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Course Goal Reflections - Daisy, Gabby, Yasmina, Chloe

1. Identifying Literary Elements: Throughout this course, we've successfully traced historic
literary timelines, identified contextual influences, distinguished sociological forces, and
pointed out various literary genres. By doing so, we've gained a deeper understanding of
how literature reflects and responds to the historical and cultural contexts in which it was
produced. Our informational slides provided visual representations of literary timelines,
genres, and cultural contexts, enhancing our understanding through multimedia

2. Analyzing Values and Contexts: Our exploration of literary works has allowed us to
analyze them as expressions of individual and communal values within their social,
political, cultural, and religious contexts. By distinguishing universal and period themes,
identifying literary movements, and categorizing works accordingly, we've uncovered the
multicultural traits and artistic elements that shape literature's significance across time
and place. Our readings of diverse texts provided rich material for analysis, while group
discussions allowed us to explore differing interpretations and perspectives.

3. Understanding Literary Forms and Styles: Throughout the course, we've demonstrated
our knowledge of developing characteristic forms and styles of expression in literature.
By identifying themes, interpreting literary devices, explaining authorial style, and
distinguishing period traits, we've honed our ability to analyze and appreciate the richness
of literary texts. We engaged with various literary forms and styles through research
essays, close readings, and literary analyses.

4. Articulating Aesthetic Principles: Our exploration of various works in the arts and
humanities has enabled us to articulate the aesthetic principles that guide their scope and
variety. By comparing works of both variance and similitude, we've developed a deeper
appreciation for the diverse ways artistic expression manifests. Through comparative
analyses in research essays, we highlighted similarities and differences in aesthetic
approaches across different works and artistic mediums.

5. Writing Research-Based Critical Papers: Through our research-based critical papers,

we've not only demonstrated our ability to engage with assigned readings in clear and
grammatically correct prose, but also showcased our awareness of audience, purpose, and
tone, while composing accurate literary analyses. These skills are not only valuable in an
academic setting but also in professional and personal contexts where clear and effective
communication is crucial. Through citations and bibliographies, we demonstrated proper
academic referencing, while our essays showcased our ability to generate well-supported
literary analyses.

6. Demonstrating Critical Thinking Skills: Throughout the course, we've consistently

demonstrated critical thinking skills by differentiating between broad and narrow topics,
identifying purpose and rhetorical occasion, and effectively applying, analyzing,
evaluating, and synthesizing course materials. Discerning information's validity, value,
strengths, and weaknesses and providing evidence-based critiques, we've shown our
ability to engage thoughtfully with literary texts.

7. Demonstrating Communication Skills: Our ability to select appropriate topics for essays,
utilize various communication technologies, analyze the audience, and employ
appropriate diction reflects our development of strong communication skills. We've
effectively communicated our ideas and analyses by demonstrating flexibility in writing
for different audiences and using precise word choice and varied vocabulary. Our essays
showcased our mastery of precise word choice and varied vocabulary, enhancing the
clarity and impact of our writing.

8. Demonstrating Personal Responsibility: Throughout the course, we've demonstrated

personal responsibility by actively participating in classroom discussions, considering
differing points of view, and approaching course materials with open-mindedness. We've
exemplified personal responsibility in our academic endeavors by listening effectively,
considering diverse perspectives, and adapting our language and tone to suit the context.

9. Demonstrating Social Responsibility: Our engagement with literature's historical and

cultural contexts has equipped us with the ability to place selected works in broader
societal frameworks. By analyzing the role of art and literature in society and culture,
examining artists' lives and philosophies, and considering their impact on art, literature,
and culture, we've demonstrated our commitment to social responsibility and cultural

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