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Received: April 1, 2003

Dermatology 2003;207:343–348
Accepted: June 27, 2003
DOI: 10.1159/000074111

Is Androgenetic Alopecia a
Photoaggravated Dermatosis?
Ralph M. Trüeb
Department of Dermatology, University Hospital of Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland

Key Words spond to physicochemical stress from UVR, besides irri-

Androgenetic alopecia W Photoaggravation W Erosive tants and pollutants, by producing radical oxygen spe-
pustular dermatosis W Red scalp W Telogen effluvium W cies and nitric oxide and by releasing proinflammatory
Follicular microinflammation W Photoprotection cytokines, eventually leading to injury of the putative site
of follicular stem cells in the superficial portion of the hair
follicle. Since all of these processes involved in hair loss
Abstract share the common feature that they are induced or exac-
Progressive thinning of the scalp hair in androgenetic erbated by exposure to sunlight, it is proposed that AGA
alopecia (AGA) results in a gradual decline in natural pro- is a photoaggravated dermatosis that requires photopro-
tection of the scalp from ultraviolet radiation (UVR). A tection.
number of pathologic conditions of the scalp are evident- Copyright © 2003 S. Karger AG, Basel

ly related to UVR, particularly photosensitive diseases

and disorders of the chronically photodamaged bald
scalp. The most important chronic effects of UVR are Androgenetic alopecia (AGA) is a hereditary and an-
photocarcinogenesis and solar elastosis. Besides these, drogen-dependent, progressive thinning of the scalp hair
erosive pustular dermatosis and ‘red scalp’ are distinct that follows a defined pattern. The result is a gradual
disorders peculiar to the balding scalp. While the conse- decline in visible scalp hair density and loss of natural
quences of sustained UVR on the unprotected scalp are protection of the scalp from ultraviolet radiation (UVR).
well appreciated, the effects of UVR on hair loss have Terrestrial solar UVR ranges from approximately 290 to
widely been ignored. However, clinical observations and 400 nm. UVB (290–315 nm) reaches the upper dermis
theoretical considerations suggest that UVR may have only, while UVA (315–400 nm) penetration into the der-
negative effects: acute telogen effluvium from UVR has mis increases with wavelength.
been described, and the production of porphyrins by A number of pathologic conditions of the scalp are evi-
Propionibacterium sp. in the pilosebaceous duct, with dently related to UVR, particularly photosensitive dis-
photoactivation of porphyrins leading to oxidative tissue eases affecting the balding scalp, and disorders of the pho-
injury, has been implicated in follicular microinflamma- todamaged bald scalp. While the consequences of sus-
tion. Alternatively, keratinocytes themselves may re- tained UVR on unprotected skin are well appreciated,

© 2003 S. Karger AG, Basel Ralph M. Trüeb, MD

ABC 1018–8665/03/2074–0343$19.50/0 Department of Dermatology, University Hospital of Zurich
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mainly photocarcinogenesis and solar elastosis, the effects canal are examples where this form of cutaneous lupus
of UVR on the evolution of AGA have largely been erythematosus is not related to light exposure. Early
ignored. However, clinical and morphological observa- lesions of the scalp consist of scaling erythematous
tions, as well as theoretical considerations suggest that patches, which may occasionally be confused with actinic
UVR has negative effects. Since all of these disparate dis- keratoses. Eventually they expand to form round or irreg-
orders of the balding scalp share the common feature that ularly shaped plaques with atrophy, follicular plugging,
under some circumstances they are induced or exacer- telangiectasia and mottled areas of dyspigmentation,
bated by exposure to sunlight, it is proposed that AGA is a while advanced lesions are scarring. Rarely, as a late com-
photoaggravated dermatosis that calls for adequate pho- plication, squamous cell carcinoma may arise in chronic
toprotection. smoldering discoid lupus erythematosus lesions on the
scalp [6].

