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You can’t change the people around you but you can change the people around you

oh yes I
have heard of you can’t beat them join them not on a topic on Purpose where men have been
placed to help men once I understood purpose and understood my purpose the reality that I
could be among the wrong crowd set in now There’s no greater and effective prayer like asking
God to take away and not let you meet people who aren’t meant to be in your life, I believe that
God has place people in our lives to help us achieve our purpose as children of God now
imagine you’re moving with the wrong crowd?? There’s no way you’d be where he has placed
you , you need to move with the right people, imagine having friends who don’t motivate you,
call you out on your BS or even link you up with connections and resources because they trust
you’re the man for the job? Which a lot of us have such friends or friendship group and
Sometimes we don’t even realize that it’s not normal not to have such people in your life but
then one with God is majority the moment you acknowledge God and you are aware that he
stands as the beginning and end in your life, the author and finisher of your faith i.e he knows
you from your mother’s womb and he has mapped out your plan and purpose to help you be
great that is why you need God in your life because in his house you’re blessed with the gift of
the Holy Spirit who then becomes your guardian I.e before you even make such friends God
has shown you what being friends with such person/people would be like with the help of the
holy spirit asides the gift of the spirit we have free gifts like divine Wisdom , longevity,
knowledge, favors, grace, mercy, blessings and guess what it’s for free 👀👀 but you can’t even
discern any of this if you aren’t saved i used to think God needed me to do so much when I get
saved and I ignored the voice for a long time and then the moment I let myself be saved it was
all love like I can feel it I say there’s this leverage that comes with being God’s child and
knowing you are God’s child!!! The confidence that comes with it is unexplainable because you
know whose house and name you belong and you know his promises concerning your life like
he wasn’t caping when he said for I know the plans and purpose I have for you thoughts of good
and not of evil thoughts to give you a hope and a future! Even here on earth no one will do that
lol some fathers and uncles will promise and fail us He said he has given us authority over
unclean spirits ! So tell me why you’re letting spirits like depression, anxiety get the upper hand
when he has called us a chosen generation ?! I’d rather die knowing God or die trying to know
God than not even knowing him at all and guess what it’s never too late in God’s house there’s
an ongoing revival and everybody must be saved! An army is rising!!!

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