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Name: Aragesh Case Number: MK-0001

Your kindness has truly touched the hearts of Aragesh and her family, and they wish to extend their
heartfelt appreciation for your unwavering support. Your selfless actions have had a profound impact on
their lives, for which they are sincerely grateful. Aragesh, a dedicated mother, has been able to increase
her income by utilizing her entrepreneurial talents, selling a variety of clothing items and handbags. This
additional income has enabled her to fulfill her family's basic needs, bringing them joy amidst life's
challenges. Bethlehem, Aragesh's daughter, diligently fulfills her role as a financial pillar for the family
through her work as an accountant, while Israel, her son, continues his search for employment. Aragesh
actively participates in church activities, embodying her strong faith within the Christian community. She
often speaks of your kindness and generosity, recognizing the positive impact it has had on her family.
Your benevolent actions have not gone unnoticed by the church members, who offer prayers for your
well-being, hoping that your compassionate spirit will continue to touch the lives of many others in the
days to come.

Name: Tigest Tadesse Case Number: MK-0007

Your compassionate assistance has truly transformed the lives of Tigest and her son. They are
profoundly grateful for your kindness and for embracing them as part of your family. Tigest continues to
strive, earning a modest income through clothing sales, determined to uplift her family's circumstances.
Her son, Dagem, nurtures his dream of becoming a pilot as he progresses through Grade 8. However,
Tigest faces a formidable challenge with cataracts, necessitating surgery to restore her vision. Yet, the
daunting expenses associated with treatment amidst inflation weigh heavily on her. Tigest holds you
close in her prayers, recognizing the profound impact of your benevolence on their lives. Your support
has alleviated their burdens, and they aspire to reciprocate by becoming positive influences within their

Name: Tigest Menegesta Case Number: MK0008

Tigest and her son, Yonas, residing in Ethiopia, extend their warmest regards to you. Tigest was
overjoyed to hear of your inquiry about her well-being and wishes to convey that she is doing well,
thanks to your consistent support, which enables her to provide food for herself and her son. While
Yonas continues his job search, Tigest remains hopeful for his future prospects. Despite the challenges
they face, Tigest's life has significantly improved since becoming a part of your extended family.
However, she still encounters difficulty in acquiring quality bedding materials and would greatly
appreciate any assistance in obtaining them. Tigest is a devout follower of Christianity, actively
participating in church activities and prayers. She frequently uplifts you in her prayers, expressing
gratitude for the positive impact you've had on her life through your generosity and kindness.

Name: Almaz Tsegaye Case Number: NMK-0043

Warm greetings from Almaz and her family in Ethiopia! They extend their heartfelt gratitude for the
assistance you've provided, which has significantly enhanced their quality of life. Your donations have
been instrumental in enabling them to meet their basic needs, alongside the modest income Senbetu
earns from shining shoes. With your generosity, they can now afford more food and clothing, resulting
in an improved standard of living.

Their daughter, Lidiya, is a dedicated ninth-grade student with aspirations of becoming a doctor. She
remains focused on her studies and is deeply appreciative of the opportunities that your support has
afforded her.

Almaz continues to be a devoted member of the Christian community, attending church services with
her family every Sunday. She holds a deep appreciation for the kindness you've shown them and keeps
you in her prayers, acknowledging the positive impact you've had on their lives.

Name: Emebet Negussie Case Number: MK-0084

Emebet and her daughter extend their heartfelt gratitude for your unwavering support. Emebet finds
immense joy in being embraced as a part of your family, and the positive news she received has filled
her with hope for the future. She wants to express her deepest thanks to you for instilling this sense of
optimism within her.

Fantu, Emebet's 12-year-old daughter, is determined to pursue her dream of becoming a pilot, diligently
working towards her aspirations. Emebet, despite her limited resources, strives to meet her daughter's
needs by working as a dishwasher at a local café, supplemented by an IGA loan she has invested in
selling boiled potatoes at the market. However, due to inflation, her earnings only cover the essentials
like food and rent. Thus, she humbly seeks assistance to purchase clothing for her daughter and bedding
for their family.

