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Version 1

Comparison of Deep CNN Architecture

for Breast Cancer Detection
Chraboni Mondal Rimpa Md. Mahedi Hasan Dr. Md Taimur Ahad
Dept of CSE, Researcher,Department of Associate Professor,
Daffodil International Computer Science and Department of CSE
University Engineering Daffodil International
Dhaka, Bangladesh DaffodilInternational University University Dhaka, Bangladesh Dhaka, Bangladesh

Abstract— Deep learning has recently attracted a lot of images obtained with breast cancer is extremely important
attention with the aim to develop a quick, automatic and for diagnosis. Many methods have been used to classify
accurate system for image identification and breast cancer. One of the most important methods among
classification. In this work, the focus was on fine-tuning these methods is deep learning-based methods. The most
and evaluation of state-of-the-art deep convolutional important reason for choosing the deep learning model for
neural network for image-based plant disease breast cancer diagnosis is that it can give faster and more
classification. An empirical comparison of the deep accurate results than the existing methods. The
learning architecture is done. The architectures histopathologic images of the breast cancer features were
evaluated include ResNet with 50 and 18 layers and extracted using the method which is one of the deep learning
DenseNets with 121 layers. The data used for the approaches.[6]
experiment is 38 different classes including diseased and
The data collected at baseline include breast ultrasound
healthy images of leafs of 14 plants from plantVillage.
images among women in ages between 25 and 75 years old.
Fast and accurate models for plant disease identification
This data was collected in 2018. The number of patients is
are desired so that accurate measures can be applied
600 female patients. The dataset consists of 1560 images
early. Thus, alleviating the problem of food security. In
with an average image size of 500*500 pixels. The images
our experiment, DenseNets has tendency’s to
are in PNG format. The ground truth images are presented
consistently improve in accuracy with growing number
with original images. The images are categorized into three
of epochs, with no signs of overfitting and performance
classes, which are normal, benign, and malignant.
deterioration. Moreover, DenseNets requires a
considerably less number of parameters and reasonable
computing time to achieve state-of-the-art performances. II. LITERATURE REVIEW
It achieves a testing accuracy score of 90% to beat the Deep Learning (DL) is a rising field of researches in the last
rest of the architectures. Keras with Theano backend decade by exposing a hybrid analysis procedure including
was used to perform the training of the architectures. advanced level image processing and many efficient
supervised classifiers. Robustness of the DL algorithms to
Keywords— convolutional, resnet50, densenet121, seresnet18, the big data enhances the analysis capabilities of machine
seresnext50, mobilenet. learning models by feature learning on heterogeneous image
database. In this paper, Convolutional Neural Network
I. INTRODUCTION (CNN) architecture was proposed on simplified feature
learning and fine-tuned classifier model to separate cancer-
The use of deep learning (DL) for the analysis and diagnosis
normal cases on mammograms. In this paper, we propose a
of biomedical and health care problems has received
fully automatic breast cancer detection system. [14]
unprecedented attention in the last decade. The technique
has recorded a number of achievements for unearthing Breast cancer happens when cells in your breast grow and
meaningful features and accomplishing tasks that were divide in an uncontrolled way, creating a mass of tissue
hitherto difficult to solve by other methods and human called a tumor. Signs of breast cancer can include feeling a
experts. Currently, biological and medical devices, lump in your breast, experiencing a change in the size of
treatment, and applications are capable of generating large your breast and seeing changes to the skin on your breasts.
volumes of data in the form of images, sounds, text, graphs, Mammograms can help with early detection. Breast cancer
and signals creating the concept of big data. is one of the most commonly found and dangerous cancer
among women which leads to a major research topic in
Breast cancer is one of the most common cancer types
medical science. Most of the times, it is identified by using a
diagnosed in the ladies worldwide. Statistics indicate that
biopsy method where tissue is removed and studied under a
breast cancer rate is about 12 \%in all cancer cases in the
microscope.[13] The objective of this paper is to compare
world. Also, approximately 25\% of women have breast
the breast cancer detection with two model networks of deep
cancer. Therefore, rapid and accurate analysis of medical
learning technique. The overall process involves image
preprocessing, classification and performance evaluation. chances of survival. Invasive detection techniques cause
[16] This paper proposes a comprehensive method to locate rupture of the tumor, accelerating the spread of cancer to
the cancerous region in the mammogram image. This adjoining areas. Hence, there arises the need for a more
method employs image noise reduction, optimal image robust, fast, accurate, and efficient noninvasive cancer
segmentation based on the convolutional neural network, a detection system. In this work, an automated system is
grasshopper optimization algorithm, and optimized feature proposed for achieving error-free detection of breast cancer
extraction and feature selection based on the grasshopper using mammogram. In this system, the deep learning
optimization algorithm, thereby improving precision and techniques such as convolutional neural network, sparse
decreasing the computational cost.[17] autoencoder, and stacked sparse autoencoder are used. The
performance of these techniques is analyzed and compared
We proposed a novel deep learning framework for the
with the existing methods. From the analysis, it is observed
detection and classification of breast cancer in breast
