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JAMA Pediatrics | Original Investigation

Assessment of Changes in Child and Adolescent Screen Time

During the COVID-19 Pandemic
A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis
Sheri Madigan, PhD; Rachel Eirich, MSc; Paolo Pador, BSc(Hons); Brae Anne McArthur, PhD; Ross D. Neville, PhD

Supplemental content
IMPORTANCE To limit the spread of COVID-19, numerous restrictions were imposed on
youths, including school closures, isolation requirements, social distancing, and cancelation
of extracurricular activities, which independently or collectively may have shifted screen
time patterns.

OBJECTIVE To estimate changes in the duration, content, and context of screen time of
children and adolescents by comparing estimates taken before the pandemic with those
taken during the pandemic and to determine when and for whom screen time has increased
the most.

DATA SOURCES Electronic databases were searched between January 1, 2020, and March 5,
2022, including MEDLINE, Embase, PsycINFO, and the Cochrane Central Register of
Controlled Trials. A total of 2474 nonduplicate records were retrieved.

STUDY SELECTION Study inclusion criteria were reported changes in the duration (minutes per
day) of screen time before and during the pandemic; children, adolescents, and young adults
(ⱕ18 years); longitudinal or retrospective estimates; peer reviewed; and published in English.

DATA EXTRACTION AND SYNTHESIS A total of 136 articles underwent full-text review. Data
were analyzed from April 6, 2022, to May 5, 2022, with a random-effects meta-analysis.

MAIN OUTCOMES AND MEASURES Change in daily screen time comparing estimates taken
before vs during the COVID-19 pandemic.

RESULTS The meta-analysis included 46 studies (146 effect sizes; 29 017 children; 57% male;
and mean [SD] age, 9 [4.1] years) revealed that, from a baseline prepandemic value of 162
min/d (2.7 h/d), during the pandemic there was an increase in screen time of 84 min/d (1.4
h/d), representing a 52% increase. Increases were particularly marked for individuals aged 12
to 18 years (k [number of sample estimates] = 26; 110 min/d) and for device type (handheld
devices [k = 20; 44 min/d] and personal computers [k = 13; 46 min/d]). Moderator analyses
showed that increases were possibly larger in retrospective (k = 36; 116 min/d) vs longitudinal
(k = 51; 65 min/d) studies. Mean increases were observed in samples examining both
recreational screen time alone (k = 54; 84 min/d) and total daily screen time combining
recreational and educational use (k = 33; 68 min/d).

CONCLUSIONS AND RELEVANCE The COVID-19 pandemic has led to considerable disruptions
in the lives and routines of children, adolescents, and families, which is likely associated with
increased levels of screen time. Findings suggest that when interacting with children and
caregivers, practitioners should place a critical focus on promoting healthy device habits,
which can include moderating daily use; choosing age-appropriate programs; promoting Author Affiliations: Department of
Psychology, University of Calgary,
device-free time, sleep, and physical activity; and encouraging children to use screens as
Calgary, Alberta, Canada (Madigan,
a creative outlet or a means to meaningfully connect with others. Eirich, Pador, McArthur); Alberta
Children’s Hospital Research
Institute, Calgary, Alberta, Canada
(Madigan, Eirich); School of Public
Health, Physiotherapy and Sports
Science, University College Dublin,
Dublin, Ireland (Neville).
Corresponding Author: Sheri
Madigan, PhD, Department of
Psychology, University of Calgary,
2500 University Ave, Calgary, AB T2N
JAMA Pediatr. doi:10.1001/jamapediatrics.2022.4116 1N4, Canada (sheri.madigan@
Published online November 7, 2022.

(Reprinted) E1
© 2022 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.

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Research Original Investigation Global Changes in Child and Adolescent Screen Time During the COVID-19 Pandemic

