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Take Home Quiz No. 4 | Mechanic of Deformable Bodies
Instructions: Answer the following questions in an organized, neat and complete manner. Keep final answer in
three decimal places, units included and enclosed in a rectangle. Avoid erasures. Wrong/missing/incomplete
solution is wrong. Cheating is a sin.
1. A rod consisting of two cylindrical portions AB and BC is restrained at both ends. Portion AB is made of
steel (Es= 29 x 106 psi, 𝛼 = 6.5 𝑥10 /°𝐹) and portion BC is made of aluminum (Ea= 10.4 x 106 psi, 𝛼 =
13.3 𝑥10 /°𝐹). Knowing that the rod is initially unstressed, determine:

a. the normal stresses induced in portion AB by a temperature rise of 70°F.

b. the normal stresses induced in portion BC by a temperature rise of 70°F.
c. the corresponding deflection of point B.

2. All members of the steel truss have the same cross-sectional area. If the truss is stress-free at 10°C,
determine the stresses in the members at 90°C. For steel, α=11.7 x 10-6/°C and E = 200 GPa.

a. What is the stress on member BD.

b. What is the stress on member BD.
3. The rigid bar AD is supported by two steel wires of 1/16-in. diameter (E = 29 x 106 psi) and a pin and
bracket at D. Knowing that the wires were initially taut, determine

a. the additional tension in wire AE when a 120-lb load P is applied at B.

b. the additional tension in wire CF when a 120-lb load P is applied at B.
c. the corresponding deflection of point B.
4. Knowing that θ = 40° and P = 9 kN, determine:
a. the smallest allowable diameter of the pin at B if the average shearing stress in the pin is not to
exceed 120 MPa.
b. the corresponding average bearing stress in member AB at B.
c. the corresponding average bearing stress in each of the support brackets at B.
5. For the Pratt bridge truss and loading shown, determine the average normal stress in member BE,
knowing that the cross-sectional area of that member is 5.87 in2.

6. The frame shown consists of four wooden members, ABC, DEF, BE, and CF. Knowing that each member
has a 2 × 4-in. rectangular cross section and that each pin has a 1/2-in. diameter, determine the maximum
value of the average normal stress.

a. in member BE.
b. in member CF.
7. The rigid bar of negligible weight is supported as shown in the figure. If W=80 kN, compute the
temperature change of the assembly that will cause a tensile stress of 50 MPa in the steel rod. Use the
following data:

8. The rigid bar of negligible weight is supported as shown. The assembly is initially stress-free. Find the
stress in each rod if the temperature rises 20°C after a load W=120 kN is applied. Use the properties of
the bars given in Problem 7.
9. The rigid, horizontal slab is attached to two identical copper rods. There is a gap Δ = 0.18 𝑚𝑚 between
the middle bar, which is made of aluminum, and the slab. Neglecting the mass of the slab, calculate the
stress in each rod when the temperature in the assembly is increased by 85°C. Use the following data:

10. The rigid bar ACE is supported by a pin at A and two horizontal aluminum rods, each of cross-sectional
area 50 mm2. Use E=70 GPa for aluminum. When the 200-kN load is applied at point E, determine:

a. the axial force in rod DE

b. the vertical displacement of point E.

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