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Advancing Reservoir software Guide

Software Manual
HD6 Software Guide
© 2010 Baker Hughes Incorporated. All rights reserved

HD6 software Guide

HD6 software Guide

1 GENERAL INFORMATION ................................................................................................................... 3

2 FRONT PAGE ...................................................................................................................................... 3
2.1 FRONT PAGE - TORQUE SETTINGS .................................................................................................................................. 4
2.1.1 REF ........................................................................................................................................................................... 4
2.1.2 OPT .......................................................................................................................................................................... 4
2.1.3 MIN ........................................................................................................................................................................... 4
2.1.4 MAX .......................................................................................................................................................................... 4
2.1.5 MSP .......................................................................................................................................................................... 4
2.1.6 LSP ........................................................................................................................................................................... 4
2.2 FRONT PAGE - TURNS SETTINGS .................................................................................................................................... 4
2.2.1 MIN ........................................................................................................................................................................... 4
2.2.2 MAX .......................................................................................................................................................................... 4
2.2.3 PRE .......................................................................................................................................................................... 4
2.2.4 Min Del...................................................................................................................................................................... 4
2.2.5 Max Del..................................................................................................................................................................... 4
2.2.6 AUTO ........................................................................................................................................................................ 5
2.3 FRONT PAGE - TONG SETTINGS ...................................................................................................................................... 5
2.3.1 LCF ........................................................................................................................................................................... 5
2.3.2 CPT ........................................................................................................................................................................... 5
2.3.3 ARM .......................................................................................................................................................................... 5
2.3.4 HOR .......................................................................................................................................................................... 5
2.3.5 VER .......................................................................................................................................................................... 5
2.3.6 Temp ......................................................................................................................................................................... 5
2.4 FRONT PAGE – STATUS PANEL ....................................................................................................................................... 5
2.5 MENU BUTTONS .............................................................................................................................................................. 6
2.5.1 F1 – Red – Makeup.................................................................................................................................................. 6
2.5.2 F2 – Green – Alter Data ........................................................................................................................................... 6
2.5.3 F4 – Blue – Standby................................................................................................................................................. 6
2.5.4 F5 – Purple – Misc ................................................................................................................................................... 6

3 MAKEUP .............................................................................................................................................. 7
3.1 TORQUE/TURN - “T/T” - MODE. ....................................................................................................................................... 7
3.1.1 Torque ...................................................................................................................................................................... 7
3.1.2 Turns ......................................................................................................................................................................... 7
3.2 GRAPH SHOULDER - “GRAPH-S” - MODE......................................................................................................................... 7
3.3 GRAPH API - “GRAPH-A” - MODE. ................................................................................................................................. 12
3.3.1 Torque .................................................................................................................................................................... 12
3.3.2 Turns ....................................................................................................................................................................... 12
3.4 BREAKOUT GRAPH - “B/O GRAPH” - MODE. .................................................................................................................. 12
3.5 MAKEUP STATUS PANEL ............................................................................................................................................... 12
3.6 ACCEPT/REJECT MENU ................................................................................................................................................ 13
3.6.1 F1 - Accept No Comments .................................................................................................................................... 13
3.6.2 F2 - Accept Add Comments Now .......................................................................................................................... 13
3.6.3 F3 - Accept Add Comments Later ......................................................................................................................... 13
3.6.4 F4 - Reject Add Comments Now ........................................................................................................................... 13
3.6.5 F5 - Rejected Add Comments Later ...................................................................................................................... 13
3.6.6 Alter Data ................................................................................................................................................................ 14
3.7 MAKEUP ....................................................................................................................................................................... 14
3.7.1 Torque .................................................................................................................................................................... 14
3.7.2 Turns ....................................................................................................................................................................... 14
3.7.3 Analysis .................................................................................................................................................................. 15
3.7.4 Jt No ....................................................................................................................................................................... 15
3.7.5 Save Data ............................................................................................................................................................... 15
3.8 SYSTEM ........................................................................................................................................................................ 15
3.8.1 Date/time ................................................................................................................................................................ 15
3.8.2 Diagnostics ............................................................................................................................................................. 15
3.8.3 Pipe Data ................................................................................................................................................................ 17
3.8.4 Zero’s C.F’s ............................................................................................................................................................ 17
3.9 TONG............................................................................................................................................................................ 18
3.9.1 Arm ......................................................................................................................................................................... 18
3.9.2 Horizontal Angle ..................................................................................................................................................... 18
3.9.3 Vertical Angle ......................................................................................................................................................... 18
3.9.4 RPM ........................................................................................................................................................................ 18
3.9.5 Calibrate Turns ....................................................................................................................................................... 18
3.10 RECALL ........................................................................................................................................................................ 19
3.10.1 Last Makeup ...................................................................................................................................................... 19
3.10.2 Goto ................................................................................................................................................................... 19
3.10.3 List Jt No’s ......................................................................................................................................................... 20
3.10.4 F2 – Green - Edit ............................................................................................................................................... 20

