or actions.
○ Transference - is the ability ● Fertility - can either mean the live
of both the patient and the birth of a population or the number

of women in childbearing age (15-49 produced theories about society and

years old). populations.
● Mortality - is the death rate or ● Timothy Dyson - He is a retired
frequency of death in a population. professor of population at London
● Urbanization - is the proportion of a School of economics, provided two
country's population living in urban instances of demographic transition:
areas. ○ Pre-transition - occurs when
● Population - refers to the number of birth and death rates are high
inhabitants in a given area such as and infants seldom reached
countries and regions. their first birthdays.
● Migration - is the movement of ○ Post-transition -
people across a particular boundary characterized by high birth
to establish a permanent or rates and low death rates
semi-permanent residence. due to advancements in
medicine and technology.
● Direct
○ Gathering data through ● Historical Demography - is the
registries quantitative study of population in
○ Acquiring data through the past.
censuses conducted by ● Social demography - uses
national governments demographic data to describe and
● Indirect explain social phenomena.
○ Sister method, wherein they
would ask women how many
sisters they have, how many
have died, how many had
children, and at what age.
● Interviewing people ● Political Science - It is the study of
political power relations, behavior,
○ politikos - relating to
● Thomas Maltus - He was an citizens.
English cleric and scholar whose
most notable work is An Essay on
the Principle of Population. Maltus
discussed how population growth
● Power - is an important concept
would lead to the increase in
where relations are based on.
consumption of products required for
● Politics - is the state’s exercise of
human living.
power and management of internal
● Kingsley Davis - He was an
issues and international concerns.
American sociologist and
● State - is an organized political
demographer whose works
community under one government.

● Political Philosophy - is the root

RESEARCH METHOD from which political science sprouted
● Case Study - aims to produce a ○ concept of political
viable public policy by examining philosophy
how political actors interact with the ■ justice
political system. ■ law
● Comparative Approach - compares ■ rights
political systems using selected ■ government
variables such as the type of regime, ● Public Law - is an organized
type of values implemented, and political community under one
political events, among others. government.


● Confucius - states that there will be
a just and orderly society when roles ● Economics - The study of the
are fulfilled, and corruption shall allocation of resources within the
prevail when someone acts contrary household level. Study of the ways
to his or her role. that scarce resources are produced,
● Plato - states that justice is achieved used, and distributed.
when each person acts according to ○ oikos - house
the functions of his or her class and ○ nomos - custom or law
that corruption occurs when a
person acts in a manner opposite to
what is required from his or her
● Market - is an arena where
● Aristotle - self-interest must give
consumers and sellers are
way to the common interest in order
independently interacting for goods
for a society to exist.
which are priced equally due to the
● Jean Jacques Rousseau - argued
ongoing competition among sellers.
that people come together to form
● Supply - refers to the entirety of
societies for the common good.
available goods that the market can
● John Locke - argued that the ruler’s
function is to protect the rights of his
● Demand - represents the actual
or her people.
quantity of goods or services that the
public requires from the market.
● Production - is the process
wherein raw materials are
● Comparative Politics - studies the
transformed into usable goods.
differences and similarities of the
● Specialization - refers to a method
political systems of the world in an
in production where in the process of
empirical manner.
producing goods and services is

concentrated to a particular group of wealth by selling more than it

specialized products. buys.
● Adam Smith - Free market
RESEARCH METHOD ● John Maynard Keynes -
government must have an
● Behavioral Economics - provides intervention
an analysis that fuses economic
principles with psychological
● Classical Economics - economic
behavior and phenomenon are
herein measure and analyzed using ● Linguistics - is a branch of study
mathematical equations that that deals with languages
compute variables like price, value, ○ lingua - language
labor cost, and economic ● Language - is a mode of expression
development. of thought by means of articulate
● Computational Economics - sounds.
involves the development of
mathematical methods with the aid
of computers.
● Econometrics - formulas derived
● Cohesion - refers to linguistic links
from mathematical and statistical
such as pronouns and adjectives
procedures, econometrics provides
which provide a recognizable
quantitative analysis and projections
of an economic phenomenon.
● Coherence - is the logic within
● Evolutionary Economics -
discourse that takes into account our
institutions and technologies are
knowledge of the world. It can be
considered variables that are
thought as of how meanings and
constantly transforming
sequences of ideas relate to each
● Discourse - is any connected piece
of speech or writing which serves as
● St. Thomas Aquinas - He is an
the chain that holds communication
Italian theologian and philosopher,
discussed the concept of “just price”
● Critical discourse analysis - is the
in his work Summa Theologica.
study of a text within its social
● Victor de Riqueti & Marquis de
Mirabeau - coined the term
● Etymology - is the study of history
Mercantilism in 1743
or origin of the particular word.
○ Mercantilism - the
● Functionalism - is an approach to
government should control
language structure that primarily
the economy and that a
focuses on the purpose in which
nation should increase its
language is used

● Dialect - is an identifiable regional or ● Developmental Linguistics -

social variety of language. analyzes the development of
● Grammar - refers to the rule of language acquisition, language
constructing words and sentences retention, and language loss and
within a particular language. bilingualism.
● Grapheme - is a single character in ● Neurologistics - studies the
a recognized writing system such as physiological mechanisms by which
letters and punctuation marks. the brain processes information in
● Lexicon - is the total words relation to language.
available to a speaker or the
vocabulary of the language.


● Sound
○ Phonetics - studies human
speech sound.
○ Phonology - studies the
principles governing the
sound system of language.
● Structure
○ Morphology - studies
language structure from its
morphic units or root words.
○ Syntax - studies sentence
structure such as grammar.
● Meaning
○ Semantics - studies the logic
and meaning of words and
○ Pragmatics - studies the use
of language and its effects on


● Historical Linguistics - known as

diachronic linguistics,studies show
particular language changed over
● Sociolinguistics - examines how
language is used in relation to a
people’s sociocultural environment.

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