Emebet remains steadfast in her faith as a devoted Christian, actively participating in church programs.
Her presence is cherished by her fellow church members, who hold her in high regard. She continually
uplifts you in her prayers, showering blessings upon you for the kindness you've shown towards her
humble abode.

Name: Birhane Guta Case Number: MK-0087

Birhane and her two daughters extend their heartfelt gratitude to you from Ethiopia. Your assistance
during their most challenging times has been a beacon of hope. Birhane found herself struggling to
provide for her family amidst soaring prices and insufficient earnings from selling vegetables. Your
support served as a lifeline, enabling her to navigate through these difficulties, and she is deeply
thankful for being welcomed into your family.

Mekdes and Kalkidan, aged 10 and 11 respectively, are diligently pursuing their dreams of becoming a
doctor and a scientist. They too express their gratitude for the aid provided to their mother, which has
allowed them to continue their education unhindered. However, due to the relentless inflation, Birhane
faces challenges in acquiring adequate clothing for her children, and she humbly seeks your assistance in
this matter.

Birhane exemplifies remarkable motherhood and unwavering faith as a devoted Christian. She has
shared the good news of your kindness with her church community, who have offered prayers and
blessings for your compassionate deeds towards her and her daughters.

Name: Yordanos Tadege Case Number: MK-0088

Greetings from Ethiopia! Yordanos and her children extend their heartfelt gratitude for your support.
Thanks to your gracious assistance, this once-struggling mother now enjoys a significantly improved
quality of life as a valued member of your family. Yordanos continues to provide for her children by
selling coffee at the local market, yielding a respectable income.

She expresses profound happiness and gratitude for your aid, sending you her warmest blessings. Selam,
her 16-year-old daughter, is an aspiring actress, while her 7-year-old son, Amanuel, dreams of becoming
a soldier in the future.

Yordanos is a devoted follower of Christ, finding strength and solace in her faith. She shares that she
regularly prays for you and bestows blessings upon you for your kindness towards her and her children.

Name: Senayit Mulugeta Case Number: MK-0089

Warm greetings from Ethiopia! Senayit and her loved ones extend their best wishes to you. Senayit, a
devout and humble Christian, earns her livelihood by cleaning the local church. Despite facing the
challenges of a modest income, she has steadfastly provided for her children and her mother. Your
generous support has been a source of immense relief for her, easing her struggles, for which she is
deeply thankful. Recently, she has ventured into entrepreneurship, utilizing an IGA loan to sell injera to
her community.

However, Senayit still encounters challenges in her living situation. Her home is in need of repairs, and
her children require adequate clothing and bedding. She humbly seeks your assistance with these
urgent matters.

Nardos, her 21-year-old daughter, is pursuing a bachelor's degree in accounting, while her sister
Kalkidan aspires to become a nurse. Their brothers, Yishak, Bemenet, and Eyobel, aged 11, 10, and 6
respectively, diligently attend school.

Senayit holds you in high regard, remembering you in her prayers and praising you for the wonderful
deeds you have bestowed upon her family. Your kindness has left an indelible mark on their lives, for
which they are eternally grateful.

Name: Aster Gusa Case Number: MK-0090

Warm greetings from Ethiopia! Aster and her daughters extend their heartfelt greetings to you. Your
unwavering support has significantly impacted the lives of this loving family, providing them with
stability since they joined your program. With your assistance, Aster has been able to care for her
children, bringing her immense joy. Recently, she has embarked on a new venture, utilizing an IGA loan
to sell coffee and tea to her community.

Despite these positive changes, Aster still faces challenges in providing proper clothing for her daughters
and bedding materials for the family. She deeply appreciates any assistance you can offer in this regard.

Aster's daughters, Fertuna and Dease, aged 17 and 15 respectively, are dedicated students with dreams
of becoming a nurse and an accountant. They pursue their aspirations with determination while
attending school.