4 MISC .................................................................................................................................................. 21

HD6 software Guide

4.1 EXIT.............................................................................................................................................................................. 21
4.2 START NEW JOB ........................................................................................................................................................... 21
4.3 RELOAD OLD JOB ......................................................................................................................................................... 22
4.4 VERSION....................................................................................................................................................................... 22
4.5 PURGE.......................................................................................................................................................................... 22

5 SALVOD7.INI FILE SETTINGS ........................................................................................................... 23

5.1 [SETTINGS] SECTION .................................................................................................................................................... 23
5.1.1 DelControl............................................................................................................................................................... 23
5.1.2 jointlistsize .............................................................................................................................................................. 23
5.1.3 antivirusfilename .................................................................................................................................................... 23
5.1.4 purgelimit ................................................................................................................................................................ 23
5.1.5 BackupDatafilepath ................................................................................................................................................ 23
5.1.6 AutoDefault ............................................................................................................................................................. 23
5.1.7 Temperaturecount .................................................................................................................................................. 23

6 DOCUMENT REVISIONS.................................................................................................................... 24

HD6 software Guide

1 General Information
The salvo software is laid out in pages. Each page has a number sub-pages or functions.

The main Pages are:

Front Page – Shows System Data and allows access to primary functions.

Makeup – Makeup or breakout related pages and functions

Alter Data – Allows system setting to be modified

Misc – Job & program management.

2 Front Page
The front page screen shows the primary setting for the Salvo system

The screen is split into 5 sections :

Torque Settings

Turns Settings

Tong Settings

Status Panel

Menu Buttons

HD6 software Guide

2.1 Front Page - Torque Settings

2.1.1 REF
Reference Torque set the lower threshold for starting to record a graph. And determines the 0 turns or leftmost
position of the graph.

2.1.2 OPT
Opt torque is used to set the minimum torque to be applied to a connection when Min torque will not
guarantee the required Delta torque value. If set to ‘0’ the function is disabled and the values are not shown on
the front page.

2.1.3 MIN
Minimum torque is the amount of torque that must be applied to a connection.

2.1.4 MAX
Maximum Torque is the maximum torque that is allowed to be applied to a connection.

2.1.5 MSP
Maximum Shoulder Point is the maximum torque allowed for the shoulder position.

2.1.6 LSP
Lowest Shoulder Point is the minimum torque allowed for the shoulder position.

2.2 Front Page - Turns Settings

2.2.1 MIN
Minimum Turns is the amount of turns that must be applied to a connection.

2.2.2 MAX
Maximum Turns is the maximum turns that are allowed to be applied to a connection.

2.2.3 PRE
Pre Turns sets the number of turns from initial tong rotation that are recorded before the speed control
function is activated. Pre-turns torque values are recorded even if the torque is below REF Torque. The speed
control function is activated and normal graph recording starts once the REF Torque has been exceeded. If the
torque then drops below REF Torque for more that 0.2 turns the system will automatically revert back to Pre
turns recording mode.

2.2.4 Min Del

Min Delta Turns sets the Minimum amount of turns allowed between the shoulder point and final turns. If set
> 0 the system will allow the makeup to continue until the Torque is above Min Torque and the turns after
shoulder is greater than Min Delta. If set to zero Min Delta is ignored.

