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St. Lawrence Parish MASS SCHEDULE

1520 East Delavan Avenue
Buffalo, New York 14215 Watch on our YouTube channel StLawrenceBuffalo Saturday: 4:30
Fr. Robert Gebhard………………………….Pastoral Administrator Wednesday at 3:30 p.m.
Dcn. Paul Weisenburger……………………….Permanent Deacon PHONES
Luke Dyer…………………………………....Food Pantry Coordinator Rectory………………………………………716-892-2471
Joe Strusienski...………..……………………………...….Maintenance Faith Formation…….……………………716-892-2471
Debbie Obstarczyk…………...………………….....Parish Secretary Parish Hall………………………………….716-896-9796
LITURGY AT ST. LAWRENCE Franciscan Guest House (FGH)……716-893-8853
Saturday, May 4—Vigil: The Sixth Sunday of Easter Food Pantry………….……………………716-896-0047
4:30 p.m. Special intentions from our Father’s Day intentions RECTORY OFFICE HOURS
Sunday, May 5—The Sixth Sunday of Easter Wednesday & Thursday 9:00 a.m.—2:00 p.m.
Noon Special intentions from our Mother’s Day intentions
Wednesday, May 8
3:30 p.m. Special intentions from our Father’s Day intentions COLLECTIONS
Saturday, May 11—Vigil: The Seventh Sunday of Easter In recent weeks there have been questions about whether
4:30 p.m. Special intentions from our Mother’s Day intentions the monies collected at weekend Masses go to the Dio-
Sunday, May 12—The Seventh Sunday of Easter cese. They DO NOT. The money is being used to pay
Noon Alfonso & Teresa Paolino—Pachla & Paolino Families the bills we have. We still have to pay our utilities,
maintenance, supplies and salaries . Your contribu-
LORD HEAR OUR PRAYER tions will allow us to stay open as long as possible.
Please pray for Bruce Austin, Roseann Barthe-
lemy, Larry Bartos, Twila Berst, Eleonore
Clark, Steve Clark, Mike Ellis, Maria Felici-
Saturday 4/27 4:30 p.m.—41
ano, Paul Gentile, Joe Giancarlo, Linda Ham-
mer, Celeste Hartman, Mike Hartman, Carol
Sunday 4/28 Noon —29
LaBelle, Judy Maurino, Nick Parini, Christina Reyes, Aida
Rivera, Maggie Stevenson, Tiana Valentin, Nancy Vogt, and all APRIL WEEKLY STEWARDSHIP
of our parishioners and their families. Please contact the recto- Regular Sunday Collection.........................................$4,268.00
ry, 892-2471, to have a person placed on the List. Utilities....…...……………………….….......................$206.00
READINGS FOR THE WEEK OF MAY 5, 2024 Easter…………………………………………………..$455.00
Sunday: Acts 10:25-26, 34-35, 44-48/1 Jn 4:7-10/Jn 15:9-17 Holy Land……………………………………………....$25.00
Monday: Acts 16:11-15/Jn 15:26– 16:4 Catholic Home Mission ………………………………$110.00
Tuesday: Acts 16:22-34/Jn 16:5-11 Total month to date...……………..……..…..……..$5,481.00
We are grateful for the prayers and financial support of our
Wednesday: Acts 17:15, 22—18:1/Jn 16:12-15
parishioners and friends of St. Lawrence Church.
Thursday: Acts 1:1-11/Eph 1:17-23/Mk 16:15-20 UPON OUR TREE, ORNAMENTS
Friday: Acts 18:9-18/Jn 16:20-23 THE CATHOLIC QUESTION BOX
Saturday: Acts 18:23-28/Jn 16:23-28 “What is the difference between the ascension of Jesus and
the assumption of Mary?” The difference is the source of the
PRAYER PARTNERS power - Mary was assumed by the power of God. Jesus as-
cended by the Divine power - the power of God that is within
The Prayer Partner Committee would like to thank everyone him.”
who participated in the prayer partner exchange during the Len- Do you have other questions for The Catholic Question
ten season and the potluck dinner. We all need prayer and shar- Box? Send an email to: or place
ing in prayer is a wonderful way to connect with each other. your question in the collection, and someone from your parish
Blessings of Peace. Hope you'll sign up again next year! will get it passed on.)
FAMILY OF PARISHES A few people have asked about the East Side Family Partner-
Monday 5/6: 10AM—Noon Food Pantry ship… What is it? How did it come about? Who makes up the
STL partnership? Simply, it is a collaborative venture involving Fami-
Zoom Rosary Get the link from CB Facebook Page
6:30 PM Forming Disciples Pillar meets - new members wel- ly 21 representation and Gerard Place ( highlight-
come BT ing a Catholic social service presence in our area of the city. It
Tuesday 5/7: Mark Bible study via BT Family Calendar came about from here-and-there conversations about ways to bet-
