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2Do yOu agmee that the oeicipation e peasonts povided he Jink

bctwen the milit@ty 0spects and the uoal chaactea oh

1867 06,10, 13) the upaininge
The yeatz 1857 uitne»ed azme d Sueyolto i n
and pasio ocertal
0nthen Tndia whieh was boan out oh
hintoucal photees
Saanging boom the Pitih pcicy o conquest and
colcniaf earloitation ezpanien to the
ok India The natune ol the 1857 nebcllion hon
Jeen dcbated foom the time
ha een qiven many namés -
ck the event itselh. Thus, the nebeion
some think t wao a
the epoy o the
Bitish Tndi an Army, "muiny o
"populat 9Cvelt o the civion othes dekine it to Ke a
ene,movement bdpopulatibn.)Enic
Stokes asgue triot
i t wao not
many, o
ill mst any One mame poss
niceThe hiatoy o 185 ha veen alaimed by bo
he hiatoay o the
But the nëvolt
empise o well ao the hintoy ematroriaim.
ot 1857 should mot only be
mutdny e the" teamed a a epoy
w el Indepen dence(A meus dimenaion
odded to this when
seholaio' Like Euc Stokes ocse m the
peaant participaion and u umpoatance an
this Cvott
using the sevelt
o 1867, peaaartto eught against the
CppfLErvé 2amindaro and the company.
the Aevelt o 1857 to de a . Talriz Khoaldun desc*übes
andilordim peaparnt wary againat undigencuu.
and oacign impesualim, otiat
Sengupto has doied to wnite l2amod
tind a
dinge un the movemert.
Rudrangohu Mukheajee eplains that the
peoants and commen people hought ulero, taluukdaso
Commion enemy: toge thea againat theio
Mukheijee maintaino that there
ndenbying thity betueen the peaato and wao an

Boncyopodhyay tates that the peaxant pahieimiltauy) Sekha

pation ua
cuesent nom he eanlien movemerb."
Semebeholao ugge that the peapantay vwaw the
nly true evotienay orce. While in the unitial
ectnomie gsuevances and atages
pewesfuul anti-focigne sEnüment
might uëep diaheeted nagnate

and gentay elemento

cßellion theoe weoe the tind to give upthe unto
Le ond ceme
teamo i t h the Baitioh. Talmiz Whalduun
cbeliom wao.eauwhed atartes thal the
ro, emilyy becquse.iel betbayal by the
popestied elones. P. C- Jeshi
drques thatthe Tndian eaanta
decii vely buout hsough the
teudal bend eith politicalUy os
mational upauMng
Onemi tally to taandh.m a hhoad- baed
P e a a n t twah Joshi' maintaipo that th
hao no
the Bitioh- coue ated Nandlo ndo ,th0A
enly mes
gAle againat dandlosdo ao á ctam. S.8.Chaudhuni
it ol HHia oughto and unterato
Atote thad wa, the queatien
thee i l and hi dtau holdnas' which ercited them intp
angeaouo degaee Thoma Mettal angues that
E ny aminat the neLs Jandln9d elam.thot ual noLEn
LAR dUAccted, binding togethes, village and
peuo% pLopetoasia commen aont. The dun nebeluon