2.2.5 Max Del

Max Delta Turns sets the Maximum amount of turns allowed between the shoulder point and final turns. If
set to zero Max Delta is ignored.

HD6 software Guide

2.2.6 AUTO
Auto Turns set the number or turns after which the system will automatically switch from Front Page to
Graph mode. Setting Auto turns to zero will disable this function.

2.3 Front Page - Tong Settings

2.3.1 LCF
Load Correction Factor is the multiplier that is used to compensate for variations in Load Cell outputs.
Salvos are all calibrated to the same electrical standard so that load cells can be freely interchanged. The LCF
is specific to the load cell being used, and can be found on the calibration sheet.
It is essential that the correct LCF is used as without it the torque figures displayed by the Salvo will be

2.3.2 CPT
Counts Per Turn is the number of pulses generated by the tong for each complete turn (360 Degrees).

2.3.3 ARM
Arm Length is the distance from the centre of rotation of the tong to the load cell attachment point.
When using a torque sub the ARM length is entered as 0 (which defaults to 36”). CRT will then be shown in
the ARM section on the front page.

2.3.4 HOR
Horizontal Angle is the angle between the snub line (if used) and a line at right angles to the centre line of the
tong. If the snub line is not at 90 degrees to the tong the readings from the load cell need to be corrected.
When using a tong with an integral backup this should be set to zero.

2.3.5 VER
Vertical Angle is the angle between the snub line (if used) and horizontal. If the snub line is not horizontal the
readings from the load cell need to be corrected. When using a tong with an integral backup this should be set
to zero.

2.3.6 Temp
Temp displays “On” if the “Delta Temperature Monitoring” is switched on and “Off” if it is disabled.

2.4 Front Page – Status Panel

The status panel is at the bottom of the Front Page. It has two rows
The upper row shows:

Pipe Manufacturer.
Pipe Type.
Pipe size.
Pipe Weight.
Pipe Grade.

The lower row shows:

Makeup analysis.
Turns counter input.
Torque input.
System date & time.

HD6 software Guide

2.5 Menu Buttons

2.5.1 F1 – Red – Makeup

The Makeup Button shows the Jt number for the next makeup and activates the Makeup screen when pressed
(see chapter 3).

2.5.2 F2 – Green – Alter Data

The F2 Button activates the Alter Data Menu when pressed (see chapter 4).

2.5.3 F4 – Blue – Standby

The F4 Button activates the Standby mode. Pressing the F4 button when in standby mode returns the user to
the front page.

2.5.4 F5 – Purple – Misc

The F5 Button activates the Misc Menu when pressed (see chapter 5).

HD6 software Guide

3 Makeup
The makeup page displays the graphical or numerical data for connection makeups.
On completion of a makeup operation the Tally No, Accept/Reject & Comments menus are displayed.
A status panel is shown at the bottom of the page.

3.1 Torque/Turn - “T/T” - Mode.

The page in T/T mode displays 2 boxes with digital readouts.

3.1.1 Torque
The Torque box shows the current torque measured by the loadcell in the heading to the right of the “Torque”
The larger figures show the peak torque measured during that operation in blue.
Once the MIN torque setting has been exceeded the figures turn Green.
If the MAX torque setting is exceeded the figures turn Red.

3.1.2 Turns
The Turns box shows the current turns position measured by the turns counter.
The turns reading will change whenever the tong rotates.
When the torque read by the loadcell exceeds REF torque the turns reading will reset to Zero.
If the MAX turns setting is exceeded the figures turn Red.

Once the MIN torque has been exceeded pressing the “Proceed” button displays the “Enter Tally” menu.

3.2 Graph Shoulder - “Graph-S” - Mode.

Shouldered Makeup Mode. The makeup page in Graph-S Mode displays a single graphical display area.

If the DTM (Temp) mode is enabled the user is prompted to enter the Initial Coupling Temperature before the
makeup page is displayed..

HD6 software Guide

The temperature reading can be entered as decimal number i.e. 15.6.

One the temperature has been entered the graph page is displayed
Boxes on the left and horizontal lines show REF (black), LSP (green), MSP (green), MIN (blue) and @MAX
(red) torque values and positions.
If LSP is set to 0 the LSP box and line is hidden.

