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The author presents yet another endgame for the “left-hand path”

A “have your cake and eat it too” scenario, whereby we can become
“God of a new universe”, one with “The universal darkness”, or one
with “God on the light-side” depending on our whim.

Don’t ask how though, as these “mysteries” are reserved for higher
initiates, dontcha know.

I believe he is largely responsible for the modern proliferation of

Kenneth Grants ridiculous invention that the Qliphoth correspond in
placement to the Sephiroth and the upper chakras.


The late 19th Century heralded an “east meets west” moment in


Driven largely by those such as Madame Blavatsky and her

Theosophical society colleagues, like Charles Leadbeater, who had
spent time in India.

The Theosophists, along with some members of the Hermetic Order of

the Golden Dawn, Aleister Crowley, and a few others, sought a
reconciliation of the teachings of eastern esotericism with aspects of
the western paradigm.

Mostly focusing on the Dharmic traditions, in particular Hinduism and

Hindu Tantra.

This collision had created a conundrum for them; western esotericism

was in contrast rooted in an utterly irreconcilable dualistic paradigm,
and this was now being revealed.

Speaking logically, if the western paradigm was to survive then either

a reconciliation, or a conflation, had to occur.
Particularly with respect to the polarised monotheistic concepts of
God / Satan and Good / Evil.
There is in fact no correspondent concept in any Dharmic faith. There
is One, supreme Good, and the polarity of Truth and ignorance, in the
latter of which there is potential for evil. This is an extremely
important distinction.

In Hinduism satan corresponds to the asuric (those who reject God)

lord of the current time period or Yuga.

They found something of an “in road” on this front on the subject of

The Tantric Left-Hand path of Vamacara and its practices that utilise

Blavatsky et al conflated these practices with “sex magick”; practices

designed to direct and use the energy from a sexual act for a specific
purpose, and designated the left-hand path of Vamacara as “black
magic” as a result.

Both the Right- and Left-hand Tantric paths are systems of spiritual
practices that ultimately pursue the liberation of the seeker from the
karmic cycle of rebirth.

An example that illustrates the difference between the two in the

context of sex: A seeker walking the right-hand path renounces the
world. When this seeker has successfully cultivated dispassion,
transcended the trivia of lust, and cognitively realises every woman in
Truth as the microcosmic Goddess, the sublimation of the sexual
energy occurs.

Instead of gathering for release at the sacral, it is raised and

transmuted into vitality and higher states of consciousness.

At this point, sex becomes a devotional act, and such a seeker could
then if so inclined be used to supercharge the sublimation process.
This is what the Left-Hand path does. A renunciate attitude is an
absolute pre-requisite.
Otherwise, the seeker will simply get caught up in lust, and then, as
the cumulative retention and sublimation of the sexual energy are
imperative to both paths, the whole thing is knackered.

The Daoist’s would tell you the same on this subject. Far stricter if

Lose the generative force, and nae diamond body for you pal, they’ll

The Left-Hand path to liberation is the path of the renunciate

alchemist, creating greater levels of energy for sublimation with a
greater level of risk.

Here is two example quotes corroborating this, one from the Yogi
Satyananda Saraswati and another from the Aghora series on Left-
Hand path Tantra quoting the Aghori Vimalananda.

So Blavatsky et al conflate left-hand tantra with sex magick, designate

vamacara as “black magic”
They start saying all kinds of wildly stupid stuff, attempting to overlay
their paradigm of Good / Evil onto the Right- and Left-Hand Tantric

Now fortunately, there was a guy around at the time with a wee bit
more credibility on the subject than any of these morons.
Sir John Woodroffe, pen name Arthur Avalon, spent twice as much
time in India as Blavatsky, Leadbeater and Crowley combined.
In his book on The Kundalini Shakti; The Serpent Power, he says this
of Vamacara:

“Vamacara is not black magic, the nearest Sanskrit equivalent for

which is Abhicara. There may have been, as the Mahakala-Samhita
says, some Kaulas who, like the Vaidikas, sought enjoyment in this
and the next world, and not liberation. But to state baldly that Kaulas
as a whole do not rouse Kundalini and lead her to the Sahasrara is
incorrect. Purnanda-Swami, the author of the text here translated, was
himself a Kaula and the whole object of the work is to secure
liberation (Moksa)”

Contrast his words with those of Theosophist Purucker who stated that
Vamacara leads to “personal obscuration and spiritual annihilation”.

Woodroffe confirms what we already knew: Left- and Right-Hand

Tantric paths are both paths to liberation and Vamacara is not
synonymous with black magic.

But unfortunately, it didn’t end here.

Crowley took a broader and even stupider approach. He did not

confine his conflations to the Tantric left- and right-hand paths. He
overtly conflated Hinduism with satanism on a broader basis.

An example that demonstrates his efforts from his book “the vision
and the voice”

"... there is a legend of Eve and the Serpent, for Cain was the child of
Eve and the Serpent, and not of Eve and Adam; and therefore when he
had slain his brother, who was the first murderer, having sacrificed
living things to his demon, had Cain the mark upon his brow, which is
the mark of the Beast spoken of in the Apocalypse, and is the sign of

Words to which Crowley has added the following endnote:

"2.This is the "Third Eye", the "Eye of Shiva", the Pineal Gland,
supposed by some anatomists to be a rudimentary eye."

Crowley conflates the third eye charka, the centre of awareness where
self-realisation as microcosm of the macrocosm occurs, with the so-
called “mark of the beast”, suggesting ridiculously that sacrificing
living things to “your demon” will open the ajna chakra.

Based on efforts like this it is tempting to, as I once did, write

Crowley off as a totally insignificant moron.
But unfortunately, we will eventually have to revisit him in more

Despite Woodroffe’s trumps of credibility and authority on the subject,

these conflating efforts did not end with the work of those above.