o limit the spread of the COVID-19 virus, numerous re-
strictions were imposed on the daily lives of children Key Points
and adolescents globally, including repeated school clo-
Question To what extent has the COVID-19 pandemic been
sures, cancellation of extracurricular activities, social and associated with changes in the duration, content, and context
physical distancing from peers and other sources of interper- of daily screen time among children and adolescents globally?
sonal support (eg, teachers and coaches), and mandated home
Findings In this systematic review and meta-analysis of 46
quarantining due to COVID-19 exposure. Parents, in parallel,
studies including 29 017 youths (ⱕ18 years), pooled estimates
also experienced substantial challenges, including financial comparing estimates taken before and during the COVID-19
instability, job insecurity, loss of child care, and increased pandemic revealed an increase in screen time of 84 min/d, or
home-schooling responsibilities, which individually and 52%. Screen time increases were highest for individuals aged
collectively resulted in increased family stress and mental 12 to 18 years and for handheld devices and personal computers.
distress.1-3 To cope with such unparalleled disruptions to nor- Meaning This study shows an association between the COVID-19
mal living conditions, many children and families likely used pandemic and increases in screen time; practitioners and
digital devices to occupy their time during the pandemic. Popu- pandemic recovery initiatives should focus on fostering healthy
lation-level increases in child and adolescent screen time have device habits, including moderating use, monitoring content,
therefore been expected.4,5 Trajectories of screen use dem- prioritizing device-free time, and using screens for creativity
or connection.
onstrate that children with high screen use often remain high
users throughout preschool and middle childhood.6,7 Meta-
analyses have also documented significant associations of child
screen time with poor sleep,8 physical activity,9 language and children by comparing pandemic data with historical prepan-
communication skills,10 mental health,11 and academic12 out- demic data, whereas other studies were cross-sectional and
comes. Up to 80% of apps for children are also purposely built asked participants to retrospectively recall prepandemic
with manipulative design features (eg, fabricated time pres- screen time (an approach prone to recall bias). 27 Finally,
sure, gifts, and attractive lures to encourage longer gameplay),13 government-mandated restrictions and their seasonal timing
which can be persuasive in maintaining children’s attention. varied across countries, which could have affected estimates
Therefore, a critical time-sensitive research focus should be across studies.
to determine the degree to which child and adolescent screen The objectives of this study were to conduct a systematic
time increased during the COVID-19 pandemic in terms of the review and meta-analysis of global changes in child and ado-
duration of use as well as the content and context of use. lescent screen time before vs during the COVID-19 pandemic
Although most empirical studies suggest that screen time and to determine the degree to which these changes differed
increased during the pandemic, there is considerable variabil- across devices, context of use, age groups, sexes, devices, popu-
ity in the direction and magnitude of change between stud- lation types, methods, and region and season (ie, geographic
ies. For example, Welling et al 14 reported no significant latitude). Together, these objectives can inform practition-
changes, Morrison et al15 reported a decrease of 15 min/d, and ers, programs, and policies seeking to put child and adoles-
McArthur et al4 and Pietrobelli et al16 reported increases of cent sedentary behaviors at the forefront of global pandemic
102 min/d and 292 min/d, respectively, before vs during the recovery efforts.
pandemic. Thus, there is a need to explain between-study vari-
ability in COVID-19–associated changes in screen time. The
variation in design affordances across devices and platforms,
such as their mobility and intended use, may yield variations
in the patterns of change across device type. With more than Search Strategy
1.5 billion children worldwide moving to online school at the In this meta-analysis, 4 electronic databases (MEDLINE,
outset of the pandemic,17 context of use should also be exam- Embase, PsycINFO, and the Cochrane Central Register of Con-
ined because screen time could have increased for educa- trolled Trials) were searched for studies published between
tional use. January 1, 2020, and March 5, 2022. Search strategy terms in-
One expected, developmentally relevant moderator of cluded screen time, sedentary behavior, and COVID-19 (eTable 1
changes in screen time is child age because screen time in- in the Supplement). Retrieved studies were imported into
creases across childhood.18,19 Variability could also be sex spe- Covidence,28 where duplicates were automatically removed.
cific, with studies showing that screen time is higher for boys Reference lists of included studies and relevant systematic
than for girls,19-21 and informant dependent because youths reviews were also hand searched. This review was registered
(vs parents) may be more reliable estimators of their own as a protocol with PROSPERO (CRD42022320709).
behavior.11,22 Between-study variability may also be associ-
ated with the populations under investigation, such as chil- Selection Criteria
dren and adolescents with medical (eg, obesity) or clinical Study inclusion criteria were reported changes in the dura-
(eg, autism spectrum disorder) diagnoses who may have tion (minutes per day) of screen time before and during
been prone to receiving or requesting more screen time.23-26 the COVID-19 pandemic within the same group of children;
Another source of heterogeneity could be study design, with children, adolescents, and young adults (≤18 years); longitu-
some studies providing longitudinal change in cohorts of dinal or retrospective study; peer reviewed; and published in

E2 JAMA Pediatrics Published online November 7, 2022 (Reprinted)

© 2022 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.