Boxes at the bottom show “Pre Tn”, “Min Tn” and “Max Tn” (Red).
If “Pre Tn” is set to 0 the “Pre Tn” box and line is hidden.

If PRE is greater than 0 the REF ” torque horizontal line is shown on the display and the bottom of the display
represents 0 ft/lbs torque.
The page is split vertically.
The left side shows a torque/turns graph from initial rotation to the point at which the torque Exceeds REF.
If the torque then below REF Torque for more that 0.2 turns the system will automatically revert back to Pre-
turns recording mode.
The right side shows the torque/turns graph from REF torque to the final makeup point.

HD6 software Guide

During makeup the graph is displayed in green.

The dump valve will be energised once the measured torque exceeds MIN torque or the turns exceeds MAX

Once the MIN torque has been exceeded pressing the “Proceed” button displays the suggested shoulder point
by a change of colour from green to red.
The position of the shoulder point may be changed by pressing either the “4” key to move the shoulder to the
left or the “6” key to move the shoulder to the right. The significance of the shoulder calculated by the
software for each position is shown by a vertical blue line. The longer the line, the more significant the
Once the new shoulder position has been selected pressing the proceed button displays a “Save Changes”
message box, pressing proceed accepts the changes, pressing abort rejects them.

After at least 5 makeups for the same pipe type, weight, size, grade etc have been recorded a profile of the last
5 to 10 joints is shown, overlaid on the current makeup.
Two lines, one black one blue, are drawn 1 Standard deviation either side of the average profile of the last 5
to 10 joints.
Pressing the Red-F1 button toggles the stats lines on/off.

Pressing the “Proceed” button displays the “Enter Tally” menu.

HD6 software Guide

The Enter Tally No Box accepts integer numerical values only.

If the DTM (Temp) mode is enabled the user is then prompted to enter the Final Coupling Temperature.

The temperature reading can be entered as decimal number i.e. 15.6.

Once the Tally No and the Coupling Temperature(if enabled) have been entered pressing the Accept/Reject
Menu is displayed.

HD6 software Guide

The Delta Temperature (Temperature Rise) and Average (Avg) temperature for the previous good makeups is
displayed at the bottom of the page.
The number of previous makeups averaged is defined in the .ini file.

If the difference between the Delta Temperature for the current makeup and the average is less than ±2
Standard Deviations the values are displayed on a normal background.

If the difference between the Delta Temperature for the current makeup and the average is between than 2 and
3 Standard Deviations the values are displayed on a Yellow background.

If the difference between the Delta Temperature for the current makeup and the average is greater than
between than 3 Standard Deviations the values are displayed on a Red background.

In graph mode the Accept/Reject page shows an image of the makeup and five choices.

HD6 software Guide

3.3 Graph API - “Graph-A” - Mode.

As per Graph-S but without the shoulder identification.

MSP and LSP boxes and lines are hidden.

Once the MIN torque has been exceeded pressing the “Proceed” button once, redraws the graph.

If the MAX Torque or MAX Turns values have been exceeded the graph colour changes from green to red.

The dump valve will be energised once the measured torque Exceeds MIN or the turns exceeds MAX turns.

Pressing the “Proceed” button a second time, displays the “Enter Tally” menu.

3.3.1 Torque
The Torque box shows the current torque measured by the loadcell in the heading to the right of the “Torque”
The larger figures show the peak torque measured during that operation.

3.3.2 Turns
The Turns box shows the current turns position measured by the turns counter.
The turns reading will change whenever the tong rotates as long as the measured torque is above REF torque.

Once the torque has dropped below REF torque pressing the “Proceed” button displays the “Enter Tally”

3.4 Breakout Graph - “B/O Graph” - Mode.

Plots a graph similar to “Graph-A” mode but with the MIN & REF torque boxes and lines hidden and no
decision making.

Once the torque has dropped below REF torque, pressing the “Proceed” button displays the “Enter Tally”

3.5 Makeup Status Panel

The status panel at the bottom of the makeup page has 3 rows.