Aster is a devout Christian and an active member of her church community, regularly participating in
church programs and teachings. She shares that she continually prays for you and blesses you for
everything you have done for her and her family. Your kindness has left an enduring impact on their
lives, for which they are truly grateful.

Name: Bezunesh Simano Case Number: MK-0091

Bezunesh and her children express their heartfelt gratitude for your kindness and generosity. Your
support has truly made a significant difference in Bezunesh's life, and she wishes you all the best for
your future endeavors. Bezunesh works diligently as a coffee and tea seller to ensure her children
receive an education, but she grapples with numerous challenges due to the high cost of living. She finds
it difficult to afford clothes for her children, as her income scarcely covers their basic needs such as food
and rent.

Her son, Tegege, aged 29, works as a laborer, while her daughters, Lidya and Salayesh, aged 5 and 14
respectively, are dedicated students with dreams of becoming a doctor and an engineer. Despite the
hurdles they face, they remain determined to pursue their aspirations through education.

Bezunesh holds you in high regard, offering prayers for you and deeply appreciating your compassion
and generosity. Your support has not gone unnoticed and has left a lasting impact on their lives, for
which they are sincerely grateful.

Name: Bethlehem Tilahun Case Number: MK-0101

Greetings from Ethiopia! Bethlehem and her children extend their warmest regards to you. Your
kindness and generosity have had a profound impact on their lives, for which they are deeply grateful.
Bethlehem feels immensely blessed to have you as part of her family, and your donations have
alleviated the burdens she carries, bringing her profound relief and gratitude.

In addition to the monthly support she receives, Bethlehem works diligently as a packer in a textile
factory, despite earning a low wage, to provide for her children. However, she faces challenges in
purchasing adequate clothing and shoes for them, and she would appreciate assistance in this area.

Her son, Eyoel, aged 8, and his sister, Amen, aged 6, are both thriving in school. They exhibit exemplary
manners, earning praise from their community. Bethlehem and her children are devout Christians who
actively participate in church prayers regularly. Bethlehem shares that she continually uplifts you in her
prayers and offers blessings for the wonderful deeds you have bestowed upon her family. Your kindness
has left an indelible mark on their lives, and they hold you in high esteem.

Name: Behria Shamil Case Number: MK-0096

Warm greetings from Ethiopia! Behria and her two sons, Amir and Bilal, extend their heartfelt greetings
to you. They express profound gratitude for your kind support, which has been a lifeline during difficult
times. Your contributions have significantly improved their living conditions, allowing them to afford
essentials such as food, clothing, and education for their children.

Amir, aged 11, faces the challenge of a disability that prevents him from walking, yet he continues to
persevere with resilience. Bilal, aged 6, eagerly attends kindergarten, embracing the opportunities for
learning and growth.

Behria tirelessly works as a vendor, selling cooked peas at the nearby market to provide for her family.
However, escalating prices make it difficult for her to afford comfortable bedding and new clothes for
herself and her sons. They humbly request any assistance you can offer in this regard.

They are deeply grateful for your generosity and hold you in high regard, remembering you in their
prayers. They earnestly hope that you will continue to extend your compassion towards them, as your
support has been a source of immense comfort and relief during their challenging times.

Name: Zenit Adem Case Number: MK- 0100

Warm greetings from Ethiopia! Zenit and her children extend their heartfelt regards to you. They deeply
appreciate your support, which has brought stability to their lives. Zenit's daughter, Eldana, aged 8,
joyfully attends kindergarten, while her brothers, Kidus and Mikiyas, aged 6 and 13 respectively,
diligently pursue their studies.

Zenit works diligently washing clothes for others to earn a living, supplementing her income with the
sales of clothing. Together with your monthly donations, she strives to provide for her family. However,
despite their efforts, Zenit still encounters financial challenges. Affording good clothes for her children
and comfortable bedding materials remains a struggle.

They humbly seek assistance in this area and are immensely grateful for your compassion and
generosity. Your selfless deeds have instilled a newfound hope and promise for a better future for Zenit
and her children. They hold you in high esteem and offer heartfelt thanks for the positive impact you've
had on their lives.

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