that the stacked sparse autoencoder performs better
cytology images using the concept of transfer learning. In
compared to other methods.[9]
general, deep learning architectures are modeled to be
problem specific and is performed in isolation. Contrary to Deep convolutional neural networks (CNNs) are
classical learning paradigms, which develop and yield in investigated in the context of computer-aided diagnosis
isolation, transfer learning is aimed to utilize the gained (CADx) of breast cancer. State-of-the-art CNNs are trained
knowledge during the solution of one problem into another and evaluated on two mammographic datasets, consisting of
related problem. In the proposed framework, features from ROIs depicting benign or malignant mass lesions. The
images are extracted using pre-trained CNN architectures, performance evaluation of each examined network is
namely, GoogLeNet, Visual Geometry Group Network addressed in two training scenarios: the first involves
Residual Networks (ResNet), which are fed into a fully initializing the network with pre-trained weights, while for
connected layer for classification of malignant and benign the second the networks are initialized in a random fashion.
cells using average pooling classification. To evaluate the Extensive experimental results show the superior
performance of the proposed framework, experiments are performance achieved in the case of fine-tuning a pretrained
performed on standard benchmark data sets. It has been network compared to training from scratch.[10]
observed that the proposed framework outclasses all the
Deep Learning (DL) is a rising field of researches in the last
other deep learning architectures in terms of accuracy in
decade by exposing a hybrid analysis procedure including
detection and classification of breast tumor in cytology
advanced level image processing and many efficient
images.[3] Deep comparison of functioning of each network
supervised classifiers. Robustness of the DL algorithms to
and its designing is performed and then analysis is done
the big data enhances the analysis capabilities of machine
based on the accuracy of diagnosis and classification of
learning models by feature learning on heterogeneous image
breast malignancy by the network to decide which network
database. In this paper, Convolutional Neural Network
outperforms the other. CNN is found to give slightly higher
(CNN) architecture was proposed on simplified feature
accuracy than MLP for diagnosis and detection of breast
learning and fine-tuned classifier model to separate cancer-
cancer. There still is the need to carefully analyses and
normal cases on mammograms. Breast Cancer is a prevalent
perform a thorough research that uses both these methods on
and mortal disease that appeared resultant mutating of
the same data set under same conditions in order identify the
normal tissue into tumor pathology. Mammograms are
architecture that gives better accuracy.[4]
common and effective tools for the diagnosis of breast
The lack of publicly available ground-truth data has been cancer. DL-based computer-assisted systems have the
identified as the major challenge for transferring recent capability of detailed analysis for even small pathology that
developments in deep learning to the biomedical imaging may lead the curing progress for a complete assessment. The
domain. Though crowdsourcing has enabled annotation of proposed DL-based model aimed at assessing the
large-scale databases for real world images, its application applicability of various feature-learning models and
for biomedical purposes requires a deeper understanding enhancing the learning capacity of the DL models for an
and hence, more precise definition of the actual annotation operative breast cancer diagnosis using CNN.[11]
task. The fact that expert tasks are being outsourced to non-
In this paper, we firstly tested three training methods on the
expert users may lead to noisy annotations introducing
MIAS database: 1) trained a CNN from scratch, 2) applied
disagreement between users. Despite being a valuable
the pre-trained model to extract features from input
resource for learning annotation models from
mammograms and used these features to train a Neural
crowdsourcing, conventional machine-learning methods
Network (NN)-classifier, 3) updated the weights in several
may have difficulties dealing with noisy annotations during
final layers of the pre-trained model by back-propagation
training. In this manuscript, we present a new concept for
(fine-tuning) to detect abnormal regions. We found that
learning from crowds that handle data aggregation directly
method 2) is ideal for study because the classification
as part of the learning process of the convolutional neural
accuracy of fine-tuning model was just 0.008 higher than
network (CNN) via additional crowdsourcing layer.[5]
that of feature extraction model but time cost of feature
Breast cancer has the second highest mortality rate in extraction model was only about 5% of that of the fine-
women next to lung cancer. As per clinical statistics, 1 in tuning model. Then, we used method 2) to classify regions:
every 8 women is diagnosed with breast cancer in their benign vs. normal, malignant vs. normal and abnormal vs.
lifetime. However, periodic clinical checkups and self-tests normal from the DDSM database with 10-fold cross
help in early detection and thereby significantly increase the validation. The average validation accuracy converged at
about 0.905 for abnormal vs. normal cases, and there was no sets of information are merged. In contrast to Artificial
obvious overfitting. This study shows that applying transfer Neural Network (ANN) which has a single layer, CNN has a
learning in CNN can detect breast cancer from number of layers placed in sequence. In the context of
mammograms, and training a NN-classifier by feature CNNs, a convolutional layer (called filter or kernel) is
extraction is a faster method in transfer learning.[12] applied to the input data to then produce a feature map
(Acharya et al. 2020). In detail, it consists of an input layer,
Breast Cancer is the abnormal growth of cells in the breast.
many convolutional layers, pooling layers, fully connected
According to the World Health Organization, Breast Cancer