Photosensitive Disorders of the Scalp

Disorders of the Photodamaged Scalp
The number of recognized photosensitive dermatoses
that localize to the scalp is essentially limited to light- The two most important chronic effects of UVR on the
exacerbated endogenous eczema, dermatomyositis and skin are photocarcinogenesis and solar elastosis. Besides
cutaneous lupus erythematosus. these, erosive pustular dermatosis and ‘red scalp’ have
been observed as peculiar disorders of the balding scalp.
Photosensitive Eczema
Patients with atopic or seborrheic dermatitis occasion- Photocarcinogenesis
ally report nonspecific exacerbation of their condition fol- The mechanism by which UVR plays a role in the
lowing sun exposure, also on the scalp, where at times it development of skin cancer are varied and represent a
may be difficult to differentiate from exacerbation of itch multistep process involving alterations in DNA structure,
by heat-induced sweating. A high prevalence of seborrheic resulting from purine photoproducts, cytosine photohy-
dermatitis has been described on the scalp in sun-exposed drates, single-strand breaks and sister chromatid ex-
mountain guides in Austria, Switzerland and Germany change, as well as from reactive oxygen species that are
[1]. Dosimetric studies demonstrate that mountain guides generated during exposure of cells to UVR. Theoretically,
probably have the most extreme occupational exposure to any alteration capable of causing a mutation in specific
solar UV, exceeding 17 minimal erythema doses per day target genes could contribute to carcinogenesis, since
[2]. Exposure to UV radiation has immunomodulatory there is a close correlation between mutation and trans-
properties, and patients with high sun exposure have low- formation by UVR. Recent progress has been made in
er CD4/CD8 T cell ratios than those with low sun expo- identifying specific genes that control cellular growth and
sure. Similarly, immune dysregulation in HIV-infected that are involved in photocarcinogenesis. Also, UVR
persons correlates with a high incidence of seborrheic der- induces deviations of tumor immunosurveillance mecha-
matitis [3]. nisms that eventually aid the survival and progressive
growth of UVR-induced malignancies. Finally, it has
Dermatomyositis of the Scalp been found that telomerase activity plays a crucial role in
Scalp involvement in dermatomyositis is relatively the immortalization of cells: telomerase activity is found
common, but it is underestimated and often confused in plucked hair follicles, which is associated with the pres-
with scalp psoriasis or seborrheic eczema [4]. It is often ence of stem cells in the follicle, and is found in a high
extremely pruritic and may be associated with diffuse alo- percentage of skin tumors. Evidence of UV-associated
pecia. activation of telomerase in human skin further suggests
that telomerase activation may also be involved in skin
Chronic Cutaneous Lupus erythematosus of the Scalp photocarcinogenesis [7].
The photosensitivity of discoid lupus erythematosus Actinic keratosis is the most common epidermal pre-
lesions is often overestimated: in over 50% of patients cancerous lesion resulting from chronic UVR exposure,
with discoid lupus erythematosus, standardized UV test- usually on sun-exposed body regions of middle-aged or
ing did not induce skin lesions [5]. Particularly isolated older people, including the balding scalp or bald scalp
lesions in the hair-bearing scalp and external auditory area. It presents as a skin-colored to reddish, ill-defined

344 Dermatology 2003;207:343–348 Trüeb

macule with a dry adherent scale. Actinic keratoses are with best responses to potent topical steroids, and more
often multiple, and confluent lesions of the centroparietal recently to topical 0.1% tacrolimus [18]. Anecdotal re-
scalp may occasionally be misinterpreted as refractory ports describe partial response to nimesulide, a phenoxy-
seborrheic eczema [pers. observation]. In these cases, top- methane sulfonanilide that inhibits the respiratory burst
ical therapy with imiquimod is effective [8], while sparing of human granulocytes [19]. Long-term follow-up is ad-
the remaining hair. vised, since neoplastic change has been reported [20].

