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Aung Kaung Maw

HND-45 Aung Kaung Maw

Objectives................................................................................................. 2

Abstract ................................................................................................... 2

Introduction ................................................................................................. 3

Project Goal .............................................................................................. 3

Project Scope ............................................................................................ 3

Project Budget ........................................................................................... 3

Literature Review ......................................................................................... 4

Paper-1 Title: Public transport for smart cities: Recent innovations and future
challenges ................................................................................................ 4

Paper-2 Title: Integration of Public Transportation in Smart Transportation

System (Smart Transportation System) in Jakarta .......................................... 5

Research Method .......................................................................................... 5

Quantitative Research Method: .................................................................... 5

Qualitative Research Method: ...................................................................... 5

Which method use my project? .................................................................... 6

Survey Form ................................................................................................ 6

Analysis of Survey Form .............................................................................. 13

Gantt chart ................................................................................................ 20

Work Break Down Structure ......................................................................... 21

Operational Area of Business ........................................................................ 22

Roles of Stakeholder for my project ............................................................... 23

Challenges of my project ............................................................................. 25

Project Recommendation ............................................................................. 26

Review of first recommendation .................................................................... 27

Review of second recommendation ................................................................ 27

HND-45 Aung Kaung Maw

Conclusion ................................................................................................. 28

References ................................................................................................ 29

Efficient transportation planning to reduce traffic congestion at Smart City

The objective of efficient transportation planning using smart city technology is to
reduce traffic congestion and improve mobility in urban areas. This can be achieved
by using innovative transportation strategies that leverage the power of technology
to optimize traffic flow, reduce the number of vehicles on the road, and provide
better transportation options for people.

Traffic congestion is a major problem in urban areas around the world. It leads to
wasted time, increased air pollution, and reduced quality of life for residents. To
address this issue, transportation planners are turning to smart city technology to
develop more efficient and sustainable transportation systems.

Efficient transportation planning using smart city technology involves a range of

strategies, public transportation. By leveraging technology to optimize traffic flow,
reduce the number of vehicles on the road, and provide better transportation

HND-45 Aung Kaung Maw

options for people, transportation planners can help reduce traffic congestion and
improve mobility in urban areas.

As an environmental data analyzer for Yangon, Myanmar's commercial city, I am
tasked with studying the environmental impact of digital transformation on the
city's population. With a current population of approximately 7.36 million people, it
is crucial to understand how the exponential growth of data and the increasing
demands for hardware and power consumption are affecting the environment. My
primary objective is to research and develop strategies that will effectively reduce
the carbon emissions associated with digital technology infrastructure. By doing so,
I aim to contribute to a greener and more sustainable future while addressing the
global climate emergency.

Project Goal
The goal of this research project is to reduce carbon emissions from digital
technology infrastructure in Yangon, Myanmar. By analyzing the environmental
impact of digital transformation and addressing hardware and power consumption,
the project aims to develop sustainable strategies for mitigating the negative
effects. The ultimate objective is to contribute to a greener and more
environmentally conscious future for the city and its population.

Project Scope
The scope of this research project encompasses studying the carbon emissions
associated with digital technology infrastructure in Yangon, Myanmar. It involves
analyzing the environmental impact of the city's digital transformation, specifically
focusing on the hardware and power consumption aspects. The project will identify
and propose strategies that can effectively reduce these carbon emissions,
contributing to a more sustainable digital sector in Yangon.

Project Budget

Project budget for the Efficient Transportation Planning to Reduce Traffic

Congestion at Smart City project, utilizing a budget of 1 million dollars, includes

HND-45 Aung Kaung Maw

allocations of approximately $250,000 for data collection and analysis, $350,000 for
infrastructure development, and $350,000 for technology and intelligent
transportation systems. Additionally, $430,000 is allocated for public transportation
enhancements, $100,000 for behavioral change initiatives, $180,000 for planning
and consultation, and $120,000 for maintenance and operations. These allocations
aim to address key project components and support the goal of reducing traffic
congestion in the smart city.

Literature Review

Paper-1 Title: Public transport for smart cities: Recent innovations and future

This literature review emphasizes the concept of smart cities, which utilize IoT
technologies and data analytics to optimize city operations and improve the quality
of life for citizens. However, public transport systems face challenges due to
reduced funding, requiring a shift in focus from simply moving people to enhancing
overall mobility. Factors such as changing habitation trends, work patterns, and the
growth of mega-cities contribute to traffic congestion and sprawl, necessitating
integrated multi-modal transport systems. Environmental concerns and the recent
pandemic also impact commuting patterns. Smart cities require public transport to
offer ubiquitous access, real-time responsiveness, convenience, quality service, and
energy efficiency. The paper discusses challenges in network design, operations
planning, scheduling, and management, along with recent research and innovations
in the field.

