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Empirical Stress-Strain Model for Unconfined High-Strength

Concrete under Uniaxial Compression
Zhao-Hui Lu1 and Yan-Gang Zhao, M.ASCE2

Abstract: In this note, a number of empirical models available in the literature of the complete stress-strain curve for unconfined
high-strength concrete under uniaxial compression are reviewed and investigated using the published experimental data. Based on the
investigations, a new empirical model with emphasis on the softening branch is proposed to generate the complete stress-strain relation-
ship for high-strength concrete. An application of the new empirical model to published experimental data on normal weight concretes
over a wide strength range demonstrates that the present model gives a good representation of the mean behavior of the actual stress-strain
DOI: 10.1061/共ASCE兲MT.1943-5533.0000095
CE Database subject headings: Stress strain relations; High-strength concrete; Compression.
Author keywords: Stress-strain relations; High-strength concrete; Compression.

Introduction searchers for generating the complete stress-strain relationship for

HSC and to propose a new model that can give a good represen-
The use of high-strength concrete 共HSC兲 in civil and building tation of the mean behavior of the actual stress-strain response.
engineering systems is increasing around the world because it Available experimental data of stress-strain curves for unconfined
offers many advantages over conventional concrete. A complete HSC under uniaxial compression published in the literature are
stress-strain curve for unconfined HSC subjected to uniaxial com- used for this purpose.
pression is necessary for the nonlinear analysis of structural mem-
bers and as a basis for the derivation of design curves. Moreover,
it can serve as the basis for the stress-strain relationships of HSC Review and Assessment of Existing Empirical
under a biaxial or triaxial state of stress due to the active or Models
passive constraints from surrounding concrete or structural mem-
bers. A considerable volume of experimental and theoretical re- In general, existing empirical models of stress-strain relationships
search has been conducted, and several empirical models have for normal weight HSC can be divided into two categories ac-
been proposed in the past few decades 共e.g., Wang et al. 1978; cording to their expressional forms. One category is based on
Tomaszewicz 1984; Carreira and Chu 1985; Dahl 1992; Hsu and equations suggested by Popovics 共1973兲 and the other category
Hsu 1994; Wee et al. 1996; Van Gysel and Taerwe 1996; Kumar uses a form of equations proposed by Sargin et al. 共1971兲, which
2004兲. These models usually show good agreement with some are, respectively, listed in Tables 1 and 2. In these models, se-
experiments, especially with the results used for the model devel- lected parameters were included in the stress-strain curves and
opment, but there is uncertainty whether they can provide satis- then they were calibrated using the test results 共Lokuge et al.
factory predictions or not in many other cases. 2005兲.
Therefore, the main objective of the present note is to evaluate According to the definition of ␤ in Tomaszewicz’s 共1984兲 for-
the applicability of the existing models proposed by various re- mula, when f ⬘c ⬎ 85 MPa 共12.33 ksi兲, ␤ will be less than zero.
That is to say, the use of the Tomaszewicz’s formula is limited to
Associate Professor, School of Civil Engineering and Architecture, f ⬘c ⬍ 85 MPa 共12.33 ksi兲, which is apparently not useful because
Central South Univ., 22 Shaoshannan Rd., Changsha 410075, China; for- nowadays HSC with higher compressive stress is available for
merly, JSPS Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Dept. of Architecture, Kana- structural applications.
gawa Univ., 3-27-1 Rokkakubashi, Kanagawa-ku, Yokohama 221-8686, A set of experimental stress-strain curves has been used by
Japan. E-mail: Wee et al. 共1996兲 to assess the empirical models proposed by
Professor, Dept. of Architecture and Building Engineering, Hognestad 共1951兲, Wang et al. 共1978兲, Comité Euro-International
Kanagawa Univ., 3-27-1 Rokkakubashi, Kanagawa-ku, Yokohama 221- du Béton-Fédération Internationale de la Précontrainte 共CEB-FIP兲
8686, Japan 共corresponding author兲. E-mail:
共1993兲, and Carreira and Chu 共1985兲. It was found that for HSC
Note. This manuscript was submitted on August 14, 2008; approved
on March 4, 2010; published online on March 6, 2010. Discussion period
with compressive strength higher than 60 MPa 共8.70 ksi兲, the
open until April 1, 2011; separate discussions must be submitted for equation proposed by Hognestad 共1951兲 is no longer applicable
individual papers. This technical note is part of the Journal of Materials and the computation involved in generating the stress-strain
in Civil Engineering, Vol. 22, No. 11, November 1, 2010. ©ASCE, ISSN curves using the model of Wang et al. 共1978兲 is rather tedious and
0899-1561/2010/11-1181–1186/$25.00. complex since two sets of coefficients are used, respectively, for