layer and finally an output layer. Apart from the input and
is the most common type of cancer that women are
the output layer, the rest of the layers are termed as hidden
diagnosed with worldwide. Breast cancer tests vary from
Mammograms to CTs and Ultrasounds; however, the only
way to tell for sure if the suspicious lesions found in the CNN also processes image data to detect or classify an
breast are cancerous or not is by performing a biopsy test. object. CNN layers are arranged in such a way that they
The main contribution of this paper is proposing a deep detect simpler patterns first (lines, curves, etc.) and more
learning approach to diagnose breast cancer from biopsy complex patterns (faces, objects, etc.) further along.
microscopy images. Several types of Deep Convolution nets However, CNN received significant attention in data science
such as Resnet50, Resnet18, and Densenet121 are used.[15] since it has proven its capabilities in detecting, localizing,
and segmenting objects in the image.
This review focuses on breast cancer classification by using
medical imaging multimodalities through state-of-the-art An original CNN architecture in this research refers to a
artificial deep neural network approaches. It is anticipated to CNN network and algorithm that is available in Keras or
maximize the procedural decision analysis in five aspects, Github. In this research, a CNN algorithm is kept original as
such as types of imaging modalities, datasets and their firstly proposed by its authors and programmers, with no
categories, pre-processing techniques, types of deep neural change of processing units, parameterizations and hyper-
network, and performance metrics used for breast cancer parameter optimization strategies, design patterns, and
classification. Forty-nine journal and conference connectivity of layers. Often a well-known CNN network
publications from eight academic repositories were was developed and evolved by different researchers and
methodically selected and carefully reviewed from the programmers through various challenges. For example,
perspective of the five aforementioned aspects. In addition, AlexNet architecture was the winner of ILSVRC 2012 and
this study provided quantitative, qualitative, and critical was proposed by Krizhevsky et al. (Ruba et al. 2022)
analyses of the five aspects. This review showed that ResNet was proposed by He et al. (Ruba et al. 2022) from
mammograms and histopathologic images were mostly used Microsoft and won 2015 ILSVRC, DenseNet as an
to classify breast cancer. [18] extension of ResNet was first proposed in 2016 by Huang et
al. from Facebook (Ruba et al. 2022), (Mehta and Arbel
The automatic and precision classification for breast cancer
2018). The CNN architectures those are utilised in this study
histopathological image has a great significance in clinical
are discussed in the next sections.
application. However, the existing analysis approaches are
difficult to addressing the breast cancer classification
problem because the feature subtle differences of inter-class
histopathological image and the classification accuracy still
hard to meet the clinical application. Recent advancements
in data-driven sharing processing and multi-level
hierarchical feature learning have made available
considerable chance to dope out a solution to this problem.
To address the challenging problem, we propose a novel
breast cancer histopathological image classification method
based on deep convolutional neural networks, named as
BiCNN model, to address the two-class breast cancer
classification on the pathological image. This deep learning
Figure 1: The basic CNN architecture. (source-
model considers class and sub-class labels of breast cancer google)
as prior knowledge, which can restrain the distance of
features of different breast cancer pathological images. In ResNet: ResNet was proposed by (Simonyan and Zisserman
addition, an advanced data augmented method is proposed 2014). from Microsoft and won 2015 ImageNet Large Scale
to fit tolerance whole slide image recognition, which can Visual Recognition Challenge (ILSVRC). The main
full reserve image edge feature of cancerization region. The innovation in ResNet architectures is the use of residual
transfer learning and fine-tuning method are adopted as an layers and skip connections to solve the problem of
optimal training strategy to improve breast cancer vanishing gradients that may result in stopping the weights
histopathological image classification accuracy. [19] in the network to further update/change. This is particularly
CNN networks a problem in deep networks because the value of gradient
can vanish, i.e. shrink to zero, when several chain rules
The term ‘convolution’ in a convolutional neural network applied consecutively. Skipping connections will help
(CNN) refers to the mathematical combination of two gradients flow backwards directly from end layers to initial
functions to form a third function. When that happens, two layer filters, enabling CNN models to deepen with 18 layers
(Majeed et al. 2020). In the field of image recognition and
localization tasks, ResNet has a strong performance that
demonstrates the importance of many visual recognition
task (Elshennawy and Ibrahim (2020)
The ResNet50 architecture (Kaldera et al. 2019) which won
the ILSVRC-2015 competition in 2015, is an architecture
proposed to solve the problem of multiple nonlinear layers
learning identity maps and the degradation problem.
ResNet50 is a network in network architecture based on
many stacked residual units. Residual units are used as
building blocks to build the network. Below the block
diagram of ResNet50 is provided-
Figure 4: Schematic representation of SE ResNet
MobileNet: It is a CNN architecture that seeks to perform
well on mobile devices. It is based on an inverted residual
structure where the residual connections are between the
bottleneck layers. The intermediate expansion layer uses
lightweight depth-wise (Dwise) convolutions to filter
features as a source of non-linearity. As a whole, its
architecture contains the initial fully convolutional layer
with 32 filters, followed by 19 residual bottleneck layers
(Bonte 2018). The architecture of MobileNetV2 is given in
Figure 5.

