Aptis Speaking Part 4

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MEET CLASS (1st May – Mar & Nerea)


PART 3 : (45 seconds)

1. Tell me what you see in these two pictures.

Well, we can see two similar images /imichis/ but there are
some differences /dífrensis/. In the picture at the top, we find a
woman in front of a laptop. Perhaps, she seems to be working
at home. In the second picture, we find /fain/ a group of people
who seem to be in a meeting. Regarding the things they have
in common, in both pictures /pikchas/ they are working.
However, in one picture the woman is working on her own and
in the second one they are working as a team.

2. What type of learning would you choose?

Well, it depends. So, I prefer learning in group when there are

new concepts because you can see different points of view
(diferentes puntos de vista). Moreover, sometimes you have to
work with group to do presentations, expositions and so on. It’s
true that there is always someone who works more than the rest of the group. However, if I
have a test, I prefer studying on my own because I concentrate better and I don’t like people
talking around or making noise.

3. Which of these methods is more effective?

That’s a difficult question. I think each method has some advantages and disadavantages.
Moreover, I consider that all the methods are effective but depending on the situation. For
example/ for instance, if you are doing a research (una investigación) it’s worthy to work as a
team but if you want to concentrate, you need to be by yourself (= on your own). All in all,
both methods are effective.

1. Compare both pictures. (45 seconds)

Well, let me think! In the two pictures, I can see animals. I the first /fest/ picture, I can see a
flock of sheep. In this picture, I can observe that the sheep are free. They are eating grass in
the mountain /mauntin/ (meadow = prado). On the other hand, I can see a tiger. The tiger
seems to be in a zoo. Regarding the differences, the sheep are domestic animalsn which live
everywhere. However, the tiger is a wild /guaild = salvaje/ animal which lives in Asia.

2. Where do people go to see these different animals?

Well, let’s see. It’s a difficult question. Sheep live everywhere. You can see
them in every country, generally in the mountain or in a farm. However, tigers
live in Asia /eisha/ and the zoos. Almost /olmost/ (casi) all the zoos have got
tigers so people go to the zoo to see them because they are exotic and

3. Which of these animals would be more difficult to see? Why?

Obviously, the tiger is very difficult to find them. This animal /animol/ is an
endangered /endenyerd/ specie /spisi/. It lives in Asia but people hunt them and
there aren’t many tigers.

HOMEWORK: PART 4: 1 minute preparation, 2 minutes speaking. (DON’T


1. Do you think people care about the environment?

2. How do you feel about that?
3. How would you encourage people to be more concerned about the

1. Tell me what you see in these two pictures.

Well, in both pictures I can see people taking notes. In the first /fest/ picture, I can see a
woman with a laptop and maybe (= perhaps) she’s teaching. In the second picture, I can see
four people, three men and a woman. It seems to be a meeting. I can see a woman who is
teaching a group of students. However, in the first picture, I can see a woman who is studying
on her own (= by herself). Perhaps, she is doing an online course. In both pictures people are
learning or teaching something but the styles are completely different.

2. What type of learning would you choose?

Well, in my opinion, maybe it’s better a class with group because if you are studying alone (or
on your own) maybe you can have many problems with the subjects or tasks. Moreover, if you
are alone at home, you can distract easily. However, if you are with other people, this can
help you and you can concentrate better. In addition, if you go to the class with more students,
you don’t need a laptop and you can use other materials like a notebook, a pen and son on.

3. Which of these methods is more effective?

I think the most effective method is the traditional method because I prefer taking notes in
class, asking questions if I have a doubt /daut/. The teacher or your classmates can help you. If
I go to the class, I pay more attention to the explanations. However, when I am at home, I get
distracted very easily with my mobile phone, with the television, with the laptop to name but
a few. In conclusion, traditional methods are the best way if you have some time.

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