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Global Changes in Child and Adolescent Screen Time During the COVID-19 Pandemic Original Investigation Research

English. Exclusion criteria were case studies, reports, and quali-

Figure 1. PRISMA Flow Diagram Detailing Search Strategy
tative analyses. Study inclusion was determined by 2 inde-
pendent coders (S.M. and P.P.), who coded all titles or ab-
2909 Records identified through 3 Additional records identified
stracts in Covidence (mean random agreement probability, database searching through other sources
93%). Independent coders (S.M. and P.P.) reviewed all full-
text articles against the inclusion criteria. Discrepancies were
resolved via consensus. 2474 Records after duplicates removed

Data Extraction 2474 Records screened

Changes in the duration of daily screen time before vs during
the pandemic were extracted from each study. Inferential sta- 2338 Records excluded
tistics (P value, z score, t value, and CI) were extracted to cal-
culate the SE of these changes. When studies included male 136 Full-text articles assessed
and female individuals, separate subsample data were ex- for eligibility

tracted to account for heterogeneity arising from real differ-

ences in screen use between sexes. Data extraction was con- 90 Full-text articles excluded
73 Wrong indication or outcome
ducted by 2 coders (P.P. and R.D.N.). Intercoder agreement 6 Wrong study design
was 94%. 5 Duplicate data
4 Wrong patient population
1 Independent samples
Moderators 1 Data not available
Continuous moderators were baseline (prepandemic) screen
time (minutes per day), number of months between assess- 46 Studies included in meta-analysis
ments of screen time, sample geographic latitude, and study
quality. Categorical moderators were device type or content 146 Effect sizes included in
(handheld device use, personal computers, television, vid- meta-analysis

eogaming, and social media), content (recreational and recre-

ational plus educational [ie, total]), age group (preschool
[≤5 years] and primary school [>5 to ≤12 years], and second- 0.2, 0.6, 1.2, and 2 SDs, respectively.33 Sampling uncertainty
ary school [>12 to ≤18 years]), sex (percentage of female indi- is represented as 90% CIs. Precision of estimation 33 was
viduals), study design (longitudinal or retrospective), infor- deemed inadequate or unclear when the 90% CI included
mant (parent or youth), and population (clinical [autism substantial positive and negative values (ie, −0.2 and 0.2
spectrum disorder and psychiatric patients, k = 4] vs nonclini- SDs, respectively). When the 90% CI included both trivial and
cal; medical [obesity and diabetes, k = 16] vs nonmedical substantial (positive or negative) values, the outcome was in-
samples, where k is the number of sample estimates). terpreted as “possibly” substantial. Publication bias and
potential outliers were evaluated with the random-effects
Study Quality output (ie, the random-effect solutions for each sample esti-
Study quality was assessed with items from the National mate) from the meta-analytic model described earlier. Publi-
Institutes of Health Quality Assessment Tool for Observa- cation bias was evaluated with a scatterplot of the random-
tional Cohort and Cross-Sectional Studies. 29 Each study effect solutions and the SEs for each sample estimate. Potential
received a score of 0 (criterion unmet) or 1 (criterion met) for outliers were detected when the P value for the random-
11 quality indicators, which were tallied to give a quality effect solution was less than a threshold given by P < .05
score from 0 to 11 (eTable 2 and eTable 3 in the Supplement). divided by the degrees of freedom for the sample estimate
The study followed the Preferred Reporting Items for Sys- random-effect solution in question.
tematic Reviews and Meta-analyses (PRISMA) reporting
guideline. Data for this study were freely available through
published studies.
Data Analysis Our search strategy produced 2474 nonduplicate records, and
Random-effects meta-analyses30 were conducted in SAS, ver- 136 underwent full-text review (Figure 1). Forty-six studies met
sion 9.4 (SAS Institute Inc) from April 6 through May 5, 2022. the full inclusion criteria, with 146 available estimates. Of the
The inverse square method was used to weight sample 146 estimates, 87 represented changes for all devices com-
estimates.31 Between-sample heterogeneity was summa- bined, 20 for handheld devices, 13 for personal computers,
rized with the τ statistic, representing the typical differences 11 for television, 9 for video gaming, and 6 for social media.
in the meta-analyzed mean between samples. Effect sizes were
calculated by following the Cohen32 principle of standardiza- Study Characteristics
tion (ie, by dividing outcomes by their respective between- Across the 46 studies (Table 1),4,14-16,24-26,34-72 29 017 chil-
person SD of pre–COVID-19 screen time). Standardized thresh- dren and young adults aged 18 years or younger were repre-
olds for small, moderate, large, and very large effect sizes were sented (57% male and 43% female). The mean (SD) age was (Reprinted) JAMA Pediatrics Published online November 7, 2022 E3

© 2022 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.