Solar Elastosis of the Scalp Red Scalp

Histopathologically elastosis is regularly found in scalp Red scalp has first been described by Thestrup-Peder-
biopsies, especially in conditions with alopecia. So far it sen and Hjorth [21] in 1987 and subsequently commented
has largely been ignored. Up to date, no controlled study on by Moschella [22] in 1992, who stated on the difficult
has been performed on the degree of scalp elastosis in rela- problem of ‘diffuse red scalp disease which can also be
tion to the pace of development, duration or grade of itchy and burning. ... It is nonresponsive to any therapy
AGA, though it would seem to be a good marker for expo- including potent topical steroids or antiseborrheic thera-
sure to UVR. Interestingly, UVB irradiation has been py’. Patients frequently report aggravation in the sun or
found to stimulate the synthesis of elastic fibers by modi- report episodes of sunburn of the scalp [pers. experience].
fied epithelial cells surrounding the hair follicle and seba- Recently, Grimalt et al. [23] have presented their findings
ceous glands in mice [9]. in 18 patients with ‘red scalp syndrome’ at the 2000
Annual Meeting of the European Hair Research Society:
Rosacea of Common Baldness the majority were middle-aged females consulting for hair
In as much as rosacea is invariably associated with loss. By definition, no specific dermatologic disease was
solar elastosis and is observed on the scalp in areas of found. The scalp redness was associated with AGA in 13
baldness [10], it is regarded as a disorder of the photo- out of 18 patients, and 3 of 10 biopsies performed were
damaged scalp. Moreover, UV sensitivity of the skin has compatible with a cicatricial alopecia (not otherwise spec-
been demonstrated in rosacea [11], which would permit ified). Some patients reported associated discomfort of
classification as a photosensitive disorder of the skin as the scalp or trichodynia. The term trichodynia was first
well. proposed for discomfort, pain or paresthesia of the scalp
related to the complaint of hair loss [24]. Subsequently
Erosive Pustular Dermatosis of the Scalp this was found to be a frequent phenomenon [25], though
Erosive pustular dermatosis of the scalp was first its cause remains obscure. The most prevalent specula-
described by Burton and subsequently delineated by Pye tions with respect to its pathogenesis are perifollicular
et al. [12] and Burton et al. [13] as a distinctive clinical inflammation and increased expression of the neuropep-
entity producing chronic extensive pustulation confined tide substance P in the vicinity of affected hair follicles
to the scalp of elderly individuals and leading to erosion [26]. In a recent series of 403 patients complaining of hair
and scarring alopecia. A high incidence of antecedent loss examined for trichodynia, the dermatoscopic finding
local trauma strongly suggests that scalp injury may be of scalp telangiectasia was found to strongly correlate with
important in initiating the dermatosis in a susceptible the presence of trichodynia [27]. An interesting analogy
elderly person with atrophic skin changes of the scalp [14], exists to rosacea, where patients with the telangiectatic
particularly due to prolonged UVR exposure of long- variant of rosacea reported stinging sensation due to the
standing AGA. No recognized cause of pustulation is topical application of 5% lactic acid on the cheeks more
present, and the histology is nonspecific. Response to frequently than patients with the papulopustular type of
antibiotics is poor, but the condition is suppressed by rosacea or normal controls [28]. On the one hand, these
potent topical steroids, suggesting an inflammatory rather findings suggest a connection between sensory or subjec-
than an infective etiology. The condition has been ob- tive irritation and cutaneous vascular reactivity. On the
served following contusion, laceration, blistering sun- other hand, dilated and tortuous vessels are typically
burn, shingles, synthetic fiber implantation, craniotomy found in photodamaged skin [29].
and skin grafting of the scalp [15], as well as following
treatment of solar keratoses with 5% topical fluorouracil
cream, cryotherapy and topical tretinoin [16] and soft X-
ray therapy [17]. Response to therapy has been variable,