The upper row shows:


The Middle row, where applicable, shows:

“Sh Tq” - Shoulder torque. The torque for the displayed shoulder point.
“Sh Tns” - Shoulder turns. The turns for the displayed shoulder point.
“Final Tq” - Final torque. The final torque for the operation.
“Final Tns” - Final turns. The final turns for the operation.
“Delta Tns” - The amount of turns between Shoulder turns and final turns.
Pipe Make, type, size, weight & grade.

The Lower row shows:

JT - Current Joint number. The number of accepted makeups.

Tally - Tally Number (only on recall).
Time & Date – The time and date for the makeup (only on recall).

HD6 software Guide

User Prompts – “Proceed-Y / Abort-N” etc.

3.6 Accept/Reject Menu

The Accept/Reject Menu allows the operator to choose one of five options for the makeup or breakout:

3.6.1 F1 - Accept No Comments

The Makeup or breakout is accepted and stored without any comments. The Jt No is incremented.

3.6.2 F2 - Accept Add Comments Now

The Makeup or breakout is accepted, stored and the operator is prompted to add comments from a preset
menu/list. The Jt No is incremented.

3.6.3 F3 - Accept Add Comments Later

The Makeup or breakout is accepted, stored and marked for comments to be added later. The Jt No is

3.6.4 F4 - Reject Add Comments Now

The Makeup or breakout is rejected, stored and the operator is prompted to add comments from a preset
menu/list. The Jt No is not incremented.

3.6.5 F5 - Rejected Add Comments Later

The Makeup or breakout is rejected, stored and marked for comments to be added later. The Jt No is not

HD6 software Guide

3.6.6 Alter Data

The alter data pages allow the operator to change the makeup/breakout and system parameters.

3.7 Makeup

3.7.1 Torque REF
Reference Torque set the lower threshold for starting to record a graph. And determines the 0 turns or leftmost
position of the graph. OPT
Opt allows the Optimum Torque function to be switched on or off and the Optimum Torque value to be set. OPT – Opt Off

Switches off the Optimum torque function (sets Opt Torque to ‘0’). OPT – Set Opt

When selected, Optimum torque Minimum torque is the amount of torque that must be applied to a
connection. (if set to ‘0’ Min Torque is used and the Opt Torque values are hidden on the front page). MIN
Minimum torque is the amount of torque that must be applied to a connection. MAX
Maximum Torque is the maximum torque that is allowed to be applied to a connection. Shoulder - MSP

Maximum Shoulder Point is the maximum torque allowed for the shoulder position. Shoulder - LSP

Lowest Shoulder Point is the minimum torque allowed for the shoulder position.

3.7.2 Turns MIN
Minimum Turns is the amount of turns that must be applied to a connection. MAX
Maximum Turns is the maximum turns that are allowed to be applied to a connection. PRE
Pre Turns sets the number of turns from initial tong rotation that are recorded before the speed control
function is activated. Pre-turns torque values are recorded even if the torque is below REF Torque. The speed
control function is activated and normal graph recording starts once the REF Torque has been exceeded. If the
torque then drops below REF Torque for more that 0.2 turns the system will automatically revert back to Pre
turns recording mode. DELTA
Delta Turns sets the Maximum amount of turns allowed between the shoulder point and final turns.

HD6 software Guide Auto Start

Auto start set the number or turns after which the system will automatically switch from Front Page to Graph
mode. Setting Auto turns to zero will disable this function.

3.7.3 Analysis T/T
Set the analysis Mode to Torque Turns. Graph-S
Set the analysis Mode to Graph Shoulder. Graph-A
Set the analysis Mode to Graph API. B/O Graph

Set the analysis Mode to Breakout Graph.

3.7.4 Jt No
Allows the current Joint Number (the number of accepted makeups) to be changed.

3.7.5 Save Data

Writes a record to the job file to store the current makeup settings. If the makeup settings are the same as the
last record (makeup) stored the user will be prompted with a “Settings have not changed” message. Pressing
enter clears the message.

3.8 System

3.8.1 Date/time
Allows the current system Day, Month, Year, Hour & minute to be changed. Pressing “Enter” or abort moves
onto the next field. If windows Daylight saving has been set this function may not work correctly. Windows
Time zone should always be set to “GMT-0” with daylight saving disabled.

