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Choose the correct article or leave blank (---) when no article is needed.

1. Second World war ended in 1945.

2. Do you know people who live next door.

3. Are you interested in art or architecture.

4. Don't stay in that hotel. beds are very uncomfortable.

5. I hate violence.

6. Two of the biggest problems facing our society are crime and

7. Ken's brother is in prison for robbery.

8. What time do your children finish school.

9. The other day the fire brigade had to go to prison to put out the fire.

10. On way to London we passed through a small village with old

church. We stopped to visit church. It was a beautiful building.

11. John himself doesn't go to church.

12. After work Ann usually goes home.

13. When Ann was ill, we went to hospital to visit her.

14. The British Prime Minister lives in Downing Street 10.

15. Tate Gallery is the main modern art museum in London.

16. Have you ever visited Tower of London ?

17. Do you know time ? Yes, clock in the hall has just struck nine.

18. I am on night duty . When you go to bed, I go to


1. Fill the gaps with 'a', 'an', 'the' or 'X' (no article)
Frank Crawford is ______ American citizen. He is also ______ FBI agent (and has
______ ID card to prove it) whose qualifications include ______ M.A. and ______
Ph.D. - and he has ______ I.Q. of 160. Because his father was ______ M.P. in
______ England and his mother, ______ Italian, worked as ______ G.P. there, Frank
often sees things from ______ European perspective. He strongly supports
______ idea of ______ united Europe. He was recently in London for ______ one-day
conference on ______ organised crime, and he gave ______ speech which
lasted ______ hour. (You can get ______ copy of his speech by sending ______ s.a.e.
to ______ address below.) When in London he always stays at ______ hotel in ______
Holland Park, near ______ Oxford Street, where he always eats ______ onion
sandwich for ______ breakfast. When Frank inherited ______ fortune from ______
uncle recently, he used it to found ______ university and buy ______ x-ray machine for
______ hospital.

There was ______ collision between ______ car and ______ cyclist at ______
crossroads near ______ my house early in ______ morning. ______ cyclist was taken to
______ hospital with ______ concussion. ______ driver of ______ car was treated for
______ shock. ______ witnesses say that ______ car was going at ______ seventy
miles ______ hour.

My aunt lived on ______ ground floor of ______ old house on ______ River Thames.
She was very much afraid of ______ burglars and always locked ______ house before
she went to ______ bed. She also took ______ precaution of looking under ______ bed
to see if ______ burglar was hiding there.

2. Five of the following sentences are correct, some need 'the'. Either put √ or
indicate where the definite article (the) should go.

a) Martina is learning to play violin. ______

b) Jennifer is learning to play chess. ______
c)'Is this Oxford road?' said lorry driver. ______
d) John works in a shop in Park Lane. ______
e) This book consists of quotations from great philosophers. ______
f) We reached our destination at sunset. ______
g) Terry spent summer climbing in Alps. ______
h) After they had completed their work in prison, bricklayers moved to another
site. ______
i) Mr. Watt refused even to visit home his relatives wanted to put him in. ______
j) History was his favourite subject at school. ______

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