PL08 Surveyor's Quantity

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Plate No.

: PL08

1. Open the file PL02EnggCADnnPQR then "Save as" PL08EnggCADnnPQR. This will copy the plate format (including the limits and all the layers) of PL02 to
this plate PL08.

2. Copy the tabulation as shown. The tabulation size is 60mm wide 108mm high.

o Column widths: 1st column = 15mm, 2nd column = 25mm, 3rd column = 20mm.
o Row heights: 1st row = 8mm, next 20 rows (5mm each) = 100mm.
o Use thick lines for the tabulation outline, medium lines for the column dividers, and thin lines for the row dividers.
o Type the texts in the tabulation with large or medium text as shown.

Procedure for typing texts in the tabulation:

Type the 1st text in the column, ex. N 12d10' E using M text command.
Copy (using multiple copy) the 1st text into the cells of the tabulation.
Change the text in each cell by the following steps:
a. Select text to edit.
b. Click on Modify, then click on Object, then click Text, then click Edit.
c. A dialog box will be onscreen after step b. Change the text then press OK to finish editing the selected text of step a.
d. Select next text to edit, then repeat step c.
e. Repeat step d to finish editing the other texts. Use the Move command to position the texts properly.

3. Draw consecutively the lines of the figure, , using thick lines, from point "A" with coordinates (105,48) as the starting point to point B, to point C, to point
D, and so on to point Q, then back to point A to close the figure. Type the corner letter label (A, B, C, D, ...Q) and draw small cross marks at each
corner using thin lines. The length of each arm of the cross mark is 5mm. Use the copy command(multiple) with osnap to facilitate the placement of
these marks. The lines of the figure are drawn as follows:

Command: Line (drawing scale on 1:100, multiply the length in meters by 10 on your plate to have the length in scale 1:100)
Start point: 105,48 + enter ( point A )
Next point: @29.5<N12d10'E + enter ( point B ) Next point: @18.4<N59d40'E + enter ( point C )
Next point: @ 21.0<0 + enter ( point D ) Next point: @28.6<N77d15'E + enter ( point E )

Repeat the previous steps until line T to Q is drawn then close the figure with the line Q to A. 4. Determine the length and direction of line Q to A from
your drawing with the use of the "List" command. In the command line, type list + enter, then select line Q-A, press enter to display the length and
direction of this line on your screen. Type these missing data in the tabulation. The numerical value of length should be divided by 10, to have the
length in meters (10mm on your drawing = 1meter on actual object).

5. Determine the Area and Perimeter of the figure by AutoCAD with the use of the AREA command. Type Area + enter in the command line,
select the corners of the figure consecutively starting from point A to B to C to D..... T to Q, then Q to A, then press enter. The Area and Perimeter will
be displayed on screen. Divide by 100 the numerical value of area to have it in square meters. Divide by 10 the numerical value
of perimeter to have it in meters.

6. Save your finished plate in your computer and in a memory stick. Save in a file name format: PL08EnggCADnnPQR. Type your seat
number in place of nn and your initials in place of PQR in the filename.

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