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03:29 Good morning class.

Good morning. How are you?
Fine thanks. How are you?
Fine thanks.
Good. I’m happy to hear that.
3:37 Today today’s lesson is going to be about two people, about a salesman, a special kind of a
salesman. You know what a salesman is, that’s a person who sales something to somebody else.
We’re going to … Today the salesman is a vacuum cleaner salesman. And the other person. Here
is the vacuum cleaner salesman and let me write that (T writes salesman on board). The other
person is a woman or we could we could call her a housewife. So now I want you to just listen
and watch what I do. Listen carefully. Watch what I do and try to understand. Ok? Now I am the
salesman now. Ok? I am going to be both people. I’m going to play two roles. I’m going to be
the salesman and the woman. Ok.
04:38 Ring ring ring ring. Ring ring ring ring.
Now the woman, Hello!
Hello, madam would you like to have the cleanest house in town?
Yes, of course I would.
Then, madam you need the amazing hoover vacuum cleaner.
No, I don’t.
The salesman What, why not? Because my husband does the cleaning in our house.
Ohhh. Ok?
5:40 Now listen and I’ll do it one more time. You just listen and don’t talk this time. Listen again
I’ll do one more time.
Salesman. Ring the bell.
Good morning!
Good morning, madam would you like to have the cleanest house in town?
Yes, of course I would.
Then madam you need the amazing hoover vacuum cleaner.
The woman says: No, I don’t.
The salesman says: What, why not?

And the woman says: Because my husband does the cleaning in our house.
And the salesman says: Uhhh!
06:39 Alright now we’re going to learn this together now. I’m going to help you learn how to say
the whole dialogue. Ok? So please repeat the first line as the woman says: Good morning.
Good morning.
Good morning.
Good morning
The salesman says: Good morning, Would you like to have the cleanest house in town?
Good morning, would you like to have the cleanest house in town?
07:12 Ok. House in town. Just say that much
House in town.
The cleanest house in town.
The cleanest house in town.
Ok, just group D here. The cleanest house in town.
The cleanest house in town.
The cleanest house in town.
The cleanest house in town.
Ok now just you. The cleanest house in town.
The cleanest house in town.
The cleanest house in town.
The cleanest house in town.
Good very good ok. This group the cleanest house in town.
The cleanest house in town.
The cleanest house in town.
The cleanest house in town.
Ah no just right now just this group. Ok in a minute in a minute. The cleanest house in town.
The cleanest house in town.
The cleanest house in town.

The cleanest house in town. Good everybody the cleanest house in town.
The cleanest house in town.
Would you like to have the cleanest house in town?
Would you like to have the cleanest house in town?
Would you like to have the cleanest house in town?
Would you like to have the cleanest house in town?
Ok, would you like to have the cleanest house in town.
Would you like to have the cleanest house in town?
Good ok you!
Would you like to have the cleanest house in town?
The the cleanest house in town.
Would you like to have the cleanest house in town?
Good. Ok. From the beginning now the woman says: Good morning. Everybody good morning.
Good morning.
The salesman says Good morning madam! Would you like to have the cleanest house in town?
Good morning madam! Would you like to have the cleanest house in town?
Ok good now the woman says: Yes, of course I would.
Yes, of course I would.
Yes, of course I would.
Yes, of course I would.
This part of the class Yes, of course I would.
Yes, of course I would.
This half Yes of course I would.
Yes, of course I would.
You please, “Yes, of course I would.
Yes, of course I would.
Yes, of course I would.
Yes, of course I would.

9:00 You have to say it with feeling. Right! Yes, of course I would.
Yes, of course I would.
Thank you. You Yosun.
Yes of course I would
Ok everybody, “Yes, of course I would.
Yes, of course I would.
The salesman says then madam you need the amazing hoover vacuum cleaner.
Then madam you need the amazing hoover vacuum cleaner.
Vacuum cleaner
Vacuum cleaner
hoover vacuum cleaner.
hoover vacuum cleaner.
The amazing vacuum cleaner.
The amazing vacuum cleaner.
Then madam you need the amazing hoover vacuum cleaner.
Then madam you need the amazing hoover vacuum cleaner.
Ok this group then madam you need the amazing hoover vacuum cleaner.
Then madam you need the amazing hoover vacuum cleaner.
Alright you please Then madam you need the amazing hoover vacuum cleaner.
Then madam you need the amazing hoover vacuum cleaner.
Good very good. Very good alright you try Then madam you need the amazing hoover vacuum
Then madam you need the amazing hoover vacuum cleaner.
Vacuum cleaner. Very good. Everybody Then madam you need the amazing hoover vacuum
Then madam you need the amazing hoover vacuum cleaner.
10:27 You remember that we don’t write down the dialogue as we’re saying them because at the
end of the class I will give you a copy so you can read it. Right now concentrate on memorizing
it just from the sounds. Ok and later you’ll be able to see it in writing. So from the beginning, the
woman says: “Good morning”.

