Ujian Akhir Semester - Basic Grammar

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Name : Cahya Happy Auriza Yulianto

NIM : 210350003

UJIAN AKHIR SEMESTER (UAS), GANJIL TA. 2021/2022 – Basic Grammar.

I. Choose the correct answer by writing a, b, c or d on your answer sheet.

1. Do you think the weather is going to be ____ this weekend?
a. Warmer
b. as warm as
c. warmest
d. more warm
2. What _____ you _____ when I phoned yesterday?
a. are – doing
b. were – doing
c. did – doing
d. were – do
3. The men in my office is older than me
a. Is
b. Are
c. Was
d. Do
4. She bought two _____ in our online shop.
a. Scarves
b. Scarf
c. Scarfes
d. Scarvs
5. We gave them our phone number, and they gave us ______.
a. They
b. Their
c. Theirs
d. Them
6. Lena and I ______ in the pool at the moment.
a. am swimming
b. were swimming
c. are swimming
d. is swimming
7. Tom always ____ new ways to do things.
a. Finds
b. Find
c. Found
d. Finding
8. ____ Susan ___ to England by plane?
a. Do – go
b. Did – went
c. Is – go
d. Did – go
9. She hasn’t seen him for a long time.

a. haven’t seen
b. hasn’t saw
c. hasn’t seen
d. doesn’t see
10. I was playing an online game when a bird _____ entered the room..
a. Flies
b. Flying
c. Flown
d. Flew
11. I witnessed an accident while I _________ across the street.
a. am walking
b. walking
c. walked
d. was walking
12. The store _____ on Sunday.
a. does not opens
b. is not open
c. do not open
d. does not open
13. How many women work in the restaurant?
a. Women
b. Woman
c. Womans
d. Womens
14. Jim is a terrible footballer. He is a ______ player in the team.
a. Bad
b. worse than
c. the worse
d. the worst
15. My friends want to see your dog. Please show ____ to _____.
a. it – them
b. them – it
c. them – them
d. its – them
16. We _______ an English test yesterday.
a. Take
b. are taking
c. took
d. have taken
17. Jacson _________ his homework at the moment.
a. Does
b. is doing
c. is do
d. do
18. They have five ______, three girls and two boys.
a. Child
b. Childrens
c. Children
d. Childs
19. I ________ my parents to make breakfast tomorrow morning.
a. will be helping
b. will be help
c. will helping
d. will being help
20. My classmates _________ to the music now.
a. are not listen
b. do not listen
c. is not listening
d. are not listening
21. We ____ here for more than half an hour.
a. Are
b. have been
c. has been
d. were
22. _____ she _____ coffee every morning?
a. Is – drink
b. Did – drink
c. Did – drank
d. Does – drink
23. Where ____ you ____ your last holiday?
a. do – spend
b. did – spent
c. are – spend
d. did – spend
24. The grass is ________ very long these days.
a. has grown
b. has grow
c. have grown
d. has grew
25. Susana _____ to learn new things every day.
a. Try
b. Trying
c. Tries
d. tried

II. Write C if the sentence is correct and I if it is incorrect.

1. C Some people are waiting to talk to you.
2. I She have already paid the bill with an extra tip.
3. C We have not planned our holiday yet.
4. C When did you design this wonderful skirt?
5. I Were you phone your aunt last week?
6. I Pedro make dinner every day.
7. I The policemen caught the thiefes.
8. C My parents will be flying to Merauke tomorrow afternoon.
9. I She was reciting the Holy Qur’an when her father comes home.
10. C My friends are going to spend their holiday in village.

III. Write the verbs in brackets in the correct tenses.

1. My son is talking on the phone right now.
2. The police stopped me on my way home yesterday.
3. My teacher does not give homework every day.
4. Why were you so angry yesterday?
5. She has not called me for nearly a month.
6. My aunt has been a singer since 2015.
7. Diana and her husband always come for the summer.
8. Manchester United won the football match last weekend.
9. Is Clara studying for her exam right now?
10. She lost her documents on the bus the day before yesterday.
11. What does she eat right now?
12. Tony has seen this movie, but I haven’t.
13. Does William work hard everyday?
14. The Indonesian football team will be in Cambodia next week.
15. I met a lot of interesting people in the last few days.
16. Ricky watches this show every night.
17. I was cutting the grass when the snake appeared.
18. The baby cries every night.
19. My brother was watching TV while I slept.
20. The children are going to visit their parents next Saturday.
We have been here for more than half an hour.

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