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YEAR/SEC: _________________

GROUP NO.: _________________

Assigned Product: _________________

How this activity Each group will be given the time to generate ideas regarding their
work: assigned products.

STEP 1: This will be the phase where all members should write any ideas they could think of.
STEP 2: Members will pass their paper to the person before their name as appear in the
list of their group. He/she will validate if the ideas are achievable or not.
(EX. Maria is listed number 1 and Jose is listed number 2,
Jose will pass to Maria his list of ideas to be validated.
STEP 3: The group will decide which ideas are the best. Draw your ideas.

STEP 4 : Among the ideas from the previous methods, students will rate
by using the template below: (5 being the highest and 1 being the lowest)

Criteria Idea 1 Idea 2 Idea 3
Market Demand

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