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Table 1. Characteristics of the Included Studies
Screen Clinical Medical
Source Country No.a SES Male, % Female, % Age, y Study design Screen type purpose condition condition
Aguilar-Farias et al,34 2021 Chile 3157 Low 51 49 3.1 Retrospective AD R NOCLIN NOMED
Beck et al,35 2021 US 145 NR 45 55 8.0 Retrospective AD R NOCLIN MED
Brzęk et al,36 2021 Poland 1316 NR 45 55 3.0 Longitudinal AD R NOCLIN NOMED
Burkart et al,37 2022 US 127 Diverse 53 47 9.8 Longitudinal AD R NOCLIN NOMED
Cardy et al,38 2021 Canada 414 Middle-upper 31 69 11.7 Retrospective AD R + ED CLIN NOMED
Research Original Investigation

Chen et al,39 2021 China 535 NR 49 51 10.3 Longitudinal SM, VG, HD R NOCLIN NOMED
Cheng et al,40 2021 Malaysia 123 NR 53 47 11.1 Retrospective AD R + ED NOCLIN MED
Eales et al,41 2021 US 129 Middle-upper 50 50 6.1 Longitudinal AD R + ED NOCLIN NOMED
Garcia et al,26 2021 US 9 NR 89 11 16.9 Longitudinal AD R CLIN NOMED
Ghanamah and Israel 382 NR 51 49 8.0 Retrospective AD R + ED NOCLIN NOMED
Eghbaria-Ghanamah,42 2021
Hossain et al,43 2021 Bangladesh 35 NR 56 44 4.5 Longitudinal AD R NOCLIN NOMED
Hu et al,44 2021 US 129 Diverse 40 60 10.9 Retrospective AD R NOCLIN MED
Jáuregui et al,45 2021 Mexico 631 Middle-upper 53 47 3.0 Retrospective AD R + ED NOCLIN NOMED

JAMA Pediatrics Published online November 7, 2022 (Reprinted)

Jia et al,46 2021 China 2146 Diverse 0 100 17.5 Longitudinal AD R + ED NOCLIN NOMED
Kim et al,47 2021 Japan 290 Diverse 52 48 4.8 Longitudinal T, HD R + ED NOCLIN NOMED
Kim et al,48 2021 Japan 171 NR 57 43 9.7 Longitudinal T, HD, AD R NOCLIN NOMED
López Gil et al,49 2021 Spain 1099 NR 50 50 4.2 Retrospective AD R NOCLIN NOMED
López-Bueno et al,50 2020 Spain 860 NR 51 49 4.0 Retrospective AD R + ED NOCLIN NOMED
Ma et al,51 2021 China 208 NR 53 47 8.9 Longitudinal AD R + ED NOCLIN NOMED
Maheux et al,52 2021 US 704 Diverse 48 52 15.1 Longitudinal SM R NOCLIN NOMED
Maltoni et al,53 2021 Italy 51 NR 100 0 14.7 Longitudinal AD R NOCLIN NOMED
McArthur et al,4 2021 Canada 1333 Middle-upper 53 47 9.5 Longitudinal AD R NOCLIN NOMED
Medrano et al,54 2021 Spain 106 Diverse 49 51 12.0 Longitudinal AD R NOCLIN NOMED
Mirhajianmoghadam et al,55 US 38 NR 50 50 8.1 Retrospective AD R + ED NOCLIN NOMED

© 2022 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.

Mohan et al,56 2021 India 217 Diverse 47 53 13.5 Retrospective AD R + ED NOCLIN NOMED
Moore et al,57 2021 Canada 1526 Middle-upper 48 52 8.1 Longitudinal AD R NOCLIN NOMED
Morrison et al,15 2021 Slovenia 62 NR 50 50 12.0 Longitudinal AD R NOCLIN NOMED
Nathan et al,58 2021 Australia 121 NR 54 46 7.0 Retrospective AD R NOCLIN NOMED
Ng et al,59 2021 Hong Kong 64 NR NR NR 4.4 Longitudinal AD R NOCLIN NOMED
Delisle Nyström et al,60 2020 Sweden 100 NR 58 42 4.0 Longitudinal AD R NOCLIN NOMED

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Okely et al,61 2021 Global 852 NR 39 61 4.0 Longitudinal AD R NOCLIN NOMED
Ostermeier et al,62 2021 Canada 48 Middle-upper 51 49 11.0 Longitudinal AD R NOCLIN NOMED
Peddie et al,63 2021 New Zealand 35 Diverse 100 0 16.6 Longitudinal AD R + ED NOCLIN NOMED
Pietrobelli et al,16 2021 Italy 32 NR 50 50 12.8 Longitudinal AD R NOCLIN NOMED
Global Changes in Child and Adolescent Screen Time During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Global Changes in Child and Adolescent Screen Time During the COVID-19 Pandemic Original Investigation Research