HND-45 Aung Kaung Maw

Paper-2 Title: Integration of Public Transportation in Smart Transportation System

(Smart Transportation System) in Jakarta

This literature review discusses the issue of congestion in Jakarta and the potential
of smart cities and smart transportation systems to address this problem. The
review highlights the government's efforts to develop a smart city through the
Jakarta Smart City (JSC) initiative. The paper proposes integrating public
transportation into the smart transportation system as a solution to alleviate
congestion. The findings emphasize the need for a comprehensive and integrated
approach to tackle congestion in Jakarta, and a framework is presented to create a
more efficient and connected smart transportation system for the city.

Research Method
Quantitative Research Method: Quantitative research is a systematic approach used
to gather numerical data and analyze it using statistical methods. This research
method focuses on collecting objective, measurable information to uncover
patterns, relationships, and trends. It involves designing surveys, experiments, or
observational studies to collect data from a large sample size. Quantitative research
aims to generalize findings to a larger population and often involves analyzing data
using statistical techniques to derive meaningful insights. Examples of quantitative
research methods include surveys with closed-ended questions, experiments with
control and experimental groups, and statistical analysis of data.

Qualitative Research Method: Qualitative research is a method of inquiry used to

explore subjective experiences, opinions, and behaviors of individuals or groups. It
involves collecting non-numerical data through techniques such as interviews,
observations, and focus groups. Qualitative research aims to understand the deeper
meaning, context, and complexity of human experiences, social interactions, and
cultural phenomena. It focuses on generating rich, descriptive data to gain insights
and develop theories. Researchers analyze qualitative data through processes like

HND-45 Aung Kaung Maw

coding, thematic analysis, and narrative analysis to identify patterns, themes, and
unique perspectives. Examples of qualitative research methods include in-depth
interviews, participant observation, content analysis, and ethnographic research.

Which method use my project?

The use of a quantitative research method, such as Google survey forms, in
Efficient Transportation Planning to reduce traffic congestion at a Smart City offers
numerous advantages. These survey forms enable the efficient collection of large-
scale data from diverse respondents, facilitating the gathering of a substantial
sample size for statistical analysis. By applying statistical techniques, the data
obtained from survey forms can uncover patterns, correlations, and trends in
variables related to traffic congestion, aiding in identifying key contributing factors.
The objective measurement provided by closed-ended questions ensures
consistency and comparability in responses, supporting rigorous data analysis and
interpretation. Furthermore, the quantitative data collected through survey forms
can serve as valuable inputs for modeling and simulations, enabling evidence-based
decision making in transportation planning. However, it is crucial to supplement
quantitative methods with qualitative research approaches to gain a comprehensive
understanding of the social, cultural, and behavioral dimensions associated with
transportation planning.

Survey Form

HND-45 Aung Kaung Maw

HND-45 Aung Kaung Maw

HND-45 Aung Kaung Maw

HND-45 Aung Kaung Maw

HND-45 Aung Kaung Maw

HND-45 Aung Kaung Maw

HND-45 Aung Kaung Maw

Analysis of Survey Form

Question 1

HND-45 Aung Kaung Maw

In this question,66.7% of people experience traffic congestion almost every day

within the smart city.14.3% of people experience traffic congestion rarely and
frequently. And then,4.8% of people experience traffic congestion Occasionally.

Question 2

HND-45 Aung Kaung Maw

In this question, 57.1%of people use private vehicle (car, motorcycle ) ,38.1%of
people use public transportation (bus, train, subway) , 4.8% of people walking for
daily commute within the smart city.

Question 3

In this question,42.9% of people are a few intiatives,28.6% of people are any

intiatives,19% of people are multiple initiatives and 9.5% of people are not sure.

Question 4

HND-45 Aung Kaung Maw

In this question,52.4% of people are neutral, 19% of people are somewhat

satisfied,14.3% of people are somewhat dissatisfied,9.5% of people are very
satisfied . And then, 4.8% of people are very dissatisfied the current availability
and accessibility of public transportation options in the smart city.

Question 5

In this question, 42.9% of people are netural,38.1% of people are likely,14.3% are
unlikely and 4.8% of people are that how likely to participate in carpooling or
ridesharing programs within the smart city.

