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Name: Eddie Toara

Student ID: 103174429

CYBERSECURITY PROJECT: Secure Identity and Access Management (IAM) Framework for
Aged Care Facilities (Proposal-Yet To be agreed upon)

(Pandab, 2023)

Created on: 1/03/2024

Week 1 Worklog: Teamwork and Leadership Exploration ................................................................................... 3
Tasks Completed ................................................................................................................................................ 3
Tasks Planned for Next Week and Expected hours to be completed: ............................................................ 3
Reflection:........................................................................................................................................................... 3
Supervisor Meeting: ........................................................................................................................................... 4
Note:.................................................................................................................................................................... 4

Tasks Completed

• Familiarized myself with the topics and activities covered during the first workshop, despite
not attending in person.
• Read through the materials provided and reviewed the discussions and expectations
outlined for the workshop.
• Engaged in self-directed learning to understand the concepts of team formation, teamwork
scenarios, and the development of a team plan.
• Communicated with the unit Convenor and Capstone Project Coordinator regarding my
situation of not being added to a team yet.
• Awaited confirmation of team assignment and prepared to actively participate in team
activities once assigned.

Tasks Planned for Next Week and Expected hours to be completed:

• Once assigned to a team, integrate seamlessly into team discussions and contribute
meaningfully to the development of our team plan.
• Initiate communication with team members to introduce myself and express commitment to
our shared goals and objectives.
• Review the assignment requirements, rubric, and template for the team plan due by the end
of week 2, ensuring alignment with team objectives.
• Proactively engage in team meetings and activities to establish strong working relationships
and facilitate effective collaboration.

Note: The specific project that my team and I, if I join one, will be working on is yet to be confirmed. I
will discuss this with my team members once the team assignment is finalized.
The Expected hours to completed is roughly 2 hours working together time plus Class time


During my self-directed learning, I focused on understanding key aspects of ICT projects. I learned
about the importance of effective teamwork, communication, and leadership in ensuring project
success. Additionally, I read literature on team dynamics and conflict resolution, gaining insights
into strategies for managing team-related issues. Despite not attending the first workshop in
person, I made efforts to stay informed and prepared for team activities.

While familiarizing myself with the materials, I encountered challenges regarding team formation.
However, proactive communication with relevant stakeholders helped address these issues
effectively. Moving forward, I am committed to leveraging my newfound knowledge and skills to
contribute positively to my team's efforts.
Supervisor Meeting:
Once assigned to a team, our team will schedule a meeting with our class supervisor for next week
to discuss our progress and seek guidance on our team plan and project objectives.

Maintaining open communication with team members and supervisors will be crucial for effective
collaboration and project success.

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