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(Second conditional sentences)

A) Watch the video and complete the activities:

What would you do video file

“What would you do if you won ten million dollars?” ¿Qué harías si ganaras diez millones de dólares?”

1- Deborah: Quit my job and ……………………

2- Richard: I´d buy an …………………… in New York and a …………………………

3- Sybil: I would help ………….

4- Sheri: (select the correct options)

o I would travel
o I would give some to my mom
o I would give it to my friends
o I would give some to the church
o I would give it to charity

5- Ada: …… my bills, …….. houses, ………. on vacation

6- Michael: I would retire and move my family to ………..

7- Preston: I´d …………………………..

8- Jim and Robin: We´d go to …………….., eat a lot and drink …………………

ATTENTION! We use the second conditional to speak about imaginary situations. For example:
Usamos el Segundo condicional para hablar sobre situaciones imaginarias.

If I won a million dollars, I´d travel to Paris ( I´d = I would)

Si ganara un millón de dólares, viajaría a Paris

If I were a politician, I wouldn´t steal public money (wouldn´t = would not)

Si yo fuera político, no robaría dinero público

B) Write two answers to the following questions, using I would…/ I wouldn´t…

Tu turno! Escriban dos respuestas a estas preguntas, usando I would…/ I wouldn´t…

What would you do if you won ten million dollars?

1- I would……..

What would you change in your life if you had the possibility?

C) Write sentences using the second conditional structure:

1- If / I / live in the USA / I / speak English fluently

2- If / you / be in my situation / you / understand me
3- If / she / love me / she / forgive me

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