9 (4.1) years. Only 9 (20%) of the studies included in this meta-

analysis reported data on the race or ethnicity of their sample,

Sample sizes for data extracted from studies (and not always the number reported for the study as a whole).
and the data on racial and ethnic categories among these 9 stud-


ies were inconsistently reported. Studies used parent-

reported (29 studies [63%]) or child-reported (17 studies [37%])
data. In terms of context of use, 29 studies reported changes

in recreational screen use (17 studies for recreational plus edu-



cation use). Most studies (28 [61%]) reported longitudinal es-
timates of change in screen time; the remaining 18 studies
(39%) were retrospective estimates of prepandemic data. Of
the 46 included studies, 14 were from Asia (30%), 12 from
R + ED

R + ED

R + ED

R + ED

R + ED

Europe (26%), 12 from North America (26%), 3 from Australia



or New Zealand (7%), 2 from South America (4%), and 2 from
the Middle East (4%), and 1 study (2%) had pooled data from


multiple countries. The mean study quality score was 6.8
Screen type


(range, 3-9) (eTable 3 in the Supplement).



SM, social media; T, television; VG, videogames.




From a baseline value of 162 min/d (2.7 h/d), total daily screen
time across all children increased during the COVID-19 pan-



Study design





demic by 84 min/d (90% CI, 51-116 min/d), corresponding to a

moderate effect size when standardized (Figure 2). Between-
study heterogeneity was small as summarized by a τ statistic
of 0.3 SDs (90% CI, 0.2-0.5 SDs).
Moderator analyses (Table 2)73 revealed that increases
Age, y

in screen time were particularly marked for individuals 12 to





18 years of age, whose total daily screen time increased by

110 min/d (k = 26; 90% CI, 72-149 min/d), corresponding to a
Female, %

moderate to large effect size. The increase in total daily screen


time for preschoolers and primary school children was smaller—

NR, not reported; PC, personal computer; R, recreational; R + ED, R and ED combined; SES, socioeconomic status;


approximately 65 min/d—corresponding to a moderate effect


MED, known medical condition; NOCLIN, no known clinical condition; NOMED, no known medical condition;

size (preschool k = 12 [mean, 66 min/d; 90% CI, 27-106 min/d];

Abbreviations: AD, all devices; CLIN, diagnosed clinical condition; ED, educational; HD, handheld devices;

primary school k = 49 [mean, 65 min/d; 90% CI, 36-95 min/d]).

Male, %

Time spent on both handheld devices and personal comput-



ers increased by approximately 45 min/d on both types of de-

vices, corresponding to a moderate to large effect size (hand-
held device k = 20 [mean, 44 min/d; 90% CI, 11-77 min/d];
personal computer k = 13 [mean, 46 min/d; 90% CI, 12-81 min/
d]). Moderator analyses also revealed that changes in total daily

screen time were larger for sample estimates in which the data
were reported retrospectively (116 min/d; 90% CI, 95-137 min/d;
k = 36) rather than longitudinally (65 min/d; 90% CI, 50-80




Table 1. Characteristics of the Included Studies (continued)






min/d; k = 51). Both estimates were in the range of moderate

effect sizes.
Moderator analyses (Table 2) signaled possible increases
South Korea

South Korea

in television viewing, video gaming, and social media use.

Hong Kong

Changes in daily screen time were also possibly larger for



sample estimates with higher baseline (pre–COVID-19) screen

time levels, sample estimates of recreational screen time,
sample estimates representing children and adolescents with
weight-related medical diagnoses, and sample estimates based
Schnaiderman et al,66 2021

Shoshani and Kor,68 2021

on parental reports. However, sampling uncertainty in each of

Ten Velde et al,69 2021
Schmidt et al,67 2020

these outcomes was too large to be definitive (ie, 90% CIs in-
Welling et al,14 2022
Saxena et al,65 2021
Rebelo et al,25 2021
Ribner et al,64 2021

Zhang et al,72 2021

Xiang et al,70 2020
Yum et al,71 2021

cluded a wide range of trivial values). Sampling uncertainty

Seo et al,24 2021

for the remaining moderators shown in Table 2 (ie, sex, re-

gional and seasonal characteristics, studies of samples with

clinical diagnoses, and studies conducted over different du-

rations) should be interpreted as unclear. (Reprinted) JAMA Pediatrics Published online November 7, 2022 E5

© 2022 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.

