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Recovery / Installation System

for mPro400GC / SG

S169372en.doc Software manual Page 1


Topic Page
1 Overview .............................................................................................................................................. 3
2 Prerequisites ....................................................................................................................................... 3
2.1 Creating the Recovery / Installation USB stick ........................................................................ 3
3 Starting the Installation System ........................................................................................................ 4
4 Available Options ............................................................................................................................... 4
4.1 Revert to controller software prior to last update .................................................................... 4
4.2 Install system and controller software, delete data ................................................................. 4
4.3 Install system and controller software, preserve parameters ................................................ 5
4.4 Install system software only, from this distribution ................................................................ 5
4.5 Restore Factory Default Parameters ......................................................................................... 5
4.6 Update Boot loader ..................................................................................................................... 5
4.7 Reboot Now .................................................................................................................................. 5
5 Operation ............................................................................................................................................. 6
5.1 Display .......................................................................................................................................... 6
5.2 Keyboard ...................................................................................................................................... 6
5.3 Mouse ........................................................................................................................................... 7
5.4 Touch Panel ................................................................................................................................. 7

S169372en.doc Software manual Page 2

1 Overview
Version S169372
Languages English
Functions Installation OS and mPro Application on CF Card

2 Prerequisites
This software works only on an mPro400GC / mPro400SG controller.
The software must be copied onto a (preferably blank) USB stick, with a FAT16 file system
on the first partition, which is no greater than 2GB.
A USB keyboard or mouse must be connected to the controller IF a touch screen is not pre-

2.1 Creating the Recovery / Installation USB stick

To make USB stick bootable, unpack the contents of the provided zip-file onto the root folder
of the stick.

After unpacking, it should look like this:

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3 Starting the Installation System
To start the installation system, a CF card must be inserted and the USB stick must be con-
nected to one of the USB ports.

Switch on the Controller, and it boots from the USB stick.

After that, you will see the menu shown below:

4 Available Options

4.1 Revert to controller software prior to last update

If something went wrong with the last mPro application software installation, the last backup
can be restored by using this option.

4.2 Install system and controller software, delete data

With this option, the internal CF card will be partitioned and formatted. After that, the default
OS and application software versions in this distribution will be installed
The previously installed mPro Software, Parameters and Rundown data will be de-

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4.3 Install system and controller software, preserve parameters
With this option, the default software will be installed on the first partition of the CF card. All
archive data stored on the second partition will stay on the controller. Besides that, the pa-
rameters of the current mPro software will be preserved.
If other or newer mPro application Software than the default software was installed,
another application software upgrade might be necessary.

4.4 Install system software only, from this distribution

With this option, the default system software will be installed on the first partition of the CF
card. All archive data stored on the second partition will stay on the controller. Besides that,
the parameters and the current mPro software will be preserved.

4.5 Restore Factory Default Parameters

All Parameter Changes will be reverted to Factory Defaults provided with the software pack-

4.6 Update Boot loader

The latest Boot loader software will be flashed into EEPROM.

4.7 Reboot Now

After selecting this option, the system will restart.

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5 Operation
All operations can be carried out by keyboard, mouse or touch panel interaction, assuming
those devices are connected. For purposes of further explanation, “highlight” refers to a ten-
tative selection which colors the background of an option in the list. “Select” refers to a re-
quest for execution of the highlighted option. “Accept” refers to the action of confirming the
desire to execute a selected option, when so requested. “Reject” refers to the action of de-
clining to execute a selected option, when confirmation is requested. Upon completion of all
operations except “Reboot Now”, you will be instructed to remove the USB stick. The con-
troller will restart automatically when it is removed.

5.1 Display
All options are numbered and displayed in a list. Highlighting of an option colors the back-
ground of that option blue. Option 1 is highlighted by default, in the initial display. If the text
description of the options exceeds the boundaries of the window, scroll bars will appear au-
tomatically. Selection results in pop-up of a warning / confirmation dialog box, requesting
user confirmation of his intention to execute the highlighted option. Acceptance of that con-
firmation closes the GUI and executes the highlighted option. Rejection closes the confirma-
tion dialog box only, and allows further highlighting / selection.

5.2 Keyboard
When a confirmation dialog box is not displayed, the following operations are supported:
1) Numeric key to highlight corresponding option.
2) Function key to highlight and select corresponding option.
3) Arrow Up or Arrow Left key to move highlight up one.
4) Arrow Down or Arrow Right key to move highlight down one.
5) Page Up key to move highlight up four.
6) Page Down key to move highlight down four.
7) Home key to highlight top option (#1).
8) End key to highlight bottom option (currently 7; Max 9).
9) Enter key to select currently highlighted option.
When a confirmation dialog box is displayed, the following operations are supported:
1) Arrow Left key to select “no” button for tentative rejection of confirmation.
2) Arrow Right key to select “yes” button for tentative acceptance of confirmation.
3) Enter key to Accept confimation if “yes” button selected, or to Reject confirmation if “no”
button selected.
4) N or ESC key to Reject confirmation.
5) Y key to Accept confirmation.

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5.3 Mouse
When a confirmation dialog box is not displayed, the following operations are supported:
1) Point to an option and right click to highlight that option.
2) Point to an option and left click to highlight and select that option.
3) Do not point to an option, and left click to select the currently highlighted option.
When a confirmation dialog box is displayed, the following operations are supported:
1) Point to the “yes” button and left click to accept confirmation.
2) Point to the “no” button and left click to reject confirmation.

5.4 Touch Panel

When a confirmation dialog box is not displayed, the following operations are supported:
1) Touch an option to highlight and select that option.
2) Touch an open space in the list (no option) to select the currently highlighted option.
When a confirmation dialog box is displayed, the following operations are supported:
1) Touch the “yes” button to accept confirmation.
2) Touch the “no” button to reject confirmation.

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