Figure 2: Schematic representation of ResNet50 (Ali

et al 2021)

Figure 4: Schematic representation of MobileNet.

DenseNet: DenseNet (Dense Convolutional Network) is an
architecture that focuses on making the deep learning Table 1. Comparison of CNN architectures applied in this
networks go even deeper, but at the same time making them study
more efficient to train, by using shorter connections between
the layers. DenseNet is a convolutional neural network
where each layer is connected to all other layers that are Nu
deeper in the network, that is, the first layer is connected to mbe
Archite Main
the 2nd, 3rd, 4th and so on, the second layer is connected to r of Error Rate No of
cture Year contributi
Par (%) layer
the 3rd, 4th, 5th and so on. This is done to enable maximum Name on
information flow between the layers of the network. To ters
preserve the feed-forward nature, each layer obtains inputs
from all the previous layers and passes on its own feature -
maps to all the layers which will come after it. Residual
learning 25. (Kan
-Identity 6 niapp
ResNe 152
2016 mapping M an et
t 110
based 1.7 al.
skip M 2020)
Figure 3: Schematic representation of DenseNet Cardinalit
SE ResNet: SE ResNet is a variant of a ResNet that - Similar
68.1 CIFAR100 29
employs squeeze-and-excitation blocks to enable the Res topology
2017 M : 17.31% - 101
NeXt -
network to perform dynamic channel-wise feature Assembled
Image Net:
recalibration. 4.4%
CIFAR- suspected of ALL, alongside 25 shape human beings with a
0+: 3.46% benign prognosis (hematogone) and sixty-four patients with
25.6 190 a definitive prognosis of ALL subtypes (504 images), Early
Cross- +:
M 190 Pre-B (985 images), Pre-B (963 images), and Pro-B ALL
Dense layer 17.8%
2017 15.3 250
Net informatio CIFAR10: (804 imageries). This dataset is broken up into categories:
M 250
n flow 5.19% benign and malignant. The former is made of
M hematogenous, while the latter is made of ALL, which has
: 19.64%
Apart from the solo CNN architectures, CNN has extended three subtypes of malignant lymphoblast: Early Pre-B, Pre-
to transfer learning, ensemble technique, and region-based B, and Pro-B ALL. All of the images had been captured
research. Following sections discuss these approaches of with a Zeiss digital in a microscope at a magnification of
CNN. 100x and stored as JPG files [24]. For an expert, the use of
the flow cytometry tool definitively decided the sorts and
Transfer learning subtypes of those cells. We additionally offer segmented
An approach, Transfer learning technique, is based on the images after color thresholding-primarily based on total
knowledge gained from a training dataset used for training departments inside the HSV color space.
in another task or field (Weiss et al 2016). In this deep
learning process, the first few layers are trained to define the
characteristics of the task, however, the last few layers of
the trained network can be removed and retrained with new
layers for the target task. It refers to the situation whereby
what has been learnt in one setting is exploited to improve
optimization in another setting. We study the topology of
the CNN architecture to find a suitable model, permitting
image classification through Transfer Learning. Whilst
testing and changing the network topology (i.e. parameters)
as well as dataset characteristic to help determine which
variables affect classification accuracy, though with limited Image of Benign Image of Early
computational power and time.
Training a deep learning model with a small data set is often
undesirable as a function of the model performance.
Transfer learning is the process of pre-initializing a model
using weights obtained by training a different model on a
larger, different, dataset. In work by (Ju et al. 2022),
demonstrated that although transfer learning reduces the
training time on the target task, improvements in
segmentation accuracy are highly task/data-dependent.
Large improvements are observed only when the
segmentation task is more challenging and the target
training data is smaller (Ju et al. 2022).
Ensemble technique Image of Pre-B ALL Image of Pro-B ALL
Ensemble Learning is one of the DL technologies which
The final dataset includes four different types of blood
combines multiple primary learners through a fusion
smears, each with about 1560 images. The images in the
strategy to improve the overall generalization performance.
dataset are colored images of various dimensions with a
Ensemble learning is one of the deep learning technologies,
blank background. The original images were distributed into
that combines multiple primary learners through a fusion
70% training and 30% test sets (see Table 2).
strategy to improve the overall generalization performance
