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• Atomic Structure

• Chemical Bonding
• Periodic Properties
• Nomenclature
TEST CODE : 1126 Date : 15–10–2023


1. There are 25 Straight Objective Type Questions. Each question has 4 choices (A), (B), (C)
and (D), out of which only one is correct.

2. For answering a question, an ANSWER SHEET (OMR SHEET) is provided separately.

3. Marking Scheme:

For each question, you will be given 4 Marks if you have darkened only the bubble
corresponding to the correct answer and Zero Mark if no bubble is darkened. In all other
cases, Minus One (– 1) Mark (NEGATIVE MARKING) will be given.



Q.2 Total number of orbitals associated with third shell will be _______.
6 (a.) 2 (b.) 4 (c.) 9 (d.) 3

Q.2 Number of angular nodes for 4d orbital is _______.

7 (a.) 4 (b.) 3 (c.) 2 (d.) 1

Q.2 The pair of ions having same electronic configuration is _______.

8 (a.) Cr3+, Fe3+ (b.) Fe3+, Mn2+ (c.) Fe3+, Co3+ (d.) Sc3+, Cr3+

Q.2 Compare the energies of two radiations E1 with wavelength 800 nm and E2 with wavelength
9 400 nm.
(a.) E1 = 2E2 (b.) E1 = E2 (c.) E2 = 2E1 (d.) E2 = − E1

Q.30 The size of ionic species is correctly given in order

SCO 348–349, Second Floor, Sector 34–A, Chandigarh | Mob. : 9696379056, 9779778234 1
(a.) Cl7+ > Si4+ > Mg2+ > Na+ (b.) Na+ > Mg2+ > Si4+ > Cl7+
(c.) Na+ > Mg2+ > Cl7+ > Si4+ (d.) Cl7+ > Na+ > Mg2+ > Si4+

Q.3 What is the formal charge on carbon atom in the following two structures:

(a.) 0, –2 (b.) 0, 0 (c.) +2, –2 (d.) +1, –1

Q.32 What is the correct dipole moment of NH3 and NF3 respectively?
(a.) 4.90  10–30 C m and 0.80  10–30 C m
(b.) 0.80  10–30 C m and 4.90  10–30 C m
(c.) 4.90  10–30 C m and 4.90  10–30 C m
(d.) 0.80  10–30 C m and 0.80  10–30 C m

Q.33 Arrange the following in increasing order of covalent character – NaCl, MgCl2, AlCl3
(a.) NaCl < MgCl2 < AlCl3 (b.) MgCl2 < NaCl < AlCl3
(c.) AlCl3 < MgCl2 < NaCl (d.) NaCl < AlCl3 < MgCl2

Q.34 Which of the following pairs are isostructural?

(a.) SO24− and BF4− (b.) NH3 and NH +4

(c.) CO32− and CO2 (d.) CH4 and BF3

Q.35 Which types of bonds are present between two carbon atoms in acetylene molecule?
(a.) Two sigma bonds and one pi bond (b.) Three sigma bonds
(c.) One sigma bond and two pi bonds (d.) Three pi bonds


The IUPAC name of

SCO 348–349, Second Floor, Sector 34–A, Chandigarh | Mob. : 9696379056, 9779778234 2
(a.) Tris (chloromethyl) methane
(b.) 1, 3-Dichloro-2 (chloromethyl) propane
(c.) 1-Chlorobis(chloromethyl) ethane
(d.) None of these

Q.37 Iso butyl chloride is :

(a.) CH3 – CH2 – CH2 – CH2 – Cl (b.) (CH3 )2 CH − CH 2 − Cl

CH3 − CH2 − CH− CH3

(c.) | (d.) (CH3 )3 C − Cl

Q.38 Which is the structure of salicylic acid ?

(a.) (b.)

(c.) (d.)

Q.39 Which compound is tertiary amine ?

(a.) (CH3)3C–NH2 (b.) CH3 − CH 2 −C − NH 2

(c.) | (d.) (CH3 − CH 2 ) 2 NH
CH3 − CH 2 − N − CH3

Q.40 Which of the following p–nitrophenol ?

