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Code No: 137BE R16


B. Tech IV Year I Semester Examinations, September - 2021
(Electronics and Communication Engineering)
Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 75
Answer any Five Questions
All Questions Carry Equal Marks

1.a) A discrete memoryless source has an alphabet of eight letters xi, i = 1, 2, . . . , 8, with
probabilities 0.25, 0.20, 0.15, 0.12, 0.10, 0.08, 0.05, and 0.05.
i) Use the Huffman encoding procedure to determine a binary code for the source output.
ii) Determine the average number R’ of binary digits per source letter.
iii) Determine the entropy of the source and compare it with R.
b) Explain about Shannon Fano Coding. [8+7]

2.a) Explain about Average Information, Mutual Information and Entropy.

b) Describe the different application of block codes for error control in data storage system.

3.a) Derive expressions for block error probability and bit error probability of Linear Block
b) Consider a linear block code with codewords {0000, 1010, 0101, 1111}. Find the dual of
this code and show that this code is self-dual. [8+7]

4.a) Explain syndrome computation and error detection of cyclic block codes.
b) Determine the correctable error patterns (of least weight) and their syndromes for the
systematic (7, 4) cyclic Hamming code. [8+7]

5.a) Explain about majority logic decoding for cyclic codes.

b) Explain the structural and distance properties of convolutional codes. [8+7]

6. Discuss the error trapping decoder for cyclic codes in detail. [15]

7.a) Explain the applications of convolutional codes in ARQ system.

b) Beginning with a (15, 7) BCH code, construct a shortened (12, 4) code. Give the generator
matrix for the shortened code. [8+7]

8.a) Explain single and double error correction in BCH codes.

b) Determine generator polynomials of all the primitive BCH codes of length 31. Use Galois
field GF(25) generated by p(X) = 1 + X2 + X5 [8+7]


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