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Complex Engineering Problem

Mechanics of Solids -II

Submitted To: Engr. Akhtar Abbas

Submitted By: Muhammad Azeem (70109888)

Muhammad Zahan (70109887)
Afan Raza (70109536)
shehryar Ch (70109840)
Muhammad Hamza (70110006)
Section: “B”


Problem Statement
1. Design a water supply system ‘pipe’ for a small town having population 100 people.
2. Sewer pipe D-Loading Test for small town having population 1000 people
1. Suitable Material of water/sewer pipe
2. Decide suitable wall thickness of water/sewer pipe
3. Decide suitable diameter of Water/Sewer pipe
Use the data:
All data will be taken from tables according to per capita per day consumption of water /
The main objective of the Complex Engineering
Proble.m is to Design a structure component
Following points should be considered: -
➢ Study the various Types of stresses and methods to calculate complex stresses.
➢ To understand the concept of thick and thin pipes.
➢ Each group will work on different data
Assume any suitable data missing.
After completing the above CEP submit a report with group having maximum 5 member
NOTE:- Consider Water pipe for Internal stresses and Sewer for External Stresses
Pipe stress analysis is an analytical method to determine how a piping system behaves based
on its material, pressure, temperature, fluid, and support. Pipe stress analysis is not an accurate
depiction of the piping behavior, but it is a good approximation.
Three-dimensional beam element

The 3-D beam element behaviors are dominated by bending moments. As mentioned above, it
is efficient for most analyses and sufficient for system analysis. However, there are downsides
to using a 3-D beam element:

➢ No localized effects will be seen on the pipe wall.

➢ No second-order effects.
➢ No large rotation.
➢ No accounting for a large shear load.
➢ Wall deflection occurs before bending failure.
➢ Short, fat cantilever versus long and skinny.
➢ No shell/wall effects can be seen.

The main types of piping stresses

There are three types of primary piping stresses that can cause failure in a piping system: hoop
stress, axial stress & bending stress

Hoop stress is the result of pressure being applied to the pipe either internally or externally.
Because pressure is uniformly applied to the piping system, hoop stress also is considered to
be uniform over a given length of pipe. Note that hoop stress will change with diameter and
wall thickness throughout the piping system. Hoop stress is most commonly represented by the
following formula:

Axial stress results from the restrained axial growth of the pipe. Axial growth is caused by
thermal expansion, pressure expansion, and applied forces. If a pipe run can grow freely in one
direction, there is no axial present at least in theory. When comparing axial growth caused by
pressure, steel-pipe growth is minimal at over 100 ft and can be ignored. Composite piping
such as fiber re-enforced pipe (FRP) or plastic pipe will exhibit noticeable growth, as much as
2 to 3 in. over 100 ft under the right conditions (200 to 300 psi). The primary reason for the
difference in growth rates under pressure is related to the modulus of elasticity. Steel has a
modulus of elasticity of approximately 30 x 106 psi, whereas composites will be 2 to 3 orders
of magnitude or less. Axial stress is represented by the axial force over the pipes cross-sectional

Bending stress is the stress caused by body forces being applied to the piping. Body forces are
the pipe and medium weight, concentrated masses (valves, flanges), occasional forces (seismic,
wind, thrust loads), and forced displacements caused by growth from adjacent piping and
equipment connections.

Body forces create a resultant moment about the pipe, for which the stress can be represented
by the moment divided by the section modulus:
1- Design a water supply system ‘pipe’ for a small-town having population 100

No’s of person = 100 No’s

Liter per capita per day demand = 150 lpcd
Average daily demand = 150 x 100 = 15000 ltr/Day or
0.00017m3 / sec
Peak Hour Daily demand = 2.25 x 0.00017 = 0.000396 m3 / sec
Rust Free pipe is required Supplied water also used for drinking purpose.
Using High Density polyethylene (HDPE) pipe
Value of E = 924 Mpa
Yield stress of HDPE = 23.6 Mpa
Roughness of pipe (e) = 0.0015
Assumed Friction factor = 0.02
Length of pipe = 100 Mtr
Temperature = 20 co
Viscosity of water =0.01 P
Density = 998 Kg/m3
Pressure head …... = 15 mtr
Allowed head loss = 1.5 mtr
Pressure on walls = 9790 x 15 = 146850 N / m2 or 0.147 Mpa
hf =
1.5 =
(1.5 )1/5 0.0216 = d
D = 28.01 mm
𝑄 0.00039
V= = = 0.64 m/sec
𝑎 0.0006
𝐷𝑉 0.0280𝑥0.64
R= = = 178967
𝑣 1.002 𝑥 10−7
Using Moody diagram
𝑒 0.0015
K= = = 0.0535
𝐷 0.028
Moody Friction factor 0.075
1.5 =
D = 0.036 m or 36.49 mm