(Brunese et al. 2020). Ensemble learning has attracted wide
Table 2. Images Used in the Train, Test and Validation Sets
attention due to its easily understandable structure and
promising classification of generate a marker at a suspicious
region in a mammogram.
Total Training Validation
Ensemble learning is a technique that incorporates multiple
Images Images Images
models for final decision-making. The ultimate goal of an
ensemble is that by combining multiple models, the errors of Original 476
1560 1084
a single model can be corrected (compensated) by other Dataset
models, thereby making the overall result (prediction and
classification) of the ensemble better than any single Breast Cancer Detection Using CNN Based Deep
participating model. Learning
Our research's maximum essential intention became to Breast cancer is prevalent in Ethiopia that accounts 34%
collect data. We have installed several works to collect a among women cancer patients. The diagnosis technique in
massive wide variety of datasets. Original peripheral blood Ethiopia is manual which was proven to be tedious,
smear images containing 1 images from 89 patients subjective, and challenging. Deep learning techniques are
revolutionizing the field of medical image analysis and data. The working process is described in the experiment as
hence in this study, we proposed Convolutional Neural follows:
Networks (CNNs) for breast mass detection so as to
(1) Image Acquisition: The Acute Lymphoblastic
minimize the overheads of manual analysis. CNN
Leukemia Image Database provided the data utilized to
architecture is designed for the feature extraction stage and
assess the model's performance. We successfully acquired
adapted both the Region Proposal Network (RPN) and
images from the targeted websites for use in this step.
Region of Interest (ROI) portion of the faster R-CNN for the
Images in the dataset were manually checked to ensure they
automated breast mass abnormality detection. Our model
had a white background. Images with colored backgrounds
detects mass region and classifies them into benign or
are placed on a white background.
malignant abnormality in mammogram (MG) images at
(2) Image Augmentation: In this step, we are using image
once. For the proposed model, MG images were collected
augmentation techniques to improve the image. Image
from different hospitals, locally. The images were passed
augmentation is a technique that allows expanding an
through different preprocessing stages such as gaussian
existing dataset by modifying it to generate additional new
filter, median filter, bilateral filters and extracted the region
data while still keeping the original dataset's label
of the breast from the background of the MG image. [8]
information intact. The goal is to increase the variation in
Knowledge Gap in Breast Cancer Detection the data set while ensuring that new data are useful and do
Using CNN not simply add to the size of the data set. Using a larger data
Breast cancer is prevalent in Ethiopia that accounts 34% set can improve the generalization of a model, making it
among women cancer patients. The diagnosis technique in more resilient to unknown data. Additionally, using a
Ethiopia is manual which was proven to be tedious, machine learning model on this data can result in increased
subjective, and challenging. Deep learning techniques are accuracy.
revolutionizing the field of medical image analysis and We used data augmentation methods to achieve the goals in
hence in this study, we proposed Convolutional Neural the training data. However, color enhancement, such as
Networks (CNNs) for breast mass detection so as to brightness, contrast, and saturation, as well as position
minimize the overheads of manual analysis. CNN enhancement, by way of scaling, cropping, flipping, and
architecture is designed for the feature extraction stage and revolution, was used. The technique of data enhancement
adapted both the Region Proposal Network (RPN) and also included random rotations from -15 to 15 degrees,
Region of Interest (ROI) portion of the faster R-CNN for the rotations of 90 degrees by accident, accidental distortion,
automated breast mass abnormality detection. Our model bending, vertical reversal, horizontal reversal, skate, and
detects mass region and classifies them into benign or luminous intensity conversion. In this approach, 10
malignant abnormality in mammogram(MG) images at enhanced images were created from each original image.
once. For the proposed model, MG images were collected The selection of a subset of transformations helps to
from different hospitals, locally.The images were passed enhance a heterogeneous image.
through different preprocessing stages such as gaussian In this study, every pixel value in the original and
