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Detention Time


Characters: Spike, Smolder, Occelus, & Silverstream

Style: All the characters are anthropomorphic with the girls having big
breast. Smolder, Occelus, and Silverstream are wearing Japanese school
girl outfits. Spike in this has his wings like in the season 8. Smolder
is wearing red bra and panties with drawing of fire on them. Occelus is
wearing glittering light purple bra and panties. Silverstream is wearing
see-thru bra and panties.

Page 1: 4 Frames

Frame 1: An outside-view of the school.

Twilight(off-screen): I can’t believe this!

Frame 2: Smolder, Occelus, and Silverstream are standing in front of

Twilight’s desk where Twilight is showing an angry look on her face.

Twilight: You three have been misbehaving throughout the school in very
inappropriate ways.

Smolder: Chill out, Princess. We were just messing around is all.

Frame 3: Twilight is holding a bunch of papers in her hands while still

yelling out.

Twilight: That still doesn’t mean that these things you guys did are

Frame 4: A back-view of Smolder, Occelus, and Silverstream while Twilight

is yelling at them. Their panties can be seen underneath their skirts.

Twilight: I mean just look at all this!

Page 2: 4 Frames

Frame 1: Smolder is seen mooning an entire class with her skirt flipped
back and her panties pulled down. She looks back at the class with a
mischievous look and smacks her own ass, leaving behind a red hand
print(her ass is facing the screen). Some of the classmates look shocked
while the other look pleasantly surprised.(Sound Effects: SMACK, SMACK,

Twilight(Textbox): Smolder, you mooned an entire classroom...

Smolder: Take a nice good look you pervs! Cause none of you are ever
going to tap this ass!

Frame 2: Silverstream is running through the halls, completely naked,

while she shows a happy face. She runs past some students down the hall.

Twilight(Textbox): Silverstream, you streaked through the halls with no

clothes on..
Silverstream: The breeze feels so good on my naked body!

Frame 3: Occelus is sitting on a desk and is fingering herself while

behind her Starlight and Spike have entered the room through the door.
Starlight puts her hand on her mouth while Spike starts to have a little
nose bleed.

Twilight(Textbox): And Occelus, you were found masturbating in one of the

classrooms during lunch time!

Occelus: Oh, I’m so close! Ah! Ah!

Frame 4: Back at Twilight’s office, Occelus starts to look embarrassed

while she blushes, Silverstream rubs the back of her head while smiling
sheepishly, and Smolder talks to Twilight.

Smolder: Okay, I’ll admit what we did wasn’t appropriate, but can you
blame us? We just want to have some excitement around this school for

Page 3: 4 Frames

Frame 1: Twilight yells at the three girls while they show shocked looks
on their faces.

Twilight: Well how’s this for excitement? The three of you got detention!

Occelus, Smolder, Silverstream: Detention!?

Frame 2: Occelus, Smolder, and Silverstream are now in a classroom and

are sitting in three desks. All of them look bored.


Smolder: Well, this is just great! We can’t leave this room for who-knows
how long until Twilight says so!

Occelus: At least we have time to think about our actions.

Silverstream: Forget about that, there’s has to be something we could do

in here!

Smolder: Yeah, but what?

Frame 3: Spike enters through the door of the classroom where the girls
looks up at him. Smolder notices Spike’s wings.

Spike: Okay, students! Starlight is too busy to look after you guys, so I
was asked to fill in for her. So please stay quiet.

Frame 4: Smolder wraps her arms around Occelus and Silverstream with a
mischievous look. Occelus and Silverstream look confused.

Smolder: Psshh, guys, do you see Spike’s new wings?

Occelus & Silverstream: Yeah?

Smolder: Those are a dragon’s sign of puberty. I think I know what to do
for fun in this classroom. Here’s the plan.

Page 4: 4 Frames

Frame 1: Spike is reading a comic book while sitting at the desk with his
feet up on it. He lowers his comic book and watches Silverstream getting
up from her chair and acts all melodramatic.