(a.) (b.)

SCO 348–349, Second Floor, Sector 34–A, Chandigarh | Mob. : 9696379056, 9779778234 3

(c.) (d.)


Q.41 What is the common name of compound ?

CH 2 = CH
(a.) Vinyl chloride (b.) Allyl chloride
(c.) Alkyl chloride (d.) Aryl chloride

Q.42 The formation of the oxide ion O2–(g) requires first an exothermic and then an endothermic step
as shown below :
O(g) + e– = O–(g) ; H = – 142 kJ mol–1
O– (g) + e– = O2– (g) ; H = 844 kJ mol–1
This is because :
(a.) oxygen is more electronegative
(b.) oxygen has high electron affinity
(c.) O– ion will tend to resist the addition of another electron
(d.) O– ion has comparatively larger size than oxygen atom

Q.43 In which of the following arrangements the order is NOT according to the property indicated
against it ?
(a.) Al3+ < Mg2+ < Na+ < F– – increasing ionic size
(b.) B < C < N < O – increasing first ionisation enthalpy
(c.) I < Br < F < Cl – increasing electron gain enthalpy (with negative sign)
(d.) Li < Na < K < Rb – increasing metallic radius

Q.44 Which of the following factors may be regarded as the main cause of lanthanide contraction ?
(a.) Greater shielding of 5d electrons by 4f electrons
(b.) Poorer shielding of 5d electron by 4f electrons
(c.) Effective shielding of one of 4f electrons by another in the sub-shell

SCO 348–349, Second Floor, Sector 34–A, Chandigarh | Mob. : 9696379056, 9779778234 4
(d.) Poor shielding of one of 4f electron by another in the sub-shell

Q.45 Which of the following represents the correct order of increasing first ionization enthalpy for
Ca, Ba, S, Se and Ar ?
(a.) Ca < S < Ba < Se < Ar (b.) S < Se < Ca < Ba < Ar
(c.) Ba < Ca < Se < S < Ar (d.) Ca < Ba < S < Se < Ar


Integer Answer Type

This section Contains 5 questions. The answer to each of the questions is a single digit integer,
ranging from 0 to 9. The appropriate bubbles below the respective question numbers in the OMR
have to be darkened.

Q.46 The wavelength of an electron of kinetic energy 4.50  10− 29 J is _____  10− 5 m .
(Nearest integer)
Given: Mass of electron is 9  10− 31 kg, h = 6.6  10− 34 Js

Q.47 The number of following statement/s which is/are incorrect is ____.

(A) Line emission spectra are used to study the electronic structure.
(B) The emission spectra of atoms in the gas phase show a continuous spread of
wavelength from red to violet.
(C) An absorption spectrum is like the photographic negative of an emission spectrum.
(D) The element helium was discovered in the sun by spectroscopic method.

Q.48 The number of incorrect statement/s about the black body from the following is ____ .
(A) Emit or absorb energy in the form of electromagnetic radiation.
(B) Frequency distribution of the emitted radiation depends on temperature.
(C) At a given temperature, intensity vs frequency curve passes through a maximum value.
(D) The maximum of the intensity vs frequency curve is at a higher frequency at higher
temperature compared to that at lower temperature.


SCO 348–349, Second Floor, Sector 34–A, Chandigarh | Mob. : 9696379056, 9779778234 5
The electron in the nth orbit of Li2+ is excited to (n + 1) orbit using the radiation of energy
1.47  10− 17 J (as shown in the diagram).

The value of n is ____. Given: RH = 2.18  10− 18 J .

Q.50 Value of work function (W0) for a few metals are given below:
Metal Li Na K Mg Cu Ag
W0/eV 2.42 2.3 2.25 3.7 4.8 4.3
The number of metals which will show photoelectric effect when light of wavelength 400
nm falls on it is _______.
Given: h = 6.6  10− 34 Js , c = 3  108 ms−1 ; e = 1.6  10−19 C

SCO 348–349, Second Floor, Sector 34–A, Chandigarh | Mob. : 9696379056, 9779778234 6

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