filter, median filter, bilateral filters and extracted the region augmented photos was first normalized by dividing by 255.
of the breast from the background of the MG image. The After that, the photographs were downsized to a standard
performance of the model on test dataset is found to be: size that could be used by any model. For all versions of
detection accuracy 91.86%, sensitivity of 94.67% and AUC-
ROC of 92.2%.
Breast cancer is the second leading cause of cancer death
among women worldwide. Nevertheless, it is also one of the
most treatable malignances if detected early. Screening for
breast cancer with full field digital mammography (FFDM)
has been widely used. However, it demonstrates limited
performance for women with dense breasts [1] This paper
explores a breast CAD method based on feature fusion with
convolutional neural network (CNN) deep features. First,
we propose a mass detection method based on CNN deep
features and unsupervised extreme learning machine (ELM) Center crop Combined augmentation
clustering. Second, we build a feature set fusing deep
features, morphological features, texture features, and
density features. Third, an ELM classifier is developed
using the fused feature set to classify benign and malignant
breast masses. Extensive experiments demonstrate the
accuracy and efficiency of our proposed mass detection and
breast cancer classification method.[2] experiment
description The proposed structure starts with the gathering
of blood smears from the bloodstream. Deep neural
networks require extra data for training and improved
performance, for this reason, data augmentation strategies
are applied in a while to deal with the problem of restrained Center scaling Center combined augmentation
(3) Training: During this stage, a CNN learner model is III. RESELT OF EXPERIMENT 1:
built. A model was trained based on the given dataset and
then assessed for classification accuracy using the ORIGINAL CNN
architectures, resnext50, densenet121, seresnet18, The performances of the five original individual CNN
seresnext50, mobilenet. network sresnext50, densenet121, seresnet18, seresnext50,
All of the representations were trained with Early Stopping mobilenet are presented in this section. The models'
callbacks for 10 epochs (iterations). The number of epochs classification performance is first presented. Following that,
without improvement after which training will be terminated the overall measures for those models are discussed.
is called patience. Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD) with gathering, in addition to descriptors, potential causes, and
momentum and RMSProp are combined in an Adam areas for improvement of results.
optimizer (Root Mean Squared Propagation, or RMSProp, is
Training Model
a postponement of gradient parentage and the AdaGrad Architecture
version of gradient descent that uses a decaying average of Accuracy Accuracy
partial gradients in the adaptation of the step extent for each resnext50 88% 73%
parameter were used for faster convergence with the densenet121 72% 73%
parameters like learning rate was set at αα = 0.0001, β1β1 = seresnet18 75% 75%
0.9, β2β2 = 0.999 and ϵ=1×10−7ϵ=1×10−7. For all three seresnet50 70% 71%
representations, a similar optimizer was used, and the mobilenet 82% 88%
models were then kept as.h5 files. Model training takes -20
seconds (s) per epoch (iterations) for MobileNet and 14
seconds (s) per epoch for DenseNet-121.
Because the dataset used in this experiment did not have any Densenet121:
severe imbalances, the standard deviation was used as a
model performance parameter in this study. Because this
work deals with multi-class sorting, categorical cross-
entropy was chosen as a loss task for all CNN architectures.
The activation function employed in all transitional layers of
the CNN architectures used in this study was rely, while the
last layer's activation function was SoftMax. The following
are the hyperparameters that were used: The dropout rate
was 0.3, the learning rate was 0.0001, the batch size was 17,
and there were 10 epochs. The model weights were updated
using an adaptive moment estimation (Adam) optimizer.
Before the resizing, all of the photographs were shrunk to Resnet50:
the default image size for each architecture.
(4) Classification: Neural networks (SecrensNet18,
MobileNet, and DenseNet-121) was used to detect cell
illnesses automatically in this step. Because of its well-
known technique as an effective classifier for many real-
world applications, the neural network was chosen as a
classification tool. Following the training model, a model
for detecting blood cancer cells was created based on the
highest probability of rate, and images of blood cells were
sorted into distinct disease classes using a SoftMax output

