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1. What is the strange in the ureter?

Its musculosa differs in the arrangement of the muscles & their contraction;
Inner longitudinal & Outer circular.

2. Why the muscles of the ureter are arranged in opposite to those of GIT
(inner longitudinal & Outer circular)?
Because the nature of substance that pass through it (liquid), so there is no need for
powerful contraction (peristalsis) as in the GI tract.

3. The kidney's cortex is granular and its medulla is striated. Why?

Cortex: contains renal corpuscles.
Medulla: contains renal tubules'

4. Why do we say the PCT (which has many mitochondria) is acidophilic although
the mitochondria are not stained by Hx & E?
The cell is acidophilic due to the huge number of mitochondria which are membranous
organelle and the concentration of the membranes causes acidophilia.

5. Where are the basal striations found?

basal striations are basal infolding of the cell membrane which divide the basal
part of the cell into compartment containing large perpendicular mitochondria.
And they are found in:
 In PCT ➡for 2ry active absorption of glucose
 In salivary glands ➡ for modification of saliva

6. What the difference between Renin and Rennin?

 Renin➡ Glycoprotein hormone.
 Rennin ➡ Enzyme in stomach.

7. The difference between cuboidal & cubical.

 Cubical is a cube shape.
 Cuboidal is similar to the cube but not exactly like it.

8. Why the urinary bladder doesn’t rapture during distention?

Because the mucous membrane is folded to allow distention.

9. Why are the PCT more in the cortex?

because the cortex is rich in blood supply than the medulla and as we know that the main
processes of secretion and reabsorption occur between the blood and urine occur at this
segment of nephrons , so they located in cortex.

10. Why is macula densa so called?

Because they appear as a dense spot in the LM.

11. Why are the differentiated cells in the tunica media of the afferent arterioles called
(epitheloidal cells)?
Because it media modified from smooth muscle (has contractile function) by losing it myofibril
into secretory cell that secret renin as you know secretion is epithelial function so called
epitheloidal mean epithelial contain granule.

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