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Research Original Investigation Global Changes in Child and Adolescent Screen Time During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Figure 2. Contributing Studies for Change in Screen Time Before and During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Mean change in screen

Source time, min (90% CI)
Morrison et al,15 2021 –15 (–29 to –2)
Welling et al,14 2022 –9 (–125 to 108)
Burkart et al,37 2022 20 (16 to 23)
Shoshani and Kor,68 2021 20 (10 to 30)
Delisle Nyström et al,60 2020 30 (11 to 49)
Ostermeier et al,61 2021 30 (22 to 38)
Kim et al,47 2021 40 (30 to 51)
Ribner et al,64 2021 47 (46 to 48)
Eales et al,41 2021 50 (25 to 74)
Ghanamah and Eghbaria-Ghanamah,42 2021 54 (27 to 81)
Okely et al,61 2021 57 (45 to 69)
Nathan et al,58 2021 57 (29 to 85)
Schmidt et al,67 2020 59 (55 to 64)
Ma et al,51 2021 61 (31 to 90)
Ten Velde et al,69 2021 61 (38 to 84)
Ng et al,59 2021 69 (42 to 96)
Aguilar-Farias et al,34 2021 83 (59 to 108)
Peddie et al,63 2021 84 (44 to 124)
Hossain et al,43 2021 85 (35 to 134)
Jáuregui et al,45 2021 95 (88 to 102)
López-Gil et al,49 2021 100 (97 to 103)
McArthur et al,4 2021 102 (99 to 105)
Medrano et al,54 2021 108 (55 to 161)
Rebelo et al,25 2021 119 (61 to 177)
Mohan et al,56 2021 120 (70 to 170)
Garcia et al,26 2021 120 (77 to 164)
Beck et al,35 2021 132 (67 to 197)
Mirhajianmoghadam et al,55 2021 138 (99 to 177)
Moore et al,57 2021 138 (101 to 176)
Hu et al,44 2021 141 (100 to 182)
Xiang et al,70 2020 144 (77 to 210)
Cardy et al,38 2021 159 (147 to 171)
López-Bueno et al,50 2020 167 (160 to 174)
Maltoni et al,53 2021 174 (89 to 259)
Schnaiderman et al,66 2021 180 (105 to 255)
Cheng et al,40 2021 206 (167 to 246)
Zhang et al,72 2021 266 (134 to 398)
The studies are presented in order
Pietrobelli et al,16 2021 292 (210 to 373)
of smallest to largest change in
Pooled change
screen time. The square data markers
Minutes 84 (51 to 116)
indicate the degree of change, with
Standardized units 0.8 (0.5 to 1.1)
the lines through the markers
–200 –100 0 100 200 300 400 indicating 90% CIs. The diamond
Mean change in screen data marker indicates the overall
time, min (90% CI) pooled effect based on the
included studies.

Publication Bias and Outliers 246 minutes of screen time per day (4.1 h/d) across all chil-
The standardized slope of the regression line representing pub- dren and adolescents during the pandemic. This substantial
lication bias was a trivial effect size (β = 0.09; 90% CI, −0.06 change in screen time is more than what can be expected ac-
to 0.25) (eFigure in the Supplement). A single outlier was iden- cording to developmental changes19,20 and time trends.21 Sub-
tified against the weighted threshold of P < .001. The direc- stantial mean increases were observed in samples examining
tion or effect sizes of study outcomes were not sensitive to changes in recreational screen time alone (increase of 84 min/d)
the removal of this outlier. as well as combined estimates of recreational plus educa-
tional (increase of 68 min/d) screen time from prior to during
the pandemic. As such, changes in screen time estimated in
this study can very likely be associated with the unprec-
Discussion edented disruptions of the COVID-19 pandemic. These find-
This meta-analysis of 46 studies (146 effect sizes) from 29 017 ings should be considered along with another meta-analysis
children and adolescents revealed that, on average, screen time suggesting a 32% decrease in children’s engagement in mod-
increased by 52%, or 84 min/d (1.4 h/d), during the pan- erate to vigorous physical activity during the pandemic.74
demic. Compared with a prepandemic baseline value of 162 Policy-relevant pandemic recovery planning and resource
min/d (2.7 h/d), this increase corresponds to a daily mean of allocation should therefore consider how to help children,

E6 JAMA Pediatrics Published online November 7, 2022 (Reprinted)

© 2022 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.

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Global Changes in Child and Adolescent Screen Time During the COVID-19 Pandemic Original Investigation Research

Table 2. Moderator Results of the Changes in Daily Screen Time Comparing Before vs During COVID-19