Figure 3 Process of Experiments.

seresnet50: seresnet50:

Cancer No Cancer

Cancer 709 218

No Cancer 104 89

Cancer No Cancer

Cancer 735 59
No Cancer 75 251
Cancer No Cancer



No Cancer 257 266

Resnet50: Resnet50:

Cancer No Cancer

Cancer 766 273

No Cancer 39 67



Cancer No Cancer

Cancer 772 242

No Cancer 39 67
Mobilenet: Mobilenet:

Cancer No Cancer

Cancer 724 59

No Cancer 79 258

Cancer No Cancer


No Cancer 57 219
Training Model
Accuracy Accuracy
resnext50 73% 73%
Resnet50: densenet121 88% 87%
seresnet18 72% 70%
Cancer No Cancer seresnet50 90% 85%
mobilenet 87% 87%
Cancer 823 288

No Cancer 6 3


Cancer No Cancer

Cancer 772 243

Cancer No Cancer
No Cancer 39 67

Cancer 812 308

seresnet50: No Cancer 0 0
Cancer No Cancer

Cancer 736 78

No Cancer 81 225
VI. DISCUSSIONS Not surprisingly, from our investigation, we found that the
ensemble of deep learning models improved its accuracy
over a single CNN architecture. Our findings also support
the study by (Ju et al. 2022).