𝑄 0.00039
V= = = 0.267 m/sec
𝑎 0.00146
𝐷𝑉 0.036𝑥0.26
Reynold Number = = = 93413
𝑣 1.002 𝑥 10−7
Using Moody diagram
𝑒 0.0015
K= = = 0.0416
𝐷 0.036
Moody Friction factor 0.068
1.5 =
D = 0.0357 m or
Converged value of Dia is 36 mm

Hoop Stress
Pressure on pipe walls = 0.147 Mpa
Allowable Stress = 0.6 x 23.6 = 14.16 mpa
𝜎𝐻 =
0.147 𝑥 36
14.16 =
thick= 0.37mm
Considering 1 mm thick
The section is thin because Diameter over thickness ratio is 37/1 = 37 > 20
Axial Stress
𝜎𝐴 =
0.147 𝑥 36
𝜎𝐴 =
2.646 Mpa
Bending stress
𝜎𝐵 =
Clamping @ 1m c/c
weight of water=0.00146x998 = 1.457 kg/mtr
Self-weight of pipe = 0.116x0.002x940 = 0.2185 kg/mtr
Total weight = 1.675 Kg/m or 16.43 N/m
B.M =Wl2 /8 = (16.43 x 1.52)/8 = 4.622 N-m
𝜋𝐷4 −𝑑4 𝜋(37)4 −(336)4
I= = = 9550 mm4
64 64
4.622 𝑥 18.5
Bending stress= = 0.00895 x 10-3 MPa

➢ The material is selected is High Density Poly ethylene Having Following Properties.

➢ The Internal size of Pipe is 3mm

➢ The wall thickness of pipe is 1mm
2. Sewer pipe D-Loading Test for small town having population 1000 people
No’s of person = 1000 No’s
Liter per capita per day demand = 150 lpcd
Average daily demand = 150 x 1000 = 150000 ltr/Day or
0.061ft3 / sec
Peak Hour Daily demand = 2.25 x 0.061 = 0.138 ft3 / sec

Assume Gradient 1:300 =0.003

Manning’s Roughness Coefficient = 0.012
𝑨 𝟐 𝟏
𝑸= 𝑹𝟑 𝑺𝟐
𝜋𝑑 2
𝐴= = 0.7855𝑑 2
P= 𝜋𝐷
𝑅= =
𝑃 4
0.7855𝑑 2 𝐷3 1
0.138 = 0.0032
0.012 4
𝑑 = 0.495 𝑓𝑡
Assume Sewer is Running at 75% capacity
So we take Dia of pipe 8” or 200 mm
𝑉 = 0.404 𝑜𝑟 1.32 𝑚 /𝑠𝑒𝑐
1.32 m/sec is greater than minimum self-cleaning velocity
Using Un-Plasticized polyvinyl chloride (U-pvc) pipe
Value of E = 1200 Mpa
Tensile Strength = 45 Mpa
Bending Strength = 98 Mpa
Considering D- Load test (C-655 M) only for loading Purpose
150 N/m Per mm of diameter = 150 x 200 =30 KN/m
98 x 0.6x106= 30 x 106 x 100/ I = 51.02 x106mm4
𝜋𝐷4 −𝑑4 𝜋(𝐷4 −2004 )
51.02 x106mm4= = = D = 226.66
64 64
t= (227-200)/2 = 13.5mm
The section is thick because Diameter over thickness ratio is 200/13.5 = 14.81<.20
The inner dia of pipe is 200 mm.
The wall thickness for ultimate load is 13.5 mm.
The following material properties has been recommended.

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