Speaking Script FULL

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Theme 1:

What is an ideal family:

-The idea of there being no true meaning to the “ideal” family

-The idea of family not necessarily or particularly being

blood-related (family can be your friends or co-workers)

-The idea of family being there for one another and having
traditions by some schedule (weekly, bi-weekly, annually or

What are the best uses of mobile technology:

-The idea of it being more than a way of communication and
being a way to connect people, create new relationships

-The idea of it being a digital marketplace and a school in your


Why do people play sports?

-The idea of it being more than just a health beneficiary (
decrease in heart issues, coronary heart disease)

-The idea of it having mental health benefits such as getting

your mind off things and helps in focus and helping in time
What have you done with your friends recently:
-Idea of the traditional value of cafes or coffeeshops in the
Egyptian culture

-The idea of seeing a movie and having dinner in a posh


-The idea of it being a simple and necessary hangout

Theme 2:

1- Where would you most like to go on a holiday

and why?

- Idea of going on a full tour in Europe

- Idea of Spain’s weather and Ibiza’s beaches
- Idea of France’s cuisine
- Idea of Germany’s deep rooted history

2- Why do you think people like to visit other


- Idea of there being many numerous reasons for people

wanting to visit other countries
- Idea of some people wanting to try out different cuisines
- Idea of some people wanting to explore new places and
learning new cultures
- Idea of some people wanting to get out of their comfort
zone and getting a change of routine from their day to day

3- What are the best ways to keep fit and healthy?

- Idea of having a balanced and healthy diet

- Idea of cutting out on fast food and artificial snacks
- Idea of having to move on the daily
- Idea of needing to have a schedule for when to train
whether its at the gym or at your club

Theme 3:

What makes a good teacher?

-Idea of the teacher being more than just a teacher, but also a
friend and if possible a parent figure
- Idea of always being there for his students and supporting
-Idea of understanding and talking openly with his students
- Idea of being able to explain the topic in more ways than one
as not all students understand with the same way or pace

Would you like to work in the UK? Why?

- Idea of loving to get the opportunity to study in the UK

- Idea of the UK being a breeding ground for creative and
hard working internationals
- Idea of the UK always needing more people to work
- Idea of the UK being an extremely modern and advanced
place especially London4

Describe your ideal job.

- Idea of having a fair manager and cooperative co workers

- Idea of having a healthy working environment which
inspires me to be and do my best
- Idea of having a fair salary which is appropriate compared
to the amount of work i do

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