Silverstream: Oopsies! I dropped my pencil right in front of my desk. I

better get up...

Frame 2: Silverstream bends down in front of Spike to pick up her pencil.

She looks back at Spike while still facing away. Spike’s eyes have

Silverstream:...and bend down to pick it up.

Frame 3: Spike’s Point-of-view: A view of Silverstream’s see-thru panties

where her pussy and butt cheeks can be seen through the panties.

Frame 4: Smolder puts her finger in front of her mouth in a V-shape and
sticks her tongue inbetween while her eyes show a mischievous look.
Silverstream bends back up and looks back at Spike(who is not in the
frame) and puts up an ashamed look while trying to look innocent.

Smolder: What are you staring at, Spike? Does staring at Silverstream’s
panties made you think of some lewd thoughts of her?

Silverstream: Oh, Mr. Spike! Shame on you for hitting on an innocent

school girl like me.

Page 5:

Frame 1: Spike starts to panic a bit.

Spike: What!? No, no! It’s not like that at all!

Frame 2: Occelus is by Spike’s side and is pressing his hand against her
breast. Spike looks shocked while Occelus is blushing.

Occelus: Oh, Mr. Spike! Please stop groping me! If you don’t stop, I
might just scream for help!

Spike: What? Let go of my arm!

Frame 3: Smolder gets up from her desk and starts unbuttoning her shirt,
revealing her bra. She pretends to be shedding tears.

Smolder: Oh, Mr. Spike! Why are you forcing me to strip in this
classroom? I feel so dirty!

Spike(off-screen): I never said-

Frame 4: Silverstream is now sitting on the teach desk and continues to

look innocent. Occelus is closer to Spike’s side and is shoving his arm
down her skirt. Smolder walks up to Spike, with her shirt unbuttoned but
still on, and is lifting up her boobs toward Spike. Spike starts to look
uncomfortable while the girls try to act innocent.

Silverstream: Oh, Mr. Spike, please don’t take advantage on us poor


Occelus: Please, Mr. Spike, don’t rape us and take our innocence away.

Smolder: You’re such a bad dragon, Mr. Spike! I can’t believe you would
do this to us!

Page 6: 4 Frames

Frame 1: Spike yells at all the girls while showing an angry look on his
face. The girls start to look scared.

Spike: Stop it this once! I know what you guys are trying to do! Now
knock it off! And just show you three how serious I am, bend over this
desk and slide down your panties!

Frame 2: The girls slide their panties down to their ankles.

Frame 3: A view of the girls’ bare asses as they’re bending over the
teacher desk.

Spike(off-screen): There we go, now we can start your punishment!

Frame 4: On the teacher desk, Silverstream starts to panic a bit, Occelus

starts to look scared, and Smolder shows a little annoyed.

Silverstream: Punishment? Is he going to spank us!?

Smolder: He better not! Especially not my ass!

Occelus: I don’t want to get spanked! I can never handle them well!

Page 7: 5 Frames

Frame 1: Spike’s hand is rubbing Silverstream’s bare ass while she’s

still bending over the teacher desk. Her upper body is not shown in the

Spike(Off-screen): This will teach you girls a lesson!

Frame 2: A split-screen is shown: On the right shows Spike’s hand

spanking Silverstream’s bare ass. On the left shows Spike’s hand still
spanking Silverstream’s bare ass, but now it’s turning red.

Frame 3: A split-screen is shown: On the right shows Spike’s hand

spanking Silverstream’s reddened ass. on the left shows Spike’s hand
still spanking Silverstream’s reddened ass.

Frame 4: A split-screen is shown: On the right shows Spike’s hand

spanking Silverstream’s reddened ass. On the left shows Silverstream
biting her lower lip with her eyes widened and with her pupils shrunk.
Frame 5: A split-screen is shown: On the right shows a view of
Silverstream’s bare reddened ass as Spike’s hand is spanking it. On the
left shows Silverstream yelling out in pain with her eyes shut tight.