Crowley’s broad-brush approach was a source of inspiration for one of

his well-known disciples.
Mr Kenneth Grant. Who produced a works called “Nightside of Eden”

Grant took a leaf out of Crowley’s book, laying the foundation for a
whole new generation of conflations.
This book was not on the subject of Hindu Tantra, but discussed one
with which it is intrinsically linked; the kabbalistic Sephiroth and the

The Sephiroth and Qliphoth correspond completely to the upper and

lower chakras of Tantric tradition.

Here are the correspondences in full, beginning with the Sephiroth and
upper chakras which most may be familiar with:

Keter – Crown – Sahasrara Chakra (Top of head) - Unity

Chokmah and Binah – Wisdom and Understanding – Ajna Eye Chakra

(Brow) – Divine Sight

Chesed, Daath and Gevurah – Love, Knowledge and Might –

Vishuddha Chakra (Throat) – Divine Love

Tiferet – Beauty – Anahata Chakra (Heart) - Direct Cognition

Netzach and Hod – Eternity and Majesty – Manipura Plexus Chakra

(Solar Plexus) - Willpower

Yesod – Foundation – Swadishthana Chakra (Lower abdomen) -


Malkhut – Kingdom – Muladhara Chakra (Perineum) – Memory

Now the Qliphoth and the lower chakras:

Lilith – Night Monsters – Atala Chakra (Hips) – Fear, Lust

Gamaliel – The Obscene Ones – Vitala Chakra (Thighs) – Anger &

Viciousness, Resentment

Gharab and Samael – The Corrosive Ones and The Deceitful Ones –
Sutala Chakra (Knees) – Jealousy, Inadequacy

Tagimron – The Disputers – Talatala Chakra (Calves) – Deep

Confusion, Instinctive Wilfulness (The Black Sun)

Gha Agsheblah, Belial and Golohab – The Smiting Ones, The

Worthless Ones and The Flaming Ones – Rasatala Chakra (Ankles) –
Selfishness, Animalistic Nature

Ghogiel and Satoriel – The Hindering Ones and The Concealing Ones
– Mahatala Chakra (Feet) – Conscienceless, Inner Blindness

Thaumiel – The Contending Forces – Patala Chakra (Soles of the feet)

– Hatred, Malice

Crowley only mentions the Qliphoth in passing, doesn’t ever really

say anything specific about them.

Now in nightside, Grant quotes A.E Waite, someone who obviously

knew what they were talking about, on the subject of the Qliphoth:

“As there is the height of Kether in Kabbalism so too is there the

abyss which is below Malkhut”

Note his use of the word “below”, in line with the correspondences

Grant then goes full blown Crowley ridiculous:

“It is my intention to show that the Height and the Depth, are identical
beneath the image of the Beast”
Say what now?

Grant takes the Qliphoth / Lower chakras, flips and overlays them
onto the Sephiroth / Upper chakras, and claims they are one and the

Now this is so stupid it would actually be funny, had what is a total

and unmitigated LARP, not spawned an entire generation of new
conflations and nonsense with this as it’s blueprint.

The next most significant sewage peddler to take up the gauntlet was
none other than Mr Thomas Karlsson, founder of the occult order
“Dragon Rouge”.

In his hilarious work “Qablah Qliphoth & Goetic Magic” Karlsson

builds on Grants inversion and the earlier conflations of Crowley and
the Theosophists, conflating both Left-Hand Path Tantra and at times
Hinduism broadly, with satanism, as well as utilising Grants inversion
and misplacement of the Qliphoth. He is the first to falsely correspond
Lilith with Kundalini Shakti.

“And I might have gotten away with it too, if it wasn’t for you
meddling dead sea scrolls!!” cries Karlsson as he is bundled away by
the occult scooby doo police

Sorry Tom. Lilith is plural. Liliyyot. Demonesses. “Night Monsters”

The dead sea scrolls reveal Lilith is pluralised, rendering such

conceptually antithetical to Shakti which is an uncountable noun.

As outlined above Lilith, first of the Qliphoth, corresponds to the first

of the Tala chakras, the Atala chakra at the hips.

The bhagavata purana explains that the lower Atala chakra is ruled by
Bala, the son of the asura Maya Danava. This is the abode of sexual
entities in the form of lustful demonesses. Bala creates these
demonesses when he yawns.

Lustful demonesses; Night Monsters / Liliyyot.

Karlsson later realised his error and made a ridiculous attempt to

address this in a facebook post entitled "Black Dragon and the Talas"
in 2019. Look it up if you fancy a laugh.

Here he hilariously attempts to explain away the absence of the Tala

chakras in his system by stating that in his occult order "Dragon

"We do not use specific Tala workings before the 5.0 level".

Riiiiiiiiight. That must be why you never mentioned them before.

Doesn't quite explain why that if as you also state in this post the
patala chakra carries the keys to "self-deification" that you fail to
mention this at all and further make this contradictory statement in
your book:

"The goal of the Left Hand Path, according to the Qliphotic-

Alcheraical path, is to reach the outermost dark sphere. Thaumiel"

So according to this post the patala chakra carries the keys to self-
deification but according to this book your goal is to reach Thaumiel
which corresponds to the crown chakra.
Confused much?

I would have expected a more coherent pile of nonsense from

somebody with a PHD in history of religion.

How disappointing.

Now to ask an important question: Just what exactly is going on here?

Is this really just one generation of hapless satanic idiots after another,
unwittingly building on LARP after LARP, worth nothing more than a
roll of the eye and a shake of the head?

Or is there in fact something a bit more, “sinister”, going on here?

The answer is yes, but unfortunately, I've run out of space.

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