Question 6

HND-45 Aung Kaung Maw

In this question, 47.6%of people are somewhat believe,33.3% of people are

strongly believe,14.3% of people are natural , 4.8% of people are somewhat do not
believe that the implementation of smart traffic management congestion in the
smart city.

Question 7

HND-45 Aung Kaung Maw

In this question,47.6% of people are very important,38.1% of people are important

and 14.3% of people are neutral that how important is it for the smart city to invest
in improving public transportation infrastructure.

Question 8

In this question,45% of people are insufficient public transportation options,30% of

people are poor traffic management, 15% of people are high number of private
vehicles on the road and 10% are lack of alternative transportation modes that
what are the keys factors contributing to traffic congestion in the smart city.

Question 9

HND-45 Aung Kaung Maw

In this question,38.1% of people are both yes, definitely and maybe, depending on
the circumstances, ,19% of people are if the infrastructure supports it. And then
4.8% are only if no one gonna steel my bike willing to use alternative modes of

Question 10

HND-45 Aung Kaung Maw

In this question, 42.9% of people are Yes,definitely,38.1% of people are Yes, if it’s
user-friendly and reliable, and then 14.3% of people are maybe, if it offers
additional features and 4.8% of people other suggestion.

Gantt chart

My project starts form May 4 and ends June 6.Now, I will explain about the tasks
and the tasks are how long take time. I search the project title May 4 and confirm
at May 5.After that, project initiation takes 3 days from May 6 to May 8. Then,
project planning including Gantt chart and work break down structure take 2 days
from May 9 to May 10.Therefore,conduct survey takes 3days from May 11 to May
13.Then,I research traffic Analysis form May 14 to May 16.It takes 3days. I
research identify solutions and Evaluate Solution from May 17 to May 21.It takes 5
days cause this tasks need a lot of time. After that, design and development that I

HND-45 Aung Kaung Maw

research from May 22 to May 23. Then, I research about smart traffic system from
May 24 to May 27. After research the smart traffic system, I research public
transportation plan from May 27 to May 29.Then,I research traffic management
plan from May 30 to June 1.After that implementation task from June 2 to June
4.After this task, project documentation date is June 6 and project hand in date is
June 6.

Work Break Down Structure

In project initiation phrase, I define project goal and project scope. After that
identify stakeholders and establish communication. Then, assess the feasibility of
the current transportation system and formulate a project team and assign roles.

In project planning phrase, I conduct a survey to collect and analysis traffic data.
Then, Gantt Chart and work break down structure including literature review. And,
set measurable goals to track project success. After that, develop transportation

HND-45 Aung Kaung Maw

models and tools for analysis, design a transportation system to reduce congestion.
Then, create a detailed project plan with timelines and resources.

In implementing phrase, install necessary infrastructure and technology, implement

smart traffic management, introduce alternative transportation options and upgrade
public transportation systems and optimize routes. Then, implement smart parking
solutions and collaborate with stakeholders for traffic optimizing.

In documentation phrase, document project progress and implementation changes.

After that, analyze data on traffic congestion and transportation, prepare reports on
implemented measures effectiveness. And, document lesson learned and best
practices. Last, create user manuals and maintenance guidelines.

In project hand-in phrase, evaluate projects outcomes against goal, prepare a

comprehensive project report, present finding to stakeholders. And then, hand over
deliverables and documentation. Last, celebrate project completion and
acknowledge the team’s efforts.

Operational Area of Business

Efficient transportation planning plays a crucial role in reducing traffic congestion
and improving mobility in smart cities like Yangon. To achieve this, it is essential to
identify the operational areas of business that contribute to transportation
efficiency. These areas include infrastructure development, public transportation
systems, intelligent transportation systems (ITS), and sustainable transportation

Infrastructure development is a key aspect of transportation planning. It involves

the construction and maintenance of roads, bridges, and highways to ensure
smooth traffic flow. In Yangon, the operational area focuses on enhancing existing
infrastructure and creating new road networks to accommodate the growing
population and increasing vehicular traffic. Additionally, the implementation of
smart traffic management technologies, such as traffic signal optimization and real-
time traffic monitoring, can greatly improve efficiency.

HND-45 Aung Kaung Maw

The establishment of a reliable and efficient public transportation system is another

critical operational area for reducing traffic congestion. By providing affordable and
accessible alternatives to private vehicles, public transportation encourages people
to opt for more sustainable modes of travel. This can be achieved through the
expansion of bus routes, the introduction of light rail or subway systems, and the
improvement of existing public transit services in Yangon. However, challenges
such as funding, infrastructure limitations, and resistance to change may pose
difficulties in this operational area.

Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) leverage technology to enhance

transportation efficiency and reduce congestion. The operational area of ITS in
Yangon involves the implementation of advanced technologies like traffic
management systems, smart parking solutions, and real-time transportation
information systems. These systems help optimize traffic flow, provide accurate
travel information to commuters, and enable efficient parking management.
However, challenges such as the integration of different ITS components and the
need for a robust communication infrastructure can pose difficulties in

Sustainable transportation solutions form another important operational area in

reducing traffic congestion. Encouraging and promoting alternative modes of
transportation, such as walking, cycling, and electric vehicles, can help alleviate
traffic congestion and reduce the environmental impact of transportation. The
challenges in this operational area include creating a supportive infrastructure for
cyclists and pedestrians, addressing concerns related to the range and availability
of electric vehicles, and fostering behavior change among the population.

Roles of Stakeholder for my project

Efficient transportation planning to reduce traffic congestion in a smart city like
Yangon involves working with different groups of people. These people, known as
stakeholders, have a role in shaping transportation policies and making the plans
successful. Here are the main stakeholders:

HND-45 Aung Kaung Maw

1. Government: Local, regional, and national government authorities are

responsible for creating rules and building infrastructure. They play a
significant role in transportation planning. In Yangon, this includes the
Yangon City Development Committee (YCDC) and the Ministry of Transport.

2. City Planners and Designers: These professionals create transportation plans

and policies. They work with the government to make sure that
transportation infrastructure fits with the city's development goals.

3. Transportation Agencies: These organizations manage transportation

systems, such as buses and highways. They take care of services,
maintenance, and traffic control. In Yangon, examples include the Yangon
Bus Service (YBS) and the Department of Highways.

4. Community Organizations: These groups represent local residents and

commuters. They have ideas and concerns about transportation. Engaging
with them is important to understand the community's needs and gather
feedback. They can also help promote alternative transportation options.

5. Private Sector: This includes companies that provide transportation services,

develop technology, and build infrastructure. They can bring expertise,
money, and support to transportation projects.

6. Academic and Research Institutions: These institutions study transportation

and provide ideas for improvement. They can analyze data and give insights
into trends and policies. Collaborating with them can help make better

7. Public and Commuters: The general public and people who use transportation
are important stakeholders. Their opinions and behavior influence
transportation plans. Getting their input through surveys and consultations is
valuable for making improvements.

Working with these stakeholders is crucial to make transportation planning

successful in reducing traffic congestion in Yangon's smart city. By involving

HND-45 Aung Kaung Maw

everyone and listening to their ideas, planners can create better transportation
solutions that are accepted by the community.

Challenges of my project
Efficient transportation planning to reduce traffic congestion in a smart city project
is a complex task that comes with various challenges. Here are some of the key
challenges associated with this endeavor:

1. Data Collection and Analysis: Gathering accurate and real-time data on traffic
patterns, travel behavior, and infrastructure is crucial for effective
transportation planning. However, collecting this data from various sources,
such as sensors, GPS devices, and public transportation systems, and
analyzing it in a meaningful way can be challenging. Ensuring data accuracy,
reliability, and compatibility across different systems and agencies is

2. Integration of Transportation Modes: Integrating different transportation

modes, such as private vehicles, public transit, cycling, and walking, is vital
for a comprehensive transportation plan. However, coordinating schedules,
optimizing routes, and ensuring seamless transfers between modes can be
complex. Interoperability between different transportation systems and
technologies is necessary for smooth operations.

3. Infrastructure Development: Building and upgrading the necessary

transportation infrastructure is a major challenge. Constructing new roads,
bridges, tunnels, and public transportation facilities require significant
investments, coordination among different stakeholders, and careful urban
planning. Retrofitting existing infrastructure to accommodate new
technologies, such as electric vehicle charging stations or intelligent
transportation systems, can be costly and time-consuming.

4. Stakeholder Coordination: Transportation planning involves multiple

stakeholders, including government agencies, transportation providers, urban
planners, and residents. Coordinating their efforts, aligning their interests,

HND-45 Aung Kaung Maw

and obtaining consensus on decisions can be difficult. Balancing the needs of

different stakeholders, such as improving traffic flow, prioritizing sustainable
modes of transport, and considering community preferences, is a challenge
that requires effective communication and collaboration.