Page 8: 5 Frames

Frame 1: A split-screen is shown: On the right shows Spike’s hand now

spanking Smolder’s bare ass. On the left shows Spike’s hand spanking
Smolder’s bare ass, turning it red.

Frame 2: A split-screen is shown: On the right shows Spike’s hand

spanking Smolder’s bare reddened ass. On the left shows Spike’s still
spanking Smolder’s reddened ass.

Frame 3: A split-screen is shown: On the right shows Spike’s hand still

spanking Smolder’s reddened ass. On the left shows Smolder growling a bit
with her eyes shut tight.

Frame 4: A view of Smolder’s reddened ass while Spike’s hand is spanking


Frame 5: Smolder is still growling a bit with one of her eyes still shut
tight and ther other eye looking back with an angry look on her face.

Page 9: 5 Frames

Frame 1: A split-screen is shown: On the right shows Spike’s hand

spanking Occelus’ bare ass. on the left shows Spike’s hand still spanking
Occelus’ bare ass, turning it red.

Frame 2: A split-screen is shown: On the right shows Spike’s hand

spanking Occelus’ bare reddened ass. On the left shows Spike’s hand still
spanking Occelus’ bare reddened ass.

Frame 3: A split-screen is shown: On the right shows Spike’s hand

spanking Occelus’ bare reddened ass. On the left shows Occelus with her
eyes half shut and is yelling out in pain.

Frame 4: A view of Occelus’ bare reddened ass as Spike’s hand is spanking


Frame 5: Occelus eye widen while she’s still yelling out.

Page 10: 4 Frames

Frame 1: A view of the girls’ bare reddened asses.

Frame 2: On the teach desk, the girls are still bending over it.
Silverstream is showing a painful look, Smolder is showing an angry look,
and Occelus is tearing up.

Silverstream: Ow! That was so painful!

Occelus: I can’t believe he spanked us so hard!

Smolder: Calm down, you cry babies! It’s over, isn’t it?
Frame 3: The girls look back to see Spike holding a long ruler in his
hands. The girls show shocked expressions on their faces.

Spike: Oh no, we’re not done that!

Frame 4: Spike spanks the three girls’ bare reddened asses at once with
the long ruler. The three girls show painful expressions on their faces.

Smolder, Silverstream, & Occelus: Ah!

Page 11: 4 Frames

Frame 1: A view of the girls’ bare reddened asses as the long ruler is
spanks them.

Frame 2: Spike’s arm spanks the girls’ bare reddened asses at once with
the long ruler.

Frame 3: The girls on the teacher desk show different expressions:

Occelus is tearing up with her eyes shut tight, Smolder is showing an
angry look with her eyes half shut, and Silverstream is biting on her
lower lip with her eyes widened.

Occelus: Eep!

Smolder: Grrr!

Silverstream: Owie!

Frame 4: A view of her girls’ bare reddened asses as the long ruler
spanks them.

Page 13: 5 Frames

Frame 1: A view of the girls’ bare reddened asses where they are standing
up and are rubbing their sore red asses with both of their hands.

Frame 2: Silverstream, Occelus, and Smolder are rubbing their sore

reddened asses as Spike points them back to their seats. Silverstream is
whimpering, Occelus is tearing up, and Smolder has an angry look on her

Spike: Now go sit back down to your seats and hope I don’t tell Twilight
about your behaviors!

Frame 3: The girls are sitting back down at their seats while showing
painful looks on their faces, except for Smolder, who is still standing
and rubbing her sore reddened ass while showing an angry look on her

Silverstream: I can’t believe he actually spanked us!

Occelus: Yeah, that was so cruel.

Smolder: Oh, this ain’t over yet! If he thinks he can getaway with
touching my ass, he’s got another thing coming! Okay, girls, listen up!
We’re going to fight back with what we do best!
Frame 4: A split-screen is shown: On the right shows Silverstream opening
up her shirt, letting her big breast pop out and bounce. On the left
shows Occelus opening her own shirt, letting her big breast pop out and
bounce as well.

Frame 5: The girls are pulling their skirts down, revealing their panties
and reddened asses.

