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BPQ3233 [Business Law]

Group Assignment
[Semester 01 Session 2023/2024]

Name of Group : GROUP H
Deadline : November 17, 2023
List of Contributors

Thurga D/O Anbalagan


Ong Shi Ying Siti Zuraini Binti Menaga D/O

Nur Amalin Husna Binti
[PC21135] Muhamad [PC21038] Kanaeswaran
Ahmad [PC21057]
Table of Contents
1. Definition of economic crime
2. Position of scam industry in economic crime
3. Global concern over the seriousness of scam industry
4. Socioeconomic impact of scam industry to global and local
5. Modus operandi of scam industry operators
6. Reasons of thriving scam industry in India
7. Legal reactions by the authority against scam industry
8. Legal enforcement challenges against scam industry
9. Recommendations to improve international action against scam
10. References.
1.0 Definition of Economic Crime

In the scam industry,

economic crimes are defined
as dishonest or deceitful acts
carried out with the aim of
illegally taking money or
Economic crime other financial benefits from
includes any illegal victims. This could involve a
An illegal act that is
activity performed for variety of frauds, including
committed by an
financial gain such as identity theft, Ponzi schemes,
individual or group of
scamming, money online phishing, investment
individuals to gain
laundering, fraud, fraud, and other fraudulent
financial and
misuse of funds and schemes intended to defraud
corruption. people or organizations of
their money.
2.0 Position of scam industry in
Economic Crime

Economic Toll of Fraudulent Fraud Industry's Role in Global Social Ramifications

Practices Economic Crime of the Fraud Industry

Fraud in the economic realm Employing diverse tactics like Beyond economic
inflicts significant financial phishing, virtual investments, implications, fraud
losses, not only causing and illicit transactions, generates negative
monetary harm but also fraudsters intimidate societal effects, including
heightening consumer wariness consumers, stealing personal the erosion of trust, harm
towards online platforms. This, information and bank to social cohesion, and
in turn, diminishes economic accounts. The myriad the potential redirection
activity, negatively impacting fraudulent methods used by of young individuals
global consumer confidence scammers result in financial towards improper
and productivity by eroding trust losses for victims, criminal paths.
in financial systems and contributing to the global
institutions. landscape of economic
2.0 Position of scam industry in
Economic Crime

Collaborative Criminal
Advancement through Technological Pervasiveness of
Networks and Cybersecurity
Evolution Fraud

The continuous progress in The fraud industry often Fraud spans multiple
technology has led to the involves collaborative domains, including the
constant evolution of fraudulent criminal networks that span Internet, telephone, banking,
tactics. Advanced techniques multiple regions and and investments. This
complexity makes it difficult
utilized in cybercrime, such as countries. Law enforcement
for consumers to
phishing attacks and malicious agencies struggle to
immediately discern the
software, make it increasingly promptly combat these
authenticity of messages,
challenging to combat fraud. crimes, necessitating making them vulnerable to
Consumer inadvertence with international and national scams. Collaboration
software may result in hackers cooperation to effectively among fraudsters across
infiltrating networks, leading to address the perpetrators. various domains further
the loss of both money and hampers authorities' ability
personal information. to combat crime.
3.0 Global concern over the
seriousness of Scam Industry


Growing technological
CHALLENGES IN LAW proficiency in scams such as
ECONOMIC IMPACT ransomware attacks, social
engineering, and phishing
raises concerns about the
Law enforcement
Scams cause significant possibility of increasingly
organizations have difficulties
financial losses for pervasive and destructive
as a result of the scam
individuals, companies, and cyber threats. Better
industry's dynamic and
governments. The cybersecurity safeguards are
changing character. Since
seriousness of these always needed since
fraudsters frequently operate
economic consequences scammers are always
from countries with lax
adds to concerns over the adjusting to new
legislation, international
general stability and technologies.
cooperation is necessary to
stability of financial coordinate efforts to find and
institutions. prosecute them.
3.0 Global concern over the
seriousness of Scam Industry


Scammers usually take advantage of trust, fear,
The credibility of digital communications,
or ignorance, or other behavioral weaknesses in
financial institutions, and online transactions is
people. The manipulation of psychological
undermined by scams. For the digital economy
variables highlights the necessity of thorough
to continue expanding and developing, trust
education and awareness campaigns to equip
must be rebuilt and maintained.
people to avoid becoming victims of frauds.
3.0 Global concern over the
seriousness of Scam Industry


Through fake job advertisements,

victims are drawn to online scam
sites where they are forced into
large-scale financial crimes made
possible by cybercrime.

Victims of human trafficking must deal with

extortion, forced labor, and other forms of abuse
as part of this double-edged crime. Concurrently,
these trafficked persons are used as tools for
online fraud, including global schemes including
cryptocurrency-related fraud, romance frauds,
and investment fraud.
4.0 Socioeconomic impact of
Scam Industry to Global and
Local Security

● Scams make people lose trust and confidence in

online dealings, banks, governments, and others
Loss of trust and who are scammed or affected by scams.
01 confidence ● This can make people less willing to do business,
invest, or work together with others.

● Scams can cause direct financial losses to

Loss of income and
02 wealth
the victims, who may lose their savings,
investments, or assets.
4.0 Socioeconomic impact of Scam
Industry to Global and Local Security
● Scams can threaten the security and
Loss of security and stability of individuals, organizations, and
03 stability countries, by exposing them to various risks
and vulnerabilities.