5. Behavior Change: Encouraging behavior change among commuters is crucial

for reducing traffic congestion. Promoting the use of public transportation,
carpooling, cycling, or walking requires incentives, awareness campaigns,
and a shift in people's habits. Overcoming resistance to change and fostering
a culture of sustainable and efficient transportation can be challenging.

6. Dynamic and Scalable Solutions: Traffic congestion is a dynamic problem

influenced by various factors, including population growth, economic
development, and seasonal variations. Developing transportation planning
solutions that are flexible, adaptable, and scalable to accommodate changing
conditions and future needs is a challenge. Embracing emerging
technologies, such as autonomous vehicles or shared mobility platforms,
while ensuring their integration into the existing transportation ecosystem,
presents additional complexities.

7. Equity and Accessibility: Ensuring equitable access to transportation services

and minimizing disparities in mobility is an important consideration. Smart
city transportation planning should address the needs of all residents,
including those with disabilities, low-income communities, and marginalized
populations. Identifying and mitigating potential inequities in access,
affordability, and service provision requires careful planning, inclusive
policies, and community engagement.

Project Recommendation
First recommendation

The first recommendation from the friend is to alleviate traffic congestion and
enhance overall transportation efficiency within our Smart City. The
utilization of IoT technology in transportation planning offers a wide range of
benefits, including real-time data collection, analysis, and smart decision-

HND-45 Aung Kaung Maw

making. By implementing IoT sensors, interconnected devices, and data

analytics, we can create an intelligent transportation system that optimizes
routes, manages traffic signals dynamically, and provides valuable insights
for effective urban planning.

Second Recommendation

One of my family member recommended that the project is need to prioritize

efficient transportation planning in order to address traffic congestion at the Smart
City effectively .This approach will involve analyzing the cost-benefit aspect and
estimating the budget for implementing transportation-related initiatives. By doing
so, the Smart City can evaluate the impact of various transportation measures on
reducing traffic congestion and make informed decisions about their feasibility and
economic viability.

Review of first recommendation

After careful review, it is advised not to consider the implementation of IoT

technology for transportation planning in this project. While IoT-enabled
transportation systems have proven benefits such as real-time data collection,
analysis, and smart decision-making, they may not align with the objectives and
scope of the current project. Instead, the focus should be on alternative solutions
that prioritize addressing traffic congestion and enhancing overall transportation
efficiency within the Smart City. By exploring other transportation planning
approaches, such as efficient route optimization, traffic signal management, and
effective urban planning, the project can still achieve its objectives without relying
on IoT technology. These alternative solutions may involve the assessment of
existing infrastructure, the implementation of smart traffic management systems,
and the consideration of sustainable transportation modes.

Review of second recommendation

HND-45 Aung Kaung Maw

Upon review, it is suggested that the recommendation to prioritize efficient

transportation planning for addressing traffic congestion at the Smart City should
not be considered for this project. While analyzing the cost-benefit aspect and
estimating the budget for transportation-related initiatives can be valuable, it is
important to assess the feasibility and economic viability of alternative solutions
before making a decision. Instead, the project should focus on exploring and
evaluating a range of potential solutions, considering factors such as environmental
impact, long-term sustainability, and community engagement. By conducting a
thorough evaluation of various options, the project can identify the most
appropriate and effective measures to address traffic congestion at the Smart City.
It is crucial to consider a comprehensive range of factors and involve relevant
stakeholders throughout the decision-making process to ensure the project's


Efficient transportation planning, coupled with the use of smart city technology,
holds great promise in reducing traffic congestion and improving mobility in urban
areas. By leveraging innovative transportation strategies that harness the power of
technology, it becomes possible to optimize traffic flow, decrease the number of
vehicles on the road, and provide enhanced transportation options for residents.

Smart city technology can play a vital role in achieving these goals by facilitating
real-time traffic monitoring, implementing intelligent traffic management systems,
and enabling data-driven decision-making. By analyzing traffic patterns, identifying
congestion hotspots, and dynamically adjusting traffic signal timings, smart city
technology can help optimize traffic flow and reduce delays. Additionally, by
promoting sustainable mobility options such as public transit, active transportation,
and ridesharing programs, efficient transportation planning can further alleviate
traffic congestion.

HND-45 Aung Kaung Maw

In conclusion, efficient transportation planning using smart city technology is a

powerful approach to reduce traffic congestion and improve mobility in urban areas.
By embracing innovative transportation strategies and leveraging the capabilities of
smart city technology, cities can create a more efficient and sustainable
transportation system. This not only enhances the travel experiences of residents
but also contributes to a greener and more livable urban environment.



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