Page 14: 5 Frames

Frame 1: Spike is sitting back at the teachers desk and lowers his comic
book where three shadows are looming over him.

Girls(off-screen): Oh, Mr. Spiiiikkkkkkkkeeeeee.

Spike: Huh?

Frame 2: Silverstream, Smolder, and Occelus are standing in the classroom

in their bra and panties. Silverstream shows a happy smile, Occelus shows
a sexy smile, and Smolder(who is in the middle between Silverstream and
Occelus) is showing a mischievous look in her face with her eyes half-

Smolder: We’re not through yet! Get him, Silverstream!

Frame 3: Silverstream pins Spike against the chalkboard while she shows
an excited look on her face while licking her lips. Spike shows a shocked
look on his face.

Spike: What the-? Hey, what are you doing!

Frame 4: Silverstream opens up her bra in front, revealing to Spike her

big breast while she shows a sexy smile on her face. Her big breast are
bouncing when she reveals them.

Silverstream: Having our way with you!

Frame 5: Silverstream takes out Spike’s member from his pants with her
right hand while she uses her left hand to pull down her panties,
revealing her pussy.

Page 15: 5 Frames

Frame 1: Silverstream penetrates her pussy with Spike’s member, making

them both moan out.

Frame 2: Silverstream gets Spike on the teacher desk and starts riding on
member in a cowgirl position with her eyes shut and is showing a happy

Frame 3: Smolder is calling out to Silverstream(who is not in the frame)

while Occelus is showing an amazed look on her face.

Smolder: That’s right, Silverstream! Make him cum, and he’ll be ours!

Frame 4: Silverstream opens up Spike’s shirt, revealing his chest while

she shows a happy look. Spike is showing has his eyes shut tight.
Silverstream: Oh, Spike, I never knew you were so big! It’s really go in
deep within me!

Frame 5: Spike flips Silverstream over so that now she’s laying on the
table and he’s standing back up in the floor with his member still in her
pussy. Silverstream shows a surprised look on her face.

Spike: You want some more? Well, here comes more!

Page 16: 5 Frames

Frame 1: A split-screen is shown: On the right shows Spike’s member

fucking Silverstream’s pussy. On the left shows Silverstream moaning out
loud with her eyes shut tight.

Frame 2: A full-shot of Spike fucking Silverstream’s pussy while she is

on the table. Both of them are moaning out with their eyes shut tight.

Silverstream: Ah! You’re really going in deep inside me! I-I’m going

Frame 3: Silverstream moans out with her eyes shut tight and is blushing
while her pussy cums with Spikes member still penetrating it.

Silverstream: AAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!

Frame 4: Smolder and Occelus have their eyes widened, but their pupils
have shrunken.

Frame 5: Spike is now completely naked and is crossing his arms in front
of his chest. Silverstream is passed out on the teacher desk.

Spike: So...Who’s next?

Page 17: 5 Frames

Frame 1: Smolder strips Occelus’ bra and panties off. Occelus starts look
nervous and is blushing at the same time.

Smolder: Okay, Occelus, you’re up!

Occelus: What, me!? I don’t think-

Smolder: Relax, just use shapeshifting ability you changelings have!

Occelus: Oooh, okay!

Frame 2: Spike and Occelus are laying on the teach desk, where they’re
struggling against each other with Spike on the bottom, and Occelus on
the top.

Frame 3: A close-up on Occelus’s pussy being penetrated by Spike’s


Spike(off-screen): Ah! Wow, you’re really tight, Occelus! I guess this

means this is your first time!
Frame 4: Occelus is moaning out with her eyes shut tight and is moaning
out while being penetrated by Spike’s member.

Occelus: Ah! Focus, Occelus, focus!

Frame 5: Occelus uses her shape-shifting ability to transform into

Twilight and shows an angry look on her face while fucking with Spike.
Spike shows a shocked look.

Occelus(as Twilight): Spike the dragon! What are you doing raping these
poor school girls!

