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ment of Purpose

As an aspiring coder, Yash Somalkar, part-three student of Electrical engineering department

joined IIT(BHU) with a vision to thrive in its exceptional coding environment. As an early
COPS member, joining the Information Security Group via Technex CTF '22 and SDG
selection through Debugit '22, my dedication soared. Now, aiming for Joint Secretary of
COPS at IIT (BHU), I aspire to nurture the coding community, foster inclusivity, and make
a lasting impact.

From my first year I have been participating in club events and contributed to the COPS
which are mentioned below in detail:

● From the very beginning of my first year, I actively participated in and completed the
Android Study Jam under COPS and Google Developers Student Club, led by
esteemed seniors Arjun Gupta and Arpit Shukla.
● Technex '22: Technex CTF '22 participation led me to join COPS Infosec Group.

● Participated in multiple CTFs, representing college at international level as part of

COPS' Infosec team.
● CSAW CTF '22: Secured 3rd position in (INDIA) regionally while representing
COPS Infosec group at an auspicious international CTF event conducted by New
York University (NYU).
● CSOC '22: Contributed to creating weekwise content on Notion for COPS Summer of
Code 2022, specifically for the Infosec group, to assist and guide fellow first-year
● Orientation '22: Conducted Infosec group orientation, providing an overview of club
operations and processes.
● Workshop: Conducted various workshops, including Linux installation fest, to
facilitate hands-on learning experiences.
● COPS CTF '23: Organized and curated the CTF event, creating challenging problem
sets, with support from seniors Eshwar S, Priyanshu Kujur, and fellow members.
● Technex '23: Curated problem sets for the esteemed Technex CTF '23, held during
the college's tech fest, while actively assisting in the seamless management of the
● Mentorship: Provided mentorship to students during the SDG mentorship event
organized by COPS IIT (BHU), fostering their growth and development in the realm of
software development.
● DebugIt Mentorship: Provided mentorship to junior participants over the course of a
week for Debugit '23, guiding and supporting their learning journey.
● Secured my first internship at Saptang Labs by virtue of my active participation in the
IIT Roorkee Backdoor CTF, representing the esteemed Infosec team of COPS IIT
● CSOC '23 Core Team: Entrusted with the responsibility of leading and guiding the
Infosec Domain for CSOC '23, overseeing the comprehensive progress of the event as
a whole.
● Inter IIT Tech Meet 11.0: Contributed to the Infosec group of COPS IIT (BHU) as a
valuable member in the Inter IIT Tech Meet event, securing the Bronze medal by
effectively solving challenging Problem Statement crafted by Saptang Labs.

Over the course of approximately two years, I have had the privilege of immersing myself in
the realm of this esteemed club, forging meaningful connections with a diverse array of
individuals.These engagements have not only allowed me to lend my expertise and insights but
have also served as conduits for personal growth and development. This journey has bestowed
upon me invaluable lessons and an abundance of exposure. To perpetuate this ardour and enrich
the experiences of future students. The prospect of carrying forth this legacy of excellence into
the future fuels my enthusiasm and prompts me to seek the esteemed position of “Joint
Secretary of the COPS IIT(BHU)” for the upcoming session of 2023-2024, thereby upholding
the Club's rich legacy and guiding the incoming freshers along the same path of exploration and

Although it has been great journey to be part of the club but I have observed some inadequacies
as well which are mentioned below in detail with proposed solution and my vision for the
● I have noted a recent decline in the overall activity of the club, particularly regarding the
absence of the Dev talks that were once organized as described by the seniors
● There is a prevailing sentiment of exclusion among club members, as reported feeling
disconnected from the club
● Several club projects have experienced a prolonged state of inactivity, with little to no
progress being made for an extended period of time
● Participating in CTFs solely from our individual spaces proves to be less effective due
to the limitations imposed by online platforms like Discord and WhatsApp, hindering
collaborative problem-solving. Visiting a friend's room to work together on shared
challenges becomes necessary, highlighting the lack of proper engagement and its
impact on juniors as well.

The key initiatives that I would like to take as the Joint Secretary of the COPS IIT(BHU) ,
along with the upcoming Core Team will be working towards the further growth and
development of the COPS IIT(BHU) and my aim for the club is to raise the club to a higher
level and expand its domain and work on rectifying the inadequacies mentioned earlier:

● Implementing measures to enhance the vibrancy of the DEV talk and exploring
additional engaging activities can invigorate the club's atmosphere and foster increased
participation :
● Assign topic coordinators: Delegate the responsibility of coordinating each
Dev talk to different members or groups within the club. This way, the workload
is distributed, and multiple individuals or groups can contribute to organizing
and presenting talks.
● Hands-on activities: Incorporate hands-on activities or mini-workshops during
the Dev talk. This allows attendees to actively apply what they have learned and
gain practical experience. Providing code snippets, challenges, or exercises
related to the topic can help reinforce understanding.

● Implementing inclusive initiatives and fostering a sense of belonging within the club can
enhance its welcoming atmosphere, ensuring that no member feels left out : Organize
social events, such as club outings, game nights where members can interact in a
relaxed and informal setting. These activities provide opportunities for members to get
to know each other on a personal level, fostering stronger connections and a sense of

● As a member of the Infosec group, I strongly advocate for conducting online CTFs
offline, in the club's room, to foster face-to-face discussions and enhance camaraderie,
as I firmly believe that offline interactions are essential for strengthening bonds.

● I firmly believe that collaborative projects under COPS are challenging to accomplish
while confined to our individual spaces. Gathering the project team around the same
table would foster stronger bonds, expedite project completion, and ensure better
team-wide awareness, addressing the limitations of online Discord and WhatsApp

● By embracing an offline approach, akin to other IITs, we can effectively address the
issue of feeling left out that arises from online interactions and the formation of small
groups. This shift would not only foster a sense of togetherness among individuals but
also mitigate several prevailing club-related challenges, creating a more inclusive and
cohesive environment.

● As secretaries, we can devise a structured timetable accommodating the availability of

project team members on specific days, facilitating either simultaneous work or
collaborative efforts within the club's room in Rajputana, thereby enhancing
productivity and fostering a conducive working environment.

● Conducting feedback sessions to address concerns and explore potential solutions

becomes imperative, necessitating a shift towards offline interactions where individuals
code together, fostering a sense of camaraderie. Moreover, participating CTFs in the
COPS room during weekdays enhances engagement and collaboration, ensuring a more
immersive and rewarding experience.

● Marketing and Sponsorships:

● Securing sponsors is vital to enhance our fests and provide incentives, such as
gift hampers, to acknowledge exceptional participants and promote regular
engagement. By establishing strategic partnerships, we can elevate the overall
event experience and encourage wider participation.
● These collaborations also contribute to the growth and prestige of our fests,
ensuring a higher level of organization and rewarding experiences for all

Drawing upon my extensive two-year experience and involvement in both the SDG and Infosec
Group verticals, I am keenly aware of the high expectations placed upon our esteemed club.
Thus, I present my comprehensive plan and unwavering commitment to elevate COPS IIT
(BHU) to the pinnacle of excellence, transforming it into a coveted hub for aspiring coders.

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