Good morning
The man says: “Good morning madam. Would you like to have the cleanest house in town?”
10:55 Good morning madam. Would you like to have the cleanest house in town?
Yes, of course I would.
Yes, of course I would.
Then madam you need the amazing hoover vacuum cleaner.
Then madam you need the amazing hoover vacuum cleaner.
No, I don’t.
No, I don’t.
11:17 What? Why not?
What? Why not?
What? Why not?
What? Why not?
Yeah, what why not?
what why not?
Ok use the gestures. You see what why not?
what why not?
11:34 Try it with your hands. Use your hands.
What why not?
What? Why not? Ok everybody together.
What? Why not?
And the woman says, “Because my husband does the cleaning in our house.
Because my husband does the cleaning in our house.
11:58 In our house
In our house
The cleaning in our house
The cleaning in our house
My husband does the cleaning in our house

My husband does the cleaning in our house
12:11 Because my husband does the cleaning in our house
This group here please. Just you just this group. Because my husband does the cleaning in our
Because my husband does the cleaning in our house
12:28 Listen to me: “Because my husband does the cleaning in our house. Wait wait ok just you.
You try.
Because my husband does the cleaning in our house.
Does the cleaning
Does the cleaning
Now again Because my husband does the cleaning in our house.
Because my husband does the cleaning in our house.
Everybody because my husband
Good very good everybody Because my husband does the cleaning in our house.
Because my husband does the cleaning in our house.
And then the salesman says, ohhh.
13:04 He’s sad.
13:07 I will be the salesman and you all of you will be the housewife.
13:21 I am a salesman. I ring the bell.
Good morning
Good morning madam. Would you like to have the cleanest house in town?
Yes, of course I would.
Then madam you need the amazing hoover vacuum cleaner.
No, I don’t.
What, why not?

Because my husband does the cleaning in our house.
13:41 Ok now we’ll change. And you will be the salesman and I will be the woman. Ok? Ring
the bell.
Good morning
Good morning madam. Would you like to have the cleanest house in town?
The cleanest house in town.
The cleanest house in town.
Would you like to have the cleanest house in town?
Would you like to have the cleanest house in town?
Yes of course I would.
Then madam you need the amazing hoover vacuum cleaner.
The amazing hoover vacuum cleaner? No I don’t.
What? Why not?
Why not? Because my husband does the cleaning in our house.
14:31 Alright. Can we have two volunteers. Two volunteers please. Come here. How about the
woman? Hasan you can be the salesman. We need a woman.
Then the amazing hoover vacuum cleaner. What why not? Because my husband does the
cleaning. I’m sorry you didn’t sell it. Two more brave, courageous. Then you need I don’t
because my husband does the cl
17.04 Now we’re going to do a little grammar practice, grammar practice. OK? Would you like
to have the cleanest house in town.
Would you like to have the cleanest house in town.
The prettiest house.
Would you like to have the prettiest house in town?
Good. The biggest car.
Would you like to have the biggest car in town?
19:03 Cleanest lawn
Would you like to have the cleanest lawn in town?

Would you like to have the cleanest lawn in town?
Would you like to have the cleanest lawn in town?
19:11 Very good. Very good.
15:13 Now I will ask the question: Would you like to have the cleanest house in town. You
answer: Yes, of course I would. Yes, of course I would ok. I ask the questions you give the
answers. Would you like to have the cleanest house in town.
Yes, of course I would.
Would you like to have the biggest car in town?
Yes, of course I would.
19:35 Would you like to have the greenest lawn in town?
Yes, of course I would.
Yes, of course I would.
Yes, of course I would.
Would you like to have the prettiest house in town?
Yes, of course I would.
19:45 Now you ask me the question. Cleanest house. Ask me the question.
Would you like to have the cleanest house in town?
Yes, of course I would. Prettiest house.
Would you like to have the prettiest house in town?
Yes, of course I would. Biggest car
Would you like to have the biggest car in town?
Yes, of course I would. The greenest lawn.
Would you like to have the greenest lawn in town?
Yes, of course of course I would.
20: 19 The end of the grammar drill. The students see the printed words. This time I’ll read it and
you repeat after me. Read it and repeat.
Good morning.
Good morning.
Good morning madam.

Good morning madam.
Would you like to have the cleanest house in town?
Would you like to have the cleanest house in town?
Yes, of course I would.
Yes, of course I would.
Then madam you need the amazing hoover vacuum cleaner.
Then madam you need the amazing hoover vacuum cleaner.
No I don’t.
No I don’t.
What? Why not?
What? Why not?
Because you see my husband does the cleaning in our house.
Because you see my husband does the cleaning in our house.
21:02 Now for your homework for tomorrow, I want you to memorise this. Memorise it. And
tomorrow in class tomorrow, I ask you to say this perfectly with no mistakes without the paper.
You understand?
So your homework tonight is to memorise it perfectly. And then the other thing you have to do
there are two things for homework. You have to sell this vacuum cleaner to someone. Ok? Sell
this vacuum cleaner to someone for homework. Ok. That’s all for today.


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