Spike: Twilight!? No, wait! It’s not what it looks-

Page 18: 5 Frames

Frame 1: Spike looks away with his eyes shut tight as Occelus is now
shape-shifting into Rarity.

Spike: No, Spike, don’t fall for it! It’s just a trick.

Occelus(as Rarity): Spike, how dare you disrespect a woman like this!?

Spike: No, I’m not falling for it!

Frame 2: Occelus now has shape-shifted into Princess Celestia while

fucking with Spike.

Occelus(as Princess Celestia): Spike! Look at me when I’m talking to you!

Frame 3: Occelus has now shape-shifted into Dragon Lord Ember while still
fucking with Spike. At this point, Spike is now on top.

Occelus(as Dragon Lord Ember): You dare go against your Dragon Lord!

Frame 4: Smolder calls out to Occelus as Occelus is shape-shifting back

to herself while being pinned to the teacher desk by Spike’s arms.

Smolder: Come on, Occelus! Shape-shift into someone that could screw with

Occelus: I think I got one! Here goes nothing!

Frame 5: Spike has his eyes shut tight as he continues fucking Occelus’

Spike: I don’t care who you transformed into, I’m not losing against-

Occelus: Spike-sama...

Page 19: 5 Frames

Frame 1: Occelus has shape-shifted into Applebloom while trying to put up

an innocent look, much to Spike’s shock.

Occelus(as Applebloom): Please, stop. I’m very scared right now.

Spike: Applebloom! No, I don’t have a loli complex. I don’t-

Frame 2: Spike continues fucking Occelus, who still is shape-shifted as
Applebloom, while he looks away.

Spike: No, Spike! Don’t fall for it! This isn’t an under-aged filly, this
is an appropriate-aged Changeling!

Frame 3: Spike thrusts deeper into Occelus’ pussy while she still looks
like Applebloom, making her moan out with her eyes shut tight and

Occelus(as Applebloom): Ah! Your going in too deep, Spike! Please, stop!

Frame 4: A close-up of Spike’s member fucking Occelus’ pussy.

Occelus(as Applebloom): Ah! Ah! Ah!

Frame 5: Occelus reverts back to herself as Spike is thrusting hard into

her pussy. Spike has his eyes shut tight and Occelus is moaning out with
her eyes shut tight.

Occelus: Ah!

Page 20:

Frame 1: Smolder calls out to Occelus while she is moaning out with her
eye shut tight.

Smolder: Occelus, don’t give up! Shape-shift into something that will
turn him off! Turn into a stallion, a male dragon, or a Minotaur!

Occelus: I can’t concentrate! I’m goin to-

Frame 2: Occelus’ pussy cums with Spike’s member still penetrating it.


Frame 3: Smolder and Spike look at each other with their eyes narrowed.
Occelus and Silverstream are passed out on the teach desk.

Spike: Two down, one to go!

Smolder: You just saved the best for last! I’m not going to lose easily
like my friends did!

Spike: Then, bring it on!

Frame 4: Spike has Smolder on the edge of the teacher desk and they’re
making out with each other with their eyes closed.

Frame 5: Smolder tears her bra off, revealing her big breast.

Page 21: 5 Frames

Frame 1: Smolder buries Spike’s face into her big breast while she shows
a mischievous look on her face.

Smolder: How about some boob smothering!

Spike: Mm!

Frame 2: A split-screen is shown: On the right shows Spikes hand going

into Smolder’s panties: On the left shows Smolder moaning out while

Frame 3: Spike kneels down a bit and pulls down Smolder’s panties,
revealing her pussy. Smolder’s upper body is not shown.

Spike: You always try to gloat about you body, that you had sex multiple
times! But I know the real truth about you!

Frame 4: Spike starts eating out of Smolder’s pussy, making her moan out
while blushing with her eyes shut.

Smolder: Ah! Ah!

Frame 5: Spike takes his tongue out of Smolder’s pussy with a strand of
cum still connecting them.

Spike: You’re a closest virgin!