Table 1. Stress-Strain Models for HSC Based on Popovics 共1973兲
Researchers Equations
Popovics 共1973兲 f c = f c⬘␤共␧ / ␧0兲 / 关␤ − 1 + 共␧ / ␧0兲 兴;

␧0 = 735共f c⬘兲0.25 ⫻ 10−6; ␤ = 1.0+ 0.058f c⬘

Tomaszewicz 共1984兲 0 ⱕ ␧ ⱕ ␧0, f c = f c⬘␤共␧ / ␧0兲 / 关␤ − 1 + 共␧ / ␧0兲␤兴;
␧ ⬎ ␧0, f c = f c⬘␤共␧ / ␧0兲 / 关␤ − 1 + 共␧ / ␧0兲k␤兴;
␧0 = 700共f c⬘兲0.31 ⫻ 10−6; ␤ = 8.32/ 关8.32− 共f c⬘兲0.475兴; k = f c⬘ / 20
Carreira and Chu 共1985兲 f c = f c⬘␤共␧ / ␧0兲 / 关␤ − 1 + 共␧ / ␧0兲␤兴;
␤ = 1 / 关1 − 共f c⬘ / ␧0Eit兲兴; Eit = 0.073 6w1.51共f c⬘兲0.3; ␧0 = 共1 , 680+ 7.1f c⬘兲 ⫻ 10−6
Hsu and Hsu 共1994兲 0 ⱕ ␧ ⱕ ␧d, f c = nf c⬘␤共␧ / ␧0兲 / 关n␤ − 1 + 共␧ / ␧0兲n␤兴; ␤ = 共f c⬘ / 65.23兲3 + 2.59
For 0 ⱕ ␧ ⱕ ␧0, n = 1;
For ␧0 ⱕ ␧ ⱕ ␧d, n = 1 if 0 ⬍ f c⬘ ⬍ 62 MPa; n = 2 if 62ⱕ f c⬘ ⬍ 76 MPa;
n = 3 if 76ⱕ f c⬘ ⬍ 90 MPa; and n = 5 if f c⬘ ⱖ 90 MPa
␧ ⬎ ␧d, f c = 0.3f c⬘ exp关−0.8共␧ / ␧0 − ␧d / ␧0兲0.5兴
Wee et al. 共1996兲 0 ⱕ ␧ ⱕ ␧0, f c = f c⬘␤共␧ / ␧0兲 / 关␤ − 1 + 共␧ / ␧0兲␤兴;
␧ ⬎ ␧0, f c = k1 f c⬘␤共␧ / ␧0兲 / 关k1␤ − 1 + 共␧ / ␧0兲k2␤兴;
␧0 = 780共f c⬘兲1/4 ⫻ 10−6; Eit = 10, 200共f c⬘兲1/3;
␤ = 1 / 关1 − f c⬘ / 共␧0Eit兲兴; k1 = 共50/ f c⬘兲3 and k2 = 共50/ f c⬘兲1.3

Table 2. Stress-Strain Models for HSC Based on Sargin et al. 共1971兲

Researchers Equations
Sargin et al. 共1971兲 f c = f c⬘关A共␧ / ␧0兲 + 共D − 1兲共␧ / ␧0兲 兴 / 关1 + 共A − 2兲共␧ / ␧0兲 + D共␧ / ␧0兲2兴;