he ceuntayide huo wao mot a jacquerie dinddted agara

he paopestied
elomea, but o he Poibsh
a pidiaien
ystem. But Eue Stodes uin thio The Peaaait Aamgd agues tret
the huoeto e aevelt Jay not so miich un the taudaaticno, oa
degaded paoprietao élam tayng to uibsint on its uubdividoed
heldings ceuct un the poekets o sclotive povesty cauned by
eceloial dieientes and he action o reveie Boitish ioeenue
Stoes emphaneo hat the helkellien o 1857 was in
Qgnukcand hene a reaant Suevolt. But Stoles does not
acethat peaoanto weA univeVally a downtaoolden mam
whone ntesieato nan whey againat those
o nortin Tndiain
Landlbad on that the Reheon wa clam2Avelt un on
pimaleene. Beth the
pett}landholdCn oRaiput and
Bhumiha Brahriin eoiste and the uujae petty
paatonaliato who played uch aaiatd paltnin cileréntand
pobto ot thi aovines wee penonto 5 in
and '
eultuoe, the9e were ehoamondihteenceotatuuo, tuirnction
betucern them.
Fhee eo Thea wa an undesuyng unity
ameng the
peonanto eNoath and entAal India ThesL weae maru
idepocoad umouno pacvaling shio dusinig thio time (
cemmen eatuae ethe peasant Was thus hataed
the aninnt
oacigrn ule. Tapdi Poy angues that
they tought to
thus 'deen' and dhasam'and wanted to, detooy
epoaperding to Poitüsh anythug
Koy atote that h rebelo of 185d
Tyought tv 20atone a moal onder thot hod been pul ed by aan
cbtauvive and ewnbeatung toeign 9ule. Gautam Bhadsa wartes
thad the aebeE» aciono wee detemined oy theia day to olay
eopenienu h e aLthoaity et the alien atäte Ranait Cauha #hinhs
that they houight to A0covea what tho4 heieved to have been
Onceiaa domain Mouny jacqueies uitnened dagelimingy
fouthein ohatmed
Ra at K- Ray o o the api nion that the main aim
o ha
SLCvolutienahees,wao do omake Hinduatan kaee eh alien uue,nee
wo 0
communal tendencies among the peaate The rebeln
ckenvca to the people ek Tndia a the Hnduio and Munulmaro
Cipan Chandra ztates that everyone ob
mughalemperoa ao thciaynymbol otunity Theyirecopnised.tho
waned to reatoe tha
eldpeuticalcondiioin agai 1