● such as money laundering, terrorism financing,

Scams can facilitate cyberattacks, and human trafficking.
04 other criminal ● For instance, scammers may use stolen identities,
fake documents, or online platforms to transfer
activities illicit funds.
5.0 Modus Operandi
of Scam Industry Operators

Whatsapp Get rich quick Clone firm

phishing scams scams

● These are scams that

These are scams These are scams
use Whatsapp to send
phishing links or that fraudulently
that promise very
messages to users. impersonate a
high returns in a
legitimate or a
short period of time
● The phishing links or licensed entity,
messages may
with a small initial
such as a public
contain malware or investment. listed company, a
spyware that can bank, or an
compromise the
investment firm.
user's device or data.
6.0 Reasons of thriving Scam
Industry in India

Blindly Following Incorrect

Instructions: Victims are prone to
Economic Inequality: adhering to and believing
The pursuit of quick wealth due 05 fraudsters' requests, leading to
to poverty makes individuals instances of deception.
more susceptible to fraud

Lack of Educational Attainment:

01 04 Insufficient awareness of financial
and cybersecurity among the public
Insufficiency in Legal and makes it easier for fraudsters to
Enforcement Systems: deceive and steal information.
Law enforcement agencies lack
adequate resources and
technology to track and prevent Digitization and Technological
criminal activities.
02 03 Proliferation: The freedom of the internet
provides fraudsters with more
opportunities to exploit technological
vulnerabilities for fraudulent activities.
7.0 Legal reactions by the
authority against scam industry
Supplying information about identifying and avoiding fraud
Supplying information about identifying and avoiding
more frequently. This entails spotlighting the most dangerous
fraud more frequently. This entails spotlighting the most
More accurate information scams on social media and the Scamwatch website, as well
01 dangerous scams on social media and the Scamwatch
as providing prompt and consistent warnings.
website, as well as providing prompt and consistent

To enhance the sharing of scam data between the public and

Enhance information exchange private sectors, the ACCC is developing a new system.
02 to thwart counterfeiters High-frequency secure data sharing between various
authorities, law enforcement, and business will be supported
by this system.
7.0 Legal reactions by the
authority against scam industry

Most scams are fraud or deceit offences. This implies that the
Encourage law enforcement task of apprehending and prosecuting con artists falls to law
03 enforcement organisations. collaborate closely with federal and
state law enforcement agencies.

Compared to other organisations, government departments

Utilise Analytics to Spot Possible frequently manage large data volumes, but they frequently
04 Fraud
lack the resources needed to properly analyse and identify
possible fraud.
8.0 Legal enforcement
challenges against scam industry
Due to the GDPR and other To creating difficulties for Because legal systems differ
technical developments, law law enforcement in greatly, it can be difficult to
enforcement is no longer able
identifying offenders, investigate and prosecute cyber
to access vast amounts of
data, which makes it criminal infrastructure, and crimes across borders. Effective
challenging to identify electronic evidence, the use investigations are made difficult
individual individuals. Their of encryption, by these discrepancies, which
work is greatly impacted by this cryptocurrencies, and other have an impact on the
lack of data, which frequently technologies such as cloud criminalization of conduct and
results in the postponement or
storage and the dark web investigation techniques.
termination of investigations.
can cause data loss.

Difficulties relating to
Missing Data Absence of place country legal
8.0 Legal enforcement
challenges against scam industry
Despite variations in national The absence of a well-defined
laws, the absence of a legal framework delineates the
manner in which the private
unified worldwide legal
sector can engage in law
framework presents serious enforcement cooperation while
obstacles to international maintaining client privacy.
cooperation, particularly Newer technologies that have
when it comes to massive both potential for detection
cyberattacks that affect and prevention as well as
several continents. threats of illegal abuse that
could feed cybercrime.

Barriers to global The difficulties associated

with public-private
collaboration partnerships
9.0 Recommendations to improve
international action against scam industry

Enhanced Collaboration
Encourage countries to collaborate and share
information on scams, including intelligence,
victim data, and tactics used by scammers.

International Task Forces Public Awareness Campaign

Establish international task forces with law
Collaborate on global public awareness
enforcement agencies from various
campaigns to educate people about
countries to investigate and prosecute
common scams and how to protect
transnational scam operations.

Harmonize Legislation Financial Institutions

Promote the harmonization of anti-scam Work with international financial institutions
legislation and regulations across countries to track and freeze the assets of scammers.
to make it easier to pursue scammers
across borders.
10.0 References
1. Abraham Bliss. (2023b, March 21). Scam Industry As The Core Business In world,
2. BW Online Bureau (2023). Economic Crime, Fraud Continue to Plague Indian
Companies: PwC India.
3. Commonwealth Fraud Prevention Centre. (2020, February). The Total Impacts of
4. International Criminal Police Organization. (2023, June 7). INTERPOL issues
global warming on human trafficking-fueled fraud.
10.0 References
6.SC Discloses Findings On Clone Firm Scams - Media Releases.

7.Securities Commission Exposes Modus Operandi Of Clone Firm Scams.

8. The Global State of Scams Report 2022 | Group-IB.

9. Vulsan X. (Aug 21, 2023). Why should every company conduct scam awareness

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