3.8.2 Diagnostics
A read only table showing the current setting as read from the .ini file is displayed.

HD6 software Guide Valves Horn

Allows the Dump, Gear and Fast valves (if fitted) and the Horn to be manually activated. Torque
Displays the current load cell “Analogue to Digital Convertor” (ADC) reading. Debug
Allows the Debug mode to be switched on or off. Debug mode is shown on the front page and should only be
used for fault diagnosis. Virus Check

Allows the a virus check, as named in the SalvoD7.ini file to be run.
The default file is Stinger from Mcaffe.
The default setting is to scan all drives and report only. Keypad Test

Allows the Salvo, 20 key, keypad to be tested. Pressing the abort key twice exits this function.

HD6 software Guide

3.8.3 Pipe Data

Allows the details of the type of pipe being run to be changed. Make
Displays a menu with a preset selection of pipe manufacturers. Connection
Displays a menu with a preset selection of pipe connection types for the chosen pipe manufacturer. Size
Allows the current pipe size to be changed. Weight
Allows the current pipe weight to be changed. Grade
Displays a menu with a preset selection of pipe material grades.

3.8.4 Zero’s C.F’s

Allows the load cell CF and zero to be changed. Zero Load Cell

Allows any drift in the “no load “or Zero output from the load cell to be compensated for.
Takes a number of readings from the load cell, averages them and sets the result as the new load cell zero.
The load cell must be free from any load when this function is used. Load Cell CF

Allows the current Correction Factor (LCF) for the load cell to be changed.
The LCF is the multiplier that is used to compensate for variations in Load Cell outputs.
Salvos are all calibrated to the same electrical standard so that load cells can be freely interchanged. The LCF
is specific to the load cell being used, and can be found on the calibration sheet.
It is essential that the correct LCF is used as without it the torque figures displayed by the Salvo will be

HD6 software Guide

3.9 Tong

3.9.1 Arm Arm Length
Allows the Tong arm Length to be changed.

3.9.2 Horizontal Angle

Allows the horizontal angle for the tong snub line to be changed. The Value is entered as the number of
Degrees that the snub line is from a line perpendicular to the tong. The readings from the load cell (in the snub
line) are corrected to allow for the losses due to the angle of the snub line.

3.9.3 Vertical Angle

Allows the Vertical angle for the tong snub line to be changed. The Value is entered as the number of
Degrees that the snub line is from horizontal. The readings from the load cell (in the snub line) are corrected
to allow for the losses due to the angle of the snub line.

3.9.4 RPM
Measures and displays the tong RPM.
Pressing the Red or F1 key toggles the tong between fast and slow modes.

3.9.5 Calibrate Turns Enter CPT
Allows the Counts Per Turn (CPT) Value to be manually changed. The current setting is automatically
displayed on activation. Pressing Abort (esc) will discard the new value, pressing Proceed or Enter will accept
and store the new value.

HD6 software Guide Measure CPT

Allows the CPT to be measured by rotating the tong 360 degrees. The reading is automatically zeroed on
activation. On completion pressing Abort (esc) will discard the new value, pressing Proceed or Enter will
accept and store the new value.

3.10 Recall

3.10.1 Last Makeup

Displays the last makeup recorded.

If the Delta Temperature function was enabled the Delta Temperature for that makeup is shown in the bottom
left hand corner of the page.

Pressing backspace displays the previous record. Pressing Abort (esc) exits.
If a standard Qwerty keyboard is being used pressing “p” prints the current record.

3.10.2 Goto
Prompts the user for a makeup number to display. Pressing backspace displays the previous record. Pressing
Proceed displays the next record. Pressing Abort (esc) exits.
If a standard Qwerty keyboard is being used pressing “p” prints the current record.

HD6 software Guide

3.10.3 List Jt No’s

Displays a list of Jt No’s/ Records. If there are more records than can be displayed on a single screen pressing
Proceed displays the next screen. Pressing backspace displays the previous screen. Pressing Abort (esc) exits.

In the list:

Red - indicates that the record has been rejected or the shoulder point has been moved manually.
Yellow - indicates that the record has been rejected by the software but accepted by the operator.
‘ C’ - indicates the record has a comment.