Characteristic ka Mean (90% CI), min/db β (90% CI)c

Categorical moderators
Device type or content
Handheld devices 20 44 (11 to 77)d 0.83 (0.21 to 1.45)d
Personal computer 13 46 (12 to 81) 0.90 (0.24 to 1.59)d
Television 11 55 (10 to 118) 0.49 (0.09 to 1.05)
Videogaming 9 39 (4 to 73) 0.64 (0.07 to 1.20)
Social media 6 36 (−2 to 75) 0.35 (−0.02 to 0.72)
Age group
Preschool 12 66 (27 to 106) 0.64 (0.26 to 1.02)d
Primary school 49 65 (36 to 95) 0.63 (0.34 to 0.91)d
Secondary school 26 110 (72 to 149) 1.06 (0.69 to 1.43)d
The number of independent
samples used for deriving the
Female 15 68 (33 to 102) 0.66 (0.32 to 0.99) estimated mean value.
Male 17 74 (39 to 109) 0.72 (0.38 to 1.05)d b
Mean changes in total daily screen
Difference e
96 f
−6 (−55 to 42) −0.06 (−0.53 to 0.41) time and individual categories of
screen time reported in minutes per
day. Mean values were calculated
Educational and recreational 33 68 (36 to 100) 0.66 (0.35 to 0.97) with the remaining moderators
combined held constant at their mean values.
Recreational 54 84 (50 to 119) 0.82 (0.48 to 1.15) c
Standardized effect sizes were
Differencee 51f −16 (−37 to 4) −0.16 (−0.36 to 0.04) calculated by dividing mean
Design changes by the corresponding SD
for the category of screen time.
Longitudinal 51 65 (50 to 80) 0.63 (0.49 to 0.78)d d
Effect sizes with adequate precision
Retrospective 36 116 (95 to 137) 1.12 (0.91 to 1.32)d at the 90% CI (ie, when the chance
Differencee 38f 51 (26 to 75) 0.49 (0.25 to 0.72)d of an outcome including both
Clinical condition substantial negative and positive
values [ie, values >0.2 and
No 83 76 (44 to 108) 0.73 (0.42 to 1.04) <−0.2 SDs, respectively] was
Yes 4 84 (28 to 139) 0.81 (0.27 to 1.35) less than 5%).
Differencee 40f 8 (−39 to 55) 0.08 (−0.38 to 0.53) Differences in estimated mean
Other medical condition changes in total daily screen time
were calculated with sex = female,
No 71 76 (44 to 107) 0.73 (0.42 to 1.04) design = longitudinal, and clinical
Yes 16 112 (67 to 157) 1.08 (0.64 to 1.51) status = no as the reference values.
Differencee 60f 36 (−1 to 74) 0.35 (−0.01 to 0.71) The df is reported instead of the
k value.
Continuous moderatorsg
Continuous moderators were
Baseline 46 26 (6 to 46) 0.25 (0.06 to 0.44)
analyzed by estimating the
Quality 46 9 (−15 to 32) 0.08 (−0.15 to 0.31) difference in mean changes
Region 46 −5 (−42 to 32) −0.05 (−0.40 to 0.30) between studies with lower (mean,
−1 SD) and higher (mean, 1 SD)
Duration 46 −4 (−32 to 24) −0.04 (−0.31 to 0.23)
values for total daily screen time.73

adolescents, and families to “sit less and play more” to meet pandemic. Therefore, it is likely that they resorted to and re-
the 24-hour movement guidelines.75 lied on digital devices to stay connected. This finding aligns
In this meta-analysis, we identified several moderators that with a recent census of screen use among children and ado-
explained existing heterogeneity across studies examining lescents, in which 83% of respondents reported using screens
changes in screen time before vs during the pandemic. Changes to stay connected with family and friends.78 Adolescents were
were larger for individuals 12 to 18 years of age (110 min/d) com- also more likely than younger children during the pandemic
pared with preschoolers (66 min/d) and middle school chil- to seek new outlets for creative expression, learning new skills
dren (65 min/d). Adolescents were more likely than their and building on existing skills in a remote context, much of
younger counterparts to own and access digital devices.76 This which took place on digital devices.78
finding could also be explained by the fact that adolescence The estimated mean changes in screen time spent on hand-
is marked by an increased emphasis on both a wider interper- held devices (44 min/d) and personal computers (46 min/d)
sonal and virtual peer network as well as the development of were particularly marked, whereas changes in television, gam-
romantic relationships.77 In most circumstances, the social dis- ing, and social media were similar. This finding aligns with the
tancing restrictions implemented during the pandemic pro- observation that, as devices became a central component of
hibited face-to-face social interactions between children and daily living and interactions during the pandemic—for work,
adolescents from different households, especially early in the schooling, learning, socialization, and recreation alike—1 in 5 (Reprinted) JAMA Pediatrics Published online November 7, 2022 E7