Links ter address needs, offer information, and provide service to our
Wednesday 5/8: 9:30 AM – 1:30 PM Food Pantry BT people. A small group of individuals decided to get together to
12:30 PM BINGO STL Doors open 11 AM see if there might be some ways to act on some of the needs of the
Thursday 5/9:10 AM-Noon Food Pantry STL folks in our neighborhoods. As an outgrowth of these conversa-
6PM First Communion Session Two CB
7PM Family 21 joint Holy Day Mass 7 PM at CB Celebrat- tions and a starting point, it was decided to focus on ways to assist
ing Fr. Jason Damon’s first Mass in our Family! our area “seniors” with a Senior Health & Resource Fair on Fri-
8PM BINGO CB Doors open at 6:30PM day, August 9th, 10AM – Noon. We are also hoping to offer an
Friday 5/10: Rosary Group follows 11AM Mass BT informational presentation on the growing immigrant and refugee
Saturday: 5/11:Eastside Partnership Kickoff 10 AM presence in the city very soon. Other future offerings could in-
Gerard Place Mass with Bishop Mike. clude Financial Planning, Funeral Planning, Healthy Eating,
Cooking Classes, Social Opportunities/Activities (like the Senior
Our regular weekday Mass schedule: Club that meets at Gerard Place). The partnership is not spon-
BT Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday 11 AM sored by the diocese. There is no mandatory membership or
STL Wednesday 3:30 PM membership fee. To inaugurate this partnership, Bishop Fisher
Our weekend Mass schedule: has agreed to celebrate mass with us at Gerard Place, 2535 Bailey
BT Saturdays 4:30PM & Sundays 10AM Ave, on Saturday, May 11th, 10AM, followed by a light break-
CB Saturdays 4PM and Sundays 9AM (Spanish) &11AM fast.
Last Sunday of the month: Bi-Lingual 10AM
STL Saturdays 4:30PM and Sundays Noon FORMING DISCIPLES PILLAR
Confessions By appointment or prior to the Saturday The Forming Disciples Pillar has taken a broad and flexible ap-
Vigil Masses proach to Faith Formation for people of every age while continu-
ing to meet Diocesan requirements especially when preparing for
BT—Blessed Trinity, CB—Columba Brigid, SMdP—St. the Sacraments and age-appropriate religious education. We rec-
Martin de Porres, STL—St. Lawrence SLVMI -St. Law- ognized that no program for youth at any stage will be effective if
rence Vineyard Ministries Inc FP – Family Promise adults are not first engaged. Committee members are empowered
to explore ideas and take the lead - with guidance as needed. The
most important component of what we do is listening to the peo-
Save the Dates: ple in the pews and responding with alternatives where need-
Meet & Greet Food & Games Sponsored by Family 21 BT ed. In 2024 we undertook projects such as the History Lecture in
Friday, June 7, 6 - 9 PM January, Life in the Eucharist, and the Cabrini movie. Our next
Columba Rumba following 11 AM Mass on Sunday, June 9 big project will involve creating a space that meets the newer
Dinner and entertainment $25 safety standards for classrooms with youth under eighteen and a
Chicken Dinner BT Tickets available $15 Saturday, June 15 visiting room that can be used by clergy or other staff to meet
2 - 6 PM with parishioners. New committee members are always wel-
Father’s Day Gala Tickets available $50 June 15 come. We usually meet on the first Monday of the month in the
evening four or five times a year.


The Feast of the Ascension is a Holy Day of Obliga- First Communion Session Two continues this Thursday, May 9th,
tion. Family 21 will celebrate together at Ss. Columba-Brigid 6 PM at Ss. Columba-Brigid. Candidates must have completed
this Thursday, May 9th at 7 PM. This will also be newly
ordained Fr. Jason Damon’s first Mass in Family 21. If Session One with us or have already made First Reconciliation in
you are unable to attend at this time, there is a Mass at 12:05 the past.
PM on May 9th at St. Louis Church, Main Street and at 12:10
St. Lawrence Pray “I have been attending Mass with Catholic family members for
years. I think I want to become a Catholic. What do I do now?”
for Us Email Dcn. Mike: Each situation is
different. Take a step now and hear what Dcn. Mike has to say!

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