A = Eit␧0 / f c⬘; D = 0.65− 7.25f c⬘ ⫻ 10−3; Eit = 5975共f c⬘兲1/2; ␧0 = 0.0024

Wang et al. 共1978兲 f c = f c⬘关A共␧ / ␧0兲 + B共␧ / ␧0兲2兴 / 关1 + C共␧ / ␧0兲 + D共␧ / ␧0兲2兴
共Two different sets of coefficients are used for the ascending and descending
Comité Euro-International du Béton-Fédération Internationale 0 ⱕ ␧ ⱕ ␧max, f c = f c⬘关共Eit / E0兲共␧ / ␧0兲 − 共␧ / ␧0兲2兴 / 关1 + 共Eit / E0 − 2兲共␧ / ␧0兲0兴;
de la Précontrainte 共CEB-FIP兲 共1993兲
␧ ⬎ ␧max, f c = f c⬘兵关␰ / 共␧max / ␧0兲 − 2 / 共␧max / ␧0兲2兴共␧ / ␧0兲2 + 关4 / 共␧max / ␧0兲 − ␰兴共␧ / ␧0兲其;
␧max = ␧0兵关Eit / 共2E0兲 + 1兴 / 2 + 关Eit / 共2E0兲 + 1兴2 / 4 − 关1 / 2兴1/2其
␰ = 4关共␧max / ␧0兲2共Eit / E0 − 2兲 + 2共␧max / ␧0兲 − Eit / E0兴 / 关共␧max / ␧0兲共Eit / E0 − 2兲 + 1兴2
␧0 = 0.002 2; Eit = 21, 500␣E共f c⬘ / 10兲1/3
Van Gysel and Taerwe 共1996兲 0 ⱕ ␧ ⱕ ␧max, f c = f c⬘关共Eit / E0兲共␧ / ␧0兲 − 共␧ / ␧0兲2兴 / 关1 + 共Eit / E0 − 2兲共␧ / ␧0兲兴
␧ ⬎ ␧max, f c = f c⬘ / 兵1 + 关共␧ / ␧0 − 1兲 / 共␧max / ␧0 − 1兲兴2其
␧max = ␧0兵关Eit / 共2E0兲 + 1兴 / 2 + 关Eit / 共2E0兲 + 1兴2 / 4 − 关1 / 2兴1/2其
Eit = 21, 500␣E共f c⬘ / 10兲1/3; ␧0 = 700共f c⬘兲0.31 ⫻ 10−6

Fig. 1. Comparisons of stress-strain curves generated by the model of Wee et al. 共1996兲 with experimental data of Wang et al. 共1978兲 and Hsu
and Hsu 共1994兲


Fig. 2. Comparisons of stress-strain curves generated by the models of Hsu and Hsu 共1994兲 and Van Gysel and Taerwe 共1996兲 with experimental
data of Wee et al. 共1996兲

the ascending and descending branches. It was also shown that shown in Fig. 1, an application of this improved model to the
the Comité Euro-International du Béton-Fédération Internationale experimental data of Wang et al. 共1978兲 and Hsu and Hsu 共1994兲
de la Précontrainte 共CEB-FIP兲 共1993兲 model predicts too steep a demonstrates its inapplicability and limitation for modeling the
drop in the postpeak region of the curve for HSC and Carreira and strain softening behavior of HSC.
Chu’s model 共Carreira and Chu 1985兲 does not adequately repre- In order to investigate the models of Hsu and Hsu 共1994兲 and
sent the descending portion of the stress-strain curves of HSC for
Van Gysel and Taerwe 共1996兲, the complete stress-strain curves of
a wide range of concrete strengths.
HSC with compressive strength f ⬘c = 80 and 100 MPa 共11.60 and
Based on the same test data, Wee et al. 共1996兲 proposed a
modification of Carreira and Chu’s 共1985兲 equation. The agree- 14.50 ksi兲 generated by the two models are depicted in Fig. 2,
ment between the predictions of this improved equation and the compared with the experimental curves obtained by Wee et al.
experiment data mentioned above is very good. However, there is 共1996兲. Fig. 2 reveals that:
a discontinuity of the tangent at the peak stress. Furthermore, as 1. Both of the models can give a good representation of the

Fig. 3. Illustration of quantitative comparison of the proposed model with Wee et al.’s model 共Wee et al. 1996兲 and Van Gysel and Taerwe’s
model 共Van Gysel and Taerwe 1996兲


Fig. 4. Verification of proposed model against test results of Wang et al. 共1978兲

ascending branch of the experimental stress-strain curves of strain relationship include the concrete strength f ⬘c , the initial tan-
HSC. However, neither of them gives a good fit for the de- gent modulus Eit, and the strain at peak stress e0, and needless to
scending part. say, all of these parameters can be obtained experimentally.
2. The residual strength of Van Gysel and Taerwe’s 共1996兲 Typical stress-strain curves of normal weight concrete with
model at high strains tends to zero, which is contrary to the compressive strength f ⬘c = 50, 80, 110, and 140 MPa 共7.25, 11.60,
experimental observations. 15.95, and 20.31 ksi兲 generated using the proposed empirical
3. The tangent is discontinuous at the point ed, which seems to model are shown in Fig. 3, together with those of the models of
be a shortcoming of the Hsu and Hsu’s model 共Hsu and Hsu Wee et al. 共1996兲 and Van Gysel and Taerwe 共1996兲. One can see
1994兲. from Fig. 3 that:
In view of the foregoing, it is necessary to propose a new empiri- 1. The ascending branches predicted by all the three models are
cal model to represent the complete stress-strain curves for HSC. in close agreement with each other.
2. Compared with the model of Van Gysel and Taerwe 共1996兲,
the present model decreases the steepness of the descending
New Proposal for Complete Stress-Strain Curve part of the stress-strain curve for HSC.
of HSC in Compression 3. The discontinuity of the tangent at the peak stress in the
model of Wee et al. 共1996兲 becomes more apparent as the
As aforementioned, Van Gysel and Taerwe’s 共1996兲 model can concrete strength becomes larger, i.e., it is slightly weak in
give fairly good prediction for the ascending portion of the stress- the region just after the peak. The present model eliminates
strain curves. On the other hand, in order to avoid the shortcom- such a shortcoming and provides smaller residual stress at
ing in the model of Wee et al. 共1996兲, i.e., discontinuity of the high strains when compared with the model of Wee et al.
tangent at the peak stress, similar to the model of Van Gysel and 共1996兲.
Taerwe 共1996兲, two equations are proposed to describe the stress-
strain relationship for two ranges of concrete strains. For 0 ⱕ ␧
Verification of the Proposed Model
ⱕ ␧L, where ␧L = concrete strain corresponding to a stress value of
0.8 f ⬘c on the descending branch of the stress-strain curve In order to verify the new empirical stress-strain model for un-