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Research Original Investigation Global Changes in Child and Adolescent Screen Time During the COVID-19 Pandemic

parents reportedly purchased new devices for their children, account for changes in screen use and mental health before,
primarily computers and handheld devices.79 Handheld de- during, and after the COVID-19 pandemic will be particularly
vices and personal computers also provide access to text mes- important for this endeavor.
saging, instant messaging, video chatting and sharing, etc,
which children and adolescents are more likely to engage in Implications
to connect with peers. The observed increase in screen time during the COVID-19 pan-
Although the observed mean values were both moderate demic may be temporary and context dependent for some
effect sizes, there was a larger range of increases in screen time youths (eg, those isolated during school closures). However,
estimated when prepandemic screen time data were col- for others, sustained problematic screen use habits may be
lected in studies retrospectively (90% CI, 95-116 min/d) rather formed. Practitioners working with children, adolescents, and
than longitudinally (90% CI, 50-80 min/d). Given the unprec- families should focus on promoting healthy device habits
edented nature of the pandemic as well as the time-sensitive among youths, which can include moderating and monitor-
need to study pandemic-related associations in real time, some ing daily use, choosing age-appropriate programs, and priori-
scholars collected pandemic data in a largely pragmatic man- tizing device-free time with family and friends. Youths should
ner, including the use of retrospective recall of prepandemic be prompted to think about how they use screens and whether
experiences and behaviors. However, retrospective study de- they can focus their time on screens to meaningfully connect
signs are vulnerable to recall bias.27 For example, parents may with others or as a creative outlet. It is also critical to discuss
have become more acutely aware of their children’s screen time balancing screen use with other important daily functions, such
during lockdowns, which may have biased their perception of as sleep and physical activity. Last, given that screen use is of-
and ability to accurately recall their children’s prepandemic ten interconnected among family members, that parents’ level
screen time. Comparatively speaking, longitudinal designs of screen use is strongly associated with children’s screen use,88
are often more methodologically rigorous. As such, within- and that parents’ stress during the pandemic was associated
person studies of child and adolescent screen time should be with children’s increased duration of screen use,4 it is impor-
more heavily relied on to inform decision-making regarding tant for practitioners to speak jointly with youths and their
policy and practice given their scope for enhanced precision caregivers to effect change in familywide screen use.89
of estimation.
Although we examined duration, content, and context of Limitations
use in this meta-analysis, we could not examine how chil- This study had several limitations. First, although there was rep-
dren and adolescents were using screens (eg, solitary view- resentative coverage of various continents in this meta-analysis,
ing, gaming with others, or video chatting). It is possible, for there were no samples from South Africa and limited samples
example, that some youths used screens as a supportive tool from South America and the Middle East. Thus, findings may
for connecting with peers and other supports during physical be relevant only to specific geographic regions of the world. Sec-
distancing, which could explain their increased use. Children ond, no reports of screen time were validated against passive
and adolescents who used screens to coview or connect with sensing apps.90 Third, only 1 study explicitly reported that all
others during the pandemic had half as much screen time as participants were engaging in virtual learning, and included
their peers who viewed screens in a solitary manner.80 Thus, samples were homogeneous in terms of socioeconomic status,
future research should examine duration of screen time and precluding consideration of these variables as potential mod-
its association with whatever devices or platforms children and erators. Greater diversity in sampling for future research stud-
adolescents are using, examine how they are engaging with ies on child and adolescent screen use is urgently needed.
screens, and determine when and for whom problematic screen
use may develop.81
Studies have found small associations between in-
creased screen use among children and poor mental health both
before (see Eirich et al11 for a meta-analysis) and during the The COVID-19 pandemic led to substantial changes in daily rou-
pandemic82-85; however, the association may be nonlinear. That tines of children and adolescents. This systematic review and
is, there is support for an inverted U-shaped association be- meta-analysis revealed that their screen time during the pan-
tween screen time and well-being—the “Goldilocks hypoth- demic increased by 52% compared with prepandemic baseline
esis”—in which children who receive less than 1 hour of screen estimates, which is greater than what would be expected based
time per day and those who receive high doses of screen time on age changes and time trends. Recovery initiatives should
have been shown to have the poorest psychosocial function- focus on promoting healthy device habits among children and
ing compared with children with moderate screen use.86 Thus, adolescents, including moderating daily use, monitoring con-
restricting screens altogether is likely not a feasible or opti- tent, and promoting the use of screens as a creative outlet and
mal solution to managing children’s and adolescents’ screen to meaningfully connect with others. Cohort study designs with
use during the pandemic or afterward. Understanding how repeated measurement of screen time that can account for
screens have been used during the COVID-19 pandemic, for developmental change, as well as preexisting risks and stable
better and for worse,87 and determining who is at greatest risk contextual factors or vulnerabilities, are needed to disentangle
for sustained problematic outcomes require priority in future the associations of the COVID-19 pandemic with the screen time
studies. Cohort study designs with repeated measures that can and mental health outcomes of children and adolescents.

E8 JAMA Pediatrics Published online November 7, 2022 (Reprinted)

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Global Changes in Child and Adolescent Screen Time During the COVID-19 Pandemic Original Investigation Research

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