Is Androgenetic Alopecia a Dermatology 2003;207:343–348 345

Photoaggravated Dermatosis?
Effect of UVR on AGA oxidative tissue injury, may contribute to the initial
proinflammatory stress. Accordingly, Piérard et al. [34]
UVR and Follicular Microinflammation proposed and found that the use of topical antimicrobials
While a genetic predisposition and peculiarities of may be beneficial for the treatment of AGA.
androgen metabolism are well recognized prerequisites Alternatively, keratinocytes themselves may respond
for the development of AGA, the limited success rate of to physicochemical stress from UVR, besides irritants
treatment of AGA with hair growth promoters or modula- and pollutants, by producing radical oxygen species and
tors of androgen metabolism means that further patho- nitric oxide and by releasing the proinflammatory cyto-
genic pathways must be taken into account. The implica- kine interleukin 1· (IL-1·) [35]. IL-1· by itself has been
tion of microscopic follicular inflammation in the patho- shown to inhibit the growth of isolated hair follicles in a
genesis of AGA has recently emerged from several inde- dose-dependent manner in culture [36]. Moreover, adja-
pendent studies that have demonstrated an inflammatory cent keratinocytes, which express receptors for IL-1, start
infiltrate of activated T cells and macrophages in the to engage the transcription of IL-1-responsive genes, such
upper third of the hair follicles, associated with an en- as those coding for IL-1ß, tumor necrosis factor · and IL-
largement of the follicular dermal sheath composed of col- 1·, as well as for specific chemokine genes, such as IL-8,
lagen bundles (perifollicular fibrosis), in regions of active- and monocyte chemoattractant proteins 1 and 3, them-
ly progressing alopecia [30]. Horizontal section studies of selves mediators for the recruitment of neutrophils and
scalp biopsies indicated that the perifollicular fibrosis is macrophages. In vitro, following IL-1 stimulation, this
generally mild, consisting of loose, concentric layers of transcriptional activation cascade is induced within 6 h in
collagen that must be distinguished from cicatricial alope- plucked human hair follicles [37]. Besides, adjacent fibro-
cia [31]. Mahé et al. [32] proposed the term ‘microinflam- blasts are also fully equipped to respond to such a proin-
mation’, because the process involves a slow, subtle and flammatory signal [38]. The upregulation of adhesion
indolent course, in contrast to the inflammatory and molecules for blood-borne cells in the capillary endothe-
destructive process in the classical inflammatory scarring lia, together with the chemokine gradient, drive the trans-
alopecias. While the significance of these findings has endothelial migration of inflammatory cells, which in-
remained controversial, morphometric studies on pa- clude neutrophils through the action of IL-8, and T cells
tients with male-pattern AGA treated with minoxidil and Langerhans cells through the action of monocyte che-
showed that only 55% of those with microinflammation moattractant protein 1 [39, 40]. After processing of local-
had regrowth in response to treatment, compared to 77% ized antigen, Langerhans cells or alternatively keratino-
in those patients without inflammation and fibrosis [31]. cytes, which may also have antigen-presenting capabili-
Therefore it is conceivable that the microscopic follicular ties, could then present antigen to newly infiltrating T
inflammation resulting in perifollicular fibrosis would lymphocytes and induce T-cell proliferation [41, 42]. The
prevent regeneration of hair follicles. antigens are selectively destroyed by infiltrating macro-
An important question has been how microinflamma- phages or natural killer cells. On the occasion that the
tion is generated around the hair follicle. Inflammation causal event persists, sustained inflammation is the result.
comprises a multistep process which starts from a prima- Damage to the putative site of follicular stem cells in the
ry event. The localization of the inflammatory infiltrate ‘bulge’ area of the outer root sheath in the superficial por-
on the level of the upper follicle suggests that the primary tion of the hair follicle [43], together with connective tis-
causal event for the triggering of inflammation might sue remodeling [44], where collagenases, such as matrix
occur in the vicinity of the follicular infundibulum. On metalloproteinase, play an active role in generating peri-
account of the microbial colonization of the infundibu- follicular fibrosis, will eventually result in permanent alo-
lum, one could speculate that microbial toxins and/or pecia.
antigens could be involved in the generation of the
inflammatory response. Fluorescent studies performed on Telogen Effluvium from UVR
the extrusions from pilosebaceous follicles showed emis- Camacho et al. [45] reported a peculiar type of telogen
sion spectra with close resemblance to those from cul- effluvium following sunburn of the scalp after 3–4 months
tured Propionibacterium acnes cells with dominant peaks in men using tretinoin for treatment of AGA and in wom-
due to at least 3 porphyrins [33]. The production of por- en with hairstyles that left areas of scalp uncovered during
phyrins by Propionibacterium sp. in the pilosebaceous prolonged sun exposure. The clinical features were in-
duct, and the photoactivation of porphyrins leading to creased frontovertical hair shedding along with a tricho-