The experiment using MR-CNN for tumor detection and

segmentation extracted features by ResNet-101 and
generate RoIs by RPN, preserve the precise spatial position
by RoI Align, and generate binary masks through the full
convolutional network (FCN). In doing so, the proposed
framework is able to detect tumor correctly while also
precisely segmenting each tumor in an image. Experimental
result suggest that mAp value was 0.95. For the future work,
we will consider improving the speed of the proposed
Figure 20: Accuracy comparison among individual CNN, In this study, deep learning methods are investigated to
transfer learning and ensemble models detect and to segment breast cancer. The following points in
this study can be concluded.
In this research, we performed an in-depth investigation of For the same breast cancer image with the same set of data
the performances of the D-CNN in detecting and training, the accuracy of classification differs using
segmenting four kinds of MRI images of breast cancer (No resnext50, densenet121, seresnet18, seresnext50, mobilenet
tumor, Glioma, Meningioma, and pituitary). Results are achieved highest 90% accuracy.
presented in Figures. Total 18765 original images were used
in this research. However, image augmentation was carried Though transfer learning aims to improve the performance
and eleven image were generated using augmentation from of a target learner exploiting knowledge in related
one images. environments (Paymode and Malode 2022), Pinto et al.
advocated to use it when source and target datasets have a
In the detection study original individual CNN, transfer certain degree of similarity to avoid performance decrease
learning, and ensembling models were used and for (Pinto et al. 2022). In our study pin pints that negative
detection breast cancer images. For segmenting tumor MR- transfer which is caused from dissimilar target and source
CNN was used. Though the computation of detection and dataset. This outcome stressed the excellence of transfer
segmentation is different, this study aimed of the detection learning though it has the potential to successfully train deep
and segmentation computation process learning models.
Even if a specific CNN architecture does not perform well,
We compared the results of six different CNN-based models an ensemble of several models still may outperform
of resnext50, densenet121, seresnet18, seresnext50, individual models.
mobilenetby applying them to the four classes of breast VIII.CONTRIBUTIONS
cancer MRI. Among the original individual networks,
resnext50, densenet121, seresnet18, seresnext50, mobilenet A comparison study of breast cancer classification and
90%. segmentation is important to gain a full understanding of
CNN performance in breast cancer research using four
Out findings of transfer learning is an agreement with the classes and 1560 images, we presented classification results
study (Rangarajan Aravind and Raja 2020), (Mohanty et al. of original, transfer learning and ensemble learning.
2016) and (Barbedo 2018) that in the case the input image Multiple CNN architectures, performance metrics are used
differs from the trained data of Imagenet Dataset, the for the comparative study, such as inference time, model
accuracy is likely to be decreased. The effect of presence of complexity, computational complexity, and mean per class
background noise and, the application of different accuracy. An ensemble model was developed with an aim to
augmentation techniques separately with the test sets increase accuracy and the study confirms that an ensemble
resulted in a drop in performance. However, in the case of model outperforms single CNN architecture. The XDM
original CNN, the model was trained and tested using by ensemble model is 90 higher than the accuracy rate of the
similar input, the predication capabilities were increased in resnext50, densenet121, seresnet18, seresnext50,
unseen data. Moreover, although the D- CNN the ability to mobilenetby. This shows that the XDM ensemble model has
learn features irrespective of the input data, the limited a better ability to classify breast cancer. Thus, the XDM
number of datasets in this study is likely a factor influencing ensemble model has better classification performance and
the prediction capability. Our view is also supported by can assist in the diagnosis of breast cancer more accurately.
(Barbedo 2018), that suggested increasing the dataset size IX. LIMITATIONS
that may improve the performance of transfer learning when
input image is modified using augmentation. In this study, a deep learning model was developed to
accurately detect and segment two types of construction
machineries. The network’s performance resulted in an
average precision of 0.8792 and inference time of 3173 ms, breast cancer using transfer learning. Pattern
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