3.10.4 F1 – Red – Toggle stats

Pressing F1 during a recall toggles the stats lines on/off.

3.10.5 F2 – Green - Edit

Pressing F2 during a recall allows the Tally No and the comments to be edited.
The tally box is show first with the current Tally No displayed. The Tally No can be edited or deleted. When
Proceed or Enter (return) is pressed a message box appears giving the choice of deleting the existing
comments. If yes (Delete the existing comments) is chosen the comments menu is then displayed.

HD6 software Guide

4 Misc

The amount of free space on the main (C:) Drive is shown at the bottom of the page.

4.1 Exit
Pressing Proceed exits the program and shuts down Windows.
Pressing Abort (Esc) returns to the previous menu.

If the Data storage device on the backup path (as shown in the Version box) has files in a folder named
\Salvo\ the user will be prompted with a message “OK to update Project1.exe” etc.

If ‘Yes’ is selected any files in the \Salvo\ folder on the storage device will be copied to the c:\salvo\ folder,
any files with the same name in the C:\salvo\ folder will be renamed with the time and date as a prefix, files in
the storage device \Salvo\ folder will then be copied to the \Salvo\Backup\ folder.

If the Data storage device on the backup path (as shown in the Version box) is not available the user will be
prompted with a message 'Unable to Backup Data File.'. Pressing enter will allow the user to Exit without
copying the current job file to the Backup device.

4.2 Start New Job

Creates a new job file. If the current Makeup setting are different from those stored for the current job the user
will be presented with a “Save changed setting ?” message. Pressing proceed save the current settings,
pressing abort allows the new job to be created without saving the current settings.

HD6 software Guide

4.3 Reload Old Job

Allows the operator to reload and old job.

A list of the jobs stored on the internal drive is shown.
Pressing “8” move the selection up.
Pressing “2” move the selection down.

Pressing F1-Red shows a list of the jobs that have been copied to the removable data storage(D: or E:).
Selecting one of these jobs and pressing ‘Enter’ copies the job from the removable data drive to the internal
data drive and loads the job file.
If the current Makeup setting are different from those stored for the current job the user will be presented with
a “Save changed setting ?” message. Pressing proceed save the current settings, pressing abort allows the old
job to be loaded without saving the current settings.

4.4 Version
Displays the software version number, creation date and the directory path for backup files.

4.5 Purge
Allows job data files which have not been used for a set number of days to be purged (Deleted).
The default purge limit is 365 days. This value set to a different value on program startup by the .ini file.
Setting the purge Limit to “0” in the .ini file disables this function.

HD6 software Guide

5 SalvoD7.INI file Settings

5.1 [Settings] Section

5.1.1 DelControl
Switches the Delta Torque control mode On/Off - Default = 0 (off).

5.1.2 jointlistsize
Set the number of lines displayed on the “ListJoints” page - Default = 56.

5.1.3 antivirusfilename
Sets the filename and command line switches for the Virus checker – Default = “stinger.exe /adl /go /log”.

5.1.4 purgelimit
Sets the number of days limit for purging old data files - Default = 0.

5.1.5 BackupDatafilepath
Sets the drive path for the backup files – Default = “d:\”.

5.1.6 AutoDefault
Sets the predetermined value for the “AutoStart” function – Default = 2.

5.1.7 Temperaturecount
Sets the number of good makeups averaged by the Delta Temperature Monitoring function – Default = 5.

HD6 software Guide

6 Document Revisions
18/02/2010 – Delta turns changed to Delta, Min Delta Added.
23/02/2011 – Delta Changed to Delta, Len to Arm, Opt option added, XT removed
25/02/2011 – Auto system file update and Virus check added
27/05/2011 – Front Page Graphic Updated.
30/05/2011 – Purge Control Added.
18/07/2011 – RPM Removed from front page
18/07/2011 – lb/ft resolution on front page increased
18/07/2011 – B/O Removed
18/07/2011 – completion component comments corrected
20/07/2011 – Recall list information added.
08/08/2011 – Temp function added
19/09/2011 – Stats Toggle & shoulder point move colour change.


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