Test Final

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Test paper 6th grade


1. Listen to the dialogue and choose the right answer:

There are four different age groups that play water polo.
2. True False
3. Tyrone wants to join the under 14s club.
4. True False
5. The under 16s water polo team trains three times a week.
6. True False
7. The under 16s train on Monday and Thursday evenings.
8. True False
9. Water polo matches are played on Saturdays.
10. True false
11. You have to pay to join the water polo classes for under 18s.
12. True False
13. You need to bring a photo to register at the swimming pool.
14. True False
15. Training for the water polo team starts this week.
16. True False


2. Read the text and answer the questions in full sentences.

Sammy-Jo and Chelsea are best friends. They spend a lot of time
together. They are in the same class at school and they live in the
same street. At school, they sit beside each other but sometimes
they talk. Their teacher, Miss Smithson, does not like this. She
always tells them to stop talking, but they never listen! Happily,
they love school and they work hard. They help each other.
Sometimes, they do their homework together. Usually, Sammy-Jo
goes to Chelsea’s house because Chelsea has no brothers and sisters. Sammy-Jo has two sisters
and a brother and they have to share computers.
When they are not together, they talk on their phones or they message each other. On Saturdays,
they usually go into town. They meet up at the end of their street and walk to town. If it rains,
they take the bus. In the morning, they look at the shops and do a bit of shopping. In the
afternoon, sometimes they go to the cinema or sometimes they just chill in the park beside the
They see each other on Sundays and they maybe watch a film together in Chelsea’s bedroom or
play their computer games. They dress the same: they both like jeans and T-shirts or jumpers.
Sometimes they swap clothes. They like the same food. Pizza is their favourite dish. They have
one difference: Chelsea loves dogs but Sammy-Jo loves cats. They are very good besties and
they never argue!
1. Are Sammy-Jo and Chelsea sisters?
2. Where do they do their homework?
3. How many brothers and sisters has Sammy-Jo got?
4. What do they do on Sundays?
5. What is their favourite food?

3. Fill in the gaps:

a) Complete the gaps with a suitable future form:

The train __________________ at 11.45 (to leave).
We ______________________ dinner at a nice restaurant on Saturday. (to have)
It _______________________ in the mountains tomorrow evening. (to snow)
On Saturday at 8 o’clock I ____________________ my friend. (to meet)
They ___________________ to London on Friday evening. (to fly)

a) Put the following verbs into the past simple past:

1) Tom (move) ____________ to his hometown in 1994.
2) The car (break) ____________ down and we (have) ____________ to walk home.
3) Martha (turn) ____________ off the light and (go) ____________ to bed.


5. Imagine you are in a summer camp. Write a postcard to your parents. Tell them:

 Why you like or don't like the camp.

 What you did yesterday.
 What are you doing tomorrow.

Use between 60-100 words.

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