冋 册
confined HSC under uniaixal compression, the stress-strain
共Eit/E0兲共␧/␧0兲 − 共␧/␧0兲
curves generated by the proposed model are compared with the
f c = f ⬘c 共1兲
1 + 共Eit/E0 − 2兲共␧/␧0兲 published experimental data on normal weight concretes over a
wide strength range. Figs. 4–6, respectively, show the verification
in which

␧L = ␧0 冋冉 1 Eit 4
10 E0 5
+ 冊 冑冉 1 Eit 4
10 E0 5
冊 册 2


and for ␧ ⬎ ␧L, a correction factor, ␭ is introduced in the model of

Van Gysel and Taerwe 共1996兲 for decreasing the steepness of the
descending part of the stress-strain curve
f ⬘c
fc = 共3兲
1 + ␭关共␧/␧0兲 − 1/共␧L/␧0兲 − 1兴2共1−␭兲
The continuity of the complete stress-strain curves implies that
for the predefined value ␧ = ␧L, f c in Eq. 共3兲 will be equal to
0.8 f ⬘c . Therefore, ␭ can be determined as
␭= 4 共4兲
From Eqs. 共1兲–共3兲, one can clearly see that the most important Fig. 5. Verification of proposed model against test results of Hsu and
parameters with physical significance used to define the stress- Hsu 共1994兲


Fig. 6. Verification of proposed model against test results of Wee et al. 共1996兲

of the proposed model against experimental results of Wang et al. Notation

共1978兲, Hsu and Hsu 共1994兲, and Wee et al. 共1996兲. It can be seen
from Figs. 4–6 that although the new proposed empirical model is The following symbols are used in this technical note:
simple, generally, it represents the mean behavior of experimental 共f c , ␧兲 ⫽ coordinates of any point in the stress-strain
data quite well for both ascending and descending branches. curve;
f ⬘c ⫽ unconfined concrete compressive strength;
Eit ⫽ initial tangent modulus of elasticity;
Conclusions E0 ⫽ secant modulus at peak stress 共E0 = f ⬘c / ␧0兲;
k , k1, and k2 ⫽ correction factors;
A new empirical stress-strain model for unconfined HSC under n , ␤ ⫽ material parameters;
uniaixal compression with emphasis on the softening branch is w ⫽ concrete unit weight;
proposed. An application of the proposed model to published ex- ␣E ⫽ coarse aggregate coefficient 共1.20 for basalt,
perimental data on normal weight concretes over a wide strength dense limestone aggregates, 1.00 for quartzite
range demonstrates that the present model gives a good represen- aggregates, 0.90 for limestone aggregates,
tation of the mean behavior of the actual stress-strain response. and 0.70 for sandstone aggregates兲;
␧d ⫽ strain corresponds to a stress value of 0.3 f ⬘c
in the descending part of the stress-strain
␧max ⫽ concrete strain when concrete stress is equal
to 0.5 f ⬘c on the descending part of the
stress-strain curve;
This study is partially supported by the start-up funds from Cen- ␧0 ⫽ peak strain of unconfined concrete strength
tral South University, the “Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research f ⬘c ; and
共Tokubetsu Kenkyuin Shorei-hi兲” from the Japan Society for the ␰ ⫽ coefficient.
Promotion of Science 共JSPS兲 共No. 19 07399兲 and the Joint Re-
search Fund for Overseas Chinese, Hong Kong and Macao Young
Scholars 共No. 50828801兲 from the National Natural Science References
Foundation of China. The support is gratefully acknowledged.
Finally, the writers wish to thank the reviewers of this note for Carreira, D. J., and Chu, K. H. 共1985兲. “Stress-strain relationship for plain
their critical comments and suggestions. concrete in compression.” ACI J., 82共6兲, 797–804.


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