i e Stohes and 3ud h

Banun have mentiemed dbouut t
Jcadeohip given dby the eudal Jondr ond
2omundaro to the peaoant
movement uditth Daown hino that duing the evelt the
elcmenta1 wer the eudl
deciien makesis Eie Stoues con S1elude that
Sual 9uevelt un 1857 nas
eentially elitbat un eharactes
Rudrangahu: Mulkherjee éuucises Stkeo and aown by
that in Awadh tauigdai
pstid pation wa neven univesoal.atabng
9m.onycose» the peasanth and the 0tisaho phced the Ta
t 1oL the nevett, hhile n ome talugda
capes the mamep inainte
en catying en the aevelt even akte thi
peaue wth he Citih )se
talugdasy had made
chaudhust ógiues that 1857 dost
mutiny and a elbeliom. Pc Joshi
atotee,that theugh the
1854pabing waa y Indian heuudala, , the4 wehe mot
mcues eSento non ble ot maates o Tndiah the
The r main unitiative cameaom the
ubnenuently joincd n with the peascnts' Acvelt. sepoyo and -they
The cavilian
LCYolt thot iolowed, tha mutiny Naa
h motives behind ut
idiopasate and dlvee and
Suule 'and pinue,
nee uide
9anGinG Diopomeoed
iul men o nome dipAunctled 2amindgons and taluada.
atl localatanding and oidina'ii poo
in thia uvolt'int. peasant
dtit n morthen ndia, Tt citelent 6me, paovinie,
Auwa hs mamesztood
Jbehind thein ules the iahtuy lnit
culhvatimg Jat an
n the meighboirg
Raipuut munities Jed the upaiping
NOth- Wertean ointen un paoteat againat the rea
en them.)
henttal Jevenue amEoment umposed
Kanait uha in hi Elementany Aspecto
notngeney ùn Colonial India atateo that what m a e
oange?ouv foa
inoubeodinatiom' n the my patieuulasuly
the Ro Loas ct linlage uth peant violence peciay un
age aeas ol what is now known as Vtat Poadeoh and
Madhua adeah)Hesic thé imuseection o he er boiled.
oveand opicád deyend basacks, cantonmerts and sada
.atatieno t o the mordunding countjnide to acqulhe innumetable
docal baes koa db atieulbtion(Most villages tom which
he mames oa9amed peasantoy t e d teom tîme to tBme
to hamy the measeat towm wre ingle-caate selttemento.In
each ethese maaly all the, populotibn claimed doscent Haom
commen poctoilineage arnd neganded themelves as memlbes o
the ame clan gotsa.Theoe vilage baoed poimondial ties ere
he pincipal means o 2ebel mobilieatien thsroughout Noathern andd
Cental Tndia n 1867Roneit Guha podrts out that tern it wa
cae e mutinees Aetusaning home to iopirerthcio1
9elative living un that a e a to stake up ams emulating the
epcy Fo untanue, the oldies, pn, oa Nadwaaya tan
Chie hcd mutinied and ceme om Meructh to Make
he Dadai regien o Bulandohaha. Quha abo pint out hia+
the upoiing n éhi
Chazipus diztoict wa csedited to the
ouol initotve eh amy denetess and theis
From an ohticial Movdbve o evert uh the
t unown thcdt the mutineess had almoAt
pumme o 1R5e
eveLUwhe 9e
Qhabpus the ympathy o the populatien uith h
mo t ot them wesie: eonfected by ties o landsod
Rudongphuu. Mukhesyee angues that the main
initiotive came taom the epoys Accoding to
the sepoyyo wee peanant n
uifam, and moo n nelwl0ien
againat he atate they ahed hein unijemyw and eamleal
meged with the peaaanto.Thein
heattoes o geaoant inougercy Qctivitis had all hs
the celoni un
mutinies wee inkouned
yacons al.pesiodlTha
e Powe and #heehore ven ciounem oka poject
moothly they taanohoame
peanantuy wa
nto populari tnwqency as an aggieed
waiting fpn he mutinies to initiate the
Sabyasbehi magupztn coiticioeo Miukhesjee Jy elaimin that the
peabounto Lwee No, longes peasarto n unifom ecaive unifom
telf had tsanaoomed the epoa unto a mew apising pouses
elite Tndian oclety)Yeav o comany evice had emmwecd
Hhem and the mutiny wao an oppordtunityto covane out fon themaelves
an dtonemous pace uithn the eaiating pouwe hiesatechy o
Eric Stolues o2gues that the intenity o the uevelt did not have
mecemady connectren uith the eveuty e eonomic Pievanees. lies c
cemmtundty ånd linship caite and Pcligten ameng the Jat, Rajputa,
Cupis end Sayidothe key playero N the Revolt -had played.a vesy
uinpooctont ile. Thie was perfectly un tune wuith the. non-mode
weld view ehe peodant. Stolles drgues Hat the ackelui on eh 18567
22 n aignifieand ene a peiaarteyolt But strlees does ot
QLLepthatpeasont wes uñivesioally a dountaadden, mam whose
nterets san whely againat those e Ko9cth Indian dandlosdo. Both
the pety dandholdesud Rajpuct and ehumiha Caakmin ecate and he
Cujahetty euultivatouo andaatooaliuto who Played uch a fosucAtd
pat in dihesent pootts e the hovintes were peaoaro.ButMn
atcdio, tunehen and cultu,heie wese eno9mous diesences letuee-
them i

Thene til exito 'cénatant delbates evesthie matuoc ethe

mOement. Houweve, t may e atated thot the aevolt o 1857
tonted centeaing the dioeohtert o the epoYS ngeneoat. Tho
nitiotive alpo cohne aomhe, epoys Too Moatothe sé poys
elonged to the peaoand; elao and tho. eempanyb 9uuule had.
adveeby Hhected the inteneato of the peanant ceimmunity, ao a
tehole S it nan mot vesy unnatusal hat a ataong tie ukiud
develep Jsetuween, he sepöy who vesie the unifosuhed peabantt
and the Mormal peaaanto It Wvao thto emNe cen w that
g e he 9nevolt a much i d e , olyngmic)

+sekhan Bandyopodyay - IH-4175

+ipan Chandra

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