Page 22: 5 Frames

Frame 1: A close-up on Spike’s member penetrating Smolder’s pussy.

Frame 2: Smolder and Spike have their eyes shut tight. Smolder is moaning

Smolder: Ah! Ah! Okay, I admit it! I never had sex before, I just wanted
to be the big shot with my friends! That’s why I made them go first!

Frame 3: Smolder and Spike glare at each other.

Smolder: However, that doesn’t mean that I’m going to let myself lose to

Frame 4: A close-up on Spike’s member fucking Smolder’s pussy.

Frame 5: Smolder has her arms on Spike’s shoulders as the two continue on
fucking each other with their eyes shut tight while moaning out.

Page 23: 5 Frames

Frame 1: The two dragons are suddenly lifted off in the air by their
wings while they’re still fucking each other.

Frame 2: While flying in the air, Spike is now fucking Smolder’s pussy
while she is sideways and he is lifting up one of her legs.

Frame 3: Smolder is now facing away from Spike and he is lifting up both
of her legs while thrusting up into her pussy.

Smolder: Ah! You’re going in deep! But I’m not going to cum yet!

Spike: Oh, yeah?

Frame 4: Spike and Smolder fly back down toward the teach desk.

Frame 5: Smolder is now bending over the teacher desk and Spike has
thrusted deep into Smolder’s pussy, making her moan up with her eyes
widened. Her pussy is cummming with Spike’s member still penetrating it.


Page 24: 5 Frames

Frame 1: Smolder is panting over the teacher desk with a tired look on
her face.

Smolder: *pant* *pant* Okay, you win. I give up.

Frame 2: Spike’s arms spreads Smolder’s butt cheeks, revealing her wet
pussy and anus. Smolder looks back with a shocked look in her face and
with her eyes widened.

Smolder: Huh? Hey, what are you doing!? I said I give up!

Spike(off-screen): Well, I didn’t get to cum yet! So I’m going to fuck

your other hole until I do!

Smolder: No, wait! Not my ass hole!

Frame 3: A split-screen is shown: On the right shows Spike’s member

penetrating Smolder’s anus. On the left shows Smolder yelling out in pain
with her eyes shut tight.

Frame 4: A full-shot of Spike fucking Smolder’s anus while she is bending

over the teacher desk. Smolder has her eyes widened but her pupils have
shrunken while Spike has his eyes shut tight.

Spike: Oh, wow! You’re so tight back here!

Smolder: Please, pull it out!

Spike: Hang on, I think I’m already going to-

Frame 5: Spike cums in Smolder’s anus, making both of them moan out with
their eyes shut tight.

Spike and Smolder: AAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!

Page 25:

Frame 1: Twilight and Starlight have entered the classroom through the
door and see Spike sitting on the teacher desk, reading his comic book.

Textbox: Later...

Twilight: Sorry, we’re late, Spike. We tried to come sooner as we can.

Starlight: So how were the students? They weren’t misbehaving while you
were watching them, were they?
Frame 2: Smolder, Occelus, and Silverstream are back sitting at their
desk, wearing their clothes again. Spike lowers his comic book and looks
at them.

Spike: They we’re definitely a hand-full, but nothing that I can’t


Frame 3: Occelus, Silverstream, and Smolder are now leaving through the
door while Starlight watches them leave. Smolder talks back to Starlight.

Starlight: Okay, you three, you can go now. Hopefully, all of you have
learned their lesson.

Smolder: Oh, we certainly did, teach! We were a taught a lesson that

we’ll never forget!

Frame 4: Twilight looks at Spike with a confused look while Spike shows a
sly smile.

Twilight: Lesson? Spike, what did she mean by that?

Spike: Like I told, Twilight it was nothing that I can’t handle!

Frame 5: A view of Occelus, Smolder, and Silverstream’s wet panties from

underneath their skirts.

Silverstream(off-screen): Wow, he actually put it up your butt!

Occelus(off-screen): Was it very painful?

Smolder(off-screen): You know me guys, nothing that I can’t handle.

The End.

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