346 Dermatology 2003;207:343–348 Trüeb

gram that disclosed an increase in telogen hairs and dys- damage has been extensively studied, there are no data on
trophic hairs. In women, the hairs in the frontal region photoprotection of the hair-bearing scalp: it has been
appeared unruly and the frontovertical alopecia showed found that hair dyes may protect hair against photo-
loss of the frontal hair implantation line. The pathomech- damage [47]; recent experimental work indicates that cin-
anism of this type of telogen effluvium is not clear. It has namide propyltrimonium chloride, a quaternized UV ab-
been proposed that the columns of the cells in the hair sorber, delivered from a shampoo system, is suitable for
shaft act as an efficient fiberoptic type system, transmit- photoprotection of hair, while simultaneously providing
ting UV light downward into the hair follicle. Morpholog- an additional conditional benefit on hair [48], and solid
ically, the keratinocytes within the hair shaft are arranged lipid nanoparticles have been developed as novel carriers
in compressed linear columns that resemble the coaxial of UV blockers for the use on skin and hair, while offering
bundles of commercial fiberoptic strands. Thus, hair fol- photoprotection on their own by reflecting and scattering
licular melanocytes located in the region of the hair UV radiation [49]. The noxious effects of UVR on the
matrix may function as UV biosensors and respond to hair fiber are well appreciated: damage occurs in the cuti-
photic inputs [46]. Depending on the quantity of UVR cle and leads to its loss. Separation of macrofibrils and
exposure, it is conceivable that also photodamage may destruction of melanin pigment result in cortex damage.
occur at this site, resulting in telogen effluvium. The consequences are loss in mechanical strength and dis-
coloration of hair [50].
Finally, systemic photoprotection has been the focus of
Photoprotection more recent investigation, in as much as this would over-
come some of the problems associated with the topical use
As a consequence of increased leisure time with a of sunscreens: preclinical studies illustrate photoprotec-
growing popularity of outdoor activities and holidays in tive properties of supplemented antioxidants, particularly
the sun, awareness of sun protection has become impor- ß-carotene (provitamin A), ·-tocopherol (vitamin E) and
tant. Topically applied chemicals that act as sun protec- L-ascorbate (vitamin C). However, clinical evidence that
tors are widely utilized and offer the most convenient these prevent, retard or slow down solar skin damage is
means of protecting the glabrous skin against acute (sun- still impending [49]. The same applies to topical melato-
burn) and chronic pathologic effects of UVR. Out of cos- nin, which has been found to suppress UV-induced ery-
metic reasons their use on the hair-bearing scalp is prob- thema, and UV-induced reactive oxygen species in a dose-
lematic, unless complete baldness is present. Although dependent manner [51, 52]. Nevertheless, these results
hats provide the best protection of the scalp from UVR, suggest the probable utility of combining these com-
not everyone finds them convenient or acceptable for this pounds with known sunscreens to maximize photoprotec-